Marvel: The Last Daughter Of Krypton

Chapter 7: 7- Invention, Innovation, and Patience.

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[Wednesday, 0:54 PM, Space, J.A.N.A.I, Forge Section]


Kara walked calmly as if she had all the time in the world, having Carol on her back made things somewhat weird but she could manage without any problems.


While she walked calmly Carol kept looking around herself she had not noticed before but both the ground and the ceiling moved, most of the place is completely open allowing her to see some very weird things and other truly amazing ones like a 10-meter tall gigantic robot arranging the Cosmic Vibranium into a shelf inside the wall with its metallic tentacles that were constantly changing in shape.


Before she could see anything else a metallic wall suddenly blocked her vision, looking forward she saw a closed corridor, wanting to have a better vision she climbs Kara's back and sits on her shoulders, the Kryptonian not once complaining.


"I'd call you a ᛓᛆᛓᚢ but I don't think you are going to care much."


"Call me a what? and how are you speaking without moving your mouth?"


"ᛓᛆᛓᚢ, baby, childish, normally I'd say you act like one but considering the small life expectancy of your species I can understand your demeanor, for the second question I only need to expel air out of my skin and vibrate the air particles with my aura a certain way for you to hear me, aaaand we arrived."


Kara took Carol by her arms and put her on the ground, the small spin in the air almost disorienting the Kree hybrid.


Shuddering, Carol shook her head and looked forward, sometimes she forgot how powerful her Kryptonian truly is, for some reason she started thinking of the word Gentle giant when thinking about her.


Turning her eyes towards the end of the corridor Carol's mouth hung agape, there she  three pentagonal platforms, each connected to a corridor, the walls are of a green/grey color, not speaking about the lights of the hundreds of equipment and cables behind them but that is not the most impressive thing, no, the most impressive one is the object at the center of it all.


From above there is a structure connected to the ceiling, the end of it shaped like a circular triangle, the same as the lower part, lighting craked at every second, if she had to guess it she'd say both of the triangles served to transfer energy to the blue ball of metal full of circular holes.


'And that for some reason is acting like water.'


"This is the matter reconfigurator, the structures below and above transfer energy to the ball at the center, it may look flat from here but I needed to compress the space around it just for this thing not to take the entire space, the inside of it is filled to the brim with the best technology I could make, its made completely out of Zostodo, perfect for storing enormous quantities of energy without heating up, made to last."


"And those things?" Carol said while pointing toward the structures getting out of the triangle's sides and pointing its curved surface at the metallic ball.


"Oh those, I made them after analyzing and improving the stabilizers, they are there to keep the space stable and the energy inside, the amount of power necessary to keep this thing functioning is insane even for me, 5% at all times, it may not seem like much but those 5% by themselves could even cause irreparable damage to what used to be new krypton."


"I imagine that is much?"


"Yes... it is."


"So, what do we do now? our little adventure already took an hour out of our time."


Suddenly Kara stopped, taking her eyes out of the Matter reconfiguration she turned her eye towards Carol.


Feeling the gaze on her she turned around, only to see Kara looking at her with a weird expression.


"...Did I say something weird?"


"Carol, since the moment you gained your powers only-"


{4 Minutes}


"Four minutes have passed."


Carol's eyes winded. "What, no, I remember very vividly having to hold my breath for half an hour in the moon."


"Carol, you just kept walking around on the moon for two minutes, I didn't say anything because I felt like you were happy, but... now I think I understand what is happening, from what I gathered your powers allow you to fly at the speed of light in a vacuum, but there is something more, while flying I noticed how your power twists space around yourself."


"Wait it does that?"


"Yes, I suspect the energy Inside the ship that shot towards you gave you more than just the ability to drain energy from who knows where, fly and shoot blasts, You said to me that ship could create stable wormholes capable of transversing entire galaxies in only one jump right?"




"That energy, I don't know where it came from, I don't know what this 'Core' even is but if I am correct It gave you the power of Space and most likely light itself, I've tried to use my X-ray vision on you when you had your powers activated and deactivated, I couldn't see anything, something is blocking my vision, all I could see was light, it was like you didn't have a body."


Carol's heart started to beat faster. "Should I worry about it?"


"No, that explosion proved to me you are indeed made out of flesh and bone, the most likely thing happening is that something inside you is either producing more of that energy and spreading through your body or that something inside you is draining energy from somewhere."


