Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 47: Volume 5 - CH 3

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“Senpai, you seem to be short on money, right.”

It was the 29th of August, roughly at noon. I stood in the kitchen to prepare lunch, when the doorbell rang. Upon opening the door, I was greeted by these words. On top of that, I saw cat ears. Cat ears with glasses. This appearance, unfitting in this residential area, stuck out to me first thing, together with a healthy tanned body, covered by a laced one-piece clothing. Can’t ignore the well-endowed chest sticking into my eyes too—Indeed, I was looking at Narumi Nakuru.

The glasses junkie gave me an innocent smile the second I opened the door…Now then, what should I do about this?

“…Ah, hey! Stop! Stop right there!”

After thinking for about three seconds, I decided to close the door on the girl’s nose, but she used her hands to stop me in doing so. Now that’s a smooth reaction alright.

“Senpai! Why are you being so cruel to Nakuru?!”

“Let go with that hand, I will call the police.”

“Why are you treating Nakuru like a thief!?”

“The hell are you talking about, you’re a pervert, and a deviant.”

“You treat Nakuru like a monster!? Grrr…now that’s come to this! Ahhh, save Nakuru! She’s being abducteeeeed!”

“Ah, hey stop that!”

“Noooo! Your hand! Your hand is touching Nakuru’s cheeks!”

“…! Alright, I get it! I get it, so stop shouting!”

Seeing no other choice, I opened the door. Seriously, this girl is no joke. This is the residential district, I have to be afraid of our neighbours calling the police on me.

“You’re so cruel, treating a girl like a suspicious person.”

“Don’t say that while wearing cat ears, alright.”

“Eh? Are you saying that Nakuru’s fashion is odd?”

“Put one hand on your chest, and think about it yourself.”

“Put one hand on Nakuru’s…Eeeek! You’re so lewd, Senpai. You’re violating Nakuru with your words!”

“Do I really seem like I have the guts to throw in these implications?”

Also, don’t actually fondle your breasts, they’re too large for that!

“So what do you want? Some business with Kureha?”

That’s about the only reason I can think of why she would be here. However, Kureha ain’t even home right now. She just left with a puzzling ‘I’m going to get myself hungry by jogging for a while!’, and that’s it. Craziest thing is that it makes perfect sense for me.

“No, Nakuru didn’t come here to meet Kureha-chan. In fact, she told me about your dire financial situation via a previous email.”

“What the hell are you two even talking about?”

“Nakuru and Kureha-chan are best friends. Nakuru actually came to visit her several times already.”


I had no idea. Also, I actually didn’t want to either. To think this glasses junkie had free reign in my own home. Maybe I should put on some ‘Stray dog around!’ warning. There’s no stray dog, but my little sister is close enough, I guess.

“Still, you’re living in a great home.”

“Why’d you throw praise at me now?”

“Your room also feels so fresh and alive, it’s quite comfortable.”


…Am I mishearing things? I feel like I just heard something I most definitely can’t ignore.

“Your bed sure is comfortable and fluffy, Senpai.”

“How do you know about how my bed feels!?”

“Eh? That’s…Ehe…”

“Why are you blushing like that!?”

Damn that Kureha, treating my room like some exhibition. But, why would she do that? She wouldn’t just let random people into my room like that…

“Don’t blame Kureha-chan, please. The responsibility lies with Nakuru.”


“Yes. Back then, Nakuru gave Kureha-chan the new Subaru-sama bromide.”

“I call that bribery!”

“It was just a coincidence. Kureha-chan said ‘I need to thank you somehow…’ so it just happened…”

“So why are you using that as an immediate chance to barge into my room!?”

It’s a calculated crime, alright. I’m not part of this fanclub, but Kureha is a passionate Konoe fan. If it’s for her sake, she would surely fight a great white shark. And I have no doubt in my mind that she could win too.

“Fufu, that occasion allowed me to thoroughly enjoy Senpai’s room.”

“Gross, stop it.”

