Master And Apprentice System

Chapter 11: Change Of Plans

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Harry walked to his familiar train station seat and stared at the clock; the slow-moving thing took months to reach the next hour. His companion sat on the bench and turned her head to look at him. That was a first before she could only say the occasional word and twitch. He took a step back when she got up and hugged him. The warm embrace felt natural, but he couldn’t remember why which made everything awkward.


“And here I thought I would have nightmares. But, then again, who needs nightmares when the world is scarier than any dream.” Harry said as she released him.


“Can you hear me, Harry? Where are you? I’ll come and get you, and then we can make a run for it? The old man is smart but can’t keep me at Hogwarts if he doesn’t have you.” The girl said.


“How do you know my name; I can’t be famous. I haven’t done anything to become famous. Or are you dicksheath69,” by the expression on her face, that wasn’t the case. “What’s wrong with you? I said I’m coming to get you; your next words should be, thank you, Rose.”


“Let me be blunt; I don’t know you. I have no idea how we’re talking. Most of the time, you come in glitchy like Uncle Vernon’s dialup.” Harry stared at the clock. “Why don’t you get back on the bench and stare in space so I can study?” His notebook materialized in his hand.


A slap hit him hard across the face knocking him back a step. “What happened to you? You were sweet to me and kind.”


“Rose was it; why should I be kind to someone I just met? What’s the point of being kind? I could be dead already without ever getting what I want.”


“What did you want?”


Harry spoke quietly at first and gained strength. “My parents died drunk in a car accident, and my aunt and uncle took me in. Since I could remember, they called me a freak and told me there is no such thing as magic. Any book or tv show with anything to do with magic was forbidden because they didn’t want a freak learning how to be freakier. Their son bullied me, called me a freak, and even had his toadies call me it. I even thought that was my name until my first teacher called my name, and I corrected her; the class had a laugh.” Harry sucked in a breath and let it out. His fists shook while he tried to get a handle on his emotions. “I will become the biggest freak I can be and make sure I become everything they tried to prevent. They don’t like wizards, hah; I’m a necromancer. The dead rises at my command to eat the flesh of the living.” Harry smiled as his body shook before he slumped down on the park bench. “Not like it matters; my body was left bleeding out with a cannibal. Everything I am will be bloody ghoul shite soon.” Harry said.


The world shook. “Tell me where you are, Harry, and I’ll find you no matter the cost?” Rose said.


At that question, he quickly composed himself. “I’m not that easy to fool. No matter how friendly you look, I know better than to give out my location. Besides, we’re worlds apart; telling you won’t matter.”


“You’re an idiot and going to die before I can see you again. I can’t go on knowing you're gone.” Rose said.


“That isn’t my problem. The dead don’t have worries or fears.” Harry said.


Rose lost it and started slamming her hands on the ground and stomping her feet. Harry stood up as the bench sailed into the nearby brick wall and shattered. Large chunks ripped from the ground from her kicks as she destroyed everything around her. It was the worse tantrum he had ever seen, all because he was doing, and she couldn’t see him. Harry thought it was a little selfish of her. But, then again, he didn’t know her, but she apparently knew him.


Harry stood up and began walking away. The tantrum suddenly ended as the train rolled in. “Where are you going?” Rose shouted over the screeching breaks.


“Back to myself,” Harry said.


She followed him through the exit to the train station to a stage with a mural of himself and the symbols for the 9 powers. The door to the train station vanished, leaving them in the dark with only the stage for light. Shadow creatures roamed about out of sight, ready to attack at the slightest sign of weakness. Harry looked down at the mural and then back at Rose.


“What is this place?” Rose asked.


“This is my heart; you could call it a chamber where souls rest. It's not quite the same as the realm between life and death. You seemed to have more power than I did in that place.” Harry said as she started to fade away. “I would rather spend my final moments alone and reflect.”


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Rize wiped her face before she left the morgue. She hated the cold bodies; it was like eating a TV dinner frozen to her. After selecting the proper floor on the elevator, she waited for it to take her up and hoped she wouldn’t get distracted by another young doctor. After resisting eating Harry and having a truly unsatisfying meal, it would be difficult to resist fresh meat. Doctors, especially young ones, were a fantasy of hers. She had the occasional med student, but a full-fledged doctor would be entirely different. Man or woman, she was craving something juicy and expensive.


She entered the room containing Harry and watched Doctor Kanou take notes. Her Harry floated off his bed unconscious while little things fell into the floor around him. A nurse had tried to stick a needle in his arm, but the thing bent on itself like he had ghoul skin.


“What did you say your relationship was to the young man Ms. Kamishiro?” Professor Kanou asked.


“We’re cousins; can’t you see the family resemblance,” Rize asked, knowing her very typical Japanese features didn’t match Harry’s western ones.


“Right, my mistake; you know people will want to take a look at him,” Kanou said.


Suddenly Harry fell into the bed, and his eyes snapped open, shining a baleful green. The sun had set, and soon she would need to meet Kaneki for their date. Rize licked her lips in anticipation of the meal to come. Perhaps she could have Harry over and invite Kaneki into her home. Then she could hold his mouth to keep him from screaming. She prepared what she was going to say, something like don’t scream out Harry’s home. A smile nearly split her lips at the game; the look of shock, confusion, pain, and desperation on Kaneki’s face would be priceless.


Her boy toy rolled onto his side before easing up into a sitting position. “What kicked me in the head?” Harry asked.


“Mr. Kamishiro, it's good to see you are awake. You gave us quite a scare.” Harry nodded.


“I feel weird like up and down are suggestions instead of restrictions.” Harry floated off the bed and took a few steps forward with blurry eyes. When he looked down, he seemed to notice his mistake, touched the ground, and made impressions on the floor with his feet. “This will take some getting used to. I guess asking you to keep this quiet is too much to ask for.”


Rize sighed, knowing she was about to ruin her appetite. But no one would ask about rumors after she stacked a bunch of bodies. She needed something to wash the morgue-flavored corpses out of her mouth anyway.


“Not if you come by for check-ups, and I have written you a prescription for your head. We couldn’t run you through any MRI machines with your powers the way they were, but this should help with the pain.” Rize watched Kanou open his hand, and the prescription flew into Harry’s hand.


“A 10 times increase, how ridiculous,” Harry said.


The glow of Harry’s eyes dimmed. “Let’s get out of here; you need to get ready for your date. What would be a good time to come in?” Harry said.


“Nex Wednesday would be ideal.” Harry nodded, and they left.



Shinji smirked as he entered the office of Professor Kanou. Everything was going according to plan. Harry and the world's ultimate prize were together, where he could keep an eye on them. As they left, Shinji raised his hand to send out a swarm of bladed insects to see to the Furuta problem after the steel beam accident. There could be only one dragon, after all.


Professor Kanou made it to his office, and Shinji smiled at the man as he entered. “Is this a prank, young man?”


“I hear you’re interested in human evolution,” Shinji said.


The old doctor’s eyes narrowed, and Shinji raised his wand.

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