Marrying the Adorable Ghost Duchess

Chapter 1: The Ghost Duchess

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The sound of a pen scratching against paper filled the silent room. Rapid strokes coupled with brief pauses and the sound of scribbling set a strange yet comfortable rhythm. A fire crackled in the corner, throwing out sparks and sending shadows dancing across the room. A loud slam echoed through the room, followed by a relieved sigh.

Raven, the third son of the Blackheart Duchy, had finally finished matters regarding the company. Brother will be pleased, he thought idly. He leaned  over the chair, cracking his back. His lean, muscular figure made a ‘C’ over the back of his chair and yet another relieved sigh echoed through the room. Just as he was about to get up from his desk, the door to his room was thrown open and cold air gushed into the room. Raven’s deep purple eyes reflected his irritation, and he swept his dark hair out of his face to get a better look at whichever bastard barged in so rudely. “Who the hell dared to… Aw screw me man what now?” Of course one of his older brothers had to show his ugly face right as he was about to take a break. “Your timing is impeccable Zachary. Do you practice being this much of an arse or does it come naturally? I can’t even fathom how my sister-in-law Nephilia deals with you. What an angel, you really are blessed to have someone who can tolerate your miserable face.”

A dull chuckle, “What a mouth my younger brother has. Truly how ungrateful. I was being considerate and didn’t want to disturb you when you were working so hard. And I’ll have you know that dear sister-in-law is the one who’s blessed. A specimen as fine as mine is hard to come by don’t you know?” The giant man who walked in gestured at his lower waist. He stood so tall that he had to hunch over to pass through the door frame. His shoulders were like boulders, and his eyes were the same iridescent purple as Raven’s. If one were to compare Raven to his brother, Raven would look like a dwarf, yet he was significantly taller and more muscular than most men his age.

“Shameless. How utterly shameless,” Raven said in an exaggerated manner, inflating his tone and voice to sound like he was truly disgusted. He threw his head back in a dramatic fashion and covered his face. “So,” his voice became cut and dry and the previous irritation disappeared. His brother would never bother him during a break unless it was for an emergency. “What’s the issue? Is it the Aurelium venture? I have a backup set of-”

“Oh shut up, it has nothing to do with your Aurelium venture. We both know that none of your business ideas will ever fail. Before that, how the hell did you know it was me? For god’s sake even Mother and Father couldn’t, hell!. They still can’t tell the difference between me and Zane, yet you somehow do. What’s the point in being an identical twin if you can’t mess with your family.”

“Zachary, seriously enough. What’s the issue right now, I’m busy.”

“A marriage proposal came in. I think you should-”

“Enough. I told you already I won’t consider an arranged marriage. I want to marry for love and-”

“It’s from the Ghost Duchess.”

“What does that have to do with, wait, wait a fucking minute, who did you just say its from?”

“The Ghost Duchess. Sent. You. A. Marriage. Proposal. She’s waiting for your response”



The Ghost Duchess. Contrary to her name, the Duchess was not a ghost. In fact, she was young. Barely 20 years old, the same as Raven. The reason she was called a Ghost Duchess was because she was completely pale. Her skin, they said, was as hollow and translucent as a phantom, and her eyes were blood red. However, it was not just these traits that lead to her being called the Ghost Duchess. When she was 15 years old, her family was traveling when due to a mechanical issue, the carriage they were traveling broke down in the Forbidden Woods. Of course, as a Dukal family themselves, the Lupierze Family had an entourage of a few dozen guards. However, in one night, not only her entire family, but the entire entourage of guards, the carriages, the luggage, everything was either destroyed or dead.

The only one who survived was Anayla Lupierze. By sheer luck she had gotten extremely ill and the family had decided to go without her. She inherited the title of Duke, albeit only temporarily and under a heavy set of technicalities. Not once during 5 years had she shown her face outside, which led to horrific rumors being spread by the people. “I bet she’s just a ghost, and everyone in the Lupierze Family is dead already. She just appears as a specter and haunts the manor… No, I bet she was always a ghost, and she cursed her family to die so she could take over the manor”

People commonly referred to her as the walking curse. A demoness who cursed anyone who scorned her. She had previously tried to discuss marriage with several families, yet no one could stomach their fear enough for their ambition to become a Duke to come to fruition. He only knew about this because the nobility had gossiped about it, laughing behind her back about how “...such a creepy woman would want to marry into our family. As if we would let that woman taint her. Oh ho ho ho.” Everyone in the Blackheart Duchy hated the nobility, especially for reasons like this, Raven especially. It was part of the reason he dealt exclusively with commoners and left the nobility bullshit to his older brothers. Yet as much as he hated to admit it, the rumors about her were starting to get to him. In fact, Raven was very, very nervous. And now, that anomaly of a woman was coming to the Blackheart Duchy to discuss marriage with him.

