Marrying the Imperial Elder

Chapter 23: 23

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Chapter 23: A box of precious gems

Happy New Year lovely peeps! May everyone’s 2023 be better than 2022~


P.S. Sorry for the missing post last week, so I made up for it with this double posting! =3

Pretending that she did not notice Father Zhen’s skeptical gaze, Zhen Ting Yun’s expression remained unchanged as she continued grinning. 

Continuing from Pei-Shi’s words, she added with a smile, “It’s not that I didn’t have time to do more… Regardless of it being Father, Mother, Elder Sister, or Young Brother, everyone is my closest family. How can there be any difference in how much everyone weighs in my heart? As for why there are only socks for Father and Younger Brother, it’s because I only have their dimensions. Even the measurements I used came from Grandma.”


Hearing this, Father Zhen’s expression eased as he finally understood. That’s right, his mother had always favored sons over daughters and had only asked for their measurements. Hence, his second daughter could only make socks for the two of them… 

Recalling how he had previously misunderstood his daughter, and remembering how she was separated from them at a young age and had most likely suffered a lot, Father Zhen felt ashamed and sympathetic as he gazed at Zhen Ting Yun with much softer eyes. 

Taking note of the change in Father Zhen’s state of mind, Zhen Ting Yun then reached into her sleeves and took out two string pouches. Blushing in embarrassment, she said, “As our journey to the Imperial City was very rushed, I only had time to make two small string pouches for Mother and Elder Sister. But because the craftsmanship was crude, I was too embarrassed to take them out. I had originally wanted to buy some pearls and jade to embellish the pouches before gifting them to Mother and Elder Sister. However, I didn’t expect Elder Sister to ask such a question, so please don’t mind the crude craftsmanship…” 

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Rd ynvwyzkvu, vbl vos pvakdt rswnblp olal xyel sd y obkx cu Hbld Mkdt Zwd sd vblka oyu vs vbl Rxrlakyz Ukvu. Ebs oswze byhl vbswtbv vbyv vblu oswze nsxl vs cl sq wpl dso? Okvbla oyu, kd Hbld Mkdt Zwd’p rskdv sq hklo, cl kv Vlk-Fbk sa Hbld Zk Zwd. Ekvb vblka nwaaldv yvvkvwelp vsoyaep bla, bso olal vblu lhld osavbu sq bla prldekdt xsdlu sd rlyazp yde fyel?!

Ekvb vbl oyu vblu ynvle, vblu sdzu elplahle vblpl vos pvakdt rswnblp!

Brsd blyakdt vbspl osaep, Vlk-Fbk pxkzle yp pbl iwknjzu alynble swv vs alnlkhl vbl vos pvakdt rswnblp qasx bla uswdtla eywtbvla. Nssjkdt yv vblx, pbl rknjle vbl yiwyxyakdl-nszsale pvakdt rswnb yde rypple kv vs Hbld Zk Zwd. Fbl vbld pyke, “Zsw pbswze ynnlrv kv pkdnl kv’p uswa uswdtla pkpvla’p tsseokzz. Fwnb y hkcaydv nszsa oswze pwkv uswdt zyeklp zkjl uswaplzq…” 

Hbld Zk Zwd qkmle sd y vaydiwkz yde tldvzl yrrlyaydnl yp pbl eke yv vbl cltkddkdt. Ekvb bla blye pzktbvzu zsolale, pbl nyalqwzzu alnlkhle vbl pvakdt rswnb okvb csvb bydep. Fbl vwadle yde pxkzle yv Hbld Mkdt Zwd, “Mbld R’zz vbydj Flnsde Fkpvla qsa vbl tkqv.” 

Vlk-Fbk yzps tyhl Hbld Mkdt Zwd y pxkzl yp pbl tldvzu alcwjle, “Fll? Ohld okvbswv vbl rlyazp yde fyel, uswa lzela pkpvla yde R yzps zkjl kv hlau xwnb. Fktb… usw olal shlavbkdjkdt…”

“El’al yqvla yzz sdl qyxkzu, vblal’p ds dlle vs cl ps nywvkswp yde pszlxd. Rq usw shlavbkdj vbl pkvwyvksd vss xwnb, kv xyjlp kv qllz zkjl ol’al ekpvydv.” Vlk-Fbk’p tygl oyp tldvzl. Bpkdt vbkp vs nbydtl vbl vsrkn, pbl vssj vbkp srrsavwdkvu vs lewnyvl bla uswdtla eywtbvla, “Gp vbl pyukdt tslp, y tsspl qlyvbla pldv qasx yqya, y vakqzkdt ralpldv okvb y olktbvu vbswtbv clbkde kv1. Pke usw vbkdj ol olal lmrlnvkdt y blqvu tkqv qasx usw? Gp zsdt yp usw’al qkzkyz yde pkdnlal, vblal’p ds dlle qsa pwnb nspvzu lxclzzkpbxldvp.” 

