Marrying the Adorable Ghost Duchess

Chapter 5: Bathing [18+]

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NSFW: Explicit Sexual Content 


Anayla stared at Raven, not comprehending what he just said. “What do you mean, I can’t bathe alone?”


“I mean I will be there when you bathe.”


“...” Anyala said nothing only, staring at him as he sat in the chair. She ignored him and walked out of the room. She could feel him follow behind her, pestering her with questions. Water, just get the water. She walked unsteadily down to the main courtyard and knelt down beside the well to begin filling up the water.


“Woah, woah, woah, what do you think you’re doing?” She felt as Raven pulled her back from the well. 


She struggled frantically in his grip, her face turning another shade of red as she imagined the eyes of the servants on her. “Leave me alone!”


“Hahhhhh, you do realize you have lost a tremendous amount of blood? As if I’m going to let you do anything involving physical exertion.” He gently, but firmly pushed her away from the well, and knelt down himself, proceeding to draw water. 


Anayla held her desire to let out a frustrated groan as she felt her face turn even brighter red. She wished the ground would open and swallow her whole. She gazed around as she fiddled with her hands trying to appear busy as Raven did most of the work she should have been doing.


He turned towards her. “Are you sure you should be waiting in the sun? It might be stressful for you.” 


“I-I’m fine, pl…pl...please don’t bother” She bowed her head trying to hide her face. Why is my stutter so bad!?


“Hmmmm, I’ll have the doctor check on you again just to make sure.” 8 heavy buckets of water were suspended from a pole hung across his shoulders. They swayed slightly as he got up. She reached forward to assist him, but quickly realized she would be of little help. She could barely lift 2 buckets of water normally, and that was when she hadn’t been in bed for an entire week. 


“There’s really no need…” Having Raven fuss over her like this was really not good for her heart. She followed behind him like a child at the street markets would with their mothers. The only part missing was that she wasn’t holding his hand. For some strange reason, she felt an urge to grab on to his hand, just to complete her mental image, but seeing as his were currently busy balancing the water, an intense sense of disappointment filled her. 


At least there weren't any servants to see me like this. She thought to herself miserably as she watched Raven, the prominent muscles in his back rippling as he lifted one bucket after another into a pot near the fireplace. He was heating up the water for her. Some rather… scandalous thoughts flitted through her mind as she hurriedly turned away and tried to purify her mind. 


What does he think of me after seeing this? A noble woman who bathed herself in a tub like this… All kinds of questions filtered through her head. She wished she could hide. She wished she could throw the tub away and pretend like she always bathed in the large luxurious bath that sat in the center of the bathroom. 


Does he think I’m a disgrace or a disappointment? She chuckled to herself bitterly. Probably both


Finally, Raven picked up the giant pot with clothed hands and dumped it into the tub. The hot water gave off thick steam. He stretched his back as he stood, “My god that’s a pain.” He turned towards her with a wry smile. “Remind me to increase the salaries of the bath maids.” They both stood there staring at each other. 


“Well,” Raven said, “aren’t you going to get in.”



How the hell had she gotten into this situation? How, how, how, how, how, how. Anayla’s brain, already exhausted by the embarrassment earlier in the day, was now completely short circuiting. Currently, Anayla was leaning over hugging her knees as Raven was running her hair through his fingers as he gently washed her scalp.


That bastard sweet talked me into this! At first, he didn’t touch her. Hell, he didn’t even look at her. He turned away politely as she stripped out of her nightdress, and he sat beside her on a low stool glancing at her every few seconds making sure she wasn’t passed out. He didn’t even try to peek over the high back of the bathtub that hid her body from view. 


Everything was fine for the first few minutes. She and Raven chatted for a bit about the state of the Duchy. His polite attitude and calm behavior meant she acclimatized to his presence. I bet this was his plan all along… When she tried to wash her back, she had difficulty getting her arms up above her head without feeling dizzy, especially due to the lack of exercise and blood. Raven, noticing this, offered to help her, which for some godforsaken reason,she accepted. 


Before she even realized what exactly she had just accepted, and from whom, Raven had immediately lunged forward, grabbing the soap from her. If someone were to ask her if such speed were possible in a human, she would have laughed in their face. 


