Master Origin

Chapter 12: CH12 A system shouldn’t be allowed to do that

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Sir Lonz took out a tablet and showed the location of where we are and where they wanted to go.

"With Seniors Origin strenght we should be safely reaching the city of Aarau in 3-5 days.  We are sorry for not being able to go faster." As Lonz spoke he shot a quick glanze at Lana and Svena.

Origin was a little stumbed, why would that take so long?

"Do you all have what you need? Everything out of the carriage?" Origin didn't want to come back here just because a luggage was forgotten.

Svena answered him " Yes, we had all our belongins in our space rings. We can make our way towards Aarau now. I just hope there is still time for mother.."

Ehh? Another cliche storyline? Well whatever,he read so many books that there would be rarerly something he didn't read about. Even his background was already told in different ways.

"Good come a little closer to me. I don't want to have someone fuse with a tree or boulder. This divine sense jamming is just stupid."

Even if they were a little confused, they still listened to him and got closer. The next thing they saw was a blinding light who made them close their eyes.

Before the first of them could even reopen them they heard Origin ask.

"Is this Aarau? I think I got it right with the distance. It's hard to warp blindly.. that may be why most don't dare to do this in space.."

The first to open his eyes was Lonz, after him was Lat,Lana and than Svena. All of them with the same motion.

They looked at the city they called home and than at the senior beside them. This repeated itself for several times before Origin had enough.

"Oj, is this the city or not? Who asked to make haste? It's just warping. When you reach Void Step you can do it too for short distances.."

Lana was the first to ask." Senior, what stage are you at?" That question was in everyones head.

Origin almost laughed out loud. He knew very well that on this planet, it was impossible to achieve more than the Trancendend stage.

"You shouldn't ask anybody about his cultivation stage. Also don't you want to hurry?"

The last sentence was a wake up call for the other three. 

It was no problem for the group to get into the city and all the way to the Grandal estate. They were a lower end clan of this city. The patriarch was at the Symbiosis stage.

Origin was shown a room where he rested, the two knights did go and make their report while the two women were making haste into the chamber of Svena's mother.

Inside the chamber a middle-aged woman was lying peacfully on her bed.

Beside her was an older man in robes sighing to himself.

"I'm sorry Young Miss Grandal, there is nothing I could do. I don't even know what kind of illness the Madam has."

Svena was holding her mothers hand in tears " I thank you uncle Bret. At least she can sleep peacfully thanks to your medicine.."

Lana beside her was also in worry. Madam Grandall looked after her like her own child after she came into this estate.

Suddelny a lightbulb did go off in her head. We can ask him! She placed her hand on Svenas shoulder and said with some hope. "Miss Grandal, maybe Senior Origin can do something?"

As if electrocuted the eyes of Svena openend wide. Why didn't she think about it? He gave her healing pills and was at a stage much higher than everything she knew of existing!

The old man, Bret, was a little curious. "Lady Minia, who is this Senior Origin you are talking about? If he is not at least in the Void Step stage, it would be meaningless. Please don't tell me you have met somebody that strong while visiting your friend?"

Void Step, on this planet it was a synonym for strenght. The highest known realm somebody posessed. There may be Transcended beings but nobody ever saw one.

Lana thought for a moment before shaking her head. This made Bret sigh of relief. A being of that strenght wouldn't just listen to some request of a little family like theirs. This relief turned into unbeliev a moment later.

"I would say he is at least in the Transcended stage.. I don't know if it's even higher. I never saw a Deity stage or higher being." Lana wasn't sure herself. Was he a Deity expert? What would a being like that do here? Also wouldn't that mean this place should be linked with the Galaxy Web than?

There was also the possibility of him not being from this place..

Svena took the hand of Lana and pulled her with her.

"I don't care! Let's go ask him!"

Inside the room allocated to Origin a man was sulking before him. No web, no giftbags, no books to read. This was when a knock on the door was heard.

Svena's voice came from outside "Senior Origin, may I come in?"

Origin looked up and thought to himself. Well at least there is some action here.

"Yes, just open the door it is unlocked."

The door swung open and two women came in a hurry before him.Svena talked so fast that Origin almost couldn't understand her.

You are reading story Master Origin at

"Senior please save my mother! I know I still haven't repayed you yet for the last time. If you ask I shall even give you my body!"

Not only Origin even Lana was thunderstruck.

