Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 26: CH 25.1

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Their visitor from the palace was Eunuch Feng of Fengyi Palace. Eunuch Feng was carrying out the Empress’ orders, delivering the gifts she had bestowed upon the Nan’an Hou’s Mansion for the Mid-Autumn Festival. 

Unlike other relatives who they could choose to receive or not, once a decree from the Empress arrives, whether it was Lu Wancheng, Lu Qiaosong of even Liang Shi, they all had to endure their ill condition and accept the edict.

After not seeing Liang Shi for many days, Lin Qingyu now saw that she appeared ten years older; her makeup could not hide the changes brought about by her illness. Lu Qiaosong’s eyes were sunken, his steps were weak. It could be seen with a single glance that he had completely been hollowed out. Compared to the two of them, Lu Wancheng, though ill for far longer, still maintained his demeanor. This was thanks to the medicine Lin Qingyu gave him and was also inseparable from his good mentality.

As the only person in the Nan’an Hou Mansion who was related to the Empress by blood, Lu Wancheng’s gifts were undoubtedly the most precious. Aside from jewelry and jade, tonics and medicinal materials, there were also two fox fur robes that were paid as tribute from the north, several bolts of silks that were paid as tribute from the south and boxes of pastries of the same kind as those served to the Emperor. All these gifts were to be given to the Young Master Hou and his wife. In comparison, other people’s gifts were obviously given for the sake of mere formality.

After everyone received their gifts one by one, Eunuch Feng said, “Young Master Hou has been on the Empress’ mind all this mind. She specially instructed this servant to ask after Young Master Hou’s health — How has Young Master Hou been feeling recently?” 

Lu Wancheng smiled and said, “Thank the Empress for her concern. I’ve been feeling quite well.”

Eunuch Feng turned his eyes to Lin Qingyu. “This must be Lin Shaojun. I heard it mentioned that her Empress had been responsible for the marriage between Young Master Hou and Shaojun. And yet, she has yet to see Lin Shaojun.”

Lu Wancheng heard Eunuch Feng’s implication and the smile at the corner of his lips waned a bit. Nan’an Hou too heard what Eunuch Feng was trying to imply and he threw Liang Shi a meaningful look. However, ever since her illness, Liang Shi has been absent-minded and even at this moment, she seemed to be in a trance, with a dazed expression on her face. Nan’an Hou had no choice but to say himself, “After the festival, my wife shall be visiting the palace to greet the Empress. At that time, I will have her bring the family to deliver our thanks.”

Eunuch Feng nodded in satisfaction. “That’s very good. Then this servant won’t be disturbing Master Hou’s family reunion.”

Nan’an Hou said politely, “Then take care, Eunuch Feng.”

Everyone returned to the courtyard with their gifts. Lin Qingyu had Hua Lu pack the things away. It was Hua Lu’s first time seeing this silk given as a tribute and as soon as she touched it, she simply couldn’t put it down. “I have never seen such a light material, it must be very cool to wear in summer. Tomorrow I will go to the mansion’s tailors and have them use this to make new clothes for the Young Master and Shaojun.”

Lu Wancheng said, “You can just give it to the Shoajun. I won’t need it.”

“Eh, why-” 

Huan Tong hit Hua Lu with the back of his hand. Hua Lu realized her blunder and closed her mouth, embarrassed.

Lin Qingyu said, “You may all withdraw.”

After being interrupted by Eunuch Feng, neither of them were in the mood to continue admiring the moon. Lu Wancheng was always talkative and always had a smile on his face.  Now that he had grown quiet, even if he didn’t say a word, you could tell that he was upset.

Lin Qingyu didn’t know what was bothering him. He himself was quite vexed. Although he has grown to regard Lu Wancheng as a close friend, this didn’t mean that he could forgive this marriage. He hadn’t forgotten that it was the Empress who had facilitated his marriage with Lu Wancheng. Because of this, he may never have a good impression of the Empress, even if she did genuinely care about Lu Wancheng. 

After a long silence, Lu Wancheng said, “Qingyu, I… I don’t want you to enter the palace.”

Lin Qingyu was puzzled. “Why?”

