Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 42: Volume 4 - CH 5

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This might be a bit abrupt, but I feel like recently, I’ve been passing out a lot. At the very least, during my life so far, I would only pass out at home, but that has changed drastically as of late. Of course, there is one reason for that. I got in contact with those guys.

“Morning, Nii-san. Awake again?”

“…Yo, Kureha.”

When I opened my eyes, Kureha’s large eyes were gazing down at me. I raised up my body, and confirmed my surroundings. It seems like I was resting beneath a tent standing on the festival grounds.

“I was shocked to find Punyuru-chan carrying you along, Nii-san! You hit your head, right? You really are clumsy, Nii-san.”

“…Yeah, you’re right.”

Me hitting my head—was probably a lie of Konoe. She was probably trying to be conscious of me. It’d be troublesome if they found out I collapsed after hugging her for too long. But, that’s just fine. After all, Konoe stopped crying. Thinking about it, I always look pathetic in front of her, especially when she cries.

Back in April, I lost consciousness because of a nosebleed, in May I was hit by a car and was hospitalized, in June I knew that she was crying over the school broadcast, and now this…that’s why I’m glad. This time, I was there for her right when it happened.

Still, I kept up a good fight, I think. Or maybe Suzutsuki and Masamune’s treatment worked. I feel like I’m slowly but steadily conquering my gynophobia.

“Kureha, what time is it right now?”

“9pm. The festival started for good now. There will be fireworks after the show.”


Is that what Nakuru talked about?

“Yeah, I think the yukata beauty contest is in the final stages. They’ll decide the winner soon. Everyone else is checking it out besides me.”

“Huh. So that other battle royale will start soon?”

“Yeah, the ‘We will have you kill each other’ type.”

“…Is that going to end up fine?”

That smells like danger like none other if you ask me. That’s like an actual battle royale.

“Apparently safety is guaranteed. It’s like a survival game, shooting each other with paint guns, and the one who survives will get a prize.”


Wait, this isn’t the time to stay calm. That sounds terrible. Why are you holding a battle royale at a festival?

“Well, the sponsor of that activity is NaruNaru’s family after all.”


“Hm? You didn’t know? NaruNaru’s family is a pretty famous toy manufacturer. One of their famous inventions is the Silent Sheep. By the way, the prize of this battle royale is a giant Silent Sheep plush toy.”

Ahhh, I heard about that during the school festival. Apparently she’s the oldest daughter of that company president, as well as the class president of Kureha’s class. Unlike Suzutsuki, she really doesn’t feel like a rich lady though. Not to mention that her family basically holds rights over the Silent Sheep. I’ve seen advertisements on TV about it, and it’s been going on as a trend lately. I think the ad was about the sheep walking on two feet, beating up some American mouse or something, screaming ‘I am Japan’s Silent Sheep!’. It was too much, I stopped watching mid-way.

“But, why would she create such a plan?”

“Um…she said ‘Now I can draw some actual gun action!’, I think.”

“So it was all to collect data again!”

“Apparently Nii-san is the protagonist for some new hard action work. She asked her parents because she was running out of time. Adding a fake goal like using this as PR.”

That damn glasses junkie. Despite being some rich daughter, she’s using her wealth for her own benefit like this. Such wasted capital.

“But but, there’s lots of participants. You get lots of prizes too.”

“Money and some giant Silent Sheep plush toy, right?”

“Nope, not just that.”

“Not just that?”

“Apparently the winner of the battle royale will get another event—namely a kiss from the winner of the yukata beauty contest.”

“A kiss, huh.”

So it’s a battle for the maiden’s lips, I see. I don’t care about the plush toy at all, and I’m sure most participants are aiming for money. But, Silent Sheep, huh.

“…Guess I should participate as well.” I muttered.

“Hmm? Why? Are you a Silent Sheep fan as well?”

