Marrying the Imperial Elder

Chapter 16: 16

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Chapter 16: It tops ten years of studying

Old Madame Zhen did not want to hurt her granddaughter’s self-esteem. Yet, despite not saying anything, when she squinted her eyes and looked at Zhen Ting Yun how could her intent be incomprehensible?

Zhen Ting Yun, “…” Somehow, I feel despised… What am I to do?! 

In the end, that was her grandmother. Even if Old Madame Zhen scorned her, Zhen Ting Yun could not directly question her about it. Thus, she made up her mind that she would study hard and do exceptionally. She would let Old Madame Zhen understand the true meaning of the saying, ‘a scholar who went away for three days must be looked at with new eyes’1.

At that moment, Zhen Ting Yun’s determination to master the flute increased even more.

Early next morning, after Zhen Ting Yun finished writing five large characters in Yuan Hui’s room, she immediately brought out the two bamboo flutes. She prepared to give Yuan Hui the new one while she used the previous one. 


However, Yuan Hui only gave it a glance without reaching out to receive it. Instead, he asked her, “Since you’ve just completed practicing your calligraphy, your muscles will be too tense. Hence, it’s unsuitable to be practicing recreational instruments. Let’s take a break first.”

After a slight pause, he seemed to recall something else and questioned, “By the way, I had you purchase a tea set yesterday, have you managed to buy it?”

Zhen Ting Yun nodded.

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Zwyd Twk vbld kdpvawnvle, “Tyhl kv caswtbv shla. R’zz vlynb usw bso vs calo vly qkapv. Gqvla ol’hl bye psxl vly yde alzymle y zkvvzl, vbld ol nyd xshl sd vs raynvknkdt vbl qzwvl.”

Hbld Mkdt Zwd plnalvzu nwpple Zwyd Twk qsa clkdt vaswczlpsxl. Jwv jdsokdt vbyv lkvbla oyu, pbl oswze pvkzz dlle vs zlyad csvb vbl qzwvl yde vbl yav sq calokdt vly, pbl dseele yde vwadle vs kdpvawnv Nkw Fbwd vs cakdt vbl vly plv shla. 

Gp vbl vly plv oyp ekpnallvzu cswtbv wpkdt vbl tsze kdtsv tkhld cu Zwyd Twk, vbkp xyvvla bye vs cl bkeeld qasx Xze Yyeyxl Hbld. Mbwp obld Hbld Mkdt Zwd yde Nkw Fbwd caswtbv vbl vly plv shla, vblu eke kv pvlyzvbkzu yp vbswtb vblu olal eskdt yd wdelataswde vaydpynvksd, qlyakdt vbyv vblu oswze yvvaynv Xze Yyeyxl Hbld’p yvvldvksd.

Oprlnkyzzu obld kv nyxl vs vbl pxyzz pvshl vbyv oyp wple vs cskz oyvla. Wsavwdyvlzu, Nkw Fbwd oyp wple vs xydwyz zycsa, pbl xydytle vs bywz kv wrpvykap wpkdt sdl byde okvbswv xyjkdt vss xwnb dskpl.

Zwyd Twk nswze dsv pvyde vs pll vbl pdlyju yrrlyaydnl sq vbspl vos. Fzktbvzu kajle, bl nsxxldvle, “Ms vbspl vbyv esd’v jdso sq vbl pkvwyvksd, vblu oswze vbkdj vbyv usw’al clkdt y vbklq.”

Hbld Mkdt Zwd czkdjle bla aswde yraknsv lulp, zssjkdt hlau yesayczl.

Zlv, okvb y pzktbv vkzv sq bla pxyzz nblaau xswvb, vbl osaep vbyv nyxl swv olal astwkpb, “Rq R’x y vbklq, vbld oswzed’v usw cl y vbklq’p xldvsa?”

Zwyd Twk, “…”

Yuan Hui lightly massaged his eyebrows as he forced himself to calm down. Then he started highlighting important points regarding water used for brewing tea to Zhen Ting Yun. 


“<The Book of Tea> identifies that among all types of water used to brew tea; at the top, water from the mountains; in the middle, water from the rivers; and at the bottom, water from the wells. Water from the mountains is deemed the best because it comes from the milk springs2, where the water does not flow. But of course, rainwater and water from melted snow are considered to be ‘Heaven’s Spring’. Hence, water from those sources is deemed to be rare and exquisite.”

Just then, Liu Shun carried up some water. Zhen Ting Yun casually told him, “It was still raining a few days ago, but it had already stopped. Teacher will have to make do with some well water for now.”

Yuan Hui pursed his lips as he instructed her to boil the water, pour it into the teapot, and pour it out. This was the first step in the art of brewing tea called the first wash. 

Studying the teapot purchased by Zhen Ting Yun, he felt a little affronted, “Unfortunately, it’s not enamel pottery. Porcelain is not good enough.”

Zhen Ting Yun lowered her head as she rinsed out the teapot, pretending to have not heard his words. She did not have the money to buy enamel pottery, even if it was just porcelain, it still cost her money!

