Max Stats in the Apocalypse

Chapter 57: The Mission [2]

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Mayquelle and Ian continued walking down the street and collecting information as much as possible.

"Demonyo Clan cleaned up illegal businesses and changed them into something a bit more productive. Instead, those who were working as gangsters and extorters had become factory workers who specialized in dungeon-extracted resources and products." Mayquelle mumbled as she assessed what they had learned.

"They made the wages above the minimum and also implemented total export of their products. If that happened within just a week, the agency's information was outdone within just a week."

Ian continued looking at Mayquelle, groaning about what they had just learned. It is obvious that this is a serious matter as no one has achieved this feat in history; even in the District Overdrive.

And as they had the information, exceeding their expectations, speculation emerged from it.

"A deserter. It could be. An Awaken that used their power to have control over the Line City." Mayquelle mumbled.

"But for what purpose? Line City doesn't have anything useful. Only criminals if you think of it." Ian added that made Mayquelle fall silent right away.

"This is obviously a different matter. We need a different stance, and underestimating them isn't better for our progress." Ian continued.

"But even so, these are just initial findings. It could change." Mayquelle argued.

"That's the problem. We don't know what kind of change we will see in the future."

Starting from common information, Ian and Mayquelle learned that the data in the report didn't match with what they had gathered. It was hugely different and couldn't be ignored as they could fail this mission.

"The mission is to bring the 30 Awakens to our side. Let's continue investigating to find out who they are. And after that, we will approach them one by one." Ian uttered.


Baron was just sitting there without any sound. He listened to their investigations, and as he realized how serious Ian was, it was a sign that he should not be nonchalant.

The three of them thought that District Wish was easy. And moreover, they only had to focus on one city, but things were escalating differently.

They had used their money to pay some citizens and ask about useful information. And what they had gathered seemed to be similar to each other. They were all about the Demonyo Clan.

"Something doesn't match..." Ian mumbled as he sat on his bed, thinking.

Baron worriedly looked at Ian and commented. "Bruh, aren't you just overthinking? It is not possible. Our system is top-class."

"No... Baron. This isn't a simple matter. This is a trick. We should lend our time more to this mission. Unlike other missions, we were spoonfed information. This time, we are working independently from credible sources." Ian pressed.

Mayquelle was just watching them argue with each other about the intensity of the mission. She was smirking, as if deep inside, she was entertaining herself.

"We have different specialties. I can sense presences. Baron can calculate the strength, while you, Ian, can sense magical power. Our trio is a perfect combination of specialties that focus on sensing. This won't be as hard as you think."

Ian and Baron instinctively looked at Mayquelle with confused eyes. She was confident of it, which might be just arrogance or indeed confidence from her assessment. 

When Ian was about to ask about it, Mayquelle made her way to explain what she had thought.

"We only have speculation. And clearly, we don't have any solid information, just hearsay. So, what we should do by tomorrow is inspect the Demonyo Clan up close. We did it before, and the small inhabitants of District Wish won't be able to destroy our cover."

It is an obvious and already given method of collecting solid information, and Ian had already thought of it. However, just being careful, Ian didn't jump into that idea.

"We will investigate them up close, but it won't be what you are thinking, Mayquelle. We put ourselves in the citizens' shoes. In that way, we can easily see what they were doing publicly."

Baron chuckled. "Hahahaha... This is breaking the code. We should report our arrival at the nearest agency branch, but since we had learned information that wasn't part of the report, it would be natural to suspect them." Baron said.


"What do you mean, Baron?" Ian and Mayquelle were discombobulated by Baron's remarks.

"Haven't you thought of it? What do you think is possible? The information we got from the report and the information from the citizen don't match." Baron asked.

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Ian slowly realized what Baron was trying to pinpoint, thus making him mumble his assessment. "The report was fixed."

"Hmmm... How about we commence your plan, Ian?" Baron smirked and turned to face Ian.

Ian was dazed and just nodded. "Okay. Let's think of a proper plan."


The next day, with the money they had, they bought a house and a lot near the Blue Neighborhood. It would bring suspicion or light on them if they moved to the Blue Neighborhood. And playing a background story that they came from the other city, this is the best decision they could have made.

As they bought a house and a lot, they started to create a relationship with their neighbors. As the house they got was just near a pub, the three of them introduced themselves separately while talking with the locals.

On Ian's side, he was standing at the counter with the bartender preparing the drink he requested.

"I'm new here. I don't know about any other courtesy that I should act with each other, so I might ask something. Is that okay?" Ian asked.

The bartender looked at him while shaking the drinks, then nodded. "No, problem. It is quite a trend right now. People visit and relocate to Line City because of its thriving economy. Are you an investor?"

Ian took a pause before answering. Investor? In District Wish, only a small percentage of non-Awaken could be investors. Hence, there's a huge chance that the population of Awakens in the city was starting to increase.

"Hmmm... May I ask again? How's the economy in the city? Why do all of the investors come here?" Ian asked.

"You don't know? Well, it is because of the emergence of the Demonyo Clan, which swept all of the gangs and illegal activities they engaged in. Instead, they changed into a business that deals in places where human services are needed."

Ian took a while to reply. The bartender also finished preparing his drink and then put it on Ian's side.

"Here's the drink."

Ian nodded and took the drink.

Meanwhile, on Baron's side, he was helping a flower store. He entered the shop first and ordered a flower, but then, when he saw the owner having a hard time reaching a flower, he approached her. Baron took the chance to help and also have a conversation with the store owner.


The store owner bowed and thanked him. And then, Baron asked.

"May I ask? What was the city like before? When I moved here, it felt like the city had this slightly awkward air. I don't know, but I am just curious."

The store owner smiled and answered him voluntarily.

"It is because of the Demonyo Clan. They stuffed all of the gangsters and also offered their services in the city for free. At least, from what I can remember, our tax dropped 10% and the local government was also working with them."

Baron contemplated it after listening to her. He wasn't wrong about it. The local government was helping with them. And if a normal citizen knows this, then the local government was transparent, which is a difficult phase to reach in any place that has a government.

Well, at least, Baron thinks of it that way. Unconsciously, he was still underestimating the District Wish.

'No... It could be that our suspicion about the Information Agency branch here working with the Demonyo Clan was real.' Baron thought.

Baron added, 'Then, the local government is also working with the Demonyo Clan. A partnership that is even deeper than most normal people would think.'

Baron smiled, then bid his farewell to the store owner with the flower in his grasp. And as he returned to their house, Mayquelle was still trying to get the information she could use.

However, as Mayquelle walked down to an alleyway, her clothes were slightly revealing, trying to attract hoodlums or harassers' attention. But as she walked down an alleyway, she could only see three people, and all three of them were not men. Instead, they were women.

These three women were working out in an alleyway. They were jumping up and down the walls back and forth, which left Mayquelle dumbfounded.

'What the hell is wrong with this city?'

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