Knowing Nakuru, she probably used that to gather material for her unethical shipping stuff. After all, she loves drawing doujinshi of me and Konoe (as a man) as her hobby. Is that why she came here today?

“So, let me get to the main point, Senpai. Nakuru actually needs advice on something.”


“That’s right. As Nakuru said just now, you’re a bit short on money, right? Must be hard, with the second-term right around the corner.”

“Well…I guess?”

Since yesterday was Kureha’s birthday, I’m currently on a saving money diet. Not to mention a pretty extreme one. If I was any average human, I would have collapsed by now. Of course, I am getting close to it as well, at least mentally.

“That’s why Nakuru thought of mentioning a certain part-time job.”

“Part-time job?”

“Yes.” Nakuru nodded, and continued. “Nakuru would like you to go on a date with her now.”

As the summer sun shone brightly down on her tanned body, the girl declared thus with a somewhat flustered tone.


“The thing is, Nakuru is in a bit of a slump as of late.”

We changed locations, now on our way in the nearby neighbourhood. While walking along next to me, Nakuru muttered with a somewhat regrettable tone.

“Nakuru was working on her new novel, but…she’s not making any progress…”

“Oh yeah, you mentioned something like that during the school festival.”

“Nakuru’s progress comes in waves. Sometimes she can write a whole lot, and sometimes she can’t write anything at all. And with all this trouble lately…”


“Ah, well, some personal circumstances at Nakuru’s family, just ignore that. What’s important right now is that Nakuru needs some sort of trigger to make it out of her slump.”


So that’s why she went on a date with me. I mean, even if you try to explain it that way, it still doesn’t make any sense. But, Nakuru just ignored all of those doubts, saying ‘Nakuru feels like she might come up with something if Senpai is around’, so there you have it.

“Nakuru called it a date, but eating lunch together is plenty. See, she even made lunch boxes for that sake!” Nakuru put one hand on the adorable bag she was carrying.

Waaah, is this okay? I’m worried she might have some aphrodisiac mixed in there to be honest.

“Let’s do our best. Nakuru doesn’t want to disappoint everyone who is waiting for her next release.”

“Oh yeah, you were the president of the [Watch over Committee].”

The so-called [Watch over Committee] is an abbreviation for the [Watch over Subaru-sama with a warm gaze] committee, which is filled with religious bastards who just love to see some BL action between me and Konoe.

“People actually expect something from Nakuru, of all things.”

“You’re surprisingly humble, I see.”

“But, it is pretty embarrassing. The greeting of the fanclub even has Nakuru’s name.”

“The greeting?”

“It goes ‘3, 2, 1, Nakkuru Nakkuru!’, you know.”

“The hell is that!?”

This sounds more like your fanclub than anything!

“By the way, the Ghib*i fans called it the ‘Yakkuru Yakkuru1!’ greeting.”

“I don’t think anybody cares about the greeting at that point.”

“Even so, we’re better off than the others.”

“The others…you mean [S4]?”

“Yes. After all, their current greeting is ‘Slaughter him!’, you know.”


Slaughter who? Hm? Mind telling me? Actually, I don’t even want to know. I’m sure that their image of me must be at its lowest ever since Konoe’s school broadcast during the school festival. I better be careful that I don’t get stabbed in the back while walking down the hallway.

“Still, Nakuru is surprised you agreed so easily.”


“For the date. She expected you to say no.” Nakuru seemed relieved, as she gave me her gratitude. “Thank you very much.”

Well, you know. When I look to my side, and see Nakuru gleefully going ‘Meow meow meow~’ with a bright smile as she’s enjoying her date, I just can’t help but think of her as cute. Even if she’s walking down the evil path of drawing BL doujinshi with me as the main actor, she is still a girl. Maybe it’s just me being overly meddlesome or naive, but I want to help a girl who’s in trouble.

Well, there’s also the part of her saying ‘Nakuru will properly pay you for the date!’, but that most certainly did not make me decide anything. I would not dare rely on such measures just to survive the next few days.

