Marvel: The Undying

Chapter 1: The Start

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"Hey, Peter! Stay still!!" A young boy at the age of 14 moved toward the boy next to him. He raised his hand as a nervous expression crept onto his face.

As he moved closer his movements became more unstable. His hands were shaking and sweat dropped from his forehead. The other boy stood still silently as he waited for what was coming next.

"Akal... Can you please tell me what's happening?" Peter looked nervous as he had no clue what was happening. His brother had suddenly shouted at him, telling him to freeze. He had never heard his brother shout in a manner like that.

'Is this it?' Akal locked onto a small figure on the back of Peter's nape. 'This must be the radioactive spider!' Akal was excited. He had been waiting for this moment since he discovered he was in the MCU.

He, unfortunately, died in his previous life randomly. One moment he was eating a juicy burger in a nice restaurant, and within the next second, he slumped onto the table... And after what felt like sleeping for many years he woke up in the body of a young fraternal twin named Akal Parker.

Of course, as most reincarnates do, he had a sudden influx of memories about his situation and due to his brother, Peter looking like a young Tom Holland he figured it was the MCU.

"Peter, brace yourself!" Akal quickly moved towards Peter, ready to grab the spider resting on his neck.

As his adrenaline peaked, Akal swiftly reached out toward the spider. However, as if sensing danger, the spider quickly bit Peter's neck and jumped toward him.

"Ouch!!" Peter groaned as he felt a sharp pain inflict his nape. His hand moved quickly to feel the area. As his fingers caressed his neck he felt a small lump that burst out with pain each time he felt it.

He quickly turned around, however, what he saw surprised him...

"AHHHHHHH! Peter help!" A small spider had landed on his brother's face and was constantly biting him. His forehead... His cheeks... Even his neck wasn't spared.

"Pfft-" Peter watched the scene trying to hold in his laugh. He had never been afraid of spiders, but his brother had always had a fear of them.

He would bring spiders up frequently and had often called him when he saw one.

He watched the scene happily for a few seconds before his brother finally managed to smack the spider off and stamp on it.

A nervous expression was written all over Akal's face as he contemplated his future...

'I won't die... Right?' He had been bitten numerous times now and was unclear whether he would survive.

"You okay?" Peter walked slowly toward Akal as he examined the injuries.

"Yeah..." Akal's grumpy expression could be seen as he replied to his brother. "Let's go home already..." A small sigh crept out of his mouth after speaking.

'I hate spiders...'


The bright sun ascended into the sky, blessing all the residents of New York with some early morning sunshine.




"Urghhhhhh" In a medium-sized room Akal woke up groaning from the sudden noise entering his ears. As he raised from his bed, he rubbed his eyes before moving his hand towards the alarm that was on a small shelf next to him.


As he sat on his bed, his eyes suddenly expanded as he remembered yesterday's events... 'Has it worked!?' He dashed out of his blanket and threw his shirt onto the ground, rushing towards a mirror hanging on his wall.

As he looked at himself, a dazzling smile found its way onto his face. 'Finally! It's happened.' His reflection in the mirror showed a ripped and compact physique with perfect muscles.

He had already been doing workouts prior to this transformation however his physique before and after was like a rough diamond transitioning into a meticulously molded diamond that looked perfect.

He was excited! He had always awaited the day he could gain superhuman abilities.

'Peter should have gained his powers too right?' Akal knew he was a variable in this universe and he didn't know if anything major would change just because of his existence.

As he was pondering on this subject, his door burst open revealing Peter who currently had his shirt off.

In an expression of bewilderment, Peter pointed his fingers exclaiming, "You too!?" Akal examined the changes Peter undertook. He originally had a frame on the smaller side and was relatively skinny. But now he looked like he had been working out for years and he was relatively lean.

"So... We got bitten by spiders..." Peter slowly spoke as he stared at his brother's changes.

"And became ripped and muscular..." Finishing off the sentence, Akal moved toward his brother. In a thoughtful expression, Akal asked, "This isn't all we gained... Is it?"

In response, Peter jumped raising his hand and placing his fingers on the ceiling.

"I can stick to walls too! Though I'm not sure you can do the same thi-" Interrupting Peter's speech, Akal mimicked his brother's movements and was now sticking to the ceiling.

The brothers stared at each other awkwardly before Peter broke the silence.

"Soooooo... Were spider humans now?"

