Master Origin

Chapter 6: CH06 Rukias dream

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Hot, it's so hot. Where am I, who am I? 

Hot so hot, my body is burning, what am I?


In my clan there was only one rule, be strong. Even though I am the granddaughter of the Matriarch. I still hadn't any privileges, it wasn't like I wanted them.

But being in the direct bloodline of the highest member in a clan isn't easy. So many expectations. 


Why do I have to experience this, so hot, so hot.

So hot, why does it never end?


In all those years I grew up my family was always there for me. Until mom and dead died from an assasination outside the city. I couldn't understand it at that moment.

I didn't know of the evil in the heart of people.


Why do I have to loose my loved ones, hot it's so hot.

It's so hot, why do people kill each other.


I only got to know when I was 10 years old, how cruel this world was. My aptitude for cultivating was near zero.

At first I was ok with it but soon the people around me got to talk behind my back.

Look isn't that miss "I can't cultivate" to think she was of the direct bloodline. Even her brother is carbage.


I'm burning, I don't want to go on.

Let me rest, end this pain.


In the pocket dimension was a young boy standing some good distance away from a pulsing ball of fire. His look gave his worries away to whomever saw his eyes.

"Please sis, please make it. After this is over you will be a phoenix! A real one!"

Sadly his sister couldn't hear him where she was now.

Inside the tower Origin wasn't any better.

"System, didn't you say it would at most take two days? It's four now!"

Weirdly enough after the merging process began he couldn't read. If he told that to his past selfe, it would have laughed at him and call him mental.

"Looking for information....Host please touch the ball and awaken your disciple immediately!! Warning Warning!"

A beeping sound did go off in his head and he instantly teleported out. What the hell you scam system! Why do you not download such information before hand!

"M-Master?" Tobias was even more worried than Origin when he saw the worry and panic on his master's face.

"Go back into the tower, now!" 

Tobias didn't question him, he saw knew that his master wouldn't harm them deep down. Their master was the most gentle person he ever meet.

As Tobias left in a hurry, Origin began to question his system.

"Oy scam system! If you don't want to be adressed as murder system tell me whats going on and how to save her now! Also stop the fricking ringing in my head!"

"Disciple Rukia is merging with an inheritance of the Dawn Phoenix. The system provided bloodline should only be a normal phoenix one. Resonance found between Rukias bloodline and Dawn Phoenix. Disciple Rukia is expiriencing the Dawns Phoenix life, if failling imminent death."

You are reading story Master Origin at

"Say what now?!? Those bean sprouts are connected to a phoenix? And how to save her you scam!" He got angry, his disciple could die but he didn't get the information?

"Host be aware, the Dawn Phoenix was one of the first creatures who wete born in this universe. It was the first sun ever to exist. To awaken hwr you need to enter her soul with yours. You will touch upon her expirience during that. Giving out mission."

As he heard his systems explanation he wanted to faint. He may be a High Deity but he knew that wasn't the end of the road. He always felt that there was more above.

What kind of stage would that inhertance be? She is re-living the life of a being high as the creation itself! She is a friking sun at the moment! 

"System..if I die I will hunt you as a ghost." With that said he touched the ball of flame.

His hand instantly burned to cinders at the same time his soul made his way into a living hell.


Why won't it end? Reborn, I have to be reborn. Ending my suffer--

"Oy disciple Rukia?! If you don't wake up now I will have to banish you from being a disciple of mine!"

That voice, why do I know it? Im imploding.

"Get a grip together! Don't you want to be strong? So strong that you cpuld do as you like? Wake up and you will be one step closer!"

I know that voice...


"Was about time girl! Do you know how hot you are at the moment?! Ughh wait that sound bad.. Do you know how close to death we both are? Wake up and bw reborn! This master of you will wait outside. Surerly not because it's so hot though."

When the origin of her masters voice faded, she opened her eyes.

"Yes! I'm Rukia Fushu! My dream is to live my life in happiness and with my love ones!" She did remember now. Her life, both her lifes. 

A graceful female voice echoed in her very core at that moment.

"I have to say, that master of yours is quite guts for his cultivation stage. But if he didn't help you, you would have died. I didn't think that my bloodline, as little as it is, is still running in veins of living beings. Now I can rest for good."

"Who are you? What do you mean with bloodline?" Rukia couldn't understand one moment she was with her master and then? He flicked a crystal towards her, right?

A gentle laughter echoed through the void and the most beautiful creature she ever saw was manifesting in front of her.

A beak graceful carved as fine jade, wings shining in all colours imaginable. The body majestic as a bird could ever be.

"I had many names, most called me the Dawn Phoenix. The 12th being to exist in this tiny universe. I gave life to where there was none, I took it where there was. I don't know how many aoens ago it was but that isn't important now. 

I will give you my inheritance little girl. May you use it wisely. And if that old dragon should still be alive and you meet him..kick him where it hurts from me and say "that was for 2-timing me" hmpf."

The phoenix before her slowly melted into sparks that entered her body. With every spark her constitution grew.


Origin was panting and sweating before the ball of fire. He never fought and just to save a disciple he almost died? Scary!

As he looked at his left hand his mouth turned into a wry smile. Those pills he had wouldn't make that grow back.

There may be a solution for it in the future. He could still read with one hand.

While he was in his own little world, the ball of fire slwoly turned into the outline of a women. 

As if a mind of his own, the space ring on his right hand trembled and a robe, with several pheonixes crying out, flew out of it.

It flew into the outline of the women. Before he could even understand what is going on, he saw a picture he would never forget.

A sun slowly rose behind the figure. First wwas the hair, as if a fire was tamed and turned into silk. The looks of the girl may have been the same but the aura she gave of was noble and fiery. 

As her eyes opened he saw two suns looking straight at him. This scene stunned him to the core.

What did he create?

"Master, I thank you for this gift. If you ever point to the north, I shall not go south."

Her voice was clear and calm as if there was no thing which could face her.

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