Marvel: Playing the Oldest Game

Chapter 7: Chikara Dojo

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It did feel a bit weird walking to class with a bunch of teenagers, but I couldn't deny that it was better than sitting in a meeting with a bunch of stuck-up geezers. 

Personally, I would have preferred not going to classes or have my driver take me to class but Harry often went with Peter and MJ. Which, if I suddenly changed, would be suspicious. 

"Oh, Harry." MJ suddenly halted her steps. "Liz is coming back."


It took me a second to remember who Liz was but when I did remember her, I felt a frown across my forehead. 

"Liz Allen?" Peter questioned to which MJ nodded. 

"Err… Where did she go, again?" 

My question made MJ chuckle. 

"Of course, you don't remember." She shook her head. "She was given an internship at a relatively famous reporting agency so she was out of town for a while."

Peter widened his eyes in realisation. "Ah, I heard about that."

"Lucky girl." MJ shrugged. "I tried but I didn't make it."

"I see." 

I didn't have any opinions on Liz Allen but the issue was, she did.

Liz Allen dated Harry Osborn in canon and they even got married. So, in a way we two are destined to be together. 

Or we would have been destined if it wasn't me but the real Harry Osborn. 

As I thought of that, I paused for a second. 

I didn't know if I was ever going to get out of this world or if I would ever be my past self. Maybe, it was time I got used to being Harry Osborn. 

But it wasn't easy. 

"Anyhow, did the two of you hear about the new masked guy?" MJ asked, walking between the two of us.

This made me curious.

"Masked guy?"

She nodded vigorously. "Yep, a masked guy. He wears a red mask and can climb on walls. He was spotted in NYC a couple of times but no one knows if he is a good guy or bad."

"A good guy." Peter quipped which caused MJ to raise an eyebrow. 

"How do you know that Pete?"

I almost chuckled at how quick MJ was at noticing remarks. But she was right, Peter did need to come up with an excuse. 

"Err… A new guy with powers wouldn't just crawl around walls and do nothing if he was a bad guy, right?"

That wasn't convincing enough and MJ didn't buy into it. So, as always, I had to help my friend.

"What he means is that if he was a bad guy, he wouldn't show himself in public without achieving something. Most bad guys at least commit a crime worth noticing before making their appearance, this is often to initiate fear among the people."

Peter and MJ both looked at me with wide eyes. 

"What?" I asked, uneasy at their eyes on me. 

"Na… Nothing." Peter shook his head. 

"Been watching too many psychological movies, aye Harry?" MJ chuckled. "Well, I guess you aren't wrong though."

She shrugged and continued walking towards class.

Peter rushed behind her and while I knew he was much more confident than before, Peter was still just as shy and awkward in front of MJ as ever. 

But I felt myself smiling a bit. 

He is finally making his public appearance, huh? Just on time I guess. 

After hours of boring lectures, I knew this was going to be the most I was going to enjoy. 

`Chikara Dojo`

"Karate, Jujitsu, Kempo, Kenjutsu… huh?"

I wonder if any of those would suit me. But the teachers knew best so it would be best to ask them. 

And I was quite surprised. The dojo seemed modern and so was the sign board. When I came here, I expected to find an old dusty place or at least something with a retro vibe.

"Can't lie… This is quite surprising."

"What is?"

Ah, shit…

"I didn't realise I was mumbling out loud." I said while scratching my head. As I turned around, I saw a girl, almost the same age as me standing behind.

"Aha?" She stood with her arms crossed.

Shaking my head, I apologised. "I am sorry, I was just surprised that they teach four different styles of martial arts."

It was a lie but I didn't want to offend her by making her think I was bad-mouthing the dojo. While I didn't know who she was, I was certain that she was a student of the dojo.

The dogi worn by her was proof of that.

She wasn't fully convinced but she nodded nonetheless. 

"Are you applying to be a student here?" She asked and I nodded.

"Ah, yes. I am." I said with a smile. "And I guess you are a student here?"

"Well, yeah." She said. "But if you are here to join, Sensei Rand isn't here. But I guess, Sensei Wing can help you with the procedures."

