Marvel x Kamen Rider

Chapter 4: Chapter 2: Sakuragi Corp

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In Sakuragi Corp,

The wind is walking through gently, make people feel comfortable. There is a women in her twenties whose hair is blonde and smooth through the air, walking charmingly into the company. The receptionist is in a hurry to greet her.

"Good morning, Madam Sakuragi, May I can help you?"

The woman looks at the name badge and says:

"I need to meet my husband, I have something to talk to him personally. Please, call him"

"Yes, Madam"


In Sakuragi office, there is a meeting between the shareholders and Hiro Sakuragi. One of the shareholders says:

"Mr. Sakuragi, the situation in the company is not good. If we can not release any new game. We're over"

The others say:

"If the situation continues like this, we question your ability to be continue to lead the company"

The man in the near 30's face grow gloomy, but regain the composure and calmness. He is Hiro Sakuragi. He knows the situation of the company is not optimistic. In the game industry, one layout can not repeat and flow the major trend. Players will be bored soon. If we. the producer, can't give them new game, new playstyle, then we are failed producer. However, creating a whole new game is not an easy job. He says:

"Now, we need a new game, a new playstyle, a new story. Don't you have any ideas at all? Game Developer Department, why are you keeping the old platform, and flowing the trend like FPS? We have enough of that"

The employees lower their head and mutter:

"We're sorry, President"

"We will try our best"

The atmosphere is tense. Suddenly, the phone of Hiro rings. He says excuse and walks out of the room.

"Hello, what're you calling me for?"

The other side voice call out:

"President, Madam is calling and waiting for you. She says this is an important matter related to the company. Can you meet her, sir?"

Hiro is silent for a while, and nods his head:

"Then, arrange her here. Wait me for 5 minutes to finish this meeting"

"Yes, sir" The voice replies


Hiro comes back,  sighs and says:

"That's the end of meeting today"

"We will continue the meeting tomorrow" 

The shareholders and staffs walk out of the room, leaving the president alone. Hiro sits down, and tries to calm down the pressure of works on him. His mood is heavy. He moves toward his office. Opening the door, he can see the blonde beauty is enjoying the coffee in the office. He immediately relaxes. He walks toward and hugs her. He whispers:

"I'm so tired. My honey comes to comfort me?"

The woman, who is Anna, lets out a chuckle:

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"What're you doing? In the workplace like this?"

He says: "The company' situation is not so good, my baby"

Anna takes out the draft and says:

"Don't worry honey, I said to you that our son is a genius"

"He has many interesting ideas, and it can help the company"

Hiro recalls his son face. He always feels that his son has been putting on a invisible wall like he's guarding something. He knows his son has secrets, so he lets him be, and let him go. He and his wife also know that this son is a prodigy in creating, designing games. Although his son is young, the ideas is like professional staff of the company. There is a saying that genius is always weird and abnormal comparing with ordinary person. He returns his mind and pick up the draft with title "Mighty Action X". He turns page, another page. This is not something that a child can do. He imagines that the draft is roughly described with childish picture, but no, it's beyond ordinary child. There are characters with unique personality, the maps, the stories. It's a game that talking about Mighty's adventure in the sweet world to defeat Count Salty. Gameplay is side scrolling and 2D animation. Its genre fits for everyone; especially, the target is mainly for children. He sees the hope of company and the direction, but one game like this is not enough. He turns the last page and his face shows a surprised expression. This is the design the exclusive device platform and it's portable. Everyone can play game everywhere. That's what the company needs. His wife sees his amused expression, then she added another bomb:

"There are another games in his draft that I peek in. It seems that he wants to release one by one. I don't know why he does that"

"Because his mind is mature, I began to worry that he can't associate or he becomes a weirdo"

He lets out a sigh of relief. With this, the company will survive. It seems he will be busy again. He says:

"Thank you, Anna. Thanks to your mother and son accompanying me in this difficult time"

Then. there is 2 people world, pink atmosphere in the office.

- -

In the next day, Hiro summons all the shareholders and staffs to announce:

"Hello everyone, firstly, I have to say thanks to my son. He lets me see hope again"

Hiro takes out the plan and presents it for everyone.

The shareholders and staffs looks shocked. They read it. They say:

"President, are these joke? That's not funny. How can 5 years old child come up with this ideas? Exclusive platform and games?"

Hiro's face shows trace of anger. He says in cold tone:

"Are you doubt my child?"

They sweat and cover their forehead.

"President, we're rude, we're sorry..."

With that, the company goes busier and busier.


I'm laying on the bed, and starting feeling the existence of my bugster virus. It has become consciousness. I try to communicate with it:

"Hello, are you there? Can you hear me?"

No one answers.

I wonder that there is something wrong with it, but it will be my partner for life, any way. I am in trance again. I have the knowledge of Kuroto. My goal is to recreate the original Gashats, then what will I do next? I question myself although I'm 5 years old. I think I have time. Can I use the knowledge to research Gai Memory or Progrise Key and artificial intelligence like Zea and Ark? I'm in the marvel world and I know in the future that there are alien Chitauri, Ultron, Thanos, Doramamu, etc. In addition to magic, I remember there is Kamen Rider Wizard, but there are no knowledge about them and sage stone to make ring. I don't have driver either. I remember that Ohma made a deal with the god of this universe. I have no ideas about she or he at all. I sit up and take a bite of chocolate stick.

Looking at the TV, Daily bugle starts broadcasting news about mutants. I'm shocked. I recalls in my previous life there is indeed mutants copyright returning to Marvel through 2 movies of Deadpool. I make up my mind and begin to plan to make Gamer Driver and BugVisor. However, I'm restricted in home and my parents' monitoring. I think I will use my draft to deal with my parents to build for me a secret lab. I'm lying again and feeling drowsiness. I feel asleep.


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