"Girl, you would need some more meals to get into my striking zone.. but there would be one thing you can do. Every singe story book, bring them all to me. Even if it's written by somw nobody, I want it! But first let me see what I can do."

Svena almost jumped from happiness and said to Origin 

"That's no problem! Please follow me!" With that said Svena and Origin left a Lana who now was 100% sure of her guess.

He mistook me for my ancestor, even called her name. He doesn't like to move too much, has a high cultivation level. The most important part was what he said he wanted as repayment.

Ancestor Sokra?!? Did she actually found the missing ancestor by chance here? She had to know!

Meanwhile in the chamber of Madam Grandal, two people were watching her opening her eyes, in horror. What did they see? As soon as Origin came in he just made a snorting sound and a black fog tried to flee from the unconscious woman. With a wave of his hand it was suck to gods know where.

Origin just looked at Svena and said "My deal is done,its your turn now. Well you have enough time. It seems I found a clue..hehehe. maybe I habe the so called plot armor? Hehehe"

As he left he heard cries from Svena and the old man, Bret, made his was as fast as possible to the patriarch. 

What followed didn't interest him. It was always the same. At least in stories.

As Origin made his way to his room he saw Lana standing with anticipation before his door.

He couldn't help but ask "So, with what could I help you?"

Lana's hearbeat dis go through the roof. How should she ask? Be direct? "I wanted to talk about something with you Anc..Senior." she almost let her guess slip.

Origin had a headache, it seemed the girl could guess it. His thoughts were on the how though. It was so long ago and he was gone long before she even was born. But to think his big sister would have children and even a whole lineage one day...

"Come in.."

Once inside the room both became quiet. Lana didn't know what to say and Origin was the same. Family eh...the only person he really missed was his little sister Sofi.

"So how's the tigress doing? Is she still alive?" One had to start with something, as the girl was a descendant of her, he should ask about her first.

As Lana heard Origin she was first confused, tigress? Who was that? HER ANCESTOR! "D-Do you mean Ancestor Fiona? Are you really the 4th ancestor Sokra Minia?! I was not completely sure but but--"

A light flick on her forehead made her calm down at once. She instantly kneeled and spoke with respect.

"Lana Minia, 12th generation of the Minia family, greets Ancestor Sokra!" She still couldn't believe it, if the other ancestor knew about it they would drown in tears! She was now thankful to have listened to all of Ancestor Martha's stories.

"Get up, stop calling me ancestor and if you even think about telling someone about me... I will make it so you never existed. So now, explain how you would even know about me. I don't think that there isn't a reason for that."

Who would have told a 12th generation child of Fiona about him. No the more important one was why...

Lana stood up and spoke with great admiration" Ance..Senior Origin it all began......"

Origin listened, asked some questions and listened some more.

Most of the time his face didn't budge. When he got to know that his big brother died..he was sad for a moment. He learned him how to cultivate, that with a high enough cultivation you could live forever. Except him all his sisters were still alive.

When it came to the part of the family creed and his little sister. He was first shocked and began to laugh out loud afterwards. 

This made Lana halt her storytelling and think about why her ancestor before her would laugh.

"Ohh Sofi you silly girl... That is so like you hahahaha."

Origin paused for some seconds and looked at the girl in front of him judgingly which made Lana almost cry. What did she do?

"Say girl, do you want to get strenght? So strong that no living being would ever dare to harm you or your loved ones? If so, accept me as your master" Origin knew he would never reconcile with his family but for the sake of those three sisters of his. He would let a legend be born within the Minia clan.

Lana was overjoyed when she heard that. Her ancestor wanted to take her in as a disciple! 

"Lana greets Master! From this day forward I shall heed your every command." 

Ughh this girl, ye she is a descendant of the tigress, alright. As he still was reminiscing about his sisters a voice who made him tremble in rage rang in his head.

"Congratulations host for accepting the 3th disciple! You get....2x giftbag(blue)... Art Medicine Book of Mercy (Lesser Divine)... Calculating rewards from Disciple Rukia and Tobias......"

Hehehhee very well system...that was a friking lie...what no giftbags, tokens and whatnot...a system who lies to its host, that shouldn't be allowed.

"Wait, what did those two do?!???What the hell!!!!" Origin's scream shocked Lana, what happened? Why was her master so pale and swearing?

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