Marvel: The Perfect Run

Chapter 7: Chapter 07: Investment Plan

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07: Investment Plan?

Lilly Dyson remembered the first time Warren was punished when she complained to her grandpa how her brother hated her, and called her a murderer.

Her grandfather had looked at Warren with a grave look, and then had given her a reassuring glance before ushering her out of the room.

Warren's punishment was not that severe; he was only grounded for two weeks. Lilly knew he wasn't beaten or anything.

But how her brother had started treating her after had made her question if she'd gone a bit overbored. He would always be cold towards her, even if they were alone in a room together.

He hated her, despised her, even.

And that had made her think that maybe... Maybe she shouldn't have told grandpa what happened between her and her brother.

Maybe it was better to keep all of this a secret from him. Perhaps Warren would have started treating her nicely. She didn't want to make things worse than they already were...

But, right about now, she wanted nothing but to go to her grandpa to whine, and let this bastard suffer from more retribution.

"Warren! Get me down, get me down!!!" Lilly cried, flailing her arms in the air as she tried her best not to fall down or slam into something.

She was testing her powers, hidden in the garden of their house, Warren had talked her into doing so.

She'd only been able to levitate herself a few inches off of the ground and even then it felt like the world around her was spinning at an incredible rate. It wasn't painful, but the sensation made her nauseous enough that she felt like throwing up.

That's why she was crying for help right now, but her idiot of a brother was writing on a notebook, glimpsing at her before jotting down on the notebook again.

This hateful bastard! Why wasn't he helping her?!

Lilly screamed his name over and over again, but he didn't budge from whatever he was writing. All he did was raise his eyebrows in response to her cry for help.

"Calm down Lilly, you're not going to fall. I won't let you." Warren spoke up, sounding annoyed for some reason. He flipped his notebook shut once more and placed it back into his bag. "I'm sure you can feel yourself starting to float away from the ground?"

"I sure can you bastard!" Lilly shouted angrily, trying to slap him across the face with her free hand but failing miserably.

Her fist just bounced off of his head and landed against her leg instead. She scowled angrily, glaring at him through the tears streaming down her puffed-up cheeks.

"Whoa whoa," Warren raised his hands, surprised. "Who taught you that?"

"Taught what?"

"Expletives. You're nine, for God's sake."

"Shut up."

Warren tilted his head towards her, giving her a curious look.

"Wow, no one's gonna marry you like this."

"Gah! Don't say that!"

"It's true though, isn't it? Your face is all red. And your eyes are all teary," Warren explained while rubbing his temples, acting silly just to spite her. "You look like a mess, and you curse."



"Shut up please, and get me down."

"Okay okay, I'll take you down," Warren said, grabbing onto her arm and yanking her downwards.

His grip was firm, but not too tight.

And in a moment, she was on the ground.

Lilly scowled at him, and slammed her fist into his gut.

He doubled over with a grunt, clutching his stomach as he rubbed it gingerly.

"Ow, hey. What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you?!" Lilly yelled, her voice filled with anger. "You just kept scribbling on your stupid notebook! I was scared...!"

Her eyes were watery from crying, and she could see that she looked like a complete mess. Her hair was disheveled, her clothes were wrinkled. All this from a simple task.

Learning about her ability.

"Don't be a crybaby, stupid." Warren flicked her forehead gently. "Come on, let's go, I have learned enough for now."

"For now?" Lilly just had a premonition.

"Yeah, let's go home."

Lilly glared at him. She wanted to get mad, but there was nothing she could do.

She couldn't hate him because he was her brother, after all. And more than that, he was being nice to her for once.

Lilly wasn't used to this kind of treatment, and she wasn't particularly sure how to react.

In fact, she hadn't really expected anything like this to happen.

"Fine, fine, let's go!" She stomped ahead, her cheeks puffed as she looked ahead to hide her blush.


Warren sighed as he sat down on his chair, putting his notebook on the table in front of him. The paper was covered in lines and lines of things he'd jotted down, along with some crude drawings.

He had been researching how Lilly's power worked for the past four hours, and so far, he had come up with some little theories on how it worked.


Since, well, he couldn't be sure about their credibility.

As usual, his grandmother had called out to him to do chores, and so he had told her that he was just reading. Which was partly true. He was studying Lilly's ability.

Warren leaned back on the chair, stretching a little.

He'd missed these peaceful times back in his first life. He'd missed his grandparents, he'd missed Mellissa—well... He still does...–and he'd missed his little sister.

But now that he was back in time, he wanted to enjoy life to its fullest potential.

That meant he needed to make sure of some things, research, and prepare for the future.

