Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 11: CH 11

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Translator: humu

Rolt, who had received an immeasurable amount of shock, couldn’t help dragging his younger brother to an isolated corner with a complex expression on his face, “Why, you and him, that he… you…” 

Rolt incoherently looked at the expressionless Moore. His eyes uncontrollably fell on Moore’s hand, which had just been placed on Ji Feng’s arms. He was so shocked that he couldn’t organize his words properly.

Moore glanced at him speechlessly. He was too lazy to explain and thus simply changed the subject to the main point, “When are you going to Heduro ?” 

Rolt’s mouthful of excited words were easily blocked by Moore’s statement. He was so directly stumped, that he couldn’t get his breath out, turning into a red bloated mess. It was only after half a day had passed before he could recover.

“I‘m not too sure, but it should be soon.” When Heduro was brought up, the faces of the two brothers obviously darkened.

“With this marriage, Rad would be directly tied to the Minister of Energy. Looks like the Imperial King didn’t bring Rad back for no reason.” Rolt said solemnly.

“As soon as the pattern changes, some people just can’t help wanting to start taking action.” Moore sneered.

“Isn’t it?” Rolt looked at the crowd in the hall with a sneer. When the pattern changed, there’s always someone who wanted to stand in line again.

“If there’s no other incidents, you should be able to recover your original position very soon,” Rolt suddenly looked at Moore with a serious expression, “But you have to be careful. Now, there are an uncountable number of eyes staring at Father, staring at us.” Rolt being sent to Heduro was the best example.

Attention had been paid to the Marshal’s Eldest Son. It could be seen that some people had been blatant and brazen, so Moore also couldn’t avoid it.

“En.” Moore couldn’t be clearer on this.

“Also,” Rolt said hesitantly, “If I fail to come back, take care of Ella and the others for me, as well as your brother-in-law.” Ella was Rolt’s eldest son and a Ger. He was 13 years old. His youngest son, Kerry, was only 6 years old.

Moore’s eyes finally moved, “Won’t happen.” But as soon as he said it, he only felt that these two words were so frail and weak, so he finally nodded at Rolt.

Besides Ji Feng, who was abandoned, Rolt’s partner, Su Qi, looked very easy-going and was especially full of curiosity about Ji Feng.

“What you said to Rolt is very different,” Su Qi smiled, while looking at Ji Feng. “I never dared to imagine what kind of person would be able to attract Moore’s attention, but when I saw the two of you standing together just now, you guys really look like a good match.”

Ji Feng also smiled at him, “Thank you.”

“Rolt is like this. You should treat him as a bro-con1. He is too afraid of Moore getting hurt, so if he says something that makes you unhappy, please don’t mind it. You will know after interacting together for a long time. In fact, he is a straightforward person and is easy to get along with.” 

What a transparent and blunt person. Just laughing with him could make others feel more comfortable. Ji Feng had a good impression of him, so he had extra patience to exchange a few more words.

Su Qi was quickly taken away by someone he knew well and Ji Feng became alone again. Ji Feng’s tall figure was very eye-catching, even from his back. Not to mention that he had unknowingly become the focus of everyone, just because he came in with Moore. In other words, it was unsure of just how many pairs of eyes were watching him secretly and openly.

Ji Feng walked to a corner with boredom and lightly leaned against the wall. Then, his spiritual power relaxed a little, like a pair of invisible eyes spreading in all directions. As long as he willed it, he could hear the voices of everyone present.

Suddenly an interesting conversation caught Ji Feng’s attention.

“What did Major General Moore fall in love with? I really can’t understand it.” Several young men were gathered together discussing something, seemingly a bit angry and full of disdain.

“I heard that the man is a teacher. I mean, that kind of trash is not even worthy of carrying my shoes.” The other person snorted coldly.

“Pfft~” What came after that was a sneer, “Fart teacher. It was said that he had been expelled and this kind of waste is rare these days.”

“Then just what exactly did he have to be able to marry Major General Moore? So what if he was an orphan, he doesn’t even have a job and is penniless. Is Major General Moore possessed by the devil?”

“This is so damn unfair,” Another angry voice said, “I shamelessly and tirelessly chased him for three years, yet he didn’t even look me straight in the eye before. Now he is actually married to such worthless trash?”

As soon as he finished talking, another joked, “Aye, this trash is much more handsome. Look at how upright that figure is. Maybe he is living so incredibly well, which Ger wouldn’t like this?”

“Humph, if Major General More married a person with status and identity like His Royal Highness Rad, that’s fine. It just happens that he is so worthless and broke, just thinking about it makes me feel so sullen.”

This sentence probably hit the sore points of the few people present. After a short pause, an elegant man who had not spoken, suddenly suggested, “Shall we go over to talk to him?” The voice just fell and was immediately echoed by several other people.

“Let’s go. I want to see if he has three heads and six arms2.”

“Don’t play too much, he is the husband of Major General More after all. If you want to beat the dog, you still have to be wary of the owner.” A cautious reminder that immediately attracted the unanimous rejection of others.

“What are you afraid of? Everyone in this big hall is the audience. We’ll make it so big that even his father, who refuses to own up, will have no choice but to carry the burden.”

Ji Feng listened with gusto and he, who was bored, was inexplicably looking forward to it a little.

Soon, a few handsome young men walked towards Ji Feng. Everyone seemed to have changed their expressions and there were even two with friendly smiles.

“You are Major General Moore’s husband, right? It’s an honour to have finally met you.”

That elegant man, who had proposed such a plan, spoke first. Visually, he was about 30 years old, had the mannerisms of a politician, so he should have a scheming heart.

