Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 9: CH 9

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Translator: humu

A few days later, the news of the engagement between Rad Nelson and the Minister of Energy’s favorite grandson shocked the entire Lopa Star. It was far worse than the news of the Mecha Male God Moore getting matched by the Main Brain System.

Maybe the younger generation of Lopa Star didn’t know who Rad Nelson was, but it’s impossible for the older generation to not know the existence of this person.

Twenty years ago, as the seventeenth grandson of the Imperial King, Rad was full of spirits. Both his looks and temperament were the most outstanding out of all the Imperial King’s descendants. Furthermore, he was already a SS-Rank Mecha Pilot at the age of twenty-six. This was extremely rare amongst all of the Imperial King’s descendants.

Rad became the most respected descendant of the Imperial King. There was even a rumor that the Imperial King intended to train Rad Nelson as his heir, the future King of the Lopa Star.

With outstanding looks, solid strength and supreme status, Rad was the ideal, unattainable husband that almost all Gers dreamt of.

The only thing that made people feel a little daunted, was that Rad Nelson’s behavior was perverse. He did things in his own way, regardless of the consequences. His entire being was extreme to the point of abnormality, but this did not affect the possibility of him becoming the heir of the Imperial King.

Until one day, the news of Rad Nelson’s expulsion from Lopa Star shook the entire planet. No one knew what the reason was, but there were many speculations.

Among them, were two speculations that were the most widely spread and the most convincing. One was that Rad Nelson offended the Imperial Marshal, Wip Houston. One must know that Houston was famous at that time, and the power in his hands reached an unprecedented level. Even the Imperial King had to courteously give him extra considerations. So if Rad offended Wip, the old Imperial King must have wanted to appease Wip Houston. And thus, it was entirely possible to make such a decision.

Another speculation was that the Imperial King deliberately let Rad go to endure hardships to shape his character. After all, it was difficult for such a perverse and high-profile personality to rise to the top.

Both speculations seemed to be very convincing, but no one knew what was really going on.

Unexpectedly, Rad Nelson was gone for twenty years. He had suddenly returned to Lopa Star and was engaged to the Minister of Energy’s grandson, who was twenty years younger. How many stories were hidden behind this, was not what the people of Lopa Star could guess using their spare time.

In actuality, people who ate melons could only see the surface. First, the news of the 130-year-old Imperial King’s illness spread quietly, then the news of the Imperial Marshal’s second son was inexplicably married, and finally, Rad Nelson, who had left the planet for twenty years, returned. Now the Imperial King’s grandson and the Minister of Energy grandson’s engagement…

Event by event, everyone who understood could see the increasingly turbulent undercurrent hidden behind all this. The game of big shots had already begun; but those who were caught up in this game might not always know that they themselves were stuck in it.

Half a month had already passed. Moore’s injury was almost healed, but the suspension for reflection due to his impulsive actions on the last mission had yet to pass.

No mission, no job. He couldn’t even go to the military, let alone understand any military news. Moore was so irritated that he locked himself in the room all day, studying the broken video of when his dad was kidnapped over and over again. After so many years of hard work, nothing had been achieved.

Until this day, he received an invitation letter from Rad Nelson himself. Three days later, Rad Nelson was married, inviting Moore and his husband, Ji Feng, to attend their wedding.

Moore stared at the man, whose corner of his lips were hooked up, on the opposite side of the screen The blue in his eyes became colder and colder. This person might have been his shadow1 once, but he had grown rapidly in recent years. Now he should not be afraid of the SS Super God, and he also believed that he had enough strength to step on him.

Evasion had never been his style. He would meet him, face it, and solve it.

“Okay,” Moore said blankly, “Will definitely be there on time.”

And Ji Feng too; his gains during this period were not small. In addition to breaking through the Pill Formation to condense the Golden Core, the fusion of Mecha Refining had also attained a higher realm.

Ji Feng was currently trying to fuse the weapon of the E-Class Mecha, and this was no longer limited to a partial robotic arm or Mecha body modification. This was a complete Mecha modification.

On the other hand, the success of the first order in the Realm Of The Dark God soon let Ji Feng usher in the second, third and even more orders. Not only did Ji Feng make money, the alias “Dark God” also inexplicably rose. The number of supporters was still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These were all unexpected pleasant surprises, but Ji Feng was unresponsive. The new releases were still launched in a timely manner. His Mechas would only become stronger and rarer.

However, Ji Feng faced a new problem. That was, he did not have enough space and a place to deal with these Mechas. It was important to know that small Mechas were up to several meters tall, not to mention that there would be large Mechas and even heavy ones in the future. This small room was obviously not enough to accommodate those.

Furthermore, delivery was an even bigger problem, so Ji Feng thought of the Space Ring.

Although making a Space Ring did not pose a problem for a Refiner, it was limited by the Cultivation Base. Because he was unable to find suitable materials, Ji Feng made a few of them with room-sized spaces.

Of course, once this kind of superb otherworldly thing was exposed, let alone a room-sized space, even the size of a fist would surely cause the entire universe to tremble.

Therefore, Ji Feng intended to wait for his strength to reach a certain level, then perhaps he could directly use the Space Ring to make a fortune.

No matter which direction one considered from, there was a sea of ​​stars waiting for Ji Feng to conquer. With this, Ji Feng was even more enthusiastic than in his original world.

On this day, Moore, who had been at peace for half a month, suddenly stood in front of Ji Feng. Ji Feng was reading his supporters’ private messages at this time, and he was reading very attentively.

Moore looked at the phone in Ji Feng’s hand silently for two seconds. As early as 800 years ago, few people used this ancient and traditional communication device. This thing was not only clumsy and difficult to carry, it also had few functions.