“No, not really…”

I really have no interest in that grotesque sheep, but…the same can’t be said about Konoe Subaru. She absolutely adores that Silent Sheep. Basically, I can make this a present. With what happened just now, it might be a bit awkward, but if I can give her the plush toy as a present, she’ll surely show me a blooming smile again.

“Nyahaha, that means we’re rivals then.”

“Wait, are you participating as well?”

“Yup, I’ll be there as well. Don’t care about the money or the kiss, but that plush toy looks interesting. No rules say that only guys can participate as well.”

“Oh yeah, you were a fan of that sheep as well, right.”

Unlike before, she got really into it at the school festival, or something like that. Thanks to that, more and more Silent Sheep appeared at home. For me, it feels like I’m living in a horror house.

“Also, Usamin-senpai said she’s in as well.”

“I guess she’s aiming for the money.”

“Yeah, she said ‘With this, I won’t have to worry about eating bread with mayo for a while’.”

She’s as poor as always, huh. Still, I have a lot of rivals, I see. It feels like this will be a lot about close combat.


Oh yeah, did some of them participate in the yukata beauty contest as well? Since they offered prize money, I bet Masamune was there.

“Hey, what about the beauty contest? Did the others participate?”

“…Yeah. Usamin-senpai did, and everybody else was thinking of joining as well, but…” Kureha suddenly grew silent.

…? I wonder, was there some reason that didn’t allow them to participate?

“Huh? You’re awake, stupid chicken?”

Right as I was thinking that, Masamune walked into the tent. Suzutsuki and Nakuru were with her.

“Usamin-senpai, how did things end?”

“Well…about what you expected.”

“I figured.”

“Nakuru too…She didn’t think this would happen.”

“Well, with Nagare as the judge, this result was written in stone. I didn’t really feel like fighting a lost battle.”

The girls group was discussing things between themselves. Huh? Oh yeah, where’s Konoe? She came back from the graveyard, right?

“Are you searching for that girl, Jirou-kun?” Suzutsuki must have guessed what I was thinking, as she beckoned me over with a ‘If you want to know, then come with me’.

Eh, over there? Isn’t that where the beauty contest happened…Standing on top of that stage in the middle of the festival was a beauty wearing a yukata, a paper with a number on her chest. And, she had a sash on her, saying ‘Yukata Queen’…Wait a second.

“…The heck is this?” I muttered in the face of this odd scenery.

Standing there was none other than Takanashi Punyuru. Unbeknownst to everyone, Subaru-sama herself became the yukata queen.


According to Suzutsuki’s explanation, Konoe was forced to participate in the contest because of the old man being a judge…or rather, Takanashi Punyuru was. And, she also achieved an overwhelming victory, since the old man would not let the other judges disagree with his vote. I’m sure he just wanted to show how adorable his own daughter is. Or maybe he just wanted a kiss from his own daughter. I could see this being his motivation.

Either way, that’s how the contest ended, and the battle royale would begin, with a kiss from Konoe on the line…

“You guys are seriously planning to participate?”

We stood in the temple grounds near the festival area. This apparently was turned into the battle royale grounds, and with the paint gun in my hand, I asked the others. Kureha and Masamune made sense, they’re in it for the stuffed toy, and the money. Their motives are clear. But…

“Isn’t that obvious?” Nakuru puffed out her chest, caressing her paint gun.

To think the person who set up this whole event would participate. Well, she sure is getting close to collecting that data. By the way, the rules of the game are simple. If you get hit with a single shot from the paintball gun, you’re out.

“Nakuru…won’t accept this.”


“If Senpai were to win, you would get a kiss from Punyuru-chan, right? Nakuru cannot allow that to happen. Senpai is part of Nakuru’s favorite BL ship. You’re not allowed to have any development with someone but Subaru-sama!”


…I’ll kill her. She’s my target number one on the hit list. She caused all of this to happen.

“Fufu, why not? I want to have fun myself.” A girl with her twintails readied her gun—Suzutsuki Kanade.

