Master of The Dull Blade

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Prologue

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"In the face of talent, hard work was useless." That was the truth, that a lonesome young man came to accept after failing to achieve his dream. Having spent years devoted to mastering his craft, everything he worked for disappeared after losing his only key to success at the hands of a genius. Betrayed by his hard work, he gave up on everything and chose to live out a fantasy in virtual realities. From exploring foreign lands to discovering treasures few could imagine, he found himself in a constant state of joy whenever he played his games. Yet when taken out of the fake world and forced to face his own mistakes, nothing but sadness was left.

"What is the point in living a life like this." He said as he stared at his computer watching others live their lives without a care in the world. "Was I destined to live like a pig with nothing but garbage to his name?" Turning his gaze to his small apartment filled to the brim with trash, he couldn't help but clench his teeth in anger."If only I had a second chance..." He thought."If only I gave up that stupid dream of mine. I could've at least lived a simple life better than this." Imagining a warm and cozy home with people he used to have connections with laughing and enjoying each other's company, he couldn't but feel sadness and anger fill his heart.

"I'm pathetic..." Turning his gaze back to his computer he grabbed the virtual reality headset that sat beside it. "Forget it... at the end of the day this is all I have" Putting it on, he closed his eyes and selected a random game. "It doesn't matter if it's something I hate, any of these games are better than my garbage reality." As he dived off into the virtual world, something odd began to happen to him. dispersing into faint wisps of light, the man was transported to somewhere else.

Opening his eyes, the man found himself in a forest. Possessing nothing but the clothes on his back, he looked around trying to find out where he on Earth he might be. "Is this a game?" Seeing this unfamiliar world, the man couldn't help but be in awe for a moment. "The resolution is so high, I can't see any imperfections..." He muttered. "Not only that..." Closing his eyes he felt a soft breeze brush against his body along with the gentle warmth of the sun and the grass beneath his feet. "This can't be real." He muttered. "This feels like a perfect recreation of reality!" After feeling out the world itself, the man redirected his attention to the environment. "Although this all feels great, where exactly am I?" 

"Status." Calling out the menu of the game, the man expected a translucent game panel to appear in front of him, but to his surprise, nothing appeared. "Is something wrong? Status!" Calling out again the man was greeted with no response. "Damn is the game broken? How am I supposed to get out of here, let alone figure out what to do?"  Worried, he continued to call out "Status!" over and over again until he strained his voice. 

Letting out a soft sigh, the man redirected his attention elsewhere. "Let's just walk around and search for something" With no other option but to explore, he wandered for hours. "This place is surprisingly empty. Is this really a game? I haven't encountered any mobs and this all feels too real." Turning his gaze to his dirt-covered feet, a feeling of anxiety began to loom over him. "This all feels too real to be a game. No group of game devs is going to put enough details in a game to simulate reality this much" He thought. "Let alone programming something like a breeze, everything here would have required state of tech to even work properly. Something must have happened to me when I put that helmet on." Coming up with a simple conclusion that could put his mind to rest, the man continued his exploration. 

After walking around, he soon discovered something. Covered in rust, a worn-out sword could be seen stuck in a thick slab of stone. Approaching it carefully, he reached out to grab it, only for a sharp pain to suddenly shoot through his head. 

"ARgh!" Feeling as if his brain was on fire, he clenched his teeth and balled up his fists before falling onto the ground. "Damn it, what is this?" He thought. "This is too much, it feels like I'm gonna die!" Slamming his fist against the ground, he tried to ignore the pain. As time passed and the sun set, the pain eventually disappeared. Yet as that terrible sensation left him, something appeared in its place. 

[The System has finished the installation process!]

[Welcome to Earth, the land of the gods!]

Coming to his senses, the man couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile. "So you reveal appear in front of me now, huh?" He thought. 


AN: Made this chapter in a bit of a rush since I find it hard to actually write much of anything and wanted something out instead of messing around with 20 stories that don't even have a single chapter done. If the quality is off because of that, please tell me about any errors (things like odd wording or typos), I'll try to fix them as fast as I can. I'll also try to set up a schedule but that might not come to fruition. Hopefully, the next chapter will be a bit longer and you all can enjoy it.

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