It was only after he met Ji Feng, that he knew that this thing hadn’t been completely eliminated. It was an old antique and there was no one left who used it.

Ever since Moore was able to walk by himself, although they were under the same roof, the two were basically busy with their own affairs. There was nothing wrong with letting each other live without interference.

After two seconds of silence, Moore still said, “Do you have time the day after tomorrow?”

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He also observed that Ji Feng spent 90% of his time at home, and occasionally went out. And in this 90%, half of the time was spent in his room, or as it was now, sitting on the sofa and looking at the phone. He could sit for an entire day. But he was not sure whether Ji Feng was willing to cooperate with him.

“What’s the matter?” Ji Feng was a Cultivator in the Pill Formation stage, not to mention that Moore was standing in front of him. Even if someone showed any ill intentions towards him from a kilometer away, he could detect it.

He was a Master Refiner and not being focused was something Refiners disliked. Ji Feng was accustomed to focusing when doing things, so he did not raise his head when Moore approached, but waited for him to speak.

“If you have time, accompany me to a wedding.” Moore’s unwavering tone seemed to be giving notice, but in fact he was asking for Ji Feng’s consent.

Ji Feng didn’t hear it explicitly, but he immediately thought of Rad Nelson. He was also a person who paid attention to the news every day. Naturally, he knew that Rad was going to get married.

This was the wedding of the Imperial King’s grandson and the Minister of Energy’s grandson. On such an occasion, the big shots gathered and someone of high status could be seen everywhere. This would be a good opportunity to increase his insights. There was no reason to refuse, so Ji Feng nodded toward him, “Okay.”

Probably, Moore hadn’t expected Ji Feng to agree so readily. Moore paused for a moment, and then he uncharacteristically sat on the sofa.

Ji Feng looked at him with some doubts, and Moore pursed his lips before saying, “Give me your account and I will transfer 5 million to you first.”

Ji Feng was a little surprised now, “So much?” Wasn’t it just to accompany him to a wedding? “In the agreement, we have the obligation to maintain a superficial marriage, so I should accompany you.”

Moore’s face turned black, “No.”

“I know you don’t have a job now, but you need expenses,” Moore said quite tactfully. Besides, how much money could the two men, who stayed home, need? “There is also the cost of the last visit to the hospital, so you can use the money first.”

Moore had been constantly brooding about this matter, so he simply borrowed 5 million from Seya. He didn’t know that the 5 million was already a huge sum of money for ordinary people, but compared to his promise to Ji Feng, it was far from enough.

Ji Feng was stunned, and immediately laughed unconsciously. No wonder Moore misunderstood him so much. Just looking at his daily behavior, Moore was polite enough to say so.

Since Ji Feng was short of money, he simply accepted it, but Ji Feng did not take it in vain. He sent a Space Ring that had just been made, as a gift for the 5 million.

In fact, if this seemingly ordinary or even weird ring was exposed, it would probably be sold for 50 million, so taking Moore’s 5 million would make Ji Feng feel at ease.

Moore looked at the weird ring in front of him. It was so concise that there was no decoration. He couldn’t make out the material of it, let alone any brand he knew. But the magical thing was that the texture in his hand was different, especially the crystal clear material that seemed to emit a faint soft green light. There was a slight cool feeling to the touch, which made him very comfortable.

So Moore unexpectedly accepted this weird gift in return. Only then he saw that Ji Feng’s slender finger also donned one. A subtle feeling flashed in Moore’s heart.

One of the signs of marriage was the wedding ring, but they were originally married by agreement. Thus, Moore never thought of these things and never thought of this detail.

He didn’t expect for this person to be so thoughtful. He was so financially tight now, so he’s afraid that it must have taken a lot of effort.

Sure enough, Moore’s cold heart trembled by the next sentence of Ji Feng.

“I made it myself if you don’t mind.” Anyway, it was a test product and the space was too small.

Handmade… A trace of complexity flashed across Moore’s faint blue eyes. He only felt that the weight of the ring in his hand was instantly different. However, Moore also had some doubts. Why did Ji Feng wear the ring on the index finger instead of the ring finger?

On the third day, when Moore, in a snug-fitting gorgeous suit, stood in front of Ji Feng’s eyes. Ji Feng’s eyes lit up. The light blue suit accentuated Moore’s slender figure to the fullest. He was used to seeing Moore’s serious military uniform every day. The appearance of Moore in front of him was obviously more dazzling and bright. The color of his suit fit even better, appearing natural with his silver hair and dark blue eyes.

“You look very good.” Ji Feng exclaimed sincerely.

Moore pursed his lips unnaturally and handed a black suit to Ji Feng. Since he was going to appear in the name of his husband, he must not be too shabby. Ji Feng’s suit was not only shabby, but also too casual, because he usually wore it this way.

Ji Feng took the clothes awkwardly. The original Ji Feng had nothing on him and the current him thought of nothing but Mechas all day. How could he have such leisure time and the thought of buying clothes?

It was just that Moore didn’t expect that when Ji Feng, who put on a black suit, stood in front of him, he would actually feel a throb in his heart for a moment and his face felt hot.

Ji Feng’s figure was originally slender and tall, more than half a head taller than him. His straight body instantly exuded a masculine charm that could not be hidden in the black suit. In addition, Ji Feng was already very handsome. He was probably the long-legged type that Gers loved most.

Moore felt a little inexplicable for a while, so he hurriedly turned away from Ji Feng, trying not to look at him. But Ji Feng carried his tie and walked up to him with a dazed expression.

“How do you fix this thing?” He couldn’t wear the tie.

Moore: ……

The author has something to say: 

Ji Feng: Wedding ring? I made several of them in one go and I will sell them in the future.

Moore: … (covering his face), take it as I never said anything, no, I never thought of anything.

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