“—Ah, there it is. Nakuru’s plan for today was to have a simple picnic. Let’s eat lunch over there.” Nakuru pointed at a certain location.

…Well, you might call it a picnic, but…

“That’s just a public park.”

Indeed, it was nothing but a tasteless and unrefined public park. No people around, not offering that much size to begin with, and with wild grass everywhere. It was equipped with swings, a slide, and a small sand pit. It really wasn’t anything special, and yet it felt oddly familiar.


“Huh? What’s wrong, Senpai? You look like you remembered something awful.”

“…No, it’s nothing.” I muttered, and showed Nakuru a smile.

I remember. This is the park where Kureha and I, still young as brats, would often play at. Ahhhh, all the traumas are coming back. For example, that slide over there, when I was roughly five years old, Kureha rammed into my body with a flying body press, screaming ‘Onii-chan, I love you!’. From my point of perspective, she looked like a missile about to impact. Following that, she’d say ‘Let’s do a buried alive death match!’, and drag me to the sand pit, and…Ahhhhh!

“Alright, let’s get on with the lunch.”

“Hm? Nakuru doesn’t mind, but you sure are motivated all of a sudden.”

“Yeah, I’m trying to stay positive in life after all.”

“Well, you’re not wrong.” Nakuru added, but she still seemed confused.

I’ll just store away those awful memories for now. Freeze them beneath the ice in Siberia, that sounds good.

“Ah, there is one important thing Nakuru forgot to mention.”

Right as I wanted to set foot into the public park, Nakuru suddenly brought her body closer to mine.

“L-Let’s hold hands.”

“Huh?” I froze up.

No, hold on a second, Nakuru-san. Even if this is supposed to be a date, we’re not even dating, so there’s no need to…Aaaaaaah, she took it without even waiting for my consent!


“D-Don’t panic. The mood is very crucial for this, and necessary for Nakuru’s work.” She said, sounding flustered.

The tension must have gotten the better of her, because Nakuru tightly grasped my hand, which allowed me to feel her warmth. Her palm was much smaller than mine too…


Don’t tell me…is this the first time she held hands with a boy? So, what if this was her first date…


I don’t know why, but this situation is bad. I have my own gynophobia to worry about. And worst of all, Nakuru doesn’t even know about that. Just thinking about it had me feel goosebumps all over. If my nose started bleeding now, she’ll find out about my phobia…No, calm down, Sakamachi Kinjirou. Stay rational, we won’t stay like this for too long, so it’ll be fine…

“Hm? Senpai, why is your pulse racing like this?”


“Your body temperature went up to 36.5°C as well.”

“How do you know about that?!”

“Fufu, just joking. Nakuru is glad that she isn’t the only nervous one here. Her heart is beating faster than usual.” She seemed to be relieved, as she swung her hand up and down while walking on head.

No, not just a bit, okay. My heart is about to go into overheating mode. My red blood cells were racing through my veins like they were playing a racing game.

“Let’s sit down here.” Nakuru walked in front of a bench standing in the shadow of a big tree, and let go of my hand.

…That was dangerous. I didn’t think it would come to this. This is almost like what happened with Masamune during the school festival.

“Have a seat, Senpai. Nakuru put everything into this lunch.” She said, and took out a lunch box from her bag…Correction, a two-layer lunch box, and opened it up on the bench.

One side was full with grilled chicken, rolled omelettes, potato salad, and some adorable octopus-shaped wieners. The other side contained rice balls…Mm, looks delicious.

“Now, eat up.”


Although a bit hesitant, I sat down on the bench, on the other side of the lunch box.

“Then, I’m digging in?” I accepted the chopsticks, and carefully approached the lunch with them.

Don’t blame me, meeting a woman who can cook is a rarity for me. Of course, Masamune is an exception, but she has to carefully pick what to even cook because of her financial situation. And this time it’s Narumi Nakuru of all people. I wouldn’t be surprised if she put something into her cooking.

