Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 27: CH 24

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Moore was stunned to discover that the warship was going in the wrong direction, which was not supposed to happen. Once the direction was set, the warship could not deviate from its course; unless it encountered an unexpected situation, or that the destination was not Lopa Star from the beginning.

Just at this moment, a continuous alarm sounded suddenly in the control cabin. The sharp and piercing sound stimulating the nerves of everyone on the warship. The whole warship instantly fell into a dazed and tense state.

Moore’s heart sank and he immediately heard the urgent report.

“Major General! Front, no rear, no”, The man was so nervous, that he stared at the picture displayed on the screen with wide eyes, “Five unknown warships have suddenly attacked us. The target is 15 kilometers away, reaching us in an estimated 10 seconds.”

Moore’s eyes darkened and resolutely commanded, “Immediately activate the Defense System.”


Ten seconds. Five unknown warships had locked onto the Yong An warship from five different directions. The opponent came prepared. There was no way to avoid it.

“Get ready to attack.”

“Yes! Major General.”

Moore was calmer than expected. In just ten seconds, he had quickly deployed a plan to welcome the attack, and at the same time, had people lock onto the five warships.

Generally speaking, even when a relatively strong Space Pirate meets a powerful planet like Lopa Star, they would not dare to easily attack it. Other planets would also worry about Lopa Star’s strength, so Moore couldn’t determine the identity of the other for the time being.

Besides, it was not accidental that the Yong An warship had its course changed at some unknown point. This made Moore especially wary. 

“Coordinates.” Moore said in a deep voice.

Moore really wanted to know if someone had deliberately changed the course of the Yong An warship, and where did they want the Yong An warship to go.

But as soon as Moore’s voice fell, the Yong An warship, which was flying steadily, suddenly shook. Something seemed to have hit the warship, as it forcibly shook. The entire control cabin gasped and the other passengers in the warship were also confused.

Before they could react, the warship shook again. This time it was extremely violent, and it was accompanied by a frightening explosion.

The attack of the five warships had arrived. The Yong An warship was under attack.

Instantly, the sound of blaring alarms, the sounds of people panicking, and explosions caused the entire warship to fall into chaos.

The efficiency of the interception plan Moore had created was halved because of the unexpected shaking just now, which was the result of a strong, direct attack on the Yong An warship.

“Meteor Stream, there is a Meteor Stream two kilometers ahead, Major General!” A soldier timely reported to Moore amidst the chaos.

Moore’s heart sank again. The change of course had deliberately led them here. That person had also manipulated the warship detectors. Someone wanted to make this place their graveyard.

What was the Meteor Stream? It was a meteorite river formed by hundreds of millions of meteorites, fragments of planets after combustion, and even some small fallen stars. These things were not only dangerous, but also, a strange magnetic field would be formed from the condensed meteorite fragments, causing any signal within the radius of hundreds of kilometers to be disrupted with varying degrees. This was why Meteor Streams were a nightmare for ships, and one of the least desired things to see in outer space.

However, the horror of the Meteor Stream did not stop there. Any place where the Meteor Stream existed might be accompanied by the appearance of a Space-Time Vortex. Although it was only a possibility, it was these Space-Time Vortexes that were truly terrifying.

Every Space-Time Vortex had an incredibly strong suction force, even a giant warship could be sucked into it. The magnetic field of the Meteor Stream had a lot to do with it.

Simply speaking, the Space-Time Vortex was some interlaced nodes of time and space. No one knew where the other destination would be, whether it was the forbidden area of ​​the devil, the depths of a black hole or other places. It was something no one could guarantee. Of course, it might also be a certain planet, or another safe place, but who dared to take this risk?

Therefore, no one dared to approach the Meteor Stream carelessly. This was where people were swallowed. Once discovered, they would detour far away.

“Major General!” Another voice sounded, mixed with obvious surprise, “A warship, it is the warships of Mosai Star and Sri Star!”

“What?” Moore hurriedly leaned over for a closer look. In the next second, information of the five warships had popped up on the screen. It was the warships of the 5 planets that had traveled with them to Planet Lungu.

Moore’s heart collapsed. Connecting the series of incidents, he suddenly had a vague guess in his heart, and a very bad premonition was immediately born.

Moore was unsure, but he didn’t have extra time to think or confirm at the moment. He could only calmly and quickly make preparations.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of space fighter planes surrounded the Yong An warship. Coincidentally, they were all military fighter planes from those planets. Intensive attacks followed their appearance. At this time, the Yong An warship was like a deep-sea beast swimming in the sea that was suddenly surrounded by dense schools of fish.