It was disgusting, uncomfortable, and unpleasant. As his strong hand gently massaged the soap into her scalp, she let out a low sensual moan. It is disgusting, uncomfortable and unpleasant…, disgusting, uncomfortable and unpleasant, disgusting, uncomfortable and unpleasant


She could feel as her body began to heat up, and a strange throbbing emanated from between her legs. She found herself glancing at Raven’s arms, or his chest, or… in-between his legs. She could distinctly make out a large bulge. Although she didn’t have any experience in relationships between a man and a woman, she was not naive. She knew what happened on wedding nights, and she found herself strangely excited by the fact that Raven reacted like that to her. She blushed and hid her face again, but quickly found herself glancing back at Raven, this process repeating multiple times.


Raven, as polite as he was, took no notice, or if he did, simply didn’t mention it. For that she was grateful. Here she was, after being taken care of for a week like a disobedient child, thinking of things like this. She felt Raven trickle water over her hair as he massaged the last vestiges of soap from her scalp. 


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She felt his hands leave her body, and she could feel herself getting upset. Of course he wouldn’t want to touch me any longer than he had to. “Thank you for wash- EEP!” 


She felt her torso pulled back from where it had been resting on her knees. Wha-What's going on! She turned to look at Raven only to realize he had begun washing her front.


“No, no, no! I’m good. I can wash myself from here! No need to strain yourself!” She tried desperately to wrestle the soap from his hands, only to be shaken off. 


“Relax.” He said, as he brushed her hands away. “Just relax,” he said, smiling at her. She could feel herself melt under that gaze. It was so kind, so gentle, and it made her heart squeeze and face redden. Of course, she didn’t have the luxury of hiding her reddened cheeks as he gently leaned forward and tipped her head back so he could begin soaping down her chin and neck. Long, gentle strokes. He-He’s so close! Raven’s face was only a few centimeters away. She gazed at him, her eyes trembling, but his concentration was focused solely on cleaning her off. She felt her arms wrap around her breasts, pressing them into her chest, protecting them from Raven’s gaze. 


But that hardly stopped him. He pried apart her arms despite her whimpers, gently rubbing the bar of soap over her left nipple, then her right, taking time and paying attention to each of them equally. Another low moan escaped as he rinsed the sudss off her stiff nipples. The sensation of his rough hands brushing over the sensitive flesh sent electricity coursing through her body. What disgraceful sounds I’m making! Yet, every touch made the throbbing a hundred-fold worse. 


She should ask him to stop. I really should ask him to stop… Yet she found herself saying the exact opposite. “More, please… give me more…” She felt his hands becoming rougher against her body, now pinching and rubbing her nipples between his thick fingers. “Aungghh… ahhhhhhh… mmmmffff.” Raven was now staring into her eyes as he rubbed her breasts. What beautiful eyes… she thought through her haze of lust. She could feel her wet arms coil around Raven’s arms as they toyed with her body. 


Raven leaned forward and kissed her, his boyish stubble tickling the skin around her mouth. She was unsure. How do you kiss someone? At first, they just mashed lips, but his probing tongue prized her mouth open. She could feel it brush against her teeth, stroke up and down the length of her tongue. This feels nice… she thought as another moan escaped her when she leaned back for a breath. The throbbing between her legs now felt insatiable. She clenched her thighs together in an effort to alleviate the sensation, but instead that intensified it. She needed him, she needed him there. “Lower… please…  go lower…” She heard herself say as Raven began kissing her collar bone. He pinched the flesh over the bone and rubbed it between his teeth. I can’t take it anymore…


But Raven didn’t seem to care about her agitation. He grabbed the soap again, now rubbing down her stomach down to the inner ‘v’ between her thighs. Lower, lower, please… go lower… She wasn’t sure anymore if these were just thoughts in her head or things she was saying. Her whole mind felt foggy, unable to register anything but Raven’s hands and the now dreadful throbbing between her legs. She pulled Raven’s face back up with her left hand and kissed him, the evidence of his lust she felt in the intensity of his response. Her right hand tried grabbing at the crotch of his pants, which now resembled a rather large tent, but it was caught before it could make any progress and pinned to her side. Inside, a mixture of joy and irritation coursed through her. Joy from undeniable proof that there was someone who not only didn’t consider her hideous but was actively lusting after her, but also irritation as she really wanted to feel how big she’d made him.