“Damn it! Someone prepare the tea set! Goddamnit the Ghost Duchess is about to arrive in a few minutes, what will we do if she curses us dammit.” The butler, usually a calm and collected man, was now visibly panicking. The Duchess had announced that she would be coming even before they had sent a response letter, and now Linea was sitting in the parlor room with Zayn and his wife Tanya who were trying to keep his stress down and Zachary and his wife Nephlia preparing everything for the visit.

Tanya, who was standing next to Zayn, was trying to ease Raven, “Calm down Raven, you do understand we are the Blackheart-”

“Man what the hell is the Blackheart Duchy gonna do if she curses me.” Although it sounded like a joke, it wasn’t. Raven was uncomfortable, and beads of sweat trickled down his head. He had never dealt with this kind of situation before. Heck, he didn’t even have experience with women, much less a Ghost Woman.

“My god Raven, look at yourself. What a disgrace.” His brother's previously disinterested face twisted into one of disgust and disappointment. “Do you understand what you’re doing? You’re no better than the trash out there. Believing rumors willy nilly about a woman you’ve never met. You know what she’s been through don’t you? Her entire family is dead, and you want to go around treating her like she’s some kind of disease?”

His older brother grabbed his skull with a single hand and roughly pulled it up. Raven could feel his body stretch from the force as his bones popped. Rarely if ever did either of his twin brothers get this angry. Zayn’s purple eyes glared into his, and his huge body hunched over as if threatening to crush Raven’s smaller stature. “Listen here, if you show that woman any disrespect, and I mean any disrespect, I will kill you before she can curse you, do you understand me?”

As Raven dangled from his brother's iron grip, Tanya was going mental trying to calm Zayn down. “Zayn, what on Earth are you doing, put him down! Zayn! That’s not appropriate right now!”

Zayn completely ignored his wife and continued glaring at Raven. “I ASKED YOU, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?” Raven snapped out of his daze.

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“Of course.” He shook off his brother's hand and dropped back to the couch. He casually dusted himself off, his confidence returning to him. “Forgive me, I don’t know what came over me.”

“Oh my God Zayn what is wrong with you, how dare you treat your brother like that, you maniac!” She was smacking Zayn with all her force, in fact so hard that her blond hair was flying everywhere. Although her fist bounced off his giant brother, he knew that Tanya had other ways of taking revenge. Tanya and Nephilia were quite literally the sisters he never had. After all, his brothers’ ‘playfulness’ had decreased significantly.

Although he knew watching Zayn begging for Tanya’s forgiveness would be funny Raven knew what his brother did was right. “Sister-in-law, please forgive Zayn. For me. I completely deserved it.”

Tanya’s attention refocused on Raven again and her ocean blue eyes glazed over with worry. “...still, wasn’t that too much?”

“No, no, it was necessary.” Raven frowned. “That kind of behavior is an embarrassment to the Duchy and myself. He bowed to both of them and repeated: “Forgive me”

His brother puffed out his chest, “Of course, I will graciously forgive you.”

Tanya glared at him. “Mock him again. I dare you.”

“Mmmm, sorry”

She scoffed and left the parlor room calling out to him tossing her blond hair over her shoulder: “If it hurts don’t feel ashamed to see the physician.”

His older brother watched her leave. “Man I’m gonna get hell for that amn’t I.”

Raven grimaced. “Sorry.”

His brother shrugged. “Whatever, I did what needed to be done, the Duchess should be here any second. Treat her with kindness, and even if she is a demon she won’t curse you. Anyway, good luck.”

Raven smirked, his panic and stress gone. “I don’t need luck.” His brother gave him a smile and followed his wife out with a wave. He heaved out a sigh. Really, since when had he stooped so low as to act like that. He pressed his hands to his head. Now all that was left to do was to wait for the Ghost Duchess, no, Raven corrected himself in his mind. The Duchess. He winced as he rubbed his sore neck.


