Masamune, The Blood Blade

Chapter 11: Aftermath

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"Sir!" A goblin saluted as he entered the room.

"Aye?" A bearded goblin raised his eyebrow at the soldier. He put his book down, and took off his reading glasses.

"Something is approaching fast through the sky sir!" 

"Tch, then shoot 'em down then!" Suddenly, the door burst open as another goblin rushed in, exhausted and panicking.

"S-sir!" He did a hasty salute. "Speak, what's wrong?" 

"A-a Wyvern is approaching!" Immediately, the bearded goblin stood up. "You! Summon the grand Shaman!" He pointed at the first goblin.

"And you tell the elders to prepare the best livestock we have and lead it outside the walls." He motioned to the exhausted goblin.

"Sir!" Both of them saluted, before exiting at the same time.

The bearded goblin rubbed a green emerald tied around his neck. "Don't screw this up." 

He readied his blade and armor. If everything goes to shit, as long as he challenges the Wyvern to a duel and put up a good enough fight, it will spare the town. 

Within minutes, he was outside by the wall, pushing past the bunched-up soldiers each hawking at the Wyvern. 

"MEN! POSITIONS!" He yelled and they obeyed. Immediately, the crowd dispersed, each as uneasy as the last.

Soon, the gates were opened and several prized Boars and Chickens were let out, held tight by their caretaker's handles.

"I was told there would be a Wyvern?" A voice said behind him.

"Aye. Reckon a couple more minutes." They both watched as the menacing figure got ever closer, its black and red scales glowing like molten rock.

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