“Why are you even participating?”

What meaning is there for her to win? She’s rich, she doesn’t need the money, and she’s not necessarily a fan of that sheep either. Yet, she’s participating in an event like this to…create memories?

“It’s the first time I participated in a game like this, so I’m looking forward to it. Not to mention…”

“Not to mention…what?”

“…Well, let’s just say that my reason might be fairly similar to Nakuru-chan.”


Is this the pattern where she doesn’t want me to win because of the potential kiss with Konoe? I mean, it would make sense. Suzutsuki is Konoe’s master, so she probably dislikes the idea of her butler’s kiss being made into a prize. She really loves spoiling her butler after all. If someone’s going to take it, she probably wants it for herself.

There’s several other men ready here, aiming for the prize money and kiss from Konoe. Since the battlegrounds are the entire temple grounds, you have a lot of space to run away. By the way, Konoe is located in the corner of the temple, watching over this. Can’t have the prize participate after all. However, most problematic of all.

“Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kill kill kill kill kill…” There was a certain butler muttering curses as he glared at his paintball gun—Konoe Nagare.

I guess he really is out for the kiss from his own daughter. But, his presence is different from any of the other guys. I feel like he might take out a machine gun instead of a paintball gun.

“…Well, forget about that.”

I definitely can’t lose this. I want to win the plush toy so I can give it to Konoe as a present, but letting any of these bastards snatch a kiss from Konoe…really pisses me off for some reason. I mean, it’s not like I desperately want her to kiss me or anything.

‘To all participants, I hope you have prepared yourself. The event is about to begin, so please scatter across the temple grounds.’

An employee’s voice reached my ears from a nearby speaker. From what I heard, there’s cameras all over the place, so the audience back at the festival can observe the happenings here. Alright, better get moving and come up with a plan…

“Stupid chicken, give me a second.”

Right there, someone pulled on my sleeve. This sharp voice could only belong to Usami Masamune. She took me to the shadow of the offering box of the shrine.

“What do you want? The event is about to start.”

“Needed to talk with you about something.” Masamune took a deep breath, and continued. “Won’t you team up with me?”

At the same time, I heard ‘The game starts now’ coming from the speakers again…No no no, what is she talking about?

“It’s not that bad of an idea, right? We can split up the prize and prize money.”

“Team up…Is there really a need to go that far?”

I mean, the participants of this event are pretty strong, so teaming up would raise our chance of victory, but to think that this nasty rabbit of all people would bring that up…

“You stupid chicken, do you really not get it? If you fight normally, you have practically no chance of winning. After all, she is participating.”


“Come on, the first-year of the handicrafts club you know all too well.”


She’s talking about Kureha, I see.

“Did you not hear from her? She ranked higher than me in the handicrafts club internal ranking.”

“By the way, what rank were you?”

“5th. Pretty much in the middle. That’s why it shouldn’t sound that bad for you, right? I definitely can’t afford to lose here.”


“Urk…M-My personal reason! Hurry up and decide! Also, if we win, I get the money and the kiss, you can have the plush toy.”


The goal of this mission is to win the plush toy, and it wouldn’t hurt to have Konoe kiss another girl. I bet it’s just a kiss on the cheek anyway.

“Really? …Thank god.”

For some reason, Masamune was oddly relieved at my agreement. The problem is, how can we even defeat Kureha. And can’t forget about the other rivals as well…

“—Found youuuuu.”

Hearing that ominous voice, my body shook in fear. When I turned my gaze towards that voice, standing there was a single girl—Sakamachi Kureha. She was in her familiar yukata appearance, and smiled.

“Nya? You’re together with Usamin-senpai. What evil deeds are you two up to?”


This is the worst. To think the last boss would appear in the first round. No battle even started yet. For now…maybe I should buy us some time?

“Y-Yo, Kureha. So you’re still alive.”

