Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 18: CH 18

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Standing in front of the Mo Tian Fighting Arena, Ji Feng experienced shock once again. The reason why it was called Mo Tian1 Fighting Arena, was because the entire fighting arena was a skyscraper that soared into the sky. It had 90 floors above ground and the first 10 floors were located underground.

Going from bottom up, the battle rank gradually increases and the difficulty also increases. But the higher the level, the more exciting the fight would be. Hence, the price of the admission ticket would get higher and higher. Of course, the more you went higher, the fewer fights there were per day. Sometimes, one had to wait for a few days to even a couple of years just to watch a high-level battle.

Ji Feng had a clear goal. The battle he wanted to watch was on the 10th floor. He had no interest in gambling with bets. But just as he was ready to go upstairs after buying the tickets, a familiar voice stopped him.

“Second Brother-in-Law?” Ji Feng turned his head. Gal was leading a few classmates towards him. His dark brown eyes were shining and he was obviously surprised to see Ji Feng here.

“It’s really you, Second Brother-in-Law.”

“Teacher Ji……”

Ji Feng smiled at them, as gentle as ever.

“Why is Second Brother-in-Law so early? Did you buy tickets for the other fights?” Ji Feng obviously didn’t understand the meaning of Gal’s words. But Gal didn’t wait for him to speak. Gal had already moved closer and looked at the ticket in his hand. “Ah, you are right on time, but what’s so good about the D-Rank fight?”

Gal was obviously disappointed, but he changed his mind in the blink of an eye, “Then I’ll go with Second Brother-in-Law.”

So Ji Feng had an extra companion halfway through. When they arrived, there were already a lot of people crowding around. The huge fighting platform was spacious and well-lit. The seating area in the auditorium was high and encircled the surroundings. The movements from the fighting platform could be clearly seen from every angle.

This was a D-Rank Mecha fight. The two parties were Fighters in the Mo Tian Fighting Arena. One was the Professional Fighter Muric, the other was Zuo Tiancheng, a rising star. The former had climbed up all the way from the bottom to the present. All his records of accomplishment in D-Rank battles were remarkable, but as for the latter, who hadn’t made a name for himself, he was Ji Feng’s client.

“Second Brother-in-Law, which side will you bet on?” Although it was only a D-Rank battle, it was also very exciting for Gal to watch with Ji Feng.

“Then which side do you want to bet on?” Ji Feng asked instead.

“Of course Muric. He is more experienced and has a higher chance of winning. You see that Zuo Tiancheng, he looks so thin and feeble. He doesn’t seem reliable at first glance.”

Ji Feng smiled, “Do you dare to try Zuo Tiancheng?”

“You mean buying Zuo Tiancheng’s bet? Second Brother-in-Law, do you think he will win?” Gal looked in disbelief.

“I think he will.” Ji Feng looked affirmative.

Gal was even more astonished, but seeing Ji Feng so certain, he finally betted on Zuo Tiancheng.

The game started very quickly. Seeing the obvious gap between the two, Gal was a little worried that Second Brother-in-Law would be too embarrassed from the minutely face slaps. As a result, he was dumbfounded in the next second.


As soon as the voice of the Smart Host fell, everyone saw that the two were simply and crudely fighting each other. Sparks of collision splashed all over the place. Contrary to what they had imagined, Muric was directly blown out of the field with a single punch.

In addition to the weight of the Mecha itself, which was almost 100 kilograms, an experienced D-Class Mecha fighter was hit and flew seven or eight meters away, rolling on the ground for several laps before coming to a stop. On the other hand, Zuo Tiancheng steadily stood there.

“F*ck, what happened!”

“How is that possible! Am I blind?”

Everyone present was stupefied. They all looked at the scene in disbelief. Ji Feng was expressionless. This fell within his expectations.

Then they saw that the robotic arm from Muric’s Mecha, which collided with Zuo Tiancheng’s Mecha, cracked and the shell broke into pieces, falling to the ground. Sparks flew around and the machine operators rushed up. After a moment of stunned shock, the referee also rushed over. Then, he quickly determined that Muric couldn’t get up.

Muric lost, but he was knocked out with just one punch?

Everyone was stunned, “Second Brother-in-Law, your eyes are so poisonous2!” Gal looked at Ji Feng in surprise.

Ji Feng smiled without saying a word. This was just the beginning.

In the Fighting Arena, any Fighter could initiate challenges on the spot, as long as the challenger accepts the challenge. Muric was the strongest of the D-Rank Fighters and many didn’t believe that he lost so thoroughly. Thus, many D-Rank Fighters who were in the ranks couldn’t help but challenge Zuo Tiancheng.

Zuo Tiancheng was fearless and he responded to all challenges. Afterwards, everyone was stunned and watched as if a comedy scene played out in front of them. Zuo Tiancheng won all of them and it was an easy win.

“What nonsense!”