“Hm? What’s wrong? Hurry and eat up…Or are you hoping for a template ‘Open wide~’ event?”

Not even knowing what I was feeling, Nakuru picked up some food with her own chopsticks, and pushed it towards me while saying ‘Open wide~’…Yeah, I think this should be fine. I don’t think she’s that much of a demon to feed me drugged food like this. Being fed is a bit embarrassing, but my stomach was screaming for food, so I accepted the food.

“Fufu, we really did it~”

As I munched up the rolled omelette, Nakuru put her hands on her cheeks, going ‘Kya~’. Why’s she suddenly acting all cute? Well, I guess she is a girl after all…But, you won’t deceive me with just that. After all, she’s a glasses junkie. No matter how adorable she might look, she’s an abnormality deep inside.

“Senpai, what should we do after eating lunch?” Nakuru asked me after offering me some barley tea inside a bottle.

“I thought we were just eating lunch?”

“Urk…Well, Nakuru figured this wasn’t enough, so why don’t we do something else?”

“Even if you say that…”

“How about playing catch?”

“We’re in high school now, remember. Also, it’s just the two of us anyway.”

That would make playing catch a bit difficult. Worst of all is that it wasn’t just playing catch here with Kureha, it was like an actual demon was hunting for me. Not even Jack the Ripper is that scary.

“Also, how is that going to help your slump even?”

“Uuu…Nakuru doesn’t know if it will, but it should at least create a bit of a refreshment.” Nakuru held a rice ball with two hands, and had her head hanging low.

A slump, huh. Since I don’t write novels or draw manga, I don’t even know what that really means, but it must be a hard blow for her. As proof of that, Nakuru seems much more docile than usual. She’s even holding back on glasses or BL jokes. It’s like she’s a different person compared to the trip the other day.


Suddenly, Nakuru put down her rice ball, and looked over at me.

“Can Nakuru ask for your opinion?”


“Yes. Recently, something just won’t stop bugging Nakuru’s mind, and she thinks that this might be the reason she can’t write.”


Seeing her suddenly grow all serious, I couldn’t say anything. Frankly speaking, I was shocked to see that glasses junkie having a thing or two she worries about as well. Maybe she took me with her simply for that? Judging from her expression, it must be something severe. I should probably be ready for that.

“Please don’t laugh, but…” Nakuru took a deep breath, like she had made up her mind. “Senpai, what do you think when looking at Nakuru’s breasts?”


Thank god I mentally prepared myself before. If not, I might have drop-kicked her right here and now. Though, I did want to retort on that.

“H-Hey, what’s with that disgusted expression! Nakuru is being serious here!”

My reaction must have told Nakuru enough, as she started tearing up, pouting like a sulking child. I mean, can you blame me? She’s talking about her breasts. Why are you asking me that? That’s outside of my expertise. Go visit a counselor or something, he can take this in a more professional way than I ever could.

You are reading story Mayo Chiki! at

“Let Nakuru explain. Something bad happened when Nakuru went to school for extracurricular lessons.”

“Something bad?” I returned a question, to which Nakuru started fidgeting.

“—Nakuru was confessed to.”


“By a boy from her class, to be specific.”


Shocked to hear this, I froze up. Um…a confession? Not prosecution? Yeah, that sounds much more plausible. After all, she’s a glasses junky. It wouldn’t be surprising if this greed got her into a questionable situation. But, a confession…?

“We never really talked with each other…Not to mention that Nakuru doesn’t have any male friends, so when he suddenly said ‘Please go out with me’…”

“H-Huh, I see. So what did you do?”

“Of course, Nakuru rejected him. Nakuru is determined.”

“Determined for what?”

“That Nakuru will offer her entire high school life to the creation of BL works.” She said with a determined voice, puffing out her chest.

I mean, I feel like that’s a different problem all-together, but I can’t see the bigger picture. How is a confession related to her chest?

“But, Nakuru couldn’t make sense out of it.”

“…About what?”