“Yup. Then again, it just started. But, what would you like? Fight me? I don’t mind if you make it 2v1. Something similar happened just now already.”

“Something similar?”

“Yup, it was a 10v1.”

“That’s not similar at all!”

“Well, the second the battle began, the guys around me were all ‘Young girl, how about you come play with us in the thicket over there?’, and closed in on me.”

“They’re all perverts! Call the police!”

“Since I was pretty grossed out, I beat three of them, and the rest ran away, retiring from the game.”


…Scary. My little sister is on an entirely different level. To think she’d immediately defeat several of our rivals like that…

“Let’s play together, Nii-san~” Kureha played with the paintball gun in her hand, slowly approaching us.

…What should we do about this? I put my finger on the trigger. Leaving aside the usual wrestling training we’re doing, now we’re both fighting for survival. If so, I should have a chance as well…

“—Perfect timing.” Surprisingly enough, Masamune was smiling to herself. “Hey, Sakamachi, how about you team up with us?”

“Nya? Team up…with Usamin-senpai and Nii-san?”

“Yup. All so that we can defeat her. You know how troublesome she is, right?”

“Yeah, it doesn’t sound half bad…”

Masamune and Kureha were discussing something…Eh? What is this about? I thought our goal was to group up and defeat Kureha? Not to mention, who is Masamune talking about if not Kureha?

“—So this is where you were, Senpai.”

There, I heard a familiar and mature voice. Standing there was a girl wearing glasses and cat ears—Narumi Nakuru. With an atmosphere different from usual, she slowly approached us.

“…Stupid chicken, you better be careful.” Masamune commented, as she readied her gun and got into a fighting position.

I could see some faint sweat on her cheeks. She must be nervous too, because her lips were quivering ever so slightly.

“H-Hey, were you talking about her…?” My tongue wouldn’t work fully.

Masamune faintly nodded, and explained with a serious expression.

“Listen carefully. During this spring’s handicrafts club internal ranking, Nakuru placed—2nd. She’s stronger than your younger sister.”


“No no no, you’re joking.” I immediately put in a retort.

That’s impossible. After all, she never fights back when I slap her or flick her on the forehead. She seems weak, alright.

“Also, didn’t you say that the third-years were amazing during that ranking match?”

“Yeah, the two third-years—namely the vice-captain and the club president were on a different level, but the club president gave up mid-way, which is why they landed last.”


But, her ending up in second is…

“Fufu, you seem a bit dubious, Senpai. Then, why doesn’t Nakuru show you? She didn’t want to use this, but this situation would not allow her to do otherwise.” Nakuru flashed an invincible smile, and took out something from her pocket.

That’s…a can of coke? Nakuru opened it, and gushed its contents down her throat. Didn’t she say she disliked drinks with carbohydrates? But, what is this…I feel like something bad is about to happen…

“…Mm…Puwah, Nakuru gulped it all down.” Nakuru let out an eerie ‘Ehehe’ laugh, seemingly satisfied. “Fufu, you can’t do this, Senpaiii. You’re only allowed to kiss Subaru-sama, and nobody elseeee.” Her way of speaking seemed more listless than before.

…Something’s off. Her cheeks turned faintly red, and it seemed like her legs were staggering as she walked on ahead. Her eyes were practically wandering all over the place, and her yukata had slowly started to become undone. This is almost like…

“…Hey, is she—drunk?” I asked Masamune.

“…Yeah. It sometimes happens in manga, right? She actually ends up intoxicated when drinking carbonated stuff.”


Seriously? Not even alcohol? But, that doesn’t make sense. She looks even weaker now compared to before.

“Ehehe, so then…It’s showtime~”


I regretted letting down my guard for a split second. In only a few steps, she immediately closed the distance between us. She formed a fist, pointing it towards me.


It slammed right into my defenseless abdomen. However, it was a light attack. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as I expected.


However, Nakuru was still staggering left and right, making it hard to estimate her next movement. Her changing courses were unpredictable.