"I think it is the latter, you see when you flew in space I sensed a bubble forming around you, very similar to my bioelectric aura but much, much stronger, you were twisting space around you to make yourself faster so instead of a 4-minute journey you arrived in only one second, you are, significantly faster than me, 2,5 times to be more precise, almost thrice faster."


"Really, you are not kidding me, right?"


"No, but do you realize the implications of that? before warping yourself in a bubble you were going at the exact speed of light, I can't do that without my bioelectric aura, I'd kill myself if I tried, but you did, meaning your body acted like light, like photons, In other words, you can transform your body into light."


Carol smiled, the only reason her mouth didn't open more was that it was physically impossible for her to do so, she is excited, extremely excited, having powers? cool, super strength, velocity, reflexes, resistance, and having the ability to shoot energy blasts? Awesome but not so much, yeah she could do that but, she could still fly in a jet, shoot bullets and strength? yes, it is cool but it just enhanced what she had, not that special.


But twisting space? Becoming light itself, oh yes THAT is a cool superpower, the only reason she isn't testing it is because Kara is still talking to her.


"With more training, you could even transport your body to another dimension making it intangible while also letting a small movable wormhole behind to make a non-physical projection of yourself of light in which you could still leave your brain, also made of light there, each time you attacked you could simply bring that body part back accelerate its movement with bent space and attack, this way your enemy can't touch you but you can touch them."


Blinking Carol became confused but decided to continue hearing Kara, she probably should ask something just not to appear as an idiot shouldn't she? "Wouldn't it be easier to just become light, who would be able to hit me like that?"


"No, turning all that mass into light will take an absurd amount of energy, having only your brain that is connected to your body in another dimension turn into light will reduce your energy usage tremendously, not to mention the projection will only be skin deep, if you manage to make it look like yourself, movements, expressions and all? nobody will know that is only light and will think you have the power to become intangible, misdirection is the best weapon in a fight."


Seeing Carol's happy expression Kara sighed she knew what was about to happen.


"And yes, you can train with it now, but not here, Go elsewhere, preferably the empty room two Kilometres east, and be careful, I'll see you in thirty min-"


Before Kara could end Carol activated her powers and flew at her maximum speed towards the empty room.


"Sigh* J.A.N.A.I, Register Her as a guest and give her a droid to guide and show her the time please."


[Yes miss El]


Kara tapped her hearing aid twice making a hologram appear in front of her, she didn't know when but her mother had altered the thing so she could connect to the ship's interface even without being on the bridge, had it not been for Lavender she'd never know that, controlling everything mentally she brought a panel closer to her and frowned.


According to the reports, the droids could only take the vibranium that was detached from the other parts, the energy wasted to cut other parts out would be too much for their current reserves, they'd waste at the very least 16 to 17% to collect everything, it isn't something viable, not with only one heart activated.


The problems didn't end there, even with the little they managed to harvest everything together would only be able to make a ship 30 meters in length even then the energy necessary to mold the metal would exceed 14% The act of molding being much more expensive than just cutting the metal in its weak spots.


{Weeell... At least there is good news, there is just a little bit of Vibranium left, just enough to make you a weapon.}


"What good is a weapon like this Lavender, I swear if they didn't recognize our technology just with a glance I'd send the Androids at them and be done with it."


{Not a very good course of action, after our retreat 2.000 Krytoz ago the Empires realized the potential in Genetic engineering, the average Sovereign for example now live past their 1000 Krytoz and lift over 10 Gons, their military is much stronger and their leader Ayesha even more}


"How do you even know this, oh right the mission reports, dad probably stored them somewhere on the bridge."


{The galaxy changed, your mere presence can scare them but it can also present an opportunity in their eyes, if they manage to discover how your body works they will be able to conquer the known universe, your only way to avoid this is to show absolute strength, something you are not capable of doing now}


"The way you say it... it makes it look like my future is bleak."


{It isn't, at least not if you make the right choices, after the matter reconfigurator ends its work in 6 Sy I will personally oversee the installment of the equipment inside the ship, after that, I will make a weapon for you, The best I can}


"So be it, now, it's time to design this thing in a way it doesn't scream Kryptonian."


[Wednesday, 1:33 PM, Space, J.A.N.A.I, training room Section]


Carol dodged as the droid tried to hit her, something she had not wanted to do.


"Tch, again."