She pulled her head back, ready to beg him to relieve her, but Raven didn’t let her get a word in before his tongue invaded her mouth again. She felt her head bump back onto the lip of the tub as she lay there pinned, unable to satisfy her carnal desire and unable to ask Raven to do it for her. Raven’s free hand wrapped around over her back and shoulder, rubbing against her bare skin, mocking her with its touch but refusing to let her move. She writhed and convulsed under his grip, her hips bucking as she tried to draw Raven’s hand, but it remained stubbornly doing its duty as it scrubbed her belly. She could feel herself struggling to breathe. She tried to push Raven’s head away only to no avail. Finally, she ripped her own face away by lifting her body up and arching her head back and over the lip of the tub. As she tasted blessed oxygen, Raven’s mouth moved lower, choosing now to busy itself with her breasts, which were no longer submerged under the water. She felt his voracious tongue flick across a nipple and his teeth bite down on it. 


She heard a loud noise, a cross between a scream and moan. Obscene, how obscene. “Haaah… haaahh…” Her mouth fell open and her breaths became heavy. She felt a strand of saliva hang from her open mouth. She saw Raven raise his head from her chest and gaze back into her eyes. They were just as clouded by lust as hers, partially obscured by his thick black hair. She felt as his hand moved lower and lower, and his fingertips rested just outside her entrance. A lustful “Yessssssshhhhhhh…” escaped through her teeth. Her arms, still coiled around Raven’s arm, had soaked his shirt, but neither of them seemed to care. He just watched her, as he moved his fingers from the bottom of her slit to the top. He’s teasing me… She bucked her hips again, and she let out a squeal as she felt a finger finally enter. It was just the tip of his middle finger, yet it still made her feel dizzy. Without consciously doing it, she spread her legs like a common whore. She watched his giant hand hover over her entrance unmoving. Please… please go deeper.


After an agonizing few seconds, she watched as Raven’s middle finger disappeared into her folds. Yet the throbbing still remained, only intensifying. She could feel her heartbeat as she clenched around his finger. She watched as it moved in and out of her, her mind caving as she gave in to the pleasure. Her heady moans filled the room as Raven whispered sweet nothings to her, his eyes never once leaving her face. “Auggh!” Raven’s other fingers applied delicious pressure as they pressed at the area a bit above her entrance. She could feel them as they pleasured her.


Raven’s eyes were roaming all over her body, but she didn’t care. In fact, she liked it a lot. The way she was exposing herself was so obscene, so undignified that it made her feel even hotter. There was also that sense of pride, she had caused him to be like this. She could feel her nipples stiffen even further as Raven pulled her violently out of the bath, plopping her on his knee. Water went everywhere, but Raven didn’t seem to mind. He pulled her naked body in and wrapped himself around her. She could feel her back flush against his chest, her soft round buttocks molding itself against his muscular thighs. At the same time, she felt the colder air of the room vividly through her nipples and flaming hot sex. She felt herself spread her legs again, giving Raven’s freedom to penetrate her. 


Loud squelching noises filled the room as Raven’s fingers pleasured her again and again, rubbing her clit and circling inside her soft folds. She felt Raven’s free hand grip onto her left nipple, pinching it harder than before, while his mouth descended on her other nipple, biting down. The contrast between pleasure and pain made a fragrant juice leak from her, lubricating her already soaking wet sex even further and releasing a mild musky scent. She could feel Raven take deep whiffs as he cradled her. She sat in his arms enjoying his obvious worship of her body even though deep inside, in that corner of her mind that wasn’t completely overtaken by the stimulation, she felt mortified enough to die. 


A strange sensation began to overtake her. She could feel a light pressure build and then release, all the while she remained bouncing on Raven’s leg. She writhed against Raven, her naked flesh grinding into his clothing. The lust cleared from her mind for just long enough for her to ask herself, ‘what the hell am I doing?’ before promptly returning.