“Is this…a drunken fist?”

The Drunken Monkey. The more drunk you get, the stronger you become. Of course, this was supposed to be pure fiction and only working in movies, but to think someone existed who perfected this. Not to mention with mere coke. However…

“What about that?”

Even if my attacks don’t hit, no matter how tricky of a movement you might have…if your attacks are this weak, there’s no meaning to any drunken fist.

“Huh? You still haven’t realized, Senpai?”

Even so, Nakuru’s smile looked as invincible as before. And, she declared.

“Your belt is broken.”


In shock, I looked down at my belt, and…wah, she’s right. The buckle’s all messed up. Not good, I was about to reveal my private underwear…

You are reading story Mayo Chiki! at

“…Hold on a damn second.”

How did she know about my belt being messed up?

“…Talking about it in RPG terms, you’d call this a forced armament release.” Masamune gave a comment.

“A-Armament release?”

“Yeah, that’s Nakuru’s special skill. Basically, she strips the enemy off their clothes. Taking their buttons, undoing their clothes, just like she destroyed your belt.”

“U-Undoing my clothes…”

“It seems like as soon as she’s this drunk, she gets off on stripping people of their clothes. That’s how she ticks. But think about it. Can you keep fighting if you end up naked in a public place like this?”


“You can’t, right. You’d have to hide yourself…and other things.” Masamune must have been reminded of a past trauma, as she started shaking in her boots.

……So the reason Nakuru ended up in second…is because she stripped the clothes off both of Masamune and Kureha, which then landed her that high in the ranking?

“—It’s the undressing drunken fist.” Kureha muttered with a pale face. “Everyone in the club calls NaruNaru like that. Getting to perfect it that far is getting close to talent. Not to mention that the person in question doesn’t even remember what she did. That’s why NaruNaru dislikes using this technique.”

“Undressing…drunken fist…”

…Crap, I might actually wanna learn that.

“For now, you have to step back, Nii-san!” Kureha stepped in front of us.

“Aha, so first it’s Kureha-chan, I see.” Nakuru’s cat ears shook, as she licked her tongue.


“Let me in as well!” Masamune used that opening to step ahead herself.

It was a two versus one. A battle of the 2nd rank versus the 3rd and 5th rank. Each of them were raring to go, the paintball gun stuffed in their sashes. That’s the Rouran Academy handicrafts club for you, even at times like these they’re going close-distance.

“Don’t underestimate me, Nakuru. It won’t go the same way as it did during this spring’s ranking match.”

“Yeah, we need to repay you for how we ended up last time, NaruNaru.”

“Urk…You’re so weak without your coke, and you always lost against me in middle school too…If only you weren’t so dead set on stripping people of their clothes…”

“Fufu. No matter what you do, the results will be the same!”

Out of a staggering movement, Nakuru suddenly accelerated. She seemed to have made Masamune her target, closing the distance between them in an instant.

“Y-You! Who’d be willing to have their clothes taken off!”

The first one to act was Masamune with a sharp kick, aiming directly at Nakuru—

“That won’t do!” With swift movement and change of trajectory, Nakuru easily evaded this attack, and continued…


Receiving an attack directly to her chest, Masamune staggered backwards. The Undressing Drunken Fist—had acted.


I don’t see any change in Masamune’s clothing. Is that just my imagination?

“~~~! N-Nakuru, you…!” Masamune started blushing, and embraced her chest.

She glared at Nakuru, who…Wait hold on. That purple object in her hand…

“Fufu, what a feminine taste you have, Usami-senpai.”

Nakuru closely inspected the object of women’s underwear in her hand—namely a bra, and started grinning to herself. Don’t tell me…she stole that in one attack!?


Please, teach me how to do that! Rather than some drunken fist, this is magic!

“Grrr…Hurry up and give it back!” Masamune blushed furiously, and took her distance.