Maybe it is her subconscious mind acting but she just isn't able to stand still and take a hit to test her intangibility, the only time she was hit was in the first minutes of her training, even while thinking at light speed and having reflexes just as fast she could still be hit, who'd have thought?


She almost died in the first minute, the droid had penetrated her stomach with one of its tentacles, apparently, it was still in a training mode designed for Kryptonians.


'Well, at least Yon-Rogg was right, while near-death a Kree does gain more focus, at least I did, absorbing the droid's energy, condensing it, and healing myself while in my light form is not something I'd have thought of for at least some years.'


And so, she saved her life, and also raised some questions like, If she gets older can't she simply 'heal' her cells, change the old energy to a new one? Repeat this cycle until she is bored of living? Or maybe she won't age at all? Kara seemed to know many things about her ability, how did she know so many things?


'Well questions for the future me.'


Dodging yet another punch Carol groaned, what is with this reflex of hers?! Before she could steel herself for the next attack the droid stopped.


{Miss Carol, I regret to inform you our time is over, Lady El has just completed her ship and organized the gadgets needed to infiltrate the Base, please follow me.}


"Is it really necessary for this? I mean humans are not that technologically advanced, we can very well just sneak past everything."


{That would be the case Miss Carol but there is a high probability the base is not only infested with Skrulls but heavily fortified, any armor given to both of you, if seen would bring extreme risk to not only your lives but also those of the beings in this planet, and Lady El will NOT be responsible for the enslavement of an entire species just because she wants to go a little faster}


"I guess I didn't think like that." Ignoring her the Droid walked away, she soon followed, one minute later they arrived at their destination.


{We arrived} The droid said and soon after turned back, going whatever it needed to be.


Walking calmly Carol reached the platform and leaned her body on the rail, she has to admit, the visage in front of her is incredible.

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The matter reconfigurator had somehow expanded at least three to four times, it's light is now less bright but still powerful, at the center of it billions of rays of energy struck the metal.


She remembered having asked the droid how Kara was doing after ten minutes, she received a bigger answer than she expected while dodging its attacks.


Apparently such energy is needed merely to push the cosmic forces away, and still for less than a single zeptosecond were just a single ray could alter the form of the metal.


Such a process would be impossible without Kara's reflexes, still, she had only 2 zeptoseconds to react so she needed the help of the System's V.I not to miss, still, everything took 30 minutes to finally end, at least an idiot would say that, something Carol is not.



She knew that for Kara it took... Well, a very, very long time, fortunately for her friend, her race has the ability to concentrate on a single thing and keep doing it until perfection, ignoring everything else, even time.


Meanwhile, while Carol looked at the matter Transfigurator Kara thought about her work, she improved many things, velocity, form, equipment, energy expenditure, dimensional Transfixers, energy absorption, protective shields, and much more with her and Lavender's changes, she managed to make the  so advanced the celestials wouldn't call it garbage, maybe they'd even rate it as acceptable.


The ship itself has a V shape with a horizontal circle connecting the two ends, a straight line formed from the head of the ship to the end of it connecting to the circle, another circle this time a vertical one is inside the horizontal circle, the object's main function being to protect the ship against interdimensional attacks, not allowing any type of space-time manipulation to occur in a bubble surrounding the ship.


It also served as a universal transmitter and radar being able to emit space quakes through the entirety of the known universe in less than a Terran day, although without the Still incomplete Artificial Intelligence the ship is not capable of reporting its findings in the form of a Star Map, at least nor in a detailed form.


The cosmic energy inside allows it to read the minds of any being hit by the spacial quake and report it through its interface, or at least it will when the Artificial Intelligence is complete, combined with the Biological archive module she'd be able to kill any creature inside the reach of the space quake by only selecting it's DNA/RNA, that particular part was specifically installed in case a Fast Maliciosu Reproducing Hostile Creature (FMRHC) spread itself through the universe in an alarming rate, her human self had seen Marvel Zombies, she'd be sure to be ready in case something like that happened.


The transversser module and the weapons are even more impressive, able to travel up to the seventh dimension without being affected the SpaceShip, not to mention the ability to sever its connection with the Timeline making it impossible for beings below the fifth dimension to see, interact and touch it, this also allowed it to unfold itself and somewhat exist in multiple universes at the same time, making it impossible to destroy it unless every version of it is destroyed at the same time.