"Yeah... Not so sure we should call it 'spider humans' though. That sounds dumb..." Akal dropped from the ceiling and picked up some random sunglasses on his table.

"What ar-" The sunglasses flew as Akal aimed them at his brother's face and threw them with power. He had already known that spidey sense was a thing however Peter had not found it yet.

Peter felt a tingling sensation at the back of his skull and immediately caught the sunglasses with his fingers.

"What... Was that?" Peter was in shock. He had moved so quickly and caught the object with such dexterity... He had sensed the object coming and everything seemed to slow down.

'Akal should have the same right?'

A devious smile replaced his bewildered expression as he threw the object at his brother. Akal stood still silently. In his view, he saw a pair of sunglasses approaching him at a very slow speed. It was like bullet time but cranked up to the next level.

Of course, he had felt the sensation known as spidey sense, but he didn't know it had this effect. He raised his hands and caught the sunglasses between his fingers similarly to Peter.

"Did you feel that too? It was a tingling sensation, and everything slowed down..."

Peter paused before responding, "Yeah... So, we have superpowers now?"

Akal sat back down on his bed before responding, "Seems like it! And I know exactly what you're going to do..."

Peter smiled as he heard his brother's response, "You going to join me?"

"Of course!" Akal stood up abruptly, reaching his hand with a closed fist.

Peter mimicked the action and the two brothers fist bumped, smiling happily. "Peter! Akal! You're going to be late!!" A loud shout resounded through the apartment as Peter and Akal stumbled from the noise.

Recovering quickly, the two brothers nodded their heads in unison as they prepped for school.

They currently attended Midtown School Of Science And Technology and were considered the best in their class.

With the advantage of a developed mind and the blessed genetics of the Parker family, Akal was easily able to understand and learn new concepts and remember the old ones from his previous life.

Peter, however, was just a natural genius and had put hard work into his studies.

The two quickly got ready and soon arrived at their school. Nothing much happened... The usual bullying from Flash Thompson, talking to Ned who was their best friend, and studying hard.

This 'usual' and uninteresting routine continued for many days as Akal and Peter strengthened their resolve to become heroes and worked in the dark to produce suits and a synthetic web fluid that combined with web shooters, would allow them to swing through the city of New York, exactly like a hero would.

Peter's main reason for wanting to become a hero was the incident he experienced when he was a young child. He had attended the stark expo and witnessed his favorite superhero Iron Man save him. However, it wasn't just this that lead to him wanting to be a hero. It was also the instilled ideals that came from his aunt May.

Both of these factors in tandem combined, and with the addition of his superpowers, he could finally make his idea a reality.

His brother Akal, had very different reasons to become a hero... He didn't even want to be a hero as he had very different ideals that he openly spoke about from time to time.

Akal wanted to eradicate his enemies... He wanted to kill the criminals instead of allowing them to be locked up, and letting them escape countless times over...

Of course, he would only kill criminals when he thinks it's necessary.

In his previous life, a prime example of how not killing villains impacted society was Batman. He locked the Joker, only to find that he escaped prison.

Many, many times this happened, and the Joker killed, robbed, and destroyed people's lives. He had even hurt Batman's close friends and even killed Robin once. Which resulted in...

Although Akal's view would very much hurt his brother their relationship wouldn't be broken over his ideal, as Akal has expressed this intention many times to his brother subtly, and allowed him to adapt to his ideals over time. Of course, this doesn't mean that Peter would accept his actions, but it also points to Peter not interrupting his vigilantism.

Ten days flew by making it the 10th of December and Peter and Akal were ready to head out. It had been a boring 10 days as the usual unassuming routine continued and now the brothers were ready to go out.

They both stood in Akal's room dressed in their suits. Peter had a red and blue design, which featured a blue underlay that covered his whole body, that was covered by a small hoodie that had no sleeves. He also had a mask that was red and black goggles covering his eyes.

Akal wore a rather simple costume, however... He had a black suit on with a pure white hoodie underneath. The buttons were left undone and the hood was up, complementing the mask that adorned his face.

The mask was rather ordinary as it was just a smiling face with that mask being white.

There was not much room for improvisation as the materials gathered were used on creating the web-shooters, and building the synthetic web fluid.

"So... We going together? Or solo?" Akal spoke curiously to Peter. He initially wanted to go solo, however, what if his brother got hurt?

