Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 77: 76

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Chapter 76 - You Will Never Understand It if You Don’t Become a Father!Chapter 75 - [Duration] [Time] [First Time] Men Are Very Concerned About This Word!Chapter 74 - Interfering With Other People’s Dates... Seems Like a Lot of Fun. (Kawaki: It’s Fun, Your Uncle!)Chapter 73 - How Could There Be Such a Thing as a Love Guide!Chapter 72 - The Only People Who Are Excited About Dating Are...Chapter 71 - Amnesia! This Kind of Plot... This Kind of Plot... Are You Acting in a Korean Drama? ! (End of Amnesia Chapter)Chapter 70 - Explosion Does Not Need a Principle! Just Like the Temper of Menopause, It Will Explode if It Explodes!Chapter 69 - Justaway Is a Justaway! Nothing More, Nothing Less!Chapter 68 - Be Polite When Asking Others!Chapter 67 - Sorry, Justaway Is Tomorrow! Not Today!Chapter 66 - You Can’t Forget What You Like!Chapter 65 - If They Say Something Like a Friend’s Car Accident, You Can Just Hang It up as a Scam Call!Chapter 64 - It’s Not Necessarily Only Water That Gets Thrown Out of Your Brain, It Could Be Memory Too (Gintoki Amnesia Chapter, Part 1)Chapter 63 - Only the Hidden Ones Are Called Treasures! (End of Otsuu’s Threat Letter!)Chapter 62 - This Kind of Character Attribute Is Olny in TV Show, Outside the TV Show... It Definitely Doesn’t Exist!Chapter 61 - Some Things Have to Follow the Rules!Chapter 60 - The No. 1 High School Detective in the World Is... That’s Right, It’s Me Kudo... Kawaki!Chapter 59 - Life Is Full of Scenes Where You Encounter Some Unexpected Things, but They Are Always Boring.Chapter 58 - It Looks Like a Demon, Maybe It Is an Ordinary Person After Taking off the Mask?Chapter 57 - There Are Always a Few Words That Make You So Angry That You Can’t Suppress It [Rengokukan Part 1]Chapter 56 - All the [Friends] in the World Are Actually SimilarChapter 55 - Being Held Up, Sakamoto’s [Duty] (Sakamoto’s Appearance Is Over~)Chapter 54 - Forget About the Past, Men Should Look Ahead!Chapter 53 - Keep Quiet in Public! Don’t Cause Trouble to Others! (Sakamoto Tatsuma Appears!)Chapter 52 - The So-Called Marriage Means... Forget It, I Don’t Understand Either! (Sacchan Appearance - End!)Chapter 51 - Shock! The Silver-Haired Naturally Wavy Hair Is Also Macho! (Hey? Why Should I Say That?)Chapter 50 - Everyone Has a Door in Their Hearts. Is It the Door of S or M?Chapter 49 - When a Woman Gets Serious With You, She Won’t Let Go!Chapter 48 - There Are Always a Bad Hawthorns in Every String of Candied Haws! (Sacchan Appearance Part 1)Chapter 47 - Shinsengumi Supernatural Event (End!)Chapter 46 - There Are Always Various Surprises in the Following the Script!Chapter 45 - [Willpower] and [Imposing Aura] Don’t Always Work!Chapter 44 - The Question of Whether an Egg Can Hatch a Chick Can Only Be Known by Asking the Hen That Lays the Egg!Chapter 43 - Men Still Pay the Most Attention to Women’s Appearance! (Shinsengumi Supernatural Event Part One!)Chapter 42 - I