Raven knew she was coming when he heard the tak tak tak of heels. Crisp, polished steps. He felt a bead of sweat trickle down his face. Zayn’s words flashed through his mind over and over again. He puffed out his chest, set his back ram-rod straight. He would face this woman with dignity and respect. He wouldn’t dare disrespect her, no he wouldn’t even think disrespectful thoughts. He recalled the words he said to Tanya and Zayn. Indeed, I will not disgrace the Duchy or myself with my oh my god she’s so sexy what the fuuuuuuuuu….

Gorgeous silver hair fluttered down to the small of her black. Skin as pale and pristine as snow, complemented by eyes as red as rubies. A face as perfect as a summer's day, with wide eyes and a small nose, and beautifully adorable lips that were as redder than any makeup he had ever seen. My god that dress… Raven wasn’t one for fashion, yet as he gazed at that beautiful black dress that complemented her perfect chest and rounded out over her waist, and that exposed collar bone combined with her slim nape, he could only salivate in a stupefied silence. He let out a dumb “Uhhhh” as she walked in the room and sat down on the sofa across for him.

She gave a small smile and quickly dismissed the butler who had been trailing behind her. With a calm and controlled expression and the sweetest voice he had ever heard, she turned to him and said “Thank you for the consideration. I prefer conversations in absolute privacy. Pleasure to meet you Raven Blackheart. I am Anayla Lupierze, the Duchess of Lupierze.” Mmmmmmhhahahhaha her voice is so nice, ah I got goosebumps… She tilted her head slightly, gazing at him as she waited for an answer.

Raven snapped out of his daze and quickly tucked away the growing tent in his pants in one subtle move as he leaned forward. “Yes, it is indeed a pleasure to meet you Duchess Lupierze. Forgive me for my previous rudeness, I was merely surprised.” As soon as the words left his mouth Raven wanted to smack himself in the face. What the hell was that supposed to mean, ‘I was surprised’. Could he be any more inconsiderate? Scrambling to fix his mistake: “No that’s not what I-”

“No, it’s quite alright. I’m used to the staring.” She said in a tone a tad bit colder than before. A lot of people find me strange. That coupled with my past… Well that’s besides the point.” She waved her hand as if dismissing the matter. “Anyway, regarding my presence here I-”

“No!” Raven all but shouted. Quickly calming herself after seeing Anayla’s surprise, he lowered his voice. “No, not at all. I don’t think you look strange. In fact, I think you’re beautiful.” Anayla’s cheeks flushed and her smile faltered. “I…um thank you, but flattery is not-”

“It’s not flattery!” Crap, he raised his voice again. Quieting down his voice again “It’s not flattery, you are really beautiful.” He leaned closer towards her his eyes shining as he gazed at her. She was so… perfect. “Your skin is like snow, so pure white and pristine. It’s nothing like what people say. And your eyes, they glisten like rubies. I can’t even imagine how stupid the person who said they looked like blood was.” He began raising his voice as he went on a passionate spiel. “I could stare at them for eternity. And your hair looks like God himself grabbed moonlight and blessed you with it. You…” He stammered off before delivering a finishing blow, “I’ve… I’ve never seen a woman as beautiful as you before.” Raven paused for a second. Oh my god what did I just say.

“Hah…uh…um…I don’t…” Anayla let out a strange whimpering sound as her face, from her chin to the tips of her ears turned a bright red. Her previously calm expression had completely crumbled and she looked almost giddy with embarrassment. And as she hid her face behind her hands, she reminded Raven of an adorable child, too embarrassed to admit they were happy being complicated. Raven’s brain was now completely fried as the only thought he had was: cuuuutttteee. It was only natural as most of his blood flow was currently being diverted elsewhere. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms and pinch her cheeks. He wondered what it would feel like if he ran his tongue right up her exposed collar bone. God help him, he wanted to bite those lips. What would her voice sound like if she was moaning his name? No, before that did she scream or moan? Aaahhhh imagine her screaming my name. His heart burned with desire, as if it was screaming Mine! He could feel his erection rage against the seams of his tailored clothing, as he hunched over and buried his head in his hands. What is wrong with me?

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