However, that didn’t help much.

“…Ah, Usami-senpai, your yukata was moved, and I can see the front.”

“Wha…!?” Reflexively, Masamune looked down at her yukata.

Nakuru didn’t miss that opening, wrapped around Masamune’s back, and landed a chop on her sash. Immediately after, the yukata opened up more.

“Kya…Stop…!” Masamune desperately tried to hold up the yukata, desperately embracing it.

Thanks to that, only her shoulders and a bit of her chest were revealed. However, she won’t be able to keep fighting with this. Thus, Usami Masamune—retired.

“Nyahaha! Nice assist, Usamin-senpai!” Kureha used this as an opening to move behind Nakuru’s back, tackling her.

Her slender arms wrapped around Nakuru’s waist—and captured her.

“For now, you drop out of the game, Usamin-senpai, and fix your yukata. I can take care of the rest.”

“Y-Yeah, thanks.”

Masamune pressed down her yukata, and ran away. Maybe she might be asking for help from Konoe for all I know. This only leaves…

“Now, what are you going to do, NaruNaru? When it comes to pure fighting strength, you can’t bear me.” Kureha tightly squeezed Nakuru’s body, not allowing her any way of escaping.

It was a bear hug. Normally, you’d do this from the front, to try and crush the back bones and chest bones, but with how much strength Kureha had, this didn’t matter. Nakuru let out a groan, as her face was distorted in pain.

“Nyahaha, not done yet!” Kureha was carefully lifting up Nakuru’s body.

I was looking at a german suplex, an immediate flip with Nakuru’s body about to crush into the ground—


Right before that, Kureha lost balance, and fell to the side…What happened? I can’t imagine Kureha making such a mistake. Was that…Nakuru’s doing? But, being grabbed from behind like that…

“Hehe, now it’s Nakuru’s turn!” Nakuru broke free from Kureha’s mess-up, and hopped onto her small body.

Right after—

“Nyahahaha!” Kureha started laughing out loud.

At the same time, her yukata became undone, and Nakuru played around with her soft-looking skin.

“D-Don’t tell me!”

Tickling! I think she used her long arms during that supplex to tickle Kureha’s body. Oh yeah…she’s pretty weak to that.

“Wah, stop, no more, nyahaha!”

“Hmm, you’re so sensitive. Here, tickle tickle tickle.”

“Ahahahaha, seriously, please, stop!”

“Ehehe, you’re so cute, Kureha-chan!”

“Nyahaha, no more…please…nya…Nyaaaaaaa!”

With her yukata revealing almost everything, Kureha stopped moving. She must have reached her limit, and passed out. Nakuru moved away, pointed her paintball gun at Kureha, and finished her.


How could this happen. Sakamachi Kureha—retired as well.

“Now then, the last one is Senpai, right?” She announced, and walked towards me with staggering feet.

Because of that battle just now, the yukata was moved, revealing her shoulders and bare skin. Not to mention that her cleavage was wide open…Wait, this isn’t the time to get excited about that!

“Don’t even bother resisting. Nakuru will leave your glasses on at least. Completely naked, but with glasses. Nakuru is quite…interested in your body after all!”


I felt shivers all over my body. Narumi Nakuru walked towards me, severely breathing. S-She’ll strip me naked…! Don’t joke with me, I don’t want to end up naked in a public place like this. Also, I can’t afford to lose. I need to give Konoe that plush toy as a present. I need her to cheer up. For that, no matter what method I have to use, I need to get out of this pinch. Even if that meant forming a pact with a certain devil…

“Having trouble, Jirou-kun?”

Suddenly, I heard a dignified voice. Turning around, there stood a rich lady with her trademark black-haired twintails—Suzutsuki Kanade. Seeing me crawl on the ground, she flashed a devilish smile.


“Oh, if it isn’t Suzutsuki-senpai. Did you come here to get a good glimpse as well?” Nakuru nonchalantly spoke out to Suzutsuki.