He knew that Peter most likely wouldn't be hurt and if he was, then his healing factor should kick in rapidly healing his injuries but he had grown a bond with his brother and had adapted to the identity of Akal Benjamin Parker.

Peter pondered for a second as he thought of a response, "I think we should go solo first." Peter smiled solemnly, "I know you have a different ideal... I won't stop you, however, if you start down the wrong path I'll be there to slap you back!"

The brothers smiled in unison as they went and opened the window. "Good luck Peter! Don't die." Akal jumped out the window and swung about New York.

Peter followed after, going in the opposite direction.

As Akal swung about he felt his adrenaline rising. He was finally about to experience the marvel world. The world that he absolutely adored and is now living in.

As he swung about he finally saw some criminal activity. It wasn't hard to find a person in the act of a crime. The Avengers mainly focused on higher-level dangers and left the streets to vigilantes.

Some thugs were currently holding up a knife to someone's throat. There were about 3 people and they were in a dark alleyway. Akal silently approached as he examined the situation from the top of a building.

"P-Please! Don't kill me!" The person struggled frantically as they surrendered their life. "Pay 3000 and I'll let you go!" The thug pressed the knife harder on the man's neck, allowing a trickle of blood to seep down his throat.


A web latched onto the thug's leg as Akal pulled it towards him. The thug flew into the air screaming and his friends searched for the perpetrator frightened.

"PUT ME DOW-" Akal jumped off the building and shot two webs simultaneously hitting his mouth and body, making him stick to the wall and shutting him up.

Akal then flexibly landed on the ground and examined his two opponents.

"Go!" He shouted at the man and in response, he dashed away from the scene. The two thugs had sweat running down their faces as they looked at the person in front of them.

They knew of the avengers and the superhero's in the world and it seemed like this guy was one of them.

They brought out knives from their pockets and readied their stance. They knew they wouldn't be able to run, so instead, they would fight!

"AHHHHHHH" A war cry sounded as both thugs ran towards Akal. A tingling sensation flared in the back of his skull as everything in his vision slowed down. He quickly analyzed the attacks and dodged them in succession.

"Hahaha, this is pretty easy! Try again." Akal teased the thugs, clearly overconfident due to his powers.


Silence ensued... A thug had shot his weapon at Akal but the bullet missed as his spider-sense kicked in.

'This feels like cheating' Akal happily thought. However, he needed to be more careful... He was infinitely close to being shot just then. He hadn't fully adapted to the use of his powers and had only managed to react just in time.

"Y-You..." The thug looked at his friend, before nodding slowly, "SHOOT!" The other thug had also brought a gun and fired at Akal.

A bullet skimmed his arm, as he maneuvered towards the thugs.

*Thwip* *Thwip*

Two webs shot out onto the gun preventing it from firing as Akal rushed towards the thugs delivering a swift roundhouse on the chin, and a following spin kick on the other thug.

'Phew... That was... Great!' The thugs had been incapacitated for a while and Akal quickly webbed them up ready for the police to take them.

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As he was about to leave, he noticed that he didn't feel much pain where the bullet had nicked him at all. He quickly examined the wound and noticed that... It healed!

'Spider-Man's healing was never this quick right?' A fleeting thought passed through his head as he continued to find criminal activity or anyone in need and fulfilled his duties as a hero of New York City.

Maybe he would test this healing factor later...


Soon, the veil of darkness covered the previously bustling city of New York, and Peter and Akal returned to their rooms. It was currently the weekend and Aunt May was not in.

"Then I was like BAM and hit this guy right in the face, then I dodged his punches and webbed the guy to the wall!!" Peter was excitedly explaining his experience on his first rodeo.

He had beaten some thugs and successfully saved a few people.

The brothers fist bumped, celebrating their first act of being a hero, and chatted briefly before Peter returned to his room.

'Should I test it out...?' Akal was now alone and had wanted to test his healing factor so he could estimate what injuries could kill him and which ones couldn't.

He moved to the kitchen and grabbed a knife before returning to his room quickly. He then grabbed a box of tissues in his room and stacked a pile on the ground.

Readying himself, he slit the knife across his finger. But the result was not what he expected... The wound healed instantaneously. He raised the knife and all he saw was perfect unblemished skin.

'Is this normal?' Akal questioned this result, he knew that Spider-Man's healing factor was on the 'enhanced' level. He could heal skin tissue relatively well and could heal from bullets in just eight hours.