Really Can’t Think of a Title and So That’s It!Chapter 41 - Otae: The Real Title of This Work Is Taetama, Remembered It Well...Chapter 40 - Life Is Not Like an RPG Game That Will Let You Level up Slowly!Chapter 39 - If You Are in a Bad Mood, Then It Must Be Because of the Weather!Chapter 38 - After Boys Enter Puberty, They Wake Up [Standing] Every Morning!Chapter 37 - The Perverted Thief and the Righteous Thief Are Basically Two Different Things!Chapter 36 - The Uninvited Guy at the Class Reunion Is the Most Annoying! (Takasugi: Goodbye...)Chapter 35 - Takasugi: Hey, Can’t You Two Really Hear?!Chapter 34 - Mecha and Large Robots Are Always a Man’s Romance!Chapter 33 - The Victory or Defeat in the Game of Life Is Already Decided at the Beginning!Chapter 32 - Be Sure to Prepare a Good Speech Before the Competition!Chapter 31 - The Smell of Dogs Is Innate! The Middle-Age Man Smell on Elizabeth Too!Chapter 30 - Freedom Is More Than Just Talking! Feel It! Listen to It...Chapter 29 - After an Appointment, There Will Be Another One!Chapter 28 - To Wash the Underarms, at Least 3 Times a Day!Chapter 27 - Human Beings Will Not Change Easily! Old Friends Too!Chapter 26 - Shock! Kawaki Also Had Pets! The Ending Is...Chapter 25 - The Gorilla Is Done, Next Is a Dog?Chapter 24 - Children Don’t Need to Know [This Way and That Way and Every Other Way]!Chapter 23 - Seita’s Bizarre Adventure! (Second)Chapter 22 - Seita’s Bizarre Adventure! (First)Chapter 21 - The Turtle School Martial Art Was Taught by Master Mutaito, ​​and the Super Spirit Bomb Was Taught by Kaio-Sama(King Kai)!Chapter 20 - The Thing More Hateful Than Not Being Able to Keep the Promise Is Forgetting the Promise! (Otsuu’s Father Part 2)Chapter 19 - Thinking of the Title Makes My Head Explode! Hey! (Otsuu’s Father Part 1!!)Chapter 18 - A Certain Author: Respect the Cp Fans of the Original Work! (End of Kagura Appearance~)Chapter 17 - Don’t Believe the Fortune-Telling in the Morning Show!Chapter 16 - Is It either Cat Faction or Dog Faction_ Give Up This Dangerous Idea, Boy!Chapter 15 - Men Who Are Drunk Are Actually Children! (Pseudo-End of Yoshihara Arc Part 1)Chapter 14 - If You Can’t Find the Time Machine, Please at Least Give...Chapter 13 - All in All, Let’s Fill Up the Stomach First!Chapter 12 - After 10 Years of Being an Idiot, He Is Still an Idiot!Chapter 11 - A Boy Will Like a Different Person if He Has Not Been Seen for a Period of Time!Chapter 10 - Everyone Is a Poor Creature Lost in LifeChapter 9 - There Is Only One Place the Eyes Look at From Beginning to EndChapter 8 - Joy 5-Member GroupChapter 7 - Sweet Dreams and NightmaresChapter 6 - 2 Idiots, No, 4 Idiots Now!Chapter 5 - [Monster] and [Little Monster] and [Son of Monster]Chapter 4 - [Samurai] and [Bushido]Chapter 3 - Kawaki, Gintoki, Takasugi and KatsuraChapter 2 - The So-Called Life Starts From Learning to Hold an Umbrella for Oneself or Others!Chapter 1 - Go And Seek Your Life!Chapter 0 - Master of Heiwa, Master of Kouan, and the Man Who Will Be Bald in the Future

