Marriage of Convenience

Chapter 15: 15

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Chapter 15 – A Wounded Palm (3)

Translator: Skye  PR: mm1347

Bianca frowned. She couldn’t recall his name. There was no need for her to remember it anyway, as she could always ask whenever she needed it.

“And you are?”

“…My name is Robert,” the man replied, jaw clenched. He was one of the captains of the Arno Knights. Not only was he a long-time aide of Zachary’s–proven by the fact he had been around back when Zachary and Bianca were engaged, and he had given his opinion on the Blancheforts’ proposed dowry for Bianca–but because he was also around Zachary’s age, the two were close enough to be considered near friends.

Though this was the first time Robert had ever spoken to Bianca directly, they had run into each other numerous times in the limited confines of the castle. Yet, to hear that she didn’t even know his name. Wait, is she even aware of my existence?

Her unfamiliarity with Robert further attested to her lack of interest in Zachary.

Bianca was dressed in satin garments which were bought using the money Zachary earned from rolling in puddles of blood and maggots from decaying corpses. And yet, to see her showing no interest in Zachary…! A surge of anger flared up in Robert, but he did his best to calm himself down. Of course, that didn’t mean he could get his hostility to subside immediately.

Bianca remained composed despite the incomprehensible hostility coming from the man who had appeared out of nowhere. Though it was a little irritating, this wasn’t her first time dealing with such a thing. Rather, it was Vincent coming to her defense that surprised her, not the man’s hostility.

“That’s no way to treat the madam, Sir Robert. First, please release your hand,” Vincent strictly admonished. Though he was only a steward, he was Zachary’s longest-serving aide, and thus Robert could not ignore him. With just one word from Vincent, he immediately released his grip on the cane, whereas he had no shown no sign of letting go earlier no matter what Bianca said.

Nevertheless, the one who stressed the importance of rank in the castle the most was Vincent. He was stern when it came to classifying who his superiors and inferiors were, and how to mediate between them. As a result, Bianca couldn’t exactly hate him, despite being aware of his dislike for her. Of course, that didn’t mean she liked him either.

Bianca sighed quietly. To think she’d have to explain herself in a situation like this. She felt pathetic, but she hid her torment before breaking the silence in a calm voice.

“I’m being relatively lenient.”

“A lenient master would never bring a cane down on a person,” Robert refuted flatly.

To think she’d hit a person–a human being, not even livestock!–so harshly. It was too cruel to be brushed off as a master disciplining her maid. Robert was the most upright and chivalrous of Zachary’s three captains, and he held a soft spot for women, but that was only towards women acknowledged as “proper” ladies. His eyes were cold, viewing Bianca as a cruel woman.

It was impossible for Bianca not to read his thoughts, as she was facing his gaze directly. He had suddenly shown up and was already deeming her to be cruel without even knowing the entire situation. Bianca snorted. She wasn’t even surprised by such prejudice anymore.

“The madam is correct. Not only is the punishment appropriate, it’s also quite lenient. Ante forgot her duty as a servant, and there would be nothing for us to say even if she were to be given a harsher punishment,” Vincent interjected.

It seemed the maid who called for him had also explained the situation quite well, better than Bianca thought. That, too, was unexpected. Bianca took another glance at the maid who had brought the cane. The maid, a brunette, lowered her head even further.

Robert was taken aback by Vincent agreeing with Bianca, as the steward was more level-headed than anyone else.

“What do you mean…”

“Calling me a thoughtless woman–that much I can understand. It’s the truth, after all. I can even overlook you calling me a wicked woman who only likes to spend money excessively, since that’s true as well.”

Bianca’s voice was calm and monotonous as she disclosed what the maids had been chattering on about earlier. Robert frowned when he heard the sudden account, unable to grasp the situation, and his face crumpled even further the more Bianca continued to disclose.

Bianca almost let out a hum from how amusing it was to see the dumb look appear on Robert’s face, his initial bravado replaced with uncertainty and nervousness. After putting some effort to hide her amusement, she tightened her grip on the cane.

She saw Ante wearing a subtle smile of victory from her position behind Robert. It was clear as day that Ante believed Robert had saved her and that she was now free. How ridiculous.

I’m the lady of this house while Robert is a mere knight.

It was a miscalculation on Ante’s part if she truly believed Bianca would simply back away just because of a knight’s interference.