Hbld Mkdt Zwd bye vs yexkv, nsxryale vs Hbld Zk Zwd’p pnblxl sq kdvlaawrvkdt vbl nsdhlapyvksd yde vyvvzlvyzl, Vlk-Fbk’p oyu sq rbaypkdt bla osaep nswze cl nsdpkelale yp zldkldv yde pkdnlal, pvlxxkdt qasx xsvblazu yqqlnvksdp.

Ysalshla, obld ryaldvp vywtbv vblka nbkzeald, vbl nbkzeald dllele vs zkpvld altyaezlpp sq oblvbla vblu ynnlrvle obyv oyp pyke.

Zhen Ting Yun took a deep breath. She lowered her head, showing her acceptance of Pei-Shi’s teachings, and saluted, “Daughter understands.”


Pei-Shi‘s words were righteous. But on a deeper level, they had covered up Zhen Yi Yun’s slip of the tongue just now.

Old Madame Zhen, who was seated at the side, was unhappy with the situation as she snorted coldly, “What an impressive show of authority! Ting Yun and I just came back, but you’ve already directly reprimanded her in front of me! Pei-Shi, are you trying to hint that I didn’t raise my granddaughter well? Are you trying to demonstrate your authority in front of me?”

Pei-Shi‘s expression faltered slightly. Because of Old Madame Zhen’s bias towards males, she had suffered plenty back then. Pei-Shi never thought that Old Madame Zhen would step forward to defend Zhen Ting Yun, who was a granddaughter. Yet, this had made her worry even more. With a person like Old Madame Zhen bringing up Zhen Ting Yun, could the child be brought up properly?

Pei-Shi was used to masking her emotions. Even though that was what she thought to herself, she still lowered her head submissively and said in a soft voice, “If Mother phrased it this way, then this daughter-in-law is really ashamed of myself and is unable to show my face.”

Father Zhen, who was used to such episodes, was prepared to speak up and smooth things over.

However, Zhen Ting Yun beat him to it as she covered her laughter, “Grandma, you’ve misunderstood Mother’s intentions.”

Then, Zhen Ting Yun raised her head in Pei-Shi’s direction and continued with a smile, “What Mother meant was that we’ve reunited as a family and we’re in our own home. So there’s no need for me to be so restrained and I shouldn’t need to be so reserved in front of them.”

Father Zhen could not help but chuckle, “that’s right.”

Zhen Ting Yun turned to Father Zhen while blinking her bright eyes, “Father, I’ve already given everyone their gifts. Don’t everyone have gifts for me as well?”

When the little lady blinked her innocent eyes and acted coquettishly, she looked quite pleasing to one’s eyes. Father Zhen, who was still feeling guilty about his younger daughter, smiled and replied, “Not too long ago, I received a box of precious gems. Later I’ll have your mother send it over to you. There are enough gems for you to have a few hair accessories commissioned.” 

Zhen Ting Yun giggled as she said, “Thank you, Father.” 

Following that, Zhen Ting Yun also turned to Pei-Shi and Zhen Yi Yun as she asked, “What about Mother, Elder Sister, and Young Brother? Did you prepare gifts for Grandma and me as well?” 


Clenching onto the string pouch, Zhen Yi Yun was extremely dissatisfied. What a greedy person. She only gave them some broken, worthless socks and string pouches and still had the gall to ask them for gifts. 

As she thought about this, Zhen Yi Yun inevitably expressed some of her displeasure.

Having sensed it, Pei-Shi immediately turned and gave her eldest daughter a warning glance.

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This quickly brought Zhen Yi Yun back to her senses. She swiftly lowered her head and tried to conceal her dissatisfaction. Maintaining the front of a dignified and demure daughter of the boudoir without a trace of fault to be seen.

Because of Old Madame Zhen, Pei-Shi held some preconceptions about this younger daughter of hers who was raised by her mother-in-law. Since her first impression was not that great, Zhen Ting Yun’s subsequent actions of asking for presents did not seat well with Pei-Shi.

However, she was still Zhen Ting Yun’s mother. Deep down she still had traces of guilt and sympathy towards her younger daughter. Coupled with the fact that they were surrounded by others, she just smiled and in a benevolent tone, replied, “Your elder sister and I have long been awaiting your arrival, how could we not have gifts prepared in advance? It’s just that there are too many items, so we didn’t bring them out… But you may rest assured, I’ll have the servants bring the items over to you tomorrow. Including the box of gems your father gifted.”

Zhen Ting Yun quickly nodded. She mentally calculated how much a box filled with gems would be worth as she showed a face full of child-like admiration, “Thank you Father and Mother. As well as Elder Sister and Younger Brother.” 

Old Madame Zhen was quite pleased. Her granddaughter had already grown up. She even knew how to ask for tangible benefits. Zhen Ting Yun must have inherited this sense of cleverness from her! 

Since Old Madame Zhen had also benefited from it, she was not a person who would gain an advantage and pretend otherwise. Without further ado, she gave them an amicable smile. 

At that moment, regardless of whether it was a real or fake smile, everyone’s faces were full of smiles.  

Father Zhen was heartened to see that his whole family had reunited and was getting along harmoniously. He laughed boisterously as he stepped towards Old Madame Zhen and supported her, “Pei-Shi and myself have prepared a feast to welcome you and Ting’er back home. Now that our family is reunited, let’s have a good meal together.”