“How many times have you been here? How can you still enjoy it so much?” Kawaki retorted expressionlessly.

“Don’t children like this kind of thing?” Seita retorted, pursing his lips.

“There’s no other way. “There’s no other way, then let’s go back after ten roller coasters and two cordless bungee jumps.” Kawaki waved his hand and said casually.

“Do you want to kill me?!” Seita shouted at Kawaki, “Ten roller coasters is already too much. What’s with the cordless bungee jumping behind?!”

“I should be the one saying this!” Kawaki looked at the amusement park in front of him and did not know if he should say it or not, “You little brat, you are too willful! Adults also have their own things to do, okay! Why do I have to accompany a little brat like you to the amusement park on this kind of rest day? And you want to use a perfunctory reason like [I am a child]?!”

“Isn’t the “things” you are talking about is just playing games in the house? If not for Sister Tsukuyo, I wouldn’t look for you!” Seita retorted.

One big and one small stood at the entrance of the amusement park while staring at each other. From time to time, they would even grimace and mock each other.

In the end, Kawaki calmed himself down, ‘He was not angry, he was not angry, he was just a little brat. Nine years ago, he was just a little tadpole swimming in a man’s [Beep—]. In other words, the current Seita was at most a big tadpole. No, he could not say that. At most, he was a toad.’

‘Yes, Seita is Gamakichi who is still small in size, not Gamakichi during the Fourth Ninja World War. Gamakichi has the support of the toad boss, and Seita has the support of two toad bosses, which is similar.’

Thinking of this, Kawaki felt that Seita in front of him was getting more and more hateful.

“Hey, why do I feel like you’re thinking about something very rude?” Seita retorted expressionlessly.

“Actually, it’s nothing much…” Kawaki wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, “I just think that Naruto was really too miserable when he was young… Woo~”

“When did the topic go to Naruto? What exactly did you think of? Are we really living in the same world?”

“Did you finally find out?” Kawaki smiled and continued, “That’s right! We are creatures living in two different worlds(children’s world and adult world)! Gamakichi!”

“****kichi! What child’s world and adult world? How do you look like an adult! ”

“You have to use honorifics when you speak to your elders!” Kawaki said sharply, “Even though I did not admit it, I am still a home tutor hired by your mother. Give me some respect!”

As he spoke, Kawaki extended his fist and lightly knocked on Seita’s head. Seita was thrown into the embrace of Mother Earth, only revealing a small head that was foaming at the mouth.

“Looks like this move of mine is still a little lacking compared to Sensei…” Kawaki squatted down and observed Seita’s head, “This bag doesn’t seem as round as when Sensei smashed it. Forget it, I don’t care. Hurry up and play with this little brat for a while and then go back to play your own game!”

As he spoke, Kawaki dug Seita out from the ground. Without thinking much, Kawaki dragged Seita, who had already fainted, to the entrance of the amusement park. However, just as he turned around, he felt that there were a few strange gazes behind him.

Kawaki turned around and found that a gorilla, a nicotine poisoned patient, and a group of three people were shouting something in the grass behind him.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Kawaki patted Toshiro’s shoulder and asked with a smile.

Toshiro was also shocked by the sudden appearance of Kawaki, “When did you appear? What does it have to do with you? Can you not be so familiar with me?”

“How heartless, V-shaped bangs.” Kawaki pouted and made a regretful expression, “We are so familiar with each other, but you still have to pretend to be so heartless.

It really makes people feel uncomfortable~ Don’t you think so, Sogo-kun?”

“This can’t be blamed on Hijikata-san, boss.” Sogo replied, “After all, Hijikata-san’s head has been poisoned by mayonnaise and nicotine for so long. It’s inevitable that he will be a little confused.”

“That’s a pity,” As he spoke, Kawaki seemed to have suddenly thought of something, “Oh right, remember to send me an invitation when V-shaped bang’s funeral.”

“Who is V-shaped bangs? Who wants to hold a funeral? And why do the two of you look so familiar with each other!” Toshiro crazily retorted.

“Why does he look so angry?” Kawaki whispered in Sogo’s ear.

“Actually, there should be some scenes for Shinsengumi in the previous two chapters, but it seems to have been deleted by some random author, so he is a little unhappy…” Sogo explained in a low voice.

“Toshiro, who is this?” Matsudaira Katakuriko, who had been at the side, asked.

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Looking at the uncle with sunglasses and a sniper rifle in his hand and wearing a red scarf in such hot weather, Kawaki threw a questioning look at Sogo beside him.

But before Sogo could answer, Kondo, who was at the side, answered first, “This is Yoshiwara’s Kawaki-kun. In short, he is an old acquaintance of ours.”

“Can you not open your eyes and talk nonsense! How come he’s an old acquaintance! We have seen each other just a few times, okay?” Toshiro complained.

“What are you talking about? Toshi,” Kondo continued in a reproachful tone, “We have established a good partnership with Kawaki-san! We are simply soul friends!”

