Masako’s Life In An Abandoned World

Chapter 8: Chapter 5: New Companion

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The dreaded day has finally come. At first, I thought I ate something poisonous like the snail from before, but it seems like it wasn't the case since I don't remember eating anything strange this past week.


Sitting on the toilet with blood leaking from my rear, I could only think of this since it is only thing left in that explains the situation. A -

[ . ]

I knew this would happen sooner or later as my body gets older. So I thought I could mentally prepare myself before that time comes... But, I didn't think it would happen this soon.

"... f*ck..."

Compared to the snail incident, this much is somewhat tolerable but still felt like hell. Holding my stomach tightly, the pain and discomfort from a guy's perspective felt like someone crushed your balls with a 50 kg grip. I could only wince as I could feel something contracting inside every few second or so.


With a pale face, I grimaced about the thought having to experience this every month from now on.

- - - - -

Walking out of the bathroom with my soul slowly leaving my body, I decided to go to the kitchen area for a warm meal, thinking that would help my situation a little.

With each step I take from the stairs, it took me a bit longer to go down just one floor. And for some odd reason, my body felt more lethargic than usual.

[... Please end my suffering...] Was my thought before leaning to the walls as support.

With time, I managed to reach the Cafeteria.

Going under the counter, I entered the kitchen area which then I sluggishly went towards my can stack. Grabbing the last canned soup from the stack, I sloppily opened it with a can opener and just dunked it into a small pot filled with water.


While I miserably wait for the soup to boil, I lay down on the cold dusty floor in the corner groaning. As I'm waiting, I massaged my lower belly in hope to ease the pain. After with a couple minutes, the smell of crab start to fill the air.

"... Mm..." I groggily stood back up before I went to get a stool and slowly drag it towards the pot.

With the soup now ready, ignoring the can was still floating inside the pot, I could pour it into a bowl but I'm not in the mood for that. So instead, I used a spoon and just ate from the pot.


Raising the spoonful of soup to my lips, I blew it before I put it inside of my mouth.

Spoon after spoon, with the warmth making me feel a little better, my only complaint would be how mushy it is. While I slowly drain the potted soup, it was strange on why I couldn't taste any iron from the can. Being lazy to think about it, I figured it was made from different material.


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Looking at the pot again, I managed to finish the soup that should've lasted me 2 meals. While it barely fills a half of it in the first place but it still appetizing nonetheless. Looking over at my stash as I wanted to go for another round, but I decided not to.


Looking around my surroundings, with nothing much to do, I decided to go the office to continue writing down my memories.


Taking my time climbing back up while having occasional breaks, I finally arrived at the office. Going towards the desk I left my folder yesterday, I felt a bit lazy carrying the folder from my room back to here, so I decided to bring it back up if the folder is filled with papers.

Pulling the chair towards the desk, I climbed on top of it and picked up my pen from the beside the folder.

"Hmm~ Mmhmm~ HmmMmm~"

Humming an old classic song I knew, I let my the scratching sounds of paper flow with the rhythm. Writing letters from fast to slow then stopping whenever there's a break point, I immersed myself in writing my biography with a smile on face which helped raised my mood a bit better.

"... Next!"

Finishing a page filled with ink filled words in record time, I immediately grabbed the next paper and start doodling. As time passed, it became my one of my other entertainment aside from fluffing my ears and braiding with my hair.

With my pen moving in a fluid motion, my hand slowly adapts to my drawing skills from my previous life. The quality became better as the lines are more polished compared to what it was before.

Looking back into my memories, I visualized the person I'm going to currently drawing as a reference. Until I realized something strange.

"... Hm?"

My pen stopped causing a small black puddle on the paper.

Checking if I'm remembering it right, I reread the last page again to see were events happened even after my supposed 'death'.

"That's weird..."

Looking back into my memories once again, I double checked if I made a mistake, but what's stange is that I didn't.

Going through the events after my 'death', I felt even more uncomfortable with everything at that point gives blur effect giving me a gist of those experiences.

There were some that triggered fear and instinctively urged me to forget it and there are some that made me feel safe and happy wanting to relive to moments once more.

"..." Taking a glance at the unfinished portrait of a woman I drew, I don't remember meeting her yet somehow I did.

Scratching the back of my head from this confusing situation, I immediately dropped my pen and compiled all of the papers I've written and drew so far.

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