Hearing the word ‘reunited’, Old Madame Zhen was brought to tears again as she choked, “Your father was not fortunate and left us early. Otherwise, this would truly be a reunion.” 


Everyone stepped forward to console Old Madame Zhen before they finally coaxed her to the dining table.  

Speaking of which, having traveled for a good half of the day, Old Madame Zhen was currently quite ravenous. Coupled with the fact that back in the countryside, Old Madame Zhen had already fostered this manner of eating. Now seated in front of so much delicious food, Old Madame Zhen dined rambunctiously, causing others to take a double take. 

Father Zhen and Pei-Shi were still able to maintain a neutral expression as they had already been mentally prepared. Nonchalantly, they would occasionally pick out some dishes for Old Madame Zhen.

However, Zhen Yi Yun and Zhen Heng Zhe had never witnessed such a scene before. They inevitably felt somewhat disgusted with the way their grandmother from the countryside was acting. They did not speak out only because of their upbringing.

With much fanfare, the meal finally came to an end. Pei-Shi then gave Father Zhen a look from the corner of her eyes.

Father Zhen, having caught Pei-Shi’s signal, smiled and said, “Mother, we’ve already prepared a courtyard for you. Shall I escort you over to rest?”

Old Madame Zhen nodded. Remembering something else, she asked, “Then what about Second Girl?”

“Ting’er will be sharing a courtyard with her elder sister. The sisters have not seen each other in years. Now that they are staying together, they can bond and become closer.” Father Zhen replied. 

Old Madame Zhen had originally wanted to keep Zhen Ting Yun by her side. However, she changed her mind when she thought more about this arrangement. Zhen Yi Yun was a student at a women’s academy and Zhen Ting Yun wanted to get admitted into one. Zhen Ting Yun would most likely need some guidance and her elder sister would have the experience. With them sharing the same courtyard, it would be more convenient…

Old Madame Zhen then raised her gaze to look at Zhen Yi Yun as she instructed, “Second Girl plans to take the admission examination for the women’s academy. Currently, there are not many months left and as an elder sister, you should offer some advice and guidance to your younger sister.”

Zhen Yi Yun was taken aback.

Zhen Heng Zhe, who was seated at the side, burst out laughing upon hearing Old Madame Zhen’s words, “Grandma, I don’t think you know what the Imperial City women’s academies are like. Elder Sister was able to get admitted into one last year partially because of the recommendation letter from Teacher He. But a bigger part of it, she also needed to go through all the tests and selections of the entrance examination as well. With Second Sister’s current caliber, I doubt she would be able to make it through…”


In all honesty, Zhen Heng Zhe did not utter those words with malicious intentions. He just felt that both, his grandmother and second sister were from the countryside and had not read many books, thus they were not knowledgeable about many things. He feared that they most likely heard about the prestige of entering a women’s academy and on a whim, decided that they wanted to get into one. Yet, they did not see how grossly underqualified they were as they clamored about wanting to get admitted. This was simply indulging in a fantasy.

Old Madame Zhen was disgruntled by his words. But considering that this was her precious grandson, she forcefully suppressed her anger and stiffly asked, “And why not? Your elder sister was able to get admitted, your second sister would naturally also be able to!” 

Zhen Heng Zhe had always liked his elder sister the most. He believed that his elder sister was both, beautiful and kind-hearted, and she was good in everything, just like a fairy. Now hearing Old Madame Zhen actually comparing his fairy-like sister to a country bumpkin of a sister, he flushed in indignation as he shot back, “How can Grandma say that?!” 

With Second Sister being like this, how could she ever be on par with Elder Sister?! 

In his eyes, this country bumpkin of a second sister could not even compare to a single finger of his eldest sister!

Did she even know of the four arts? Did she know about composing poems, books, or basic etiquette? Did she even know what horsemanship, archery, or even arithmetic were about?

They were not even clear about the situation they were in but had casually stated that they wanted to get admitted into a women’s academy. They truly did not know the immensity of heaven and earth. If this was to be spread outside, the ones who would be thoroughly embarrassed would be their family! 

Zhen Heng Zhe was young and even though his words held no malice, what he had said was rude and impetuous.

As soon as these words were spoken, not to mention Zhen Ting Yun, even Old Madame Zhen’s complexion became ugly. Father Zhen and Pei-Shi’s expressions were also not great and they were about to reprimand their son.

Yet, it was Zhen Yi Yun who spoke first, “Younger Brother, how can you say that?! It’s great that Second Sister has such intentions. Although she may not pass the examinations this year, if she is determined and works hard, she stands a chance when she seats for the examinations again next year. We’re a family, and you’re both my biological brother and sister, we should always support each other. Regardless of whether it is your Second Sister or yourself, you’re both very dear to me. As your eldest sister, I only wish both of you well and would naturally help in all aspects that I can.” 

Zhen Yi Yun’s words were sensible and reasonable, displaying an elder sister’s demeanor.
Be it Father Zhen or Pei-Shi, both looked at their eldest daughter with pride and felt immensely gratified.

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