Lu Wancheng murmured in a low voice, “I just…don’t want you to.”

Lin Qingyu frowned. “I don’t want to go to the palace to see the Empress either. However, as long as I am admitted to the Imperial Medical Office, sooner or later, I will be entering the palace.” 

Lu Wancheng seemed to have sudden realization and he hesitantly said, “Then can you not enter the Imperial Medical Office?”

Lin Qingyu was quiet for a while. His tone somewhat cold, “Are you serious?”

If this was Lu Wancheng truly meant these words, then they would have gotten to know each other for nothing.

Lu Wancheng smiled bitterly, and said, “You best pretend I never said anything.” 

Yc atf batfg rlvf bo atf wjcrlbc, gluta lc ogbca bo atf rfgnjcar, Rjc’jc Lbe rfnfgfis gfqglwjcvfv Oljcu Vtl. Oe Rljcajb rabbv ys atf vbbg, kjlalcu obg atf Rjc’jc Lbe ab mbwf bea bo atf gbbw, klrtlcu ab qea lc j ubbv kbgv obg Oljcu Vtl. Rjc’jc Lbe rjlv mbivis. “Tbe’v yfaafg jvnlmf sbeg wbatfg ab rtbk jma ilxf atlr wjcrlbc’r wlragfrr. Yatfgklrf… twqt.”

Lu Niantao’s heart instantly sank.

It was only reasonable that Nan’an Hou be so dissatisfied. His son met with mishaps one after the other, and he, as a father, was naturally heartbroken. But life must go on and the entire Lu Family’s honor still rested on his shoulders. Liang Shi was his wife, one with a proper title. He could leave the management of the household to his concubine and his daughter-in-law, but when he was outside, Liang Shi still needed to keep up appearances for his sake.

Lu Niantao understood his reasons. She tried to patiently persuade Liang Shi to pull herself together. But Liang Shi remained disheartened. “Qiaosong is my only son. Now that he’s as good as dead, what else can I rely on?” 

“But won’t Eldest Brother also remain childless? No matter if any of those yiniang give birth to children in the future, or even if Father adopts a child from the branch, you will still be their dimu. How can you say that you have nothing to rely on?”

Liang Shi said sadly, “What’s the use of being a dimu! Over the years, have I not been good enough to Lu Wancheng? And didn’t he still turn against me!”

Lu Niantao said anxiously, “Then you still have me, your daughter!”

“A daughter…” Mrs Liang said with a wry smile, “A daughter will marry sooner or later. How could I rely on her?” 

“Then it depends on who you marry.” Lu Niantao’s eyes flashed a bit of conspiracy, “You must have heard of this lines of poem ‘Sister and brothers divide the land, pitiful brilliance uplifts the family’s status. And so, in the hearts of parents all over the world, to wish not for the birth of a son but the birth of a daughter.’ If the daughter marries well, does this not bring honor to her ancestors? — Just look, is this not also the case for the current Empress?”

Liang Shi was stunned, tears still in her eyes. The Empress… has always been someone she dared be angry at but dared not speak to. The Empress’ younger sister was Nan’an Hou’s first wife. So, naturally she cared not at all for her who was but the second wife. Even her two children were thought nothing of. As for the gifts given to them today, they weren’t even a tenth of Lu Wancheng’s. For so many years, she has been holding back her anger in her heart. But she was the Empress of the palace and her maternal family was that of Wen Guogong, who was like the sun at high noon. She was left with no choice but to try and curry favor with her.

“You’re right.” Liang Shi straightened her back. “I can’t go on like this. Mother wants to find a good marriage for you. And when I do, no one would dare look down on us three!”

Lu Niantao had already reached the age of marriage and these past two years, she had been keeping an eye out for her. Many of the wealthy families in the capital were related by marriage and the madams of the houses were all acquainted with each other. If she wanted to find a good match for Lu Niantao, she could no longer shut herself away in the mansion. She needed to move around. Perhaps entering the palace to thank the Empress may prove to be an opportunity. 

