Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 157: 157

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It was not a number that the 15 tied-up people could deal with.

“C-call Ram Hwajeong-nim!”

“W-wait, we need to figure out the number of enemies-”

“Since it’s already happening, let’s call her first- Uwaak!”

“Oraaaaa, Gigantic Bash! Don’t give them the chance to whisper!”

A hammer the size of a child crushed a person.

The mouth of the Hwahong members froze at the attack that slaughtered a person. Most importantly, there were too many enemies. Without time to whisper, they turned gray.

“Haa, haa.”

“Okay, 1 mission accomplished. Call Sasuke-nim.”

“He would want to know, huuu, huuu.”

The Byeolcho Alliance members that killed 15 Hwahong members took deep breaths and made a call. Hwahong personnel scattered from all over different safe houses while waiting for Hwayeon’s instructions disappeared from Middle Earth as soon as the war started.

On the first day of the guild war, Byeolcho Alliance moved less than an hour before the war started.

In order to win, they must crush their enemies. Byeolcho Alliance certainly succeeded in doing that.

“Eeek-! You didn’t expect that?

So? Is it over?”

“S-sorry guild master-nim.”

Jacheong bowed. It wasn’t unexpected. However, Byeolcho Alliance had more people than expected.

“You know that the most unnecessary thing to say in a meeting is sorry, right? That’s not what I’m asking right now, what I want is a report starting with the damage and countermeasures!”

When Hwayeon raised her voice, all the members of Hwahong guild stepped back.

She certainly was a heroine. One hour after the start of the war, they were attacked,

despite this, she did not panic. What needed to be done was to catch Byeolcho Alliance before they could proceed any further.

“Okay. A total of 15 safe houses with 15 people each got destroyed by Byeolcho Alliance, and all personnel died. Therefore, 132 personnel would not be able to log in for the next 10 days”

Jacheong’s words were more shocking than expected. The executive-level personnel of Hwahong Guild gathered in the conference chattered.

9 simultaneous attacks, how were they able to use such a strategy? Moreover, the distribution of 

people were appropriate. They only sent those who could definitely overwhelm 15 members of Hwahong.

If they had sent too many or too few, they would not be able to succeed in the attack.

While everyone was surprised by the daring plan of Byeolcho Alliance to mobilize more than 300 elites in an early surprise attack, Ram Hwayeon’s face contorted.

The raid was successful? There was no damage? It was not important. The important thing was how were they able to make it possible?

‘There’s an information leak. From who……? How did they find out?’

The location of safe houses was one of the top secrets for any guild. It was easy to see how nine of those locations got raided.

Ram Hwayeon cut off Jacheong’s report and immediately ordered.

“We will close all the safe houses that have not yet been attacked. However, they are not permitted to gather at the guild house. Tell them to stay in the shops of the nearest town available!”

“I understand.”

“Contact Hwangryong as well.”

“We will contact them…… already? Let’s try to counterattack first…

If we contact them now, we will have to pay additional money to Pei Wu and Hwangryong.” Jacheong wanted to save on expenses.

More than 130 people were killed, but there were still more than 100 people left in Hwahong.

All of them were elite members. It was even enough to attack Byeolcho Alliance and achieve results in one stroke.

Ram Hwayeon was fully aware of Jacheong’s concerns.

“No, I want to make sure. Call Pei Wu. and Hwangryong.”

A clear victory in exchange for money. Ram Hwayeon did not hesitate. Because she was not an adventurer, she was a businesswoman.

“Okay- hmm?”

Jacheong, who looked at Ram Hwayeon with respect, tilted his head.

Soon his face began to turn red.

“What is it, Jacheong?”

“We got them- we got them. Dragon Knight and Seomgwang moved

there are about 70 of them. They are headed to Tygonas Plains. Among them is the Dragon Knight’s guild master……”

One of the informants they scattered finally got a result. Hearing Jacheong’s words, Hwajeong, who was sitting in a chair, turned around and got up.

“I will be back.”

“Hwajeong, wait-”


Hwajeong had already used telerportation before Hwayeon could speak.

Both Seomgwang and Dragon Knights guild were elite guilds like Byeolcho. There were 70 members of that group, but the guts to move alone.

Other senior-level personnel looked around and swallowed dry saliva.

“Phew, come on! Attach an [Outsider] to escort Hwajeong!”

“Yes guildmaster-nim. Don’t worry.”

“Information desk, analyze the reason we discovered their safe house location! You don’t have to chase after Byeolcho.”

