Max Stats in the Apocalypse

Chapter 63: Guild Building [3]

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A few moments later, the whole neighborhood where the Jungle Heats stay was covered in silence. Every citizen was hiding in their houses from the fear of getting involved in the war.

They had heard gunshots earlier. But it wasn't the case. When they tried to peek into what was happening, all they saw was one person slaughtering the gangsters of Jungle Heats.

Questions emerged in their heads. Should they be happy that the tyranny of Jungle Heats has ended, or should they be afraid because a monster just slaughtered them?

Who knows what will happen to them? They could only pray to any god they could remember.

Currently, Roger was becoming insane. The thirst for blood that he was unconsciously suppressing resurfaced. However, it wasn't to the point where he couldn't control it. It is still manageable for him.

As he finished killing the strongest of the Jungle Heats, he dragged the four bodies out of the building and dropped them at the center of the neighborhood. 

Some of the gangsters were waking up. They were those who he just beat to sleep.

When they finally opened their eyes, they all flinched as they saw blood and four people with their heads and necks atrociously damaged.

They moved backward when they saw Roger standing before these dead bodies.

"Were they the boss of the gang?" Roger asked. 

But, no one replied as they were too stunned. Fear had already taken over their systems, so they didn't know what to say at this moment. How to react? They had already forgotten it as what they could only register was that one monster was standing before them.

Roger is a monster. The blood that was covering his body was so terrifying that even a veteran would react to it.

Well, it was only natural for him since, from the start, he was suppressing his actions in the city. He only wanted to create a safe space for his family, but it ended up taking him control of the whole city just to be sure.

Is this truly who he is? It is not. It wasn't even an inch of his character from Kluma. These were merely the actions that any person would take to have power.

"Are you loyal to the Jungle Heats?" he asked, but no response reached his ears once more.

Roger only smiled, then followed his words with, "This neighborhood is under the Demonyo Clan. If you want to live, follow the rules of my gang."

Then he left them dazed. He went to his people and left them the task of cleaning up the mess he created, as he still had a few gangs to clean up.

Roger arrived at the Blazing Bears' neighborhood, but surprisingly, they were too open. People were just everywhere, even though it was already night. Probably, this was just a ruse to fool Roger into thinking they were normal people.

Roger was still covered in blood, but no one was alarmed by it. Even knowing how confusing it was, Roger just continued walking. He then searched for the strongest fighting spirit and it led him to the tallest building in the neighborhood.

And as he continued walking, at the same time, the people that were acting like normal people started gathering and surrounding him. They took something from their backs, and it was guns. And as they formed a circle in which Roger was in the middle, they all pointed their guns at him.

These people were probably around 30 people. They all had guns, which is surprising for a gang that is below the Green Falcons.

"Hey, bitch. What are you doing here? We heard that you slaughtered Jungle Heats. Are you here to do it to us?" Someone asked.

"Oh... You already know? Why are you even asking?" Roger replied.

"Pft. Don't take us like that puny gang. We are the Blazing Bears and we are the strongest."

"Sounds doubtful to me," Roger mumbled.

"Hey! Kill him. He has nothing to benefit us!"

Then, as expected, gunshots were heard and their guns were pointed at Roger. But he wasn't the one who got hit. Instead, they did friendly fire and misfired on their comrades. 

Roger jumped high in that small fragment of seconds and observed them dying below. They were too stupid.

And as he landed, he stepped on their dead bodies.

"How could you kill your own gang members? Stupid. You don't look at where you are firing."

Supposedly, these guns were their preparation for a gang war with the Red Bulls. However, it wouldn't be used anymore as the Red Bulls didn't exist anymore and their gang was due to cease.

After that, Roger continued searching for the boss and went to the tallest building in the neighborhood. He then met with other gangsters and fought with them, but in the end, he just put them to sleep.

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As he got to the room where the strongest fighting spirit was, he could only let out a sigh. It was a fighting maniac.

"Oh... armor, huh? Why are you wearing that? Are you strong?"

'A typical battle maniac.'

The person was grinning just after his workout. The gym equipment was all over his room, and as he saw Roger dripping with blood, he dropped all of his supporters and prepared a stance.

"Come here. I know that you came here to fight with the gang, right?"

Roger just grumbled, then instantly put the person to sleep with his mere pressure. It wasn't tolerable for a normal person.

"Where is their boss?" he mumbled.

He then decided to leave the building, but he bumped into a person.

"Wah!!! Don't come near me! I will help you escape, but don't just hurt me!"

Roger was just silent as he watched the person he bumped into react hysterically. It seemed that he knew what was happening and was only hiding to preserve his life.

And as Roger thought of his use, he let out a sigh and then asked. 

"Where is the boss of the Blazing Bears?"

The person took a pause for a second and then lowered his head with his hands clenched. It was as if he was fighting with himself, having second thoughts about what he should do. 

"Where is your boss?" Roger pressed, which made the person exhale a heavy breath.

"The Owls! He was in The Owls' base, meeting with the other allied gangs." The person blurted out.

Roger raised his eyebrow as he got curious about what might be their purpose. He then raised a question, "Why are they making an alliance?"

And at that point, as the person answered, Roger finally learned that they were preparing to seize the Red Bulls with their alliance. However, the sudden eruption of Roger's movement had unnecessary effects.

He stopped the information about what happened to the Red Bulls, but he wasn't able to suppress what happened to the Jungle Heats. It could be the main reason the Blazing Bears were aware of him.

Possibly, they might also be assuming that Roger came from the Red Bulls, as it is commonly known that the Red Bulls were the most aggressive gangs in the Line City despite only being in the top 3.

He let out a sigh, then tapped on the shoulder of the person and stated, "Get lost."

Roger then suddenly disappeared, leaving the person breathless.

While Roger was on his way to the neighborhood of The Owls, he dialed Kaspher's number and declared that they had got the Blazing Bears. He then directed that some men be sent to clean up the mess and comfort the residents of the area.

Roger was also pursuing a good image with the people. With this, the reputation of the Demonyo Clan in the other city would be supported by the citizens.

When Roger arrived at the neighborhood where The Owls were, he took a pause and noticed that they were being lenient. They might have also prepared it but only wanted to show that they were lenient. However, Roger had already noticed that there were people gathering at the widest building in the neighborhood, which was at the center.

He realized that they were preparing for his arrival and were just putting some bait out for him. Of course, they might know that Roger would be vigilant about going there, but as it had happened, Roger was diving. He was attacking abruptly as if he wasn't thinking about it.

The network of their information was superb, to assume. It is possible that their alliance improved this. And thinking about it, he might see some talents in them.

But of course, since they were from the other gangs, if he thought of using them, injecting fear into them would be the best method to make them obey him.

And also, he should not forget about his gang. They were already dominating, and even without their help, they could seize a gang by themselves.

The Demonyo Clan would only consist of the 30 original Awakens, but the other gang members would be only fillers for the gang's population.

Trust is not the issue, but control.

Roger continued entering the neighborhood and went straight to the building. He already knew they were hiding behind the walls, as their presence was obvious.. But even so, he didn't make it obvious, and in addition, he played with their plot.

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