“Yes, I’ve been watching for a while. It seems like we’re the only people left.” Suzutsuki flashed a calm smile, and approached me, whispering into my ear. “Jirou-kun, leave this to me.”

“…Do you have a plan?”

We exchanged a few quiet words. However, we’re talking about Narumi Nakuru, so even Suzutsuki shouldn’t have it easy to deal with her…

“It’s fine, just stay still.”


Right when I wanted to ask her ‘What do you mean’, Nakuru moved. With high speed, she readied her Undressing Drunken Fist. Her fist aimed for a clean hit directly on Suzutsuki’s yukata.

“—Don’t move.”

With this sudden demand, Nakuru stopped in her tracks, staring at Suzutsuki in disbelief. Even through her glasses, I could see how her gaze was directed at the object in Suzutsuki’s hands.

“…! Y-You coward! How dare you take a hostage!”

“Fufu, really now? I don’t particularly care what happens to them, though?”

“N-No way, not even thinking of them as human! Senpai, say something as well!”

“…What exactly am I supposed to say about this?”

In fact, the hostage Nakuru was talking about—were my glasses. Suzutsuki suddenly stole them from me, playing around with them between her fingers.

“How cruel! They bear no guilt in this situation!” Nakuru panicked at seeing my glasses in grave danger.

Wow…she actually looks like she’s going to cry. That’s a glasses junkie for you. Sometimes she acts completely outside of anything I could imagine. Or is this because she’s intoxicated?

“Senpai! Why are you so calm! Your glasses have been taken hostage, you know!?”

“Even if you say that…”

“Are you not worried about Danny!?”

“Danny!? Who’s that!?”

“The person who has been taken hostage!”

“You gave my glasses a name!?”

Scaryyyyy! What kind of perverted roleplay is that!? Also, Danny!? My glasses are a guy!? First time I heard of that!

“Now, what are you going to do, Nakuru-chan? If you were to surrender now, these glasses…Danny-kun will be free, you know?”


“Jirou-kun, are these glasses shape memory alloy? They bend very easily.”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh please stooooooooooooooooooop!!” Nakuru’s face grew pale, as she screamed.

Then, silence filled the temple grounds. A few moments passed of her worrying about the hostage, only for the girl to speak up, seemingly determined herself.

“N-Nakuru understands. She surrenders.” Nakuru calmed down, and threw the paintball gun at Suzutsuki’s feet, getting on the ground.

Thus, Narumi Nakuru retired.

“Fufu, thank you, Nakuru-chan. Rest assured, I plan to keep my promise.”

“Y-Yes, please free Danny-kun…” Nakuru begged.

Suzutsuki flashed the smile of an angel, and…

“—I’m sorry, I was lying.”

Crack, an eerie sound rang out, and the frame of my glasses was split in two.

“…That’s cruel, alright.”

Devil Suzutsuki really is a sadist. Even though Nakuru agreed to her conditions, she killed the hostage nonetheless. No remorse whatsoever even. Unfortunately enough, she threw the two pieces of my glasses into the nearby pond.

“Ahhhh! Dannyyyyyy!”

With no hesitation, Nakuru jumped after Danny—No, my glasses. She dove directly into the pond. It felt like she screamed ‘Dive EX!’ before doing so, but apparently the pond isn’t that deep. She hit her head on the way in, and stopped moving all-together. D-Did she die…?

“She’s fine.” Suzutsuki apparently guessed what I was thinking, and let out a sigh. “The employees are watching us, so I’m sure help will arrive soon. They surely don’t want any casualties here.”

“R-Really now.”

That is a bit reassuring to know. But, I just hope she at least stays over there. That glasses junkie is definitely the MVP of the match. I don’t ever want to fight her again.

“Also, how dare you just break my glasses like that.”

Although it was necessary to win, how could you do that? I hope you get possessed by some evil spirit.