But the speed at which he healed just now was too fast...

'Should I go further?' Akal questioned. He wanted to test more, however, he thought back to the tinge of pain that he felt from doing that and was hesitant.

'F*ck it!' In a moment of braveness Akal sliced his whole arm deeply. A sharp pain inflicted his senses as he examined the inj-

'It's healed already!?' It seemed that his healing factor was cranked up to godly levels. 'Is this because I got bitten so much?' Jumping to conclusions Akal wanted an answer for this. But after thinking for a few minutes he dismissed his thoughts.

Staring at the knife, Akal decided on something... He looked at the knife and his finger before gritting his teeth as hard as he could.

He then slashed the knife down, cutting through his finger like butter. He felt the pain... The unbelievable pain, but this would be nothing compared to what he may feel in the future.

As this thought came into his mind, he picked up his finger, suddenly feeling fine... But he noticed something was off.



"Hey, Akal I'm coming in." Peter opened the door excitedly. Today he would finally beat his brother in street fighter! He always comes to his brother's room to hang out and play games.

Akal became nervous as his attention focused on Peter who had suddenly stopped and was now staring at Akal holding a finger and a knife in his hand.

"Akal!" Peter rushed towards his brother worried. But as he approached he noticed that Akal had all his fingers... Seeing this he calmed down before speaking.

"Phew..." Peter sighed, "What are you doing playing with a fake finger and fake blood?" Akal's nervous expression turned into excitement as he now finally noticed that he was holding his previous finger, with a new one that had regenerated at extreme speeds.

It healed so fast that he didn't even notice it had regrown and he had picked it up.

'It healed in less than 3 seconds...' A huge smile could be seen on his face as he continued thinking, 'does this mean I'm immortal!?'

"Hey, Peter..." Akal spoke slowly and excitedly as he gripped the knife harder. In a moment of confidence and stupidity, he then swung the knife downwards, cutting his hand clean off, leaving blood spurting on the tissues.

"F*CK that hurts!"

"AKAL!" Peter exclaimed, but before he could rush towards his brother he witnessed a miracle. The hand regenerated extremely quickly and was back within a moment.

Akal smiled and stood up. He then stared at his brother while flexing his hand saying, "Pretty cool huh? I think I'm Immortal!" Peter walked towards his brother and examined his hand. It was perfectly fine...

Peter had discovered that he had a healing factor a long time ago, however it was not on the level of healing limbs within seconds. He had personally tested this himself and was unclear whether his brother had inherited this ability.

"I have a healing factor, but it's definitely not as exaggerated as this!" Peter was excited for his brother and his thoughts wandered to the multiple bites that inflicted Akal. He thought that the reason for this healing may be because of that.

"Can you help me clean up this mess please?" Akal searched his room which was slightly bloody and had multiple dethatched fingers and a hand lying on the ground.

Peter also looked at the sight and sighed before replying, "Sure... But we're playing street fighter after."


"So... Can you regenerate your heart? Or maybe your brain?" Peter said.

It had been a few days after Akal's new discovery and the two brothers were currently getting suited up.

"I hope I can, and I also hope I never have to find out." Akal quickly put on his mask and hood as he now walked to the window.

It was currently night time and the crime rates were higher during this time. They couldn't go out during the day due to school so they agreed to be careful and go out at night.

They also bought some communication devices so they could speak to each other as they were slinging around.

"See ya bro!" Akal swiftly jumped out of the window descending the building before swinging away. Shortly after Peter followed suit, going in the other direction once again.

"So what's your name going to be?" As Akal was swinging around he heard input from the communication device. "Wait, wait! before you speak let me guess... Uhhh, how about Immortal Man!?"

"No... No! That sounds dumb." Akal shook his head at the name.

"I think It sounds cool, imagine it. Immortal Man saving the people of New York City." As Peter finished saying this he was rudely interrupted.

"You bastard! Hurry up and call the cops! I'd rather go jail instead of listening to this bulls*it."

Akal heard this on his device and responded dumbfoundedly, "He sounds pretty annoyed..."

"Yeah, he is currently stuck to the floor. Hold on a sec! Need to dial the police." As Peter called the police, Akal finally spotted crime...

He swung expertly as he performed a myriad of acrobatic movements, doing this he managed to reach the scene quickly.