The others were young people who were about Moore’s age. From their appearance, they should have unordinary identities, or the conditions at home were far beyond commoners. Two of them were still wearing military uniforms, either tall or strong, and one of them was even taller than Ji Feng by half a head.

Ji Feng greeted them politely and with a blank expression, “I am. May I ask who are you all?”

“Hello, Lu Qiao Sheng, I am Moore’s friend. I am glad to meet you.” The elegant man, Lu Qiao Sheng, politely extended his hand to Ji Feng.

“Hello, Ji Feng. It’s nice to meet you.” Ji Feng smiled and stretched out his hand to shake the other, looking defenseless and unguarded.

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Lu Qiao Sheng immediately began to introduce a few people around him to Ji Feng.

“This is the young master of the Brent Company, Thales.”

Ji Feng raised his eyebrows. The one who chased Moore for three years, but didn’t get even get to make eye contact in the end? But the Brent Company was amazing. Twenty percent of the sonic cars in Lopa Star came from the Brent Company.

“Hello.” Facing the boy’s obviously resentful eyes, Ji Feng gave the friendliest smile in return. After all, his envy and hatred of Ji Feng was understandable.

“This is Lieutenant Barrow.”

“This is Captain Virgil.”

“This is Captain Meng Fan Jie.”


Lu Qiao Sheng introduced them one by one. Ji Feng smiled politely and shook hands sincerely until the last one was introduced. It was the strong military man, who was half a head taller than Ji Feng.

“This is Lieutenant Baze.” 

The man was tall and majestic, with an appearance that seemed to be a simple muscle-head. He didn’t even know to hide the fierce glint in his eyes as he stretched out a big hand to Ji Feng, with a bit of sarcasm and expectation. The people around him were even more ready to watch a good show.

Ji Feng curled his lips without a trace and then stretched out his hand “defenselessly” again.

The moment the two hands were held together, a powerful force came out from the palm of the hand without hesitation. This was a force that could almost rival the power of an E-Class mechanical arm instantly. In other words, his grip could directly cripple the arm.

Not only those few young people, but also the crowd of onlookers, who joined in the excitement, were watching Ji Feng’s hand. But no one warned him, they were all silently waiting to watch the show.

However, the embarrassing scream of anguish did not come and the scene of him crying for his father and for mother was not seen. Instead, the two metre tall Lieutenant Baze even straightened a little bit.

The big eyes widened little by little, the broad face was a little red, and then big beads of sweat came out. The most important thing was that Lieutenant Baze’s thick arm turned blue and changed slowly. It turned purple, then the blood vessels burst, appearing terribly hideous.

Until the end, Lieutenant Baze’s hand was completely unable to hold Ji Feng’s slender hand, which was a large circle smaller than his.

On the other hand, Ji Feng, whom they thought would be put in his place, was able to still keep a smile when shaking hands. He was so calm, as if nothing happened.

“Baze, what’s the matter with you?” Thales couldn’t resist and was the first to ask in a low voice.

As a result, just as his voice faded, he heard the scream of gritted teeth, and then saw the two metres tall Baze kneel in front of Ji Feng.

That’s right, it was kneeling. The kind where both legs were used. They only saw the blue veins on his forehead and arms violently pulsing to a basically hideous and fearful stage. His head was full of sweat and because he endured the pain, the corners of his mouth were torn from biting.

Others watched this scene with dropped jaws, completely unable to understand. But Baze, who experienced it personally, looked at Ji Feng in fear, as if he was looking at a ghost.

Ji Feng casually pulled him up with a hand and said, “Look at you, how can you greet me so politely.” 

The audience: ? ? ? So what happened in the end? Wasn’t this the Hercules of our Lopa Star?

Baze: …Please spare me.

After a brief shock and embarrassment, Lu Qiao Sheng was the first to react, “Mr. Ji has really good hand strength.”

“Huh?” Ji Feng gave an expression that said “What are you talking about?”.

The ending was unexpected and the scene went a little out of control. Lu Qiao Sheng wanted to end the topic quickly, so he proposed, “How about we leave each other with a method of communication?” There was always a chance to deal with him.

“Sure.” Ji Feng quickly took out his mobile phone.

At that moment, the scene was out of control again, no, maybe it was sluggish.

Cell phone? Who still uses mobile phones these days? This was from the antique market, right? So how could this man still take it out without changing his expression? Was he such a big weirdo?

Lu Qiao Sheng’s mouth twitched. Using his mobile terminal, that was, the decorative button on his cuff, he exchanged contact information with Ji Feng’s antique mobile phone.

“Do you dare to come to the Fighting Arena tomorrow?” Captain Meng Fan Jie couldn’t stand it anymore. What a strange thing this was, he must use a Mecha to kill him!

“Sorry, I don’t know how to use Mechas.” Ji Feng answered with a composed smile.

“Ba-Da”. Chins dropped to the ground, it was as if punching cotton. You don’t even know how to operate a f*cking Mecha, yet you still have the shame to say “Sure”?

“Dare to come to the World of Extreme Velocity?” This was the racing track run by Thales and his family. It was not merely using a sonic car, but to experience the most primitive and exciting extreme speed of racing, which was loved by all men.

“Sorry, I don’t know this either.” Ji Feng smiled, not feeling ashamed at all.

Thales was one breath away from suffocating himself to death. Who could come and collect this evildoer? How could he not get defeated by neither swords, guns, nor poison?

At this moment, the crowd of onlookers was split open. The frosty Major General Moore and the gloomy Lieutenant General Rolt came over.

The author has something to say: 

Ji Feng: I heard someone wants to organize a group to deal with me? I’ve already set up the small bench and am waiting patiently.

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