“Well, why would he suddenly confess to Nakuru? We never even talked that much. Not to mention that Nakuru doesn’t exactly have a personality that would make her liked by boys. So after thinking about it, what she came up with was…” Nakuru said, and let out a sigh.

I see, she thinks that her well-endowed chest might be related to that.

“See, boys like it when they’re bigger, right? And, Nakuru thinks that her breasts are a bit bigger than the average.”

No no no no, not just a bit. You’re in the large faction, okay.

“That’s why Nakuru was pondering about this.”

“So, it’s something like a complex, I see.”

I mean, everybody has some sort of complex. I always have trouble with my gynophobia, for example. In her case, it’s her breasts. Still…

“…Wouldn’t it be better to talk with a girl about this, instead with a boy like me? Why not ask Kureha?”

That would make it much better, you know. After all, I am XY, unlike the XX Kureha. I have no experience growing breasts like a girl.

“Nakuru did so at first, but then a problem happened.”

“A problem?”

“Yes. When Nakuru asked ‘What do you think of Nakuru’s breasts?’…Kureha-chan suddenly crushed the can of juice she had in her hand…”


“Not to mention that it was a steel can.”


And then she said ‘Do you want to end up like this, NaruNaru?’, showing Nakuru the can…Ever since then, Nakuru was terrified of asking Kureha-chan advice.”

“…Well, I can’t blame you.”

As I said, everybody has their own complex. When it comes to Kureha, any talk about her chest is strictly prohibited. To be perfectly honest, and looking at the recent event at the trip we went on, she has the physique of a loli.

“I don’t think you need to be that concerned about it.”

I know I was just throwing around random words, but I at least thought that cheering her up would be better than nothing.

“No clue who that guy is that confessed to you, but I doubt he confessed simply for your breasts.”

“Y-You think so? That means Nakuru’s breasts aren’t weird right? This size is totally normal, right?”

“Yeah, probably.”

You know, I want to believe. But, that guy confessed to her, knowing that she’s a glasses junkie, which makes that guy a weirdo all the same. Is it her breasts? It must be her breasts, right. Subconsciously, my gaze drifted towards her chest. As expected, they were well-endowed, and sticking out from beneath her clothes.

I really feel like her size is something else. If you were to compare it with Kureha, it’d be like looking at the state of the Vatican, and the entire American continent. Not to mention her shape…this roundness, it had something artistic to it, and probably really soothing and comfortable…

“Senpai, you’re looking at Nakuru’s breasts while thinking about something lewd, right?”


Crap! Shit! I messed up! To think she’d guess what I was thinking just because I was staring at her breasts for 30 seconds!

“Urk…so cruel…Maybe men really are only in it for the breasts…”

“N-No! That’s definitely not true!”



“Then, Senpai, please fondle Nakuru’s breasts right now.”


“Nakuru heard that they shrink if you fondle them.”

“Who gave you such misleading and utterly wrong information!?”

“Eh? Is that not true?”

“Of course! They get bigger if you fondle them!”

“Nakuru heard about this rumour, but isn’t that about a man’s hope and dreams or something like that?”


Now that she mentioned it…That logic doesn’t make much sense. How would they grow by fondling them? That nonsense just comes from boys who hope to get a chance at fondling a pair of tits. To think I would be slammed in the face with logic by a glasses junkie of all people…!

“Nakuru would have preferred to be born with a small chest.”

“Don’t you dare say that in front of Kureha, alright? She’ll kill you.”

“No, Nakuru wanted to have small breasts like Senpai.”

“Don’t call my chest small!”

“So it’s big?”

“It’s not big either!”

“Then what’s the problem? Not to mention that there’s a scene in GlassMemories where Senpai has his chest fondled by Subaru-sama, saying ‘Subaru, do boys really prefer a bigger chest after all?’, you know.”

“Don’t recreate a romcom scene in your rotten BL novel!!” I was out of breath, desperately trying to retort on all of Nakuru’s nonsense.