The next day, Liang Shi made a ‘full recovery’ from her illness. She handed in a request to enter the palace and after receiving the Empress’ permission, she sent someone to deliver a message to the Blue Wind Pavilion, asking Lin Qingyu to ready himself to enter the palace with her.

Lin Qingyu thought it simply ridiculous, “I, a man, am unexpectedly allowed to visit the harem’s palace. It’s simply unprecedented.”

“You can’t say that.” Lu Wancheng, who was lying on the bed, said, “Those imperial physicians who treat the concubines can also enter and leave the harem.”

Lin Qingyu glanced at him. “You sure know how to talk.” 

Lu Wancheng said quietly, “Qingyu, I want to go with you.”

Lin Qingyu thought he wanted to see his aunt and said, “There will be other chances in the future…”

Given the honorable identity of the master of the palace, people who were sick were not allowed to enter, lest they bring in with them the aura of illness.

Lin Qingyu normally dressed very plainly but when entering the palace to give his thanks, he needed to put on more extravagant clothes. Lu Wancheng watched as Huan Tong tied a jade belt around his waist. He couldn’t help thinking that he could circle Ling Qingyu’s waist with his two hands – by that, he meant using his original hands, of course. 

Once Lin Qingyu finished getting dressed, the grand Chinese robes appeared not the slightest bit bulky, rather, it made him appear untainted by the world. The more Lu Wancheng looked at him, the more uneasy he felt. When Lin Qingyu was about to head out, he couldn’t help but blurt out, “Qingyu, why don’t you not go? Just say you’ve a suddenly fallen ill…”

“I have no objections but can you give me a reason?” Lin Qingyu always knew that Lu Wancheng was hiding something from him.

Lu Wancheng paused and said, “I don’t want the crown prince to see you.”

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After a moment of hesitation, Lu Wancheng pretended to be all relaxed as he said, “Isn’t it because you look too good? I’m afraid that grease-ball of a prince might take a fancy to you. Oh, aside from the crown prince, you’ve got to watch out for the Emperor too. Old men like young and beautiful…”

Lin Qingyu: “…”

Seeing Lin Qingyu’s expression of “the f*ck I believe you”, Lu Wancheng chuckled and said, “Qingyu, I really am afraid.”

Lin Qingyu was quiet for a while and then said patiently, “After the Mid-Autumn Festival, is the Imperial hunting party. Right now, the crown prince and all the other princes should be out in the hunting grounds, accompanying the Emperor. I won’t run into them.” 

Hearing this, Lu Wancheng felt a little relieved. “Are you sure?”

“En.” Every year in autumn, his father would be part of the accompany retinue. This, he remembered very clearly.

Lu Wancheng breathed a sigh of relief. “Then, go. Make a good impression in front of the Empress and come back quickly.”

Lin Qingyu and the mother and daughter pair shared a carriage to the palace. It was not difficult to see that Liang Shi and Lu Niantao had both dressed up very meticulously. Liang Shi had swept away her former disheartened state. She was dressed in official court clothes; refined, graceful and poised. Lu Niantao wore smoky blue skirts of silk. She was like a Lotus flower just appearing above the water; appearing fresh and clean enough to move those who saw her. 

The carriage came to a stop the gate of the palace. They had to go the rest of the way on foot. Lin Qingyu looked up at the plaque high atop the palace gate — A year ago, he never would have imagined that the first time he would be entering the palace would be as a male wife.

The three followed after the eunuch who was leading the way to Fengyi Palace. Eunuch Feng, whisk in hand, was there to greeted them. “Madam, Shaojun, Young Miss, you’re all here. Please follow this servant in.”

In the main hall of Fengyi Palace, Lin Qingyu met the mother of the Dayu, Empress Wen.

Empress Wen and Liang Shi were similar in age. Though getting on in the years, but as the mother of the country, her imposing manner was unmatched by anyone. She invited the three of them to sit and she exchanged lukewarm greetings with Liang Shi before she turned her focus on Lin Qingyu. 

With such features and bearing, though he was born ordinary, he did indeed make a good match for her sister’s only son.

Empress Wen said, “I heard that Wancheng’s body has improved a lot since you married into the Hou’s Mansion. It seems my request to the Emperor to bestow this marriage upon you two was not made in vain.”