Raven, however, did not stop. Every time his finger dipped into her, she felt hot juices leak out, to the point where she wasn’t sure if it was water soaking Raven’s clothing or her. His hand continued the same hypnotic rhythm, pressing into and against her as Raven’s mouth and fingers continued to work her breasts. She hadn’t noticed before, but Raven’s pants were chafing against her ass in a delightful way. She felt her body flush as the pressure began to crescendo inside her. She threw back her head, exposing her nape to Raven and let out another loud moan. She felt a second finger enter her, spreading her already tight pussy, violently increasing the building pleasure. She let her tongue hang out as hot moans left her mouth, only for Raven to snatch it up in his. She could feel vibrations from the fingers that entered her, bouncing her newly freed, saliva coated breast. 


Finally, the pressure broke. Her body violently convulsed against Raven’s as pleasure she never imagined was possible spread from in between her legs to the tips of her fingers. She let out a loud scream and she closed her eyes, reveling in ecstasy, all the while the pair of Raven’s fingers continued to beat their rhythm into her entrance. 


As the pleasure faded away, all that remained was Anayla’s trembling body and a sense of immeasurable satisfaction. She gazed down at Raven’s fingers, still stroking inside her, dripping with the thick, viscous juice that she had leaked. She watched as he withdrew them with a loud SHLORP. Strands of herself dripped down from his fingers, stretching out from between them. She watched, far too exhausted to be embarrassed, as he made a show of licking his fingers, sucking every last drop off of his fingers, a teasing smirk on his face. 


Anayla, not one to be outdone, turned to face him and initiated a deep kiss, wrapping herself around him, intertwining her body with his as she straddled him and drank herself off his tongue. As she pulled away, a strand of saliva connected their lips. She let out a sultry smile, and then promptly collapsed. 



Raven’s POV:


Raven held Anayla’s limp body, as he trembled. He didn't know what came over him, but he was happy with the end result. He had been careful enough with his fingers to keep her purity intact. That was something he was planning to take on their wedding night, but there was a lot they could still do in the meantime. His face flushed with the thought. He kissed her forehead and brushed her silver hair off her face. He winced and doubled over as the horrific pain of his throbbing erection made itself known. His eyes roamed over Anayla’s naked body as she lay drained in his lap. One of her breasts was dripping saliva, the nipple and the area around sporting evidence of his nipping teeth. Her other breast was a vivid red from being toyed with for far too long. Her entrance, now distinctly swollen, was leaking all over his neglected organ. 


Although the show she put on as she orgasmed had done wonders for his ego, it had yet to satiate his greed for her. He gently readjusted her so he had enough space to pull down his trousers. His erection sprang up. Several veins were visibly pronounced and they throbbed angrily as if begging him to do the deed. Not today little guy, not today. He gently inserted his fingers and retrieved the last of her juices. He quietly admired his glistening fingers before reaching down and lubricating his tightly stretched skin with it. Making sure he had an unobstructed view of Anayla, he began to stroke himself. He gazed at her limp body, imagining himself plowing through it. Images of her underneath him, gasping and moaning as she begged him to go deeper rampaged through his mind as his hand pumped faster and faster. His breathing turned heavy as he could feel a pressure building in his balls. He forced himself to stop right before the pressure broke. There was no way he was going to finish using his hand. He carefully lowered Anayla back in the bathtub, rousing her in doing so. She turned around, gazing at his throbbing member with curiosity. She cautiously reached out and touched it gently, giggling when Raven let out a low moan. 


He stripped off his clothes and climbed in behind Anayla, then gently pulled her onto his lap, her naked back flush against his chest as she moved her head resting just under his, leaning a bit onto his shoulder. He opened her legs, inserting his erection in between her thighs up against her pussy and then encouraged her to close her legs again before beginning to pump as she squeezed him in between her thighs. His hands groped at her breasts and played with her nipples as the pressure once again began to build from the friction, this time amplified by her soft white flesh and juices. She watched him move as she gave contented sighs. Like a burst dam, the pressure exploded. Thick hot jet of white semen spurted over her, covering her tits, her stomach and thighs. His ragged breaths eased as he relaxed, as Anayla eased her body further into his. He nipped at her ears and gently licked her nape. For a few seconds, he didn’t move, he just enjoyed feeling her soft skin against his as she looked up and gazed lovingly into his eyes. One of her hands reached up and gently cupped his cheek. 


I should wash her off before it dries…

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