Whenever BL is involved, I can’t help going all out, you know. It’s like a reflexive reaction.

“—Well, whatever.” Nakuru strongly declared. “I’ll stop listening to Senpai’s opinion. From here on out, Nakuru will confirm reality with her own eyes.” She said, and stuffed the lunch box into her bag.

…What? Confirm it with her own eyes? What is she planning?

“It’s simple. Nakuru will have Senpai show that ‘Men do not fall in love only based on breasts’—with your own body, that is.”


I reflexively tried to dodge, but it was too late. She clung to me—or rather, it was a hug as Kureha would call it. With no warning at all, Narumi Nakuru pressed her body against mine.


“Nakuru is sorry, Senpai. She thought of letting you fondle her breasts, but that was too embarrassing for her.”

“F-For you, yeah!”

“But, now…you should be able to tell, yeah?”


S-She’s not wrong! At such a close distance, I could pick up her girly scent, and those two soft bulges, pressing onto my body…Ahhh, so fluffy and volutopus, yet elastic at the same time! I can’t describe it! All I know is that they’re swallowing me whole!

“You! Are you not embarrassed to do something like this?! You’re an adolescent girl, remember?!”

“W-What other choice is there!? This is all for the sake of Nakuru’s work!”

“How passionate can you be!?”

“It’s fine! What do you think, Senpai? H-Have you come to l-l-l-like Nakuru more?”

“Like hell I would, you moron!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

That’s right, as you might guess, my gynophobia is activating. I could already feel shivers all over my body, goosebumps making me feel restless. Even if I get money for this, I don’t want to be tortured like this!

“Uuu…How cruel, saying it so directly.”

“Better than contradicting myself like you have been for a while now!”

“Well…this actually isn’t as bad. Even while being seduced like this, you don’t harbor any affection at all. Basically, you have the talent for BL within you…”

“Don’t you dare continue that thought!”

Shit! What am I supposed to do about this!? Give in to the temptation of her breasts, or not give in and be regarded as gay! There’s no place for me to escape!

“Come on, Senpai~” Nakuru whispered with a sweet voice, pressing her breasts onto me even further.

On top of that, a fruity scent tickled my nose. The distance between us was small enough for our breaths to overlap.


T-This wench, she’s definitely taking things too far with this. Even her glasses had fallen to the ground. She probably didn’t even realize this.


There, I looked at Nakuru’s face, missing her glasses, and realized. She sure looks different with her glasses off.

“Hm? What’s wrong, Senpai? You suddenly got all quiet.” Nakuru must have caught on to this irregularity, and moved away from me.

Although I wanted to scream ‘Lucky!’ for a moment, but I stopped myself, fearing that she might cling to me again.


Think about it. Think about how to change the topic smoothly.

“There’s one thing I wanna say.”

After a few seconds of thinking time, I spoke up, trying to remain as calmly as possible.

“Your image sure is different without your glasses.”

“Excuse me?” Nakuru gave me a confused gaze.

“No, seriously. Just to let you know, it’s not like you’re not cute with your glasses on, but you give off this different kind of cuteness when you take off your glasses.”

When the glasses girl took off her glasses, she was suddenly cute. This kind of development could only come out of a manga, but this is my only option now. I need to get through this whole confession nonsense!

“It’s like a gap, I guess? The gap with you and without your glasses. What if that was the reason the guy confessed to you, and not your breasts?”

“Urk…Now that you mention it, Nakuru would sometimes take off her glasses between classes…”

“Right? That’s what I’m talking about. Men are weak against that kind of gap. Good for you, he wasn’t just charmed by your breasts.”

“…S-So is this the so-called gap moe? Nakuru looked cuter because of that?”

“Yeah. That’s why, be more confident. You’re plenty cute.”

“N-Nakuru is cute…”

“Yeah, cute. Very cute.”