Like it was some great favor.

In his heart, Lin Qingyu was absolutely disgusted. But he knew that the palace was different from the Hou’s mansion, and right now, in front of the Empress, the only thing he could do was to endure. 

Empress Wen spoke again, “Are you the one looking after Wancheng’s health now?”

Lin Qingyu caught a whiff of the unique incense of Fengyi Palace and said, “Yes.”

Empress Wen nodded approvingly. “As expected of the son of Lin Yuan Pan.”

Empress Wen’s words all revolved around Lu Wancheng. Save for the initial courtesy, she never said a word to the mother and daughter pair. Mother and daughter were left out in the cold, but they had to maintain respectful smiles on their faces. 

As they were talking, Eunuch Feng came in and reported, “Empress, His Royal Highness, the crown prince, is heading towards the Fengyi Palace. He must be coming to pay his respects.”

Lin Qingyu frowned slightly — Why would the crown prince appear in Fengyi Palace at this time?

Empress Wen too had the same question. “Didn’t the crown prince go hunting with the Emperor?”

Eunuch Feng said, “The Emperor accidentally caught a cold and returned early.” 

Although the crown prince was borne by Concubine Chen, the Empress was his dimu, after all. When he returned from going out, he naturally wanted to come to Fengyi Palace first to greet her.

Lin Qingyu was not at all afraid of seeing the crown prince but since Lu Wancheng didn’t want him to see him then he wouldn’t.

Lin Qingyu got up and said, “Since the crown prince is here, we shall be taking our leave first.”

Lu Niantao opened her mouth, as though to say something. Empress Wen nodded in agreement and asked Eunuch Feng to guide them out of Fengyi Palace. 

Walking out of Fengyi Palace, Lin Qingyu saw a young man, with a jade crown on his head and donning dark-colored dragon-pattered robes, coming from a distance. He immediately picked up his pace. Lu Niantao, who was with him, said, “Why is Sister-in-law in such a hurry to leave? The Crown Prince is right in front of us. Would it not be rude if we don’t go to greet him and pay our respects?”

Lin Qingyu said coldly, “And you, an unmarried girl, taking the initiative to greet him, would be considered polite?”

Lu Niantao was shamed into silence, her face flushing red. And yet, it was as though she had grown roots under her feet and she was unwilling to take another step. Because of her delay, the crown prince had already arrived in front of them and Lin Qingyu was left with no choice but to salute with Eunuch Feng. “Greetings to Your Royal Highness.”

The prince possessed an outstanding appearance. He was handsome and refined. Moreover, as the heir to the throne, he had a distinguished status. It was no wonder that Lu Niantao has such designs. 

Towering above them, the crown prince looked down at them. His eyes swept past Liang Shi and Lu Niantao, falling on Lin Qingyu. “Who are you? How are you able to visit the imperial harem?”

Eunuch Feng said, “Your Highness, this is the Nan’an Hou Mansion’s Shaojun, Lin Yuan Pan’s son, Lin Shi.”

“Shaojun,” the prince narrowed his eyes, “That male wife?”


The crown prince said with great interest, “Look up.”

Lin Qingyu: “…”

“Didn’t you hear me talking to you?”

I can’t hear you; go away. 

Lin Qingyu took a deep breath. Eyes lowered, he slowly raised his head.

The crown prince caught sight of the teardrop mole at the corner of his eye and his pupils suddenly shrank, his breathing becoming rapid.

Eunuch Feng has been in the palace for many years and he was accustomed to discerning a person’s thoughts from their body language. He reminded quietly, “Crown Prince, the Empress is waiting for you.”

It was as though the crown price woke up from a dream. He realized his gaffe, but his eyes remained firmly locked on Lin Qingyu. “What is your name?” 

“…Lin Qingyu.”

“Lin Qingyu.” The corner of the crown prince’s lips ticked up and he said with a half-smile, “I’ll remember you.” After saying so, he turned around and entered the Fengyi Palace.

Suddenly, Lin Qingyu felt that Lu Wancheng’s “Qingyu is my entire passion.” didn’t sound so greasy.

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