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"Ah, I see." 

So, Danny wasn't here. But given his status as Iron Fist, I highly doubt he would have much time for the Dojo. I can say the same for Colleen but I guess it was her who built the dojo to begin with. 

"You can follow me." The girl said as she moved towards the door. 

But I cannot deny… The girls in this world are quite pretty. Maybe it is because it is a fictional world, the beauty of the people are enhanced. 

Even the girl in front of me, with the perfect figure and long brown hair that was tied in a ponytail, was far prettier than most girls in my world.

But who cares about beauty, I am here to get stronger. 

As she opened the door, I saw the place covered in tatami filled with students —a lot of students— practising the various Japanese martial arts. 

But it would be a lie to say that I wasn't shocked by the number of students. There were far too many to count. 

But I guess that's one of the most popular dojos in the city for you.

Especially one run by Danny Rand and Colleen Wing.

"Oya?" I heard another female voice, this time one that was much more refined and mature. 

And once again, looks didn't disappoint. She was gorgeous with reddish-brown, auburn hair and blue eyes. 

And this time, I knew exactly who she was. 

"Did you invite a friend, Katherine?"

Colleen Wing, one of the best female martial artists this world had to offer.

The brunette shook her head. 

"No, he was outside looking for admission."

Colleen's face glowed at the realisation. "Oh, you want to join the Chikara Dojo?"

She had a smile on her face, a calm and pleasing one. Most would never associate this woman with the lady in red that committed manslaughter in the count of hundreds. 

"Ah, Yes." I nodded. "I hope it's not a weird time to apply?"

This made her chuckle. "There is never a weird or bad time to start learning something new, young man."

It felt funny to be called a young man by someone who would have been the same age as me but currently, I was a teenager. 

So, I couldn't blame her.

"You should come with me." She suggested. "You too Katherine, I need to talk to you about something."

The brunette nodded as the redhead walked ahead of us. "Follow me." Colleen said.

Without questioning I walked with the brown-haired girl as Colleen led us to her office.

The place was much bigger and much better decorated than I expected, but I did know that Colleen was rich. So, it wasn't a surprise either.

"Usually Danny handles the admission, but since he is busy I will be filling out your form." She paused. "Ah, you wouldn't know who he is. He is the co-owner of this Dojo and my fiancé." She said proudly.

I nodded and didn't question much. 

As we entered her office, I saw swords and awards hung on the walls and a picture of her and a handsome man on her table.

"Is that your fiancé?" I asked, pretty sure that it was Danny.

"He is." She smiled. "Good looking, ain't he?"

She asked with a chuckle. It was obvious that she was just acting funny to create a friendly atmosphere, and it would be a lie to say it didn't work. 

"He is." I agreed. Danny was a handsome man, a pretty guy to be honest. And a lot of girls liked guys with a pretty face. 

Taking her seat, she asked us to sit. 

"So, is there a fighting style you are interested in…" She paused and looked at me embarrassed. 

Realising what she was embarrassed about, I smiled. 

"Harry." I said. "And not really. I would like something that would suit me and help me gain strength."

"Ah, then you can go with Jujutsu. It is great for self-defence and building strength. And if you want, I can teach you Kendo down the road." She smiled. "I hope that's fine with you, Harry?"

I nodded and she pointed at Katherine.

"Katherine has been my student for a while now and she is quite accustomed to Jujutsu, so I believe if you want, she can help guide you as well."

Katherine was shocked. "Really, Sensei?"

I could see the glow in her eyes. 

"I guess you are experienced enough to guide some newbies, Kat."

She immediately got off her seat and did a perfect ninety-degree bow. 

"I will not disappoint you, Sensei."

Colleen laughed. "I know you won't."

Saying this she took out a piece of paper. 

"So, tell me your age, style of martial art you want to learn and your full name."

"Alright." Nodding, I answered what she asked for. "I am seventeen and well, for now, I would like to go with Jujutsu as for my name. It's Harry, Harry Osborn."

And just like a strong wind hit them, the two women went silent. 

Before Katherine asked. 

"You… are an Osborn?"

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