Moore’s expression was cold. Thirty soldiers on the warship immediately set off in their space fighter planes and flew out of the warship. The others performed their delegated duties. More than 20 experts were also urgently summoned together.

After giving the order, the first thing Moore thought of was Ji Feng. Thus his body acted quicker than his brain, and Moore hurriedly rushed towards his lounge.

Unexpectedly, Moore saw Ji Feng approaching as soon as he walked out of the control cabin.

There was a low and muffled sound of a crash, then there was another violent shaking. The two fell to the side at the same time.

Moore quickly took a few steps over and grabbed Ji Feng’s arm, “How are you? Why are you here?”

“I’m okay.” Ji Feng’s face was a little pale and the vein on his forehead throbbed violently, but his figure was very stable. His eyes were still deep and silent. If it hadn’t been for Moore personally witnessing it, it would have been hard to tell that Ji Feng was seriously injured.

Although Ji Feng suffered damage and exhaustion from excessive use of spiritual power, his vigilance as a strong Cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage was still there. He woke up as early as when the warship swayed for the first time, and felt the attack on the warship. When Moore was in sight, Ji Feng got up and rushed over to the control cabin.

It was just that he didn’t expect that Moore would come out as soon as he walked to the door, “How’s the situation?”

He was now anxious to know what happened. Although war in this era was common, most of them were to grab resources and would encounter attacks halfway through like this; unless they encountered a legendary cosmic thief.

A large percentage of such people were active among the spaces between planets. Most of them were fleeing or anti-social people who had committed a felony, claiming that they did not belong to any planet and were not controlled by any planet. They also had their own warships and weapons, so ordinary small planets didn’t dare to provoke them. This was something Ji Feng understood.

But Lopa Star was classified as a powerful planet and few cosmic thieves dared to arouse their attention. After all, there was likely a terrible consequence awaiting them.

This was the reason Ji Feng couldn’t judge the situation at that time. As a result, when Ji Feng learned that it was the warships of those five planets, Ji Feng was really surprised. Not mentioning anything else, Ji Feng had just saved their people, so was this the so-called “biting the hand that feeds them”?

“Major General! They retreated!” One person shouted abruptly.

Moore hurried back and Ji Feng followed in. Sure enough, the hundreds of space fighter planes that had just besieged them, all withdrew suddenly. But five warships also appeared within two kilometers around the Yong An warship. They were fenced in.

“Major General Houston.” The image of the commanders, from the five planet warships, appeared before his eyes.

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Moore’s expression became icy. “What do you mean by this? Is this a blatant violation of the Cosmic Law?”

“What a joke,” The Captain of Mosai Star angrily pointed at the unconscious Lieutenant General, with only one arm and one leg left beside him, “Obviously, it is you, Moore Houston, who violated the Cosmic Law first!” 

The captain of another planet immediately followed, “Us, Ellie Star, went down with three soldiers and one lieutenant, but none of them came back.”

“We had 2 who returned instead, but they are completely clueless, forgetting everything that happened there.” 

“So did we. This is obviously a memory destruction. Major General Houston, can you please explain, under what circumstances did you need to erase their memory? Where would the Refined Memory Machinery pop out from in Planet Lungu, in such a barren land? Unless all this is your Lopa Star’s conspiracy!”

“That’s it, or Major General Houston can explain why the memories of all living people have been destroyed, but only you, Houston, is normal? Oh no, maybe there is no problem with your husband either right?” 

The called out Ji Feng glanced at him, but there was no reaction, because what these people said was really accurate and there was no way to refute it.

“Conspiracy, this is basically a conspiracy! Which one of our soldiers is not an A-level soldier, how can they not even be on par with an ordinary person?”

Even an ordinary person, Moore Houston’s husband, could come back safely. Their A-level soldier, even the Lieutenant General and Captain died there, so what did this mean? It showed that there was definitely something wrong with Moore Houston!

Hence, no matter how one analyzed it, one would feel that this matter was inseparable from Moore. Even the more than 20 people who died might have been caused by Moore. They didn’t understand what conspiracy Lopa Star was planning, and they didn’t understand the reason for Moore Houston to violate the Cosmic Law.

Unless, Moore had found something extraordinary in the cave, and the value of that thing was enough to make him violate the law to murder others. As for those who lost their memories, they were just to cover up the truth.

Ji Feng furrowed his brows. Considering the whole incident, it was no wonder they would have such thoughts from their standpoint. This speculation was very reasonable.