“Where did this come from! Don’t tell me that that was a show just now?”

“Could it be an illusion?”


However, until the one known as the strongest D-Rank Fighter was also knocked down and then a C-Rank Fighter stood up to challenge Zuo Tiancheng, everyone finally realized that it was truly happening.

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At this time, the audience was just as surprised, but the result was still unexpected. Zuo Tiancheng won again. He exploded the Mecha of the C-Rank Fighter. Not only that, he also arrogantly launched a challenge to a B-Rank Fighter.

“This f*cker is absolutely crazy!”

“Too crazy! I don’t believe that he can still win against the B-Rank, it must be a hoax.”

“Cheating, this guy must be cheating!”


Many were so stupefied that no words could describe their shock. Many people began to question his Mecha, suspected that he was cheating and had falsely declared his Mecha Class. Some people suspected that those people just lost deliberately. Anyway, there were people who violated the rules for money. In short, they just didn’t believe it.

“Second Brother-in-Law, do you think he is cheating?”

Ji Feng just continued smiling, without saying a single word.

Therefore, at the strong request of the audience, the Smart Robot in the Fighting Arena verified Zuo Tiancheng’s credibility on the spot.

The result was dumbfounding once again. This Mecha was D-Class. Whether it was Mecha Material, Operating System or Power System, all indicators could barely reach D-Class.

“That’s a f*cking demon in the righteous sect.”

“Is that weak chicken really that strong?”


However, the more evil had yet to come. Zuo Tiancheng actually defeated two B-Rank Fighters with a battle record of three games and two wins. The people present went crazy.

“A D-Rank Fighter defeated the B-Rank Fighter? It’s too ridiculous, too ridiculous. What is happening today? It’s almost unheard of!”

“There are still such geniuses. It is said that Major General Moore could once challenge the B-Rank Fighter with a D-Class Mecha.” Someone added.

“Bullshit, do you think that weak chicken is worthy of comparison with Major General Moore?”

“There must be a problem.”


In fact, it was not that there hadn’t existed a Fighter who challenged the higher levels successfully. Many excellent Mecha pilots could do it. But there were definitely few who surpassed two levels. It was absolutely unheard of that a weak chicken, like Zuo Tiancheng, had come out victorious. It was simply a tale from the Arabian Night.

In fact, Ji Feng was a little disappointed. Zuo Tiancheng was too weak. If he was strong enough, he would definitely be able to exert a greater amount of power, even being able to compete against the weaker A-Rank Fighter. What a pity.

“This is insane. I know, it must be a masterpiece of the Dark God! It must be! I’m crazy, I’m going to kneel and beg!”

Suddenly a voice came from the crowd. Not only among the Fighters, but also in the Fighting Arena, the audience also have often heard of such legends.

It was said that there was a “Dark God”, a big shot in ‘The Realm of the Dark Gods’. The Mechas modified by him could exert power higher than their original class. They were very magical, but the Dark God was very mysterious and did not accept orders easily, let alone revealing his identity.

Could this be true? And he could actually beat a B-Class Mecha using a D-Class Mecha. This Dark God was really the f*cking real deal! Time to spam call!!

“What ‘Dark God’? What’s going on?” The audience was frantically trying to get answers. Gal looked at Ji Feng curiously, “Second Brother-in-Law, do you know what ‘Dark God’ they are talking about?”

Ji Feng did not have a change in expression, “Never heard of it.”

The game was over, so Ji Feng was not interested in the rest. He planned to leave, but Gal looked at him in surprise, “Second Brother-in-Law, didn’t you come to watch Second Brother’s game?”

“Moore?” Ji Feng stopped. He really didn’t know about this.

“Yes, Second Brother and Cousin Rad’s SSS Super God duel. The news spread two days ago, so I thought you came for this. Didn’t Second Brother tell you?” Gal was surprised. After speaking, he noticed Ji Feng’s confused look, so he added, “He must be afraid that you will be worried, so he didn’t tell you.”

“Well, it should be.” Ji Feng agreed casually.

“SSS Super God battle. For many years, there hadn’t been such a level of competition. Not to mention that Second Brother’s appeal is so terrifying. Today is really packed with people.”

SSS Class battle. How could Ji Feng miss this opportunity? So Ji Feng immediately decided to go to the 90th floor with Gal.

Even after listening to Gal’s description of the grand occasion on the entire journey, when he saw it with his own eyes, Ji Feng was still shocked by the scene in front of him.

The SSS-Class fighting arena was almost at the highest level. Strictly speaking, the entire fighting arena occupied three floors, from the 90th floor to the 93rd floor that were connected together. The entire fighting arena was separated by transparent solid materials, in case the spectators on the periphery were accidentally injured. The huge space inside was a battlefield for the Fighters.

Although it was expensive to get here, there were still thousands of people in the spectator’s stand when Ji Feng got there. The scene was quite spectacular.

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