“No worries.” Suzutsuki said, and offered me an object.

Wait, these are my glasses?

“The ones I broke just now were just a dummy. I exchanged them without her noticing.”

“Dummy…Why do you have that?”

“A countermeasure for Nakuru-chan, of course. During a fanclub meeting in April, she went and drank something carbonated. Ever since then, I keep a pair with me, and as it turns out, it really helped now.”


Just how well-prepared is she? Not to mention that it was a perfect dummy of my own glasses. Well, that’s how we made it through this dire situation, so I can’t complain.

“More importantly, there’s something more crucial to worry about, right.”

“Something more crucial?”

“Nagare.” Suzutsuki muttered.

What, so he’s still alive? So I guess it’s just us three now.

“Hey, Jirou-kun, let’s group up. Nagare is strong, we can’t beat him otherwise.”


She’s not wrong. We’re talking about that helicopter parent. With a competition that put a kiss of his daughter on the line, he would use whatever method to win. I looked away, and observed our surroundings. He might be hiding somewhere. Even with my glasses, I can’t see too well during this night.

“Damn it…”

I turned my back towards Suzutsuki, looking around further, when—

“Jirou-kun, you really are naive.”

I heard these words behind my back. I turned around, but it was too late.

“…!? Y-You wench!”

I felt something soft pressing against my back. Suzutsuki suddenly clung to me.

“I’m sorry, what I just said was nonsense.”

“Wha…so the old man…”

“I took care of him right away.”


“It’s simple. I’m the master, and he’s my butler. He can’t go against his master. That’s why I ordered him to shoot himself. I felt a bit guilty though.”


I should have realized. There’s no way she could deal with the old man this easily. But, guilt…That’s rare of her. I guess even this rich lady has a human heart?

“Of course, I gave him the order. ‘Le*ouch Vi Britannia orders you! Die!’, you know.”

“You seem to be having a lot of fun, oi!”

“Nagare joined in as well, screaming ‘Yes, your Highness!’, you know.”

“Why does the old man know that!?”

“Ordering people can be quite exhausting, you know.”

“You feel absolutely no guilt, right!?”

I wanted to retort with ‘The only ones who shoot are those prepared to be shot!’, but this isn’t the time for that. Judging from what she said, it’s only me and her left. Going from that, her goal must be…!


I felt a hot sensation gather around my nose, together with goosebumps all over my body, and faint dizziness. No doubt about it, my gynophobia is activating.

“Just give up like Nakuru-chan. You don’t want to pass out, right?”

“W-Who would do that…!”

“…I see, then you leave me no other choice.”


The soft sensation hitting my back grew even more intense. Because of that, blood came gushing out of my nose. With my gynophobia activating, my consciousness was slowly starting to drift away. Standing was all it took. Although it’s not direct contact, if she hugs me that strongly, it’s only a matter of time. However…

“…I-I won’t lose.”

This time, I can’t go down like a chicken bastard. I’ll win, and get Konoe that plush toy…

“You really are working hard today. Normally you’d be out right away.”

“H-Haha, maybe your treatment program is showing results by now?”

“That would be quite troublesome. However, don’t get the wrong idea. Making you pass out isn’t the only way I can win this contest.”


I was suddenly freed, and pushed aside. I couldn’t put enough strength in my legs, and collapsed to the ground. I tried to quickly push up my body, but…

“This marks the end. I didn’t want to use such a forceful method, okay. But, you wouldn’t stay low.” Suzutsuki explained with a cold voice, and pointed the muzzle of her paintball gun at my forehead.


So this is what she was aiming for. As soon as I get hit once, I’m out…

“At the very end, let me be honest with you.” Suzutsuki showed a different expression compared to usual, and slowly put the finger on the trigger. “Just now, when you were trying your hardest to win the game despite being a chicken bastard…you were a bit cool. But…I cannot afford to let you win this game.”

Together with these words, my view turned red.

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