Max Stats in the Apocalypse

Chapter 66: Guild Departments

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"Do you know that a good guild has good parts? Departments that work properly will bring the guild success in any field."

Roger paused as Nikolas said those words. After he gave his orders to Kaspher, he visited Nikolas to ask for advice on how to make his guild firmly built. He had already learned how to create a sect, but it wasn't enough as people in this world weren't that strong in kinship.

Thus, Roger made sure that these methods would complement each other in this world. 

"You must look for a talent," Roger added. But Nikolas raised his finger at him to make him pause.

"It is not as simple as that. Talented people who know their worth are not loyal. I had learned that. However, talented people that sought guidance were those who were loyal."

Roger took a pause to comprehend what Nikolas said. And as he realized some similarities to what happened in Kluma, he smirked.

"Then, does that mean that I should pick talents on my own? See them with my own eyes?" Roger asked.

Nikolas shook his head. "Not entirely. They can bring themselves to you. Post recruitment and they will flock."

Roger scoffed as he saw how Nikolas was making his face. He was making a silly face, thus making him realize that he was being sarcastic about what he was saying.

"I see... I should not think of it first. I already have some talents; they just need education. Do you have some institution in mind that they could attend for some training?" Roger asked Nikolas.

Nikolas groomed his beard and then smiled at Nikolas. He then took some small notebooks and scanned through them. Later on, he looked at Roger and said, "I have some."

Roger nodded and an idea came into his mind.

"Maybe I should put some overseers in each previous gang location. It would take time to bring them into one organization." Roger suggested.

Nikolas raised an eyebrow and then supported his idea.

"That is good. You are learning."

Roger inwardly chuckled, as it wasn't even that hard to think of. 'What a basic.'

Roger then took a piece of paper and listed the decisions that were made at this time. With Kaspher's help, he appointed Mark as an overseer of the Red Bulls. He put Linkon with the Jungle Heats and Blazing Bears, as well as others in the 30 Awakens, who were given some tasks to focus on that needed their fighting capabilities.

When Roger remembered about training them, he let out a sigh as he recalled that he should be the one who'd be training them. However, because he still didn't have time and dropping out of school was out of the question, he considered hiring a martial arts instructor.

Even with how different their styles are, martial arts are still the same. It was just a series of movements that could be used in fighting. And so, he put it into his mind and also listed it.

Later on, he listed the things they needed to focus on in their external arts. Internal arts center on cultivation and revolve around internal energy, whereas external energy refers to the natural forces of the body that do not require any internal energy.

Hence, Roger was thinking of putting them through harsh training to tone their muscles, skins, and bones. 

But the problem that blocks this idea is the schedule they had. If they weren't able to control everything with the lack of their people, he would face another problem. 

He could just handle it on his own, but he was thinking of giving some influence to his people so that they could work cooperatively.

It was a matter that would hinder him in the future; thus, when he got an idea, he looked at Nikolas.

"Am I your competition?" Roger asked.

Nikolas took a pause, then gave Roger an eye.


"Am I your competition?"

"Why are you asking that?"

"Well, I was thinking of asking for another favor. Do your men work as security? I mean, not to offend, I wanted to hire your men to guard the city for about a month. If that's okay."

Nikolas took a moment of silence as he got confused by Roger's idea. He didn't know how to read it, so he took the chance to ask.

"What is your plan?"

"I wanted to put my men through harsh training. Even if it's just for a month, I want to teach them something else that they could use. After that, they can focus on their intellectual training."

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"Well, I am not entirely the one who'll decide it, but I will give you my word that you will have that month of time."

Roger let out a sigh of relief and thanked Nikolas.

"You are such a good uncle."

Nikolas just chuckled and let Roger continue with his thinking.

Roger also wanted to give his men the knowledge they needed when they indulged themselves in cultivation. Apart from taking disciples that could happen in the future, Roger wanted to teach them how to communicate even without the use of technology in this world.

There is a distress signal method that Murim people know. It was something that was included in their cultivation, but Roger still didn't know if it would work.

He is also thinking that maybe in the future, his people will be abducted because of their cultivation. It could be used as a way to awaken unnaturally. That is the use of the distress signal: to locate them immediately.


After his visit to Nikolas, Roger knew the things he should focus on in this world. The departments of his guild must have the following: the Information or Intelligence Department, the Defense Department, Armed Force Department, the Finance Department, and also the Social Department.

But still, he didn't know the method he should use to garner those people. The 30 Awakens are obviously unsuitable for intellectual pursuits. They only needed to learn how to lead, but giving them more knowledge would be unnecessary.

"Jack of all trades but not a master of none" is the right description if he pushes them to learn plenty of things. Hence, they could be in the Armed Forces Department since the Defense Department needs commander brains for tactical matters.

"Hey, it is not like I should have started these things by now. I still have time and they were unnecessary for the investigators." Roger mumbled to himself as he was still bothered by his plan.

He was like he was stressing himself out, even though he had no other threats to take care of. But, at least, he should be careful since this life isn't his by himself.

Roger let out a heavy sigh and smiled, looking at the sky with his worried eyes. 

"Why am I worried about something? Ugh... This world is much more complicated than I thought."

He then went to the Red Neighborhood and went to his personal room in Red Bull's previous base. He took a rest for a while but Kaspher suddenly arrived with news that he was expecting to have by this time.

"We had a lead, Boss." Roger suddenly stood up from his seat as soon as he heard Kaspher's news. He excitedly took the folder Kaspher was holding and then read what the report was all about.

He realized that these investigators were confused by the report that the Information Agency Branch sent them.

'They might be suspecting the Information Agency as my tentacle. Well, they were not wrong about it, but I only have a backer, not the whole Information Agency.' Roger thought.

He then continued, 'That is why they didn't report their arrival in the city, because of the strange things they discovered when they infiltrated the city. They weren't bad, but I was hoping that they would be bigger people.'

All of the preparation for raising his gang's reputation was all because of these investigators. From a calm and unbothered high schooler, Roger changed himself to a leader-type of person.

He collected people by his side to prepare for them. He was also expecting them to be tenacious, but surprisingly, they were too careless.

"Ah... I was thinking of fighting them, but let us just have some deal with them." Roger mumbled as he lost his interest in them.

He knew that he could just give them some misleading information. Now that he knows where they are, playing with them is not hard. At least he knew that they were not being reckless since they didn't involve the citizens.

"But then, I am curious. How were you able to locate them, Kaspher?" Roger asked and looked at Kaspher, who was fixing his glasses back to their original position.

Kaspher smirked, then explained it well.

"When we took over the city, I had spread my informants all throughout the city. You know that Green Falcons' specialty is our network, so, we made sure that when a suspicious person was caught in our eyes, they must be investigated."

Roger nodded, then let Kaspher continue his explanation.

"From plenty of suspicious people, we filtered them through the facts that we were locating. Investigators search for information. So, when we finally tracked them, we inspected each of their houses at daylight because the chances that they were searching for information were high."

"When we got hints, we already knew that they were the investigators we were looking for."

"What hints?" Roger asked.

"Their profiling.... We saw their report and also their profiling progress."

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