As he spoke, Kondo recalled the scene of Kawaki giving him Yoshiwara coupon. It could be said that their feelings were deep, touching the heavens and moving the earth. It was touching, and he felt it as if it were his own… That kind of cordial comforting words really made Kondo unable to forget them even until today…

Kondo continued to speak to Kawaki with tears in his eyes, “Oh right, that coupon from last time, is there still… Ah!”

Before he could finish speaking, Kondo was kicked over by Toshiro.

“Are you all thinking of that kind of thing” Toshiro shouted, “That’s bribery! Publicly bribery! At this time, you still want others to publicly bribe you! Is there something wrong with your brain?!!”

“This is the leader of our Shinsengumi, Matsudaira Katakuriko!” Kondo stood up and wiped his nosebleed, continuing.

“Oh, so that’s how it is. Hello,” Kawaki greeted Matsudaira.

Looking at Kawaki holding the umbrella, Matsudaira thought for a second and came up with a good plan.

“Hmm? Yoshiwara’s people? Then this task is suitable for you!” Matsudaira handed the sniper rifle in his hand to Kawaki and pointed to a pretty girl with short maroon hair and a pink kimono in the distance. He continued, “In a while, all the opposite sex who appear next to that girl will be killed! Yoshiwara’s people must be very good at dealing with stinky men.”

“Wait!” Toshiro felt that something was wrong, “What do you mean by all the opposite sex who appear beside that girl must be killed? I thought it was a secret mission! It is just to interrupt your daughter’s date?

“Ah, it’s here!” Kawaki saw an unusually dressed man walking in front of the girl through the scope and started talking and laughing.

“Alright, I’ll count to one, two, three, you shoot.” Matsudaira said, “One!”

“Not good!” Toshiro reacted and was about to rush up to stop him, but…

As Matsudaira finished counting one, Kawaki fired the first shot. However, because he forgot to take the wind speed into account, Kawaki’s shot missed. Fortunately, the gun had a silencer and was not discovered.

“It’s a pity. I wanted to hit that kid’s weapon, but I didn’t expect his weapon to be much shorter than a normal man. I didn’t manage to hit it~” Kawaki said with some regret.

“Hey! You really fired! And why did you shoot when he just counted to one! What about two and three?! Also, why did you shoot at that part! Why?!” Toshiro cursed.

“Well, I am someone who does not want to obey orders. I am very annoyed with this kind of thing. As for why I want to shoot at that place, won’t you know the answer just by thinking about it? That is [Weapon]. Isn’t it normal to destroy the opponent’s [Weapon] first?” Kawaki answered matter-of-factly.

“First of all, put down the gun first!” As he spoke, Toshiro snatched the gun from Kawaki’s hand, “Although it is also a type of [Weapon] in a certain sense, the current situation is obviously not the case!”

“No, I can’t agree with this point,” Kawaki retorted, “In front of that girl, maybe he has already prepared to [Fire]!”

“I agree with this point!” Kondo nodded and continued, “After all, in front of Otae, I’m always ready to fire at any time!”

“Your brain has been thinking about firing for 365 days a year!” Toshiro retorted angrily, “Can you guys stop provoking Uncle Matsudaira! He’s so angry that he is trembling!”

“Don’t worry!” Kawaki’s words stopped Toshiro and Kondo from arguing, but the next moment… “That uncle, don’t worry, I won’t miss the next shot!”

“It’s not that worry, right?” Toshiro roared.

“You don’t understand anything. How touching is this uncle’s feeling for his daughter! This is the great fatherly love! You will never understand it if you don’t become a father!” As he spoke, Kawaki’s tone began to soften, “Think about it. If you have a daughter after you get married and watch your daughter grow up day by day, suddenly one day! A boy who looks like a hooligan who holds your daughter and appears in your house to call you [Father]. What would you feel?!”

Kondo/ Toshiro/ Sogo/ Matsudaira, “Kill him!”

“Alright, then we are all united now…” Kawaki nodded and continued, “Then next…”

“Alright your head!” Toshiro punched Kawaki as he spoke, “Can you stop fanning the flames here?!”

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