Following that, she added the tea leaves and poured another round of boiling water into the pot, before draining it once more.

After a moment of contemplation, Yuan Hui told her, “I’ll take over from here.” 

Zhen Ting Yun thought about it and let him do as he pleased.

Yuan Hui raised his hand as he poured out a stream of water. With a flick of his cuffs, the pot spout was raised and lowered three times while he explained, “This is the ‘Three Nods of the Phoenix’, it represents that respect between host and guest.”

After pouring another round of boiled water into the teapot, he raised his gaze and gestured to Zhen Ting Yun to observe the position of the mouth of the pot. He then slowly picked up the lid of the teapot and used it to lightly brush against the powdered tea leaves floating on the water’s surface.

With his movement, the tea aroma diffused in the air, light and pure.

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He continued, “This is the definition of ‘Brush of the Spring Breeze’.”


Zhen Ting Yun looked like she understood.

Immediately after, Yuan Hui covered the teapot back with its lid and lifted the boiling water to pour it on the teapot.

The hot steam rose like white mist, blurring people’s sight.

Then, Yuan Hui started a series of extremely elegant movements, like moving clouds and flowing water3. With his actions, the tea aroma permeated the air; like a small hook, which tickled people’s hearts and noses. Yuan Hui kept a tranquil expression as he waited until the tea was steeped. Then he poured it into the tea snifters and wanted to place it in front of Zhen Ting Yun.

Yet, Zhen Ting Yun reached out to receive it.

Yuan Hui stopped her, “Don’t rush.”

Zhen Ting Yun blinked, not fully understanding why.

Yuan Hui chuckled as he explained, “Pour the tea from the tea snifter into the teacup first. Carefully take a whiff of the tea fragrance before using three fingers to hold the cup and drink it in three sips4.” 

Zhen Ting Yun followed his instructions and lifted the teacup to take a gentle sniff before she took three slow sips. After she finished her three sips, she felt that she did not manage to taste much of the tea as her mind was filled with Yuan Hui’s pointers. When she regained her senses, she could not help but sigh with a sheepish smile, “So much to take note of that I don’t even remember drinking the tea.”

Yuan Hui did not respond.

Yuan Hui poured himself a cup in passing. He lightly took a whiff before taking a sip, then he replied, “The quality of this tea leaves is poor. If it was high-quality Long Jing5, its fragrance held floral notes of orchid with a crisp vegetal character and deep nuttiness of chestnut, very clean and mellow.”

After leisurely taking a couple more sips of tea, Yuan Hui went on to explain to Zhen Ting Yun, “The art of tea ceremony is not just about brewing and enjoying tea. The seating position, the order of brewing, the action et cetera, must not be messed up. People wouldn’t despise you if you don’t grasp this, but neither would they want to socialize with you.”


“What Teacher said made sense,” Zhen Ting Yun slowly sipped on her cup of tea, savoring its taste. She complimented, “Listening to one sentence of Teacher’s, tops ten years of studying.”

In discontent, Yuan Hui added, “Enough, no need to say such pointless things… Since, we’ve already had tea, pass the flute to me. I’ll teach you first and afterwards, we can finish this pot of tea.” 

Zhen Ting Yun put on a serious front after hearing his words. She bowed and respectfully said, “Thank you for your guidance, Teacher.” 

Yuan Hui was originally a little vexed. Yet, seeing her lowered brows and pleasing eyes, displaying such a well-behaved appearance, his irritation dissipated despite knowing that she was most probably faking it.

Hence, holding the bamboo flute, he lightly tapped it against Zhen Ting Yun’s forehead, revealing a faint smile.


While the atmosphere at Yuan Hui and Zhen Ting Yun’s end was surprisingly relaxed. The group made up of Prince She Zheng’s entourage that was rumored to be departing for the Imperial City was shrouded in frost. 

There were several teams of imperial guards, all looking detached and solemn. Around their waists, they carried long swords, each group taking turns to be on duty. Between the change of shift, they did it soundlessly, but not negligently, sharpened from years of battle. In particular, the chilling auras surrounding the imperial guards were clearly honed through the sea of ​​blood and corpses.

Yet, in this silence, a cold harrumph resounded from the room in the center. 

“I wouldn’t agree!” The young general, Xie Qiu Yan, stood upright beside the table without removing his armor. His face was stern, glaring at the person opposite him. His black eyes looked like they were lit by two clusters of fire, shining surprisingly bright. At that very moment, his blunt expression matched the autumn water long sword hanging around his waist, and his words turned sharper, “As of current, there’s still no news from His Highness, how can we depart?! What’s your ulterior motive for making this suggestion?”

Standing opposite Xie Qiu Yan was a scholar dressed in a pale green robe. Compared to Xie Qiu Yan’s blade-like appearance and words, the scholar’s appearance and temperament were plain and unremarkable, like still water.

On such a cold winter day, the scholar still held a feather fan in his hand, as though there was no need for warmth as long as there was decorum.


The scholar dressed in a pale green robe lightly waved the feather fan, and slowly said, “General, should not fret. This humble one is only thinking of the bigger picture, a scheme to seek life in death6.”

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