Money wasn't a problem, he could borrow enough capital from his grandpa to begin some sort of business or invest somewhere else.

After all, his mom and dad left quite the sum for him and Lilly.

So, that meant he needed to plan for the future, right?

With that thought, he set down his pen, stood up from his seat, and stretched again.

He should go talk to grandpa about this, no? The much older man had always wanted him to learn about business and such.

His grandpa was a businessman once, so he knew the Ins and outs of it somewhat. He was also good with numbers, so Warren figured he would be able to help him out.


"Hey, Grandpa. Can I ask you something?" Warren asked as he walked inside the living room.

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His grandpa, an old man with a healthy, toned, and well-maintained body for someone his age, looked up from the tablet in his hands. He seemed to be reading something.

Grandpa smiled at him; apparently, a bit reassured about something. Warren didn't know what though.

"Sure, my boy. What's up?"

Warren took a deep breath and explained his plans to his grandfather. To begin with, he was planning to start a small business, using a portion of the money his parents left behind.

But where he could start, or what he should do, Warren had no clue. So, he wanted to ask his much older and much more experienced grandfather for advice.

"Well, I don't know if I'm the right person to give you advice," His grandfather gave him a smile.

Warren called bullshit

"Of course you are, you're my grandfather," Warren rolled his eyes.

"Alright, let me think for a second." Grandpa chuckled nostalgically, caressing his chin. "You wanna use Henry and Emilia's money, right?"

Grandpa asked, mentioning Warren's parents' names.

"Yeah. That's my plan."

"Hmm." Grandpa hummed.

Grandpa chuckled. "Alright, I've got a few ideas here."

"Go on."

"I have some friends in the rural areas, how about you invest in some land?"

This old fox...

Warren's eyes twitched.

He wanted him to invest in the land of his friends? Even though investing in land wasn't that profitable nowadays?

Warren sighed, let's just try, shall we? he could try again anyway, not like the money would be lost.

"I'm listening," Warren leaned back into the sofa.

"Land is always a good investment. It has multiple uses, and you can resell it later on when you need the cash. Of course, there are risks involved."


"But the thing with this is, that you won't have to do much yourself. All you need is to invest money. You can hire farmers to work the land for you, and you can sell the produce you get from the land to other people. If done correctly, you can make a lot of money without doing much work."

Warren nodded his head, listening intently to what his grandfather was saying.

"Do you understand?"


"Good, I'll tell my friend to contact you soon."

"Can I meet him?"

"Sure. We'll arrange it for next week."

"Okay," Warren nodded.


With the investment plan in place, which he wasn't so sure about since he was inexperienced and didn't know shit, Warren spent some time trying to adopt a lifestyle that'd make his body healthy. He decided to start by eating healthier.

He would eat vegetables and fruits, make sure he drank lots of sparkling water, go for walks, and stretch regularly.

Not only was he trying to be healthy, but he wanted to be as fit as possible for when he would face some dangers in the future.

After all, Warren knew the future, somewhat, and knew that only fucked up things were in front.

Warren was jogging right about now, his mind wandering around to different topics.

He'd just recalled something today.

He would go back in time whenever he died...

Didn't that mean all his hard work would return to nothing when he went back again?

Wouldn't his sister and grandparents forget everything?

Warren just moved away from this topic, he didn't want to mull over it. He would just worry about it more, and he didn't want that to happen.

Instead, he focused on his breathing and kept running.

He was glad his grandpa had recommended him to invest in land. At least he wouldn't have to deal with anyone, except maybe some farmers.

Warren understood that he wasn't ready to face the shrewd businessmen of today. But investing in the land would be much easier for him, since he could always rely on his grandpa, and learn along the way.



"Huh? What?" Lilly slowed down a bit, her legs feeling sore as she stopped abruptly.

"We're almost at home."

"Oh." Lilly turned around, looking at the street in front of them.

Warren stared at his sister as he breathed in and out, trying to catch his breath.

Oh, he'd also forced- Uhm, convinced Lilly to jog and do some light exercises so that she would be in shape.

He was, furthermore, teaching her some self-defense while learning self-defense himself.

So she could defend herself if someone tried to do something to her, Warren wasn't going to let what happened to her in his first life happen again.

He would do anything to save her if they tried to kidnap her again.

And he had to be prepared if they tried to do so for a second time.




Lord_Kismet: I have a patreøn page for this story now ????. Wow. Crazy right? How greedy I can be, smh smh. Anyways, I have some extra chaps, you can read. Oh, and the support here will also motivate me to write more, I will even do 5 chaps/week for this fic if this goes well. Why ? Because I'm greedy, that's why.

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