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Bianca pursed her lips.

“However, just because I’m a mean, unflattering woman doesn’t mean you can enter my husband’s bedroom in my stead.”

Robert’s eyes widened. When he turned his head to look at Ante and confirm whether or not she had really made such remarks, Bianca took that opportunity to strike. As she had prepared beforehand, her next move was smooth and instantaneous. A red welt was formed on the maid, who was caught off guard, and her skin was cut by the sharp end of the cane, causing droplets of blood to splatter.


Ante flopped to the ground while holding her face. It was painful, but what shook her even more was the fear she felt from seeing blood spilling down her face.

‘This isn’t right, why did I get hit? There are so many eyes here. There’s even someone who tried to stop her. Don’t people usually stop at that point? Does she just not care about what other people think?’

Ante’s reasoning wasn’t wrong. However, her opponent was Bianca, who prioritized upholding her pride over the whispering of others. If Bianca had been someone who cared about what other people thought, she wouldn’t have become a loner in this castle in the first place.

A content smile graced Bianca’s lips. She felt a sense of delight at seeing Ante being dramatic, holding her face like she was going to die soon.

“It’ll be good if you use this incident as an opportunity to reflect on your wrongdoing.”

Bianca’s voice was dry and flat, like she was simply reading off the menu for dinner.

Tears fell from Ante’s eyes. Her pretty, pale face only made the distinct wounds and crimson rivulets of blood stand out even more.

Robert bit his lip, looking down at the result of his carelessness. This never would’ve happened if he hadn’t turned around. Though Ante had indeed uttered comments that were out of line, it wasn’t something that deserved a punishment as cruel as this. Wasn’t it Bianca who essentially allowed for such a thing to occur in the first place, with the way she had been behaving all these years?

“Still, don’t you think this is going too far?!” Robert shouted, fixing Bianca with a glare.

“What is?” she quipped, tilting her head like she had no idea.

She was unable to understand why she had to hear those words from him. Bianca weighed the insults against her in her head. Not only had Ante maligned her superior, but she also coveted a married man. Normally, that deserved a punishment in which one would be kicked out after being stripped bare and whipped. Head still tilted, Bianca nodded to herself. She had indeed been merciful in her choice of punishment.

If Robert had taken a moment to think about it a little deeper, he would’ve realized that Ante’s crime was indeed one deserving of a harsh punishment. However, the grievances he held against Bianca that piled up over the years prevented him from thinking straight.

Then, a deep voice cut in, “What’s the commotion?”

It was curt, but the voice held such intense dignity that it caused everyone to become silent, like they had been doused in cold water. Everyone turned their eyes in the direction of the voice and were met with none other than the lord of the castle, Zachary. They all became silent at the entrance of the one who held authority over everything in the estate.

Zachary had on a black fur vest over casual attire, as well as leather shoes soldiers normally wore. His silver-grey hair appeared somewhat relaxed, hanging down over one side of his forehead. His appearance resembled that of a young knight more than that of a lord. However, what dwelt in his dark irises were the experience and intimidation of a seasoned lord who had gone through all sorts of twists and turns since his childhood.

Everyone turned in Zachary’s direction, waists bent and heads facing downward. It was only Bianca who kept her head up and chin raised. She bit down on her bottom lip. Why now of all times. She did not find his appearance welcome in the slightest.

Zachary was a rather merciful lord, never imposing a harsh punishment without reason. His numerous days in battle resulted in countless bloodshed, but he was magnanimous when it came to things unrelated to the battlefield. For example, when someone had stolen a bag’s worth of grains from the Arno storehouse, the man’s hand should have been cut off for his crime. However, Zachary had let him go under the condition that he return a bag of wheat the following year.

How would such a forgiving man view the current situation with Ante? Would he take Bianca’s side if he knew what the maid had been saying about him? Bianca wasn’t confident. There was not a chance she’d convey Ante’s words to Zachary either. Though she could lay it out to others without a problem, she had no confidence in relaying it to her husband.

Above all, Bianca agreed with Ante in that she was an unappealing, reptile-like woman. Plus, Zachary had kicked her out of his room yesterday, hadn’t he? It would only hurt her pride even further if she were to convey Ante’s words to him.

Ante was aware of that fact as well.

Bianca and Ante’s joy and sorrow ended up switching places.

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