He hid under the cloak of darkness as he watched four burly men carry an unconscious woman into what seemed to be a club. But before entering they spoke to the guard who was standing near the entrance, they rolled up their wrists and showed a tattoo before being allowed in.

Akal moved silently as he made his way toward the guard. He then explosively jumped towards him and swiped his legs. The guard groaned in pain, but before he could do anything he was knocked out by a strong punch.

'Should I just rush in or do it stealthily?' As he was thinking his communication device sounded, "Hey! Just finished cleaning up some criminals. What you getting up to?"

"Not the best time to talk... I'm in a hurry." Akal decided on running in at that moment. With his healing factor, nothing could go wrong right?

"What happened? You get beat up or someth-" Peter was interrupted as he heard noises coming from the communication device.




"That doesn't sound too good... Hey, Akal you ok?" Peter awaited his response as he continued to swing around looking for more crime.


"I'm fine," Akal replied.

"That doesn't really sound fine..." Peter assumed that since he was still talking his healing factor was able to easily negate life-threatening injuries.

"I was just testing if I could heal from being shot in the head. I could sense that I wouldn't die from it... Maybe it's an extra effect of our spider-sense?" When Akal had rushed in, he first webbed most of the criminals he saw. It seemed that this club was a gang hideout and unfortunately they all had guns.

However, with his insane abilities, he easily dodged the bullets and managed to save the woman he saw being taken inside.

After doing so, he focused his attention on the criminals inside the club and gained a new idea. What if he could survive injuries that would immediately kill a person? That would mean he is actually immortal right?

And as if sensing his thoughts, his spider-sense tingled giving him the subtle feeling that he would be able to live even if he got shot in the head. Deciding to be the idiot he is, he brazenly risked his life in the pursuit of exploration, and luckily had indeed survived.

"My senses don't do that at all!" A somewhat frustrated voice sounded from the device.

Just as Akal heard his brother's voice he had finished webbing all the criminals, "Pete, let's head back. It's getting late and we need some sleep."

"Alright let's race, starting from now!" The device cut off as Spider-Man swung away.

Akal focused on his surroundings looking for anything slightly suspicious. He wasn't in a hurry to race and didn't mind losing.

As he wandered around he caught the pungent stench of blood in a sealed room located in a basement. Akal kicked open the door, and what he found mortified him...

Countless body parts that had been roughly dissected piled onto each other...

The parts were rotten, filling Akal's enhanced sense of smell with the foul odour of death. Akal leaped out of the room quickly, spilling his puke onto the ground.

'These sick f*ck's' Yet despite seeing this Akal didn't feel anger. He never had the feelings of a true hero like his brother, instead, he felt disgusted.

This would plague him for many weeks...

After puking his remains Akal still felt that sickening feeling. So he went to do what he thought was best... Relieve the feeling by getting rid of the source.

Akal's eyes turned stone cold as he walked back up the stairs and looked at the many criminals that were webbed up.

He ripped the webs that were on one of their mouths and spoke as if he was talking to a bug, "Which one is the leader!?" Akal was trembling. He had never done something like killing someone before, but it seemed that today it would happen.

"It's him I swear! P-please, let me g-"


The man was knocked unconscious by a hard punch that Akal wasted no time in giving. Akal then walked up to the one that was pointed at.

'Disgusting...' Akal looked at the man briefly before picking up a gun and...


Akal had killed someone. However, he didn't feel much different at all. It wasn't like in those movies where someone kills for the first time and throws up instantly.

Instead, it felt like nothing. Of course, he still felt the sickening feeling of what he had witnessed, but it had slightly lessened.

'Killing may work to get rid of the feeling completely but it does not help the root problem at all...'

Akal sighed deeply.

He then dialled the police and swung away into the darkness of the night...


The sun rose once again for the residents of New York City.

Akal rose from his bed slowly as he caressed his temples. As he sat down his mind wandered to what happened a week ago.

Ever since the night he first killed someone it seemed to happen more frequently. However, he believed what he was doing was right. Maybe not morally but for the collective good he truly believed that what he did was better...

He had told Peter a few days ago and the result was not good. Peter didn't exactly hate him, but he very much disliked his actions. However, he knew he wouldn't be able to stop Akal from doing this and promised that he would keep him from going too far.

"Peter! Akal! You're going to be late!!"

As Akal heard the familiar voice of his aunt, a faint smile rested on his lips.

'This is nice...'

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