The weapons were made with the objective of fighting Gods, It's cosmic rays could transverse realities and lock into any target just by having its name, even if the target wasn't close or even in the same universe the attack would travel through multiple dimensions and hit instantaneously, depending on the ray it could do different things.


Alter causality to cause certain death, trick the universe into believing the target is an Error and let reality correct it by erasing it from existence or simply transporting the target to the in Between, unescapable bugs in reality where all manner of truly terrifying abominations the one above all refused to unleash upon reality live.


Even still with all that the thing Kara is most Proud of is the analysis module, able to see the very stings upon which the universe is built the analysis module can copy any technology it comes across, not only that but it can also analyze the very state of existence of beings, living or not and make simulations to either find a weakness or copy its abilities.


The ship is capable of much more than just that of course but Kara has not the patience to explain all of them, so when she felt Carol behind her she just threw her pad toward her.


"What's this?"


"The details of the ship, I've spent way too much time making this thing, my patience is already spent."


Reading the translated text Carol's expression gradually changed to one of absurdity, they were going to fight the Kree not a fucking God.


"How much time did you spend on this exactly?"


"The time I spent thinking about how to improve the craft and making those improvements can be counted in only 5 digits, the time I had to spend on molding this metal through extreme precise energy strikes? I will only say the number is a little bit too much for your brain to comprehend."


"...I feel offended."


"Irrelevant, now, follow me I will explain our roles in this mission." Kara quickly flew away and entered a corridor, not wasting time Carol soon followed.


Less than five seconds later they entered a , looking around Carol found some interesting things, the first being a shooting range where different robots were testing different weapons, curiously even after the target exploded from the impact of the bullet she heard nothing.


The second thing she saw somewhat amazed her, three rectangular, circular, and quadrangular tables, the first showed the map of the solar system, most likely in real-time, the second seemed to be showing holograms of different objects disassembling and assembling constantly.


'Most likely simulations.'


The third... doesn't have anything besides some objects above it, before Carol could see more closely she felt Kara poking her shoulder.


"Here" She said while walking towards the quadrangular table.


"Now, pay attention, I ordered J.A.N.A.I To make these, this." Kara said as she held what looked like a , the difference being that it is completely different from a normal one.


It had two barrels one up and down connected by the grip on the back while the front connected the two barrels with a curved structure that emitted blue light in front of it.


"This, is not a weapon it's a Hel-ray, all you need to do to use it is to point it to a wound in your body and push the button, first it will scan your body so don't get too scared when light starts to get out of it, then it will directly transfer Globki to your wound, as long as something like your limb doesn't get destroyed you only need to re-attach it and it will be healed."


"Hummm, Kara?" Carol said uncomfortably.




"I don't think I need this, when I was training with that droid it accidentally pierced my stomach all the way through, I thought I was going to die but I had the idea of transforming my body into light and absorb energy to fill that hole, surprise, surprise, I healed myself."


Kara looked at Carol with an unreadable expression and put the Hel-ray on the table. "Well, bring it with you anyway, you may be able to heal yourself but maybe you will need to heal others, and who knows you may be too exhausted to heal yourself with your powers."


Taking what looked like a mini-computer, the keyboard resides below the screen who in turn can be flipped to look like either a .


"Do not be mistaken by its appearance, its design is purposefully bulky, there are two reasons for this, first I do not want anyone coming even close to thinking this was made by a Kryptonian so I used ordinary metals, second the most important thing is what is inside."


"On the back there is a place where you put slight pressure to open, it will silently read your fingerprint, eye, voice, and your energy, all at the same time to prevent a Skrull from stealing it, after this the back will open, next you only need to retrieve the object, that being a small metallic ball, press the button above it and stick it in whatever place you want, now, pay attention you will have to run from that place in less than one minute and thirty seconds, if you don't, you and whatever place you are will be vaporized in a six-kilometer radius."


"The gadget itself serves as a hacking device, it detects electrical and radial signals, point to a camera for one minute and it will analyze its recordings, then it will build a video based on it, be careful, if the person who is watching the cameras communicates with someone the device will not be able to make a video in real-time based on the interaction, you can alter its code to serve in other ways, if you make a mistake just reinitiate it and it will come back to normal."


Carol nodded. "Understood, I will have to be fast then."


"Yes you will, now." Kara extended her arm horizontally and stood still as if waiting for something.


"Hmm what are yo-" Before Carol could end her phrase she saw a small silver point landing on kara's arm.