Hwayeon who gave instructions to Jacheong

looked at another executive and gave another instruction. The person in charge of information for Hwahong nodded.

“Should we stop looking for Sage Hyein?”

“Yes. You don’t have to look for him anymore. A large number of people appeared at Tygonas Plains… Anyone could see it’s a trap. Hyein and other members of Byeolcho will appear there. So, we have to figure out if it was a third party who found the location of our safe houses. It would have been impossible with Byeolcho Alliance’s power.”

When others were happy to catch 70 people at once, she was already one step ahead!

The young man in charge of information of Hwahong Guild was impressed by Ram Hwayeon.

“Okay, director- No, guild master-nim.” The executive of Hwahong guild also belongs to Ramlong Head Office.

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However, no one complained. Was it because her success would lead to their promotion? No.

“Move now! The gathering location is near Tygonas Plain! Keep 1-kilometer distance from Hwajeong!” 

It was because they knew that she had great abilities.

“Huu, huu… Really… Is it really true?”

“That means we have to do it ourselves”

“We have no choice but to follow since it’s Sage Hyein’s plan.”

The members of Dragon Knights and Seomgwang moved carefully. Their tension would not go away because they don’t have a clear view of the plains.

“The surprise attack worked, but this plan……

“That’s true. Even two guild masters came…. there’s no way she’ll come out like that.”

This was because the guild master of Seomgwang and Dragon Knights were included in the 70 users.

The leader of the alliance was Sage Hyein

however, this did not mean that the two guild masters were inferior.

However, since Hyein’s surprise operation had been effective, they had no choice but to follow Hyein’s plan.

“Are there enemies around?”

“I don’t see them yet. There are some users in the hunting ground, but they can be ignored- O-Ohh?”

“Why? Why?”

“L-Look! Blue hair! Blue hair!”

The archer immediately picked up the bow. It was ridiculously far away, but the first reaction of all those

who saw the woman

was fear.

Ram Hwajeong!!! It is Ram Hwajeong!!!” “That’s crazy! She really came alone?!” The Dragon Knights and Seomgwang guild members got goosebumps

when Hyein’s predictions came true that if they leak information about the movement of their troops Ram Hwajeong would appear,

she may be a genius at playing Middle Earth, but she was not a war genius.

‘If only we could get Ram Hwajeong here-!’

She would not be able to play for 10 days. It would be a huge loss of power for Hwahong.

“Everyone, prepare for battle! Move according to Hyein’s plan! We must kill Ram Hwajeong before Hwahong could send reinforcement!”

The 70 man special forces group was formed for that. Users that were level 170 or higher. Even though Ram Hwajeong was a ranker, the guild master of Dragon Knights was also a level 200 high-level user!


With his cry light particles began to seep into everyone’s body.

Tankers and Brawlers rushed toward Ram Hwajeong,

there were also archers next to the magicians who buffed the damage-dealers, among them

were people who participated in Tiwi Canyon battle.

‘That bitch is not invincible!’

They had confidence and experience. They planned to defeat the Ice Witch Ram Hwajeong, 9th in the ranking!

“Kuhaha, get her! Let’s get some achievements as well!”

“Raise your shield! Stay vigilant!”

There were more than 40 melee users running. Even in the face of 1:40 disadvantage, Hwajeong did not stop. And the blue light that floated to her body did not stop as well.

“Ice Wall.”


The water vapor in the air rapidly froze.

Even though Ram Hwajeong started later than the enemy, her magic activated first. Looking at it alone, one could see her skills.

Additionally, the place where the huge wall of ice appeared was between the frontline and rear.

As if she intended to separate the enemies, the magic and arrows hit the ice wall as the Dragon Knights and Seomgwang guild members released them late.

“The rear is blocked!”

“It can’t be helped, ignore-”

“……Ice Spike.”


Ice spears rose in front 

of the melee dealers.

Like a barricade suddenly popping out of the ground, ice spears pierced the stomach of several people.


“Ignore it! We have to catch Ram Hwajeong no matter how many people die!”

“Ice Blast.”

Huge ice balls were fired like cannons.

However, those who knew that this was Ram Hwajeong’s main attack had enough time to prepare.

“Dodge! If you can avoid it, she won’t be 

able to cast anymore!”

Whik, whik-!

The personnel showed movements that were faster than the cannons. As the giant sphere of ice flew behind them, smiles appeared on their faces.

At the next moment, boom一!! They heard a huge boom.



“Kuwaak! What, this, these pieces of ices!”

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