It’s just an explanation… Ji Feng looked at Moore, who sported a gloomy face. Wouldn’t selling him out be the best explanation?

Yet Moore merely snorted disdainfully, “So what do you want?”

The explanation was impossible to explain. He had explained the ones that could be explained, and there would always be 3 words for the unexplainable ones: I don’t know.

Moore didn’t believe that these people would openly attack Lopa Star and challenge Lopa Star’s authority for a few soldiers. Mosai might have this strength, but it might not be possible for the other planets.

“We suspect that you, Moore Houston, murdered our soldiers, and we also have the right to know what happened in the cave of Planet Lungu.” 

“So Major General Houston, you must follow us back to Mosai Star and give us five planets, a reasonable explanation.”

Obviously, the five planets were a unified force led by Mosai Star, and their reasons were sufficient.

But Ji Feng faintly felt that something was wrong. First of all, if they wanted to seek justice, why didn’t they ask when they left Planet Lungu? Weren’t they closer then?

Furthermore, how did they precisely lock onto the Yong An warship? As if they knew they would pass here and then lie in ambush from five different directions? Otherwise, based on Lopa Star’s military strength, they would not be outflanked without even noticing it.

Ji Feng thought to himself and heard Moore’s cold voice, “What if I don’t agree?” 

“In that case, we can only continue attacking. One Lopa Star warship to bury those soldiers, and with a character like Major General Houston with dozens of Lopa experts, heh, it’s worth it.”

Ji Feng couldn’t help but sneer. Wasn’t this a blatantly obvious threat? Although Moore was strong, the Yong An warship was not a battleship after all. For a fight in space, the power of the Mecha was not worth mentioning. Moreover, there were so many people on board that Moore couldn’t possibly ignore.

Sure enough, Moore’s eyes became darker and he remained silent.

“Major General, you have ten minutes to think about it, but you have to think through it clearly.” 

The screen disappeared, but the control cabin fell into a short silence. Ji Feng looked at Moore, Ji Feng might have already guessed Moore’s decision.

“Major General, don’t be impulsive, they have no good intentions at all.” Not mentioning the rest, Mosai and the others had a deal with each other. This was a group of mad dogs, with no credibility at all.

“Yeah, Major General, lead us out of this encirclement!”

“Major General!”

Moore didn’t speak. His sight finally fell on Ji Feng. Ji Feng saw the unshakable determination in Moore’s eyes, and some slight complexity, which Ji Feng didn’t understand.

Immediately, Moore looked at Captain Jerry, “From now on, you are the captain of the ship.”

Ji Feng’s heart skipped a beat. Qiu Ming and Jerry exclaimed at the same time, “Major General!”

“This is an order.” Moore voiced. Calm and mellow, he continued, “The Yong An warship must be safely sent back to Lopa Star. No one short.”

The eyes of a few people turned red in an instant, but they followed Moore for a long time, and knew Moore’s character too well. Once the Major General spoke of one thing, no one could change his decision.

“Yes, Major General! Guaranteed to complete the task.”

Moore looked at Ji Feng again. Ji Feng looked at him calmly throughout the whole process. Moore looked reserved and even seemed a little cold. “You will go back with them.”

Moore commanded in an unquestionable tone, and there was no extra explanation. If it was previously, Moore might still think that their wedded status might implicate Ji Feng. But now, he knew that Ji Feng was not an ordinary person, and their nominal marriage was really just getting what they needed. It was no wonder that Ji Feng was not interested in his so-called ‘Universal Male God’.

In short, as long as Ji Feng returned to Lopa Star, Moore believed that Ji Feng’s injuries would soon heal. Ji Feng’s ability and strength would definitely solve those troubles.

As for Moore, the majority of Mosai and the others thought that he obtained something in the cave. Since they wanted to get something from him, then his life would not be in danger, he was only a prisoner.

Unexpectedly, Ji Feng, who was silent for a long time, suddenly narrowed his eyes, “Can’t leave, we can’t go and they can’t go.”

“What?” Moore obviously didn’t understand what Ji Feng meant. The others also gazed at him in bewilderment. There was no explanation in his words.

But in the next second, all of the signals in the control cabin were completely disconnected and the items on the table began to vibrate. Then, the hard walls of the cabin made a harsh and piercing sound, as if some terrible force was tearing the warship apart.

“What’s the matter? What is this?” Ripping the warship? How daunting, what kind of devilous power was this.

Moore’s icy voice directly caused everyone to fall into the ice and dew, “Time and Space Vortex.”

They still met after all.

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