"." Kara moved her arm closer to Carol. "Is a mechanical mosquito, a fairy common creature on earth, as you can see it carries a blue 'liquid' inside its back, this is not something as simple as a mere liquid though, it is a swarm of... well the closest word I can find it to describe it is a Gel Nanomachine."


"In other words it is a gel capable of connecting to mechanical devices and not only steal but also destroy anything else while doing it so, you do not need to hide it, it will follow you whatever you go, but you can just put it inside a container if it makes you feel safer, just point towards a computer and say, destroy to, well destroy everything inside it or say steal to take every single scrap of information from it, if you want to do both just say that two words, your 'Mini-computer' can also connect to it and control all its functions manually."


Kara shook her arm making the mosquito leave and land on Carol's right shoulder.


"For the Penultimate we have  little guy." Kara poked a small metallic ball who in turn jumped into the air and floated there, when Carol saw it suddenly open its two mechanical eyes she jumped towards it, only to hug the little thing.


"Oh my god! It's so cute, It's so cute It's so cute, It's so cute, It's so cuteeeeeeeeee!" While Carol hugged it the little thing seemed to be making small desperate noises.


"Please let Free-zi go."


Carol released the small metallic ball who immediately ran to stay behind Kara's back, Carol could see the little thing shaking a little.




Kara rolled her eyes."As I was saying Free-zi here can shoot freezing rays, use him only when you have already been discovered, at this point many Skrulls will probably try to block your way, Free-zi here will freeze them so you don't need to stop running or waste your energy attacking them, he also has small projectiles above his head, made specifically do destroy incoming missiles."


"Cool, no pun intended." Carol's eyes brightened as she looked at Free-zi.


"Now the last thing, and the most important one." Kara walked toward two mannequins, Free-zi and Carol followed closely behind her.


", will serve as your stealth suit, my bio-suit is already capable of copying most of its functions, I just have to add some equipment to it."


"Impressive." The suit in front of Carol is made of a stretchy material, in various important parts it is covered by metal-like plates, the color consists of a dirty white with grey patterns, the metallic parts though are of a gold color with purple lights slightly shining through.


On the back of both hands there is a small circular triangle with a hole in front of it while a lozenge object is connected to the back.


"No, it is not, this suit does not have one-tenth of what the final product has, unfortunately, I was using most of the energy to make the ship so you will have to contend yourself with... This."


"I ordered J.A.N.A.I to create the fabric with the technique the wakandean people use to fuse their clothes with Vibranium, it is shock absorbent, even if you kick a wall the only sound the Skrulls will hear is that of bricks hitting the ground, the suit itself also adapts its temperature to make you invisible to any heat detectors."


"I don't know if they can detect your energy but just in case they do I made the gloves capable of sticking to plain surfaces, just clap two times to activate and then other two to deactivate it."


Kara closed the mannequin's right fist causing a purple ray of light to get out from the object on the back of the hand.




"... What?"


"Ugh, I'll have to introduce you to some earth culture, but never mind what can this thing do?"


"Well, firstly, you can control how much energy you want to put into the blade by how much you close your fist, there is an interface between your brain and all the equipment so don't worry about accidentally activating it, in the first level the blade can't cut anything, not even paper, but, it has a very useful ability."


"It can shut down the connection between any living being's brain and their body just by touching, well, as long as the body is not too dense or tick, in the second level you can cut down most earth metals, all the levels above are just an increase in power, don't worry about not knowing which level you are you will feel a click in your hand each time you pass through one."


"Now, the most important part, see this thing on the back? If activated it can do three things, you just need to choose which one with your mind, first it can disconnect you from the timeline and put you one second into the future, while still being in the same timeline, this will make you virtually undetectable but be careful it consumes too much energy."


"Second, you can choose any time you want from one minute to thirty to 'rewind' yourself going exactly when you were in that time, this allows you to heal yourself from life-threatening injuries and if used correctly, greatly surprise your enemies."


"Finally, third and last, you can make a bubble around yourself and set a timer, inside this bubble you can see what happened in the past or what will happen in the future, the energy inside the gadget is the only limiting factor, remember that."


"Yes, yes, got it, so what now?"


"Now? now we invade a military base."


So! Dear readers can you comment on what you think about the chapters, critics, compliments, anything really, I want to improve myself, and having the perspective of my readers helps me IMMENSELY, anyway a good day for you all.

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