Master Fu’s Ace Wife

Chapter 2: 2

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Chapter 2 - I'm your Grandfather, Remember?

It was by eleven o'clock in the morning when Wen Li's car arrived in Ningzhou City. After seven turns in the mountain road, an hour after they left Wutong town.

Wen Li is a child who grew up in Wutong town, She had been to many places over the years, not to mention the fact that she had been to different countries.

But, in the fifteen years of travel, she had never set her foot back in Ningzhou City. Along the way, it is still the high-rise buildings made with concrete, giving off a cold and inhuman feeling.

Fifteen years is enough time for this already prosperous place to develop even further.


The car drove all the way to the south of Ningzhou. The bustling crowd along the way gradually dissipated. When the scenery they could see changed from tall buildings to gardens in the city, they arrived at their destination.



The south of the city was one of the earliest developments in Ningzhou. Now, the Mu family was in the middle of the land.


The highest-class luxurious residential area, be it in terms of security or aesthetics, is impeccable. It is already 11 o'clock, and a young woman with children and rows of maids could be seen on the lawn on both sides of the slate road.


The most central area of ​​the entire mansion area is the Mu family villa.


After getting out of the car, Ah Jing picked up Wen Li's luggage and led her further in. The gardener and servants who were pruning the flowers on the lawn looked up curiously at the girl.


Ah Jing walked with Wen Li for about ten minutes before arriving at the main entrance. The magnificent townhouse and even the fence at the door were shining with golden light. From the fountain designed by the famous masters at the door to the expensive Roman columns, all of them showed the Mu family's wealth.


Ah Jing carried his luggage through the door. The sound of footsteps on the pure wood floor was heavy. Wen Li looked up at the crystal chandelier that is several meters long.

The refracted brilliance of the whole house has magnified the extravagant atmosphere of the whole house, and the handmade carpet laid under the coffee table has been stepped on by so many people, but it has not faded.


There was a faint smile on her lips. Fifteen years had passed, and the house was different from what she remembered.


The renovation is getting more and more expensive. The Mu family's business had been doing well over the years, and their position in the entire Ningzhou had risen to the next level.


It looks like time can really change a lot of things.


"Old Patriarch, the Eldest Young Master had an urgent matter that he can't set aside. He ordered me to send Third Miss back first."Ah Jing walked to the center of the living room and said respectfully.

Mu Kuiyuan sat on the sofa in the middle of the living room, and the sofa was made of extremely hard gold silk nan wood that was cushioned, which made him look quite imposing.


The scene that flashed through Wen Li's mind was clear as she lift her eyes.


"Child, I'm Grandpa, I am Grandpa ……"


It was as if they had crossed time and space, and the voice once again overlapped with the one she remembers.


"You' ve grew up so much. Come here, child."Mu Kui Yuan's gaze fell on Wenli and waved at her.


The old man wore a blue coat, his head of white silver hair was full of vigor, and his two horizontal eyebrows were still glowing after years of baptism.


"Come over and let Grandpa take a look."Mu Kui Yuan seemed to have noticed Wen Li's indifference and continued to call out in a gentle voice.


The person who was lost in her own thoughts walked over and stood still in front of the old man.


"Good child, you have been suffering outside all these years. In the future, I won't let you suffer anymore. Let's go home." Mu Kui Yuan held Wen Li's hand, his voice tinged with heartache.


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"What should I call you?" Wen Li opened her mouth and said the first sentence after stepping into the Mu family.


Her calm tone and slightly doubtful gaze made the old man curious.


"I am your grandfather, Mu Kui Yuan."The old man said his name word by word as if he was afraid that she would forget, "Do you still remember?"


"Grandpa."Wen Li finally opened his mouth and said these two words.


Ah Jing raised his eyebrows and looked at her. He had seen a lot of people after following Mu Chenyu for so many years. Just now, when Wenli was talking with the eldest young master, her attitude was not as good as she is to the old man.


Upon hearing Wen Li's call, Mu Kui Yuan's hanging heart dropped, and the smile on his face grew brighter.


"Good child, you've been suffering outside all these years. Now that you're back, Grandpa won't let you suffer again." Mu Kui Yuan held Wen Li's hand and said this solemnly.


"We all know the old man's love for the Third Miss, but the Third Miss must be tired now. I'll take her up to tidy up her luggage and have a good rest. We'll talk about it when we have dinner together."An older-looking woman walked over, smiling as she separated Mu Kui Yyuan's hand from Wen Li's.


It seemed like she and the Mu family were closer. The servants looked like they are accustomed to seeing her talk to Elder Mu like this.


"Look at my memory."The old man raised his hand and rubbed his eyes." Li Li, go up and have a good rest with Aunt Ruan. Everyone will come back in the evening. I'll introduce you to them one by one."


Wen Li nodded and followed Aunt Ruan upstairs.


A few steps up, he heard the old man's unhappy voice from behind, as if blaming Mu Chenyu for not sending her back in person.


He was throwing a tantrum at Ah Jing.


Aunt Ruan led Wen Li to a room at the end of the corridor on the second floor. The brown wooden door was pulled open. The area of the room was not too large, and the things arranged were quite common.


"Third Miss' return was a bit too rushed. The old patriarch had urged us to set things up properly. Do you like it? If there's anything you're not satisfied with, tell me. I'll have someone change it immediately." Auntie Ruan even smoothed the wrinkles on the bedsheets.


Wen Li sized up the interior of the room. It was decorated in the same way as the living room. This room was naturally quite vintage, but she had all the things she needed.


"No problem. I can live anywhere."Wen Li nodded slightly to Aunt Ruan.


"Okay, Third Miss, have a good rest. I'll have someone bring you something to eat later." Before Aunt Ruan left the room, she said," Master has gone to the company. Madam Ruan isn't at home either. The eldest miss has something to attend to at school. The little young master should come back later. The old master will introduce him to you.“


With the sound of the wooden door closing, Wen Li sat on the bedside table with a picture of the family, a family of six, neatly arranged, be it the middle-aged Mu couple or three young children.


There was no doubt about the beauty of the men and women of the family.


The rumors in the outside world were true. The three children of the Mu family were all dragons and phoenixes among them. Whether it was their abilities or looks, they were all impeccable.


She had left early, so of course, this group photo did not include her.


It is a little too deliberate to put pictures of the Mu family in her room.


Wen Li glanced at it and flicked the tip of her fingers and buckled the frame.

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