“V-Very cute…”

I repeated myself a few times to fully reassure her. No clue if this is actually gap moe or anything like that. There’s a good chance that guy was just in it for the breasts when he confessed, and he might have been attracted to Nakuru without her glasses. I have no way of knowing. But, that doesn’t matter. As long as she’s cheered up now. I don’t wanna get clung to again, but more than anything…seeing a girl sad doesn’t really sit right with me.

Also, I did feel a bit of that gap moe, I’m not even kidding. I really feel like she’s cute…as long as she stays quiet, that is.

“I-Is that so…So Nakuru was confessed to because of this gap…B-By the way, do you like girls with this kind of gap, Senpai?”

“Eh? Well, I guess? Also, why are you blushing like that?”

Nakuru covered her face with both her hands, hiding her reddened cheeks.

“T-That’s…Well…Nakuru was never called cute by a man before.”

“Huh? But, you were confessed to, right?”

“Uuu…T-That’s all he said. Nothing more than that…And after Nakuru rejected him, he must have felt awkward and walked away…” Nakuru was agonizing.

Wah, what a rare sight this is. Normally she only talks about glasses and BL, so it’s quite unusual to see her act like a normal girl.

“T-Then, this concludes today’s date. Here is the promised reward.”

There, Nakuru took out a beautiful wrapping from her bag.

“Ohhh, thanks!”

With this, my own goal was fulfilled. It doesn’t seem to be hard cash, but I can’t exactly ask for that with a date.


Still, I wonder what’s inside here? I figured it was something to eat, like ham or noodles. That’s plenty, looking at the current food situation in my family. Any kind of food is more than welcome. Feeling a bit excited, I opened up the wrapping.


It’s a bit small to be food. And, it’s hard. Maybe chocolate? That’d be troublesome, it would melt in this heat. After opening up the entire wrapping, what greeted me—were glasses. They were inside a plastic case, possessing a somewhat stylish design. The heck is this? Out of shock, my brain cells stopped moving entirely, only to wake up again when Nakuru let out a bashful ‘Ehehe’ laugh.

“Nakuru thought that these glasses would look best on Senpai, so she went ahead and bought them. Now you don’t have to use your money for a new pair, right? Come on, hurry up and put them on, Nakuru is sure you will reach new heights with…Hyan!?”

I didn’t even let her finish her sentence, and flicked my fingers on her glasses.

“W-What are you doing!? Is the design not to your liking or something?!”

“Shut up! This isn’t what I wanted!”

“E-Eh? Were you hoping for Nakuru’s body instead?”


“No way… even if it’s an empty park, doing it outside for Nakuru’s first time is…”

“Listen to me!”

“If possible, be kind with Nakuru…”

“Do I really have to make you shut up!?”

“With a deep kiss!?”

“Not with that!”

“Eh, then with what…Ah!? N-No, you can’t…Nakuru is inexperienced, so if you were to use that…!”

“Will you give it a rest alreadyyyyy!?” I threw in a harsh rebuttal, and pushed my body forward.


“N-No! Don’t come any closer!”

Suddenly, I was pushed backwards. It was a perfect counter, using both of her hands. Met with this unexpected event, I fell backwards onto the ground. Seeing me like that, Nakuru let out an apologetic ‘Ah’.

“S-Sorry! But…because Senpai suddenly approached Nakuru…!”


What do you mean by that? I didn’t understand the meaning behind her words, as he averted her gaze.

“Well…how to say this…because of our previous conversation, Senpai suddenly had a different kind of impression in my eyes…”


What’s up with that? A different kind of impression…Did something inside of her change because of the conversation we had?

“Yes…that’s why…I’m feeling a bit…like that, you know…”

“…Like that?”

What is she talking about?

“Like the glasses fell from my eyes.”


I mean, they really did. They sure enough did fall down from your eyes. However, without being able to correct that mistake, Nakuru said ‘T-Then, see you again!’, and ran out of the park. As my behind was still planted on the ground, I could merely watch her run off into the distance.

1 Also known as Yakul but kept Yakkuru for the reference, which is an animal from the Princess Mononoke movie

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