Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 54: Volume 6 - CH 4

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“Now then, this concludes the program of the afternoon. What follows next is the special event—the Aquatic Deathmatch.” As the sky was colored dark grey, Suzutsuki’s announcement filled the air.

We were located at the pool belonging to Rouran Academy. In the center of the pool was—a floating island. Indeed, it’s the same thing you’d see on late-night idol TV shows, where they fight there wearing only swimsuits. According to Schrö-senpai, this event is used to determine the strongest at the academy.

“As for the rules, two people will stand on top of the floating island, and try to push the other person off. Since there are four participants, we’ll be doing semi-final battles and the final battle. As for the pairings, we’ve already decided them with a lottery on our end.” Suzutsuki announced with a calm voice.

Not like we have much time anyway. This event was decided on by Schrö-senpai from what I’ve heard, and the students around were clearly looking forward to this. Well, they must be liking this kind of stuff. Not to mention…

“Now, the first battle of the semi-finals is starting! Come here, Subaru-sama, I’m fully prepared!”

The person most excited about this was none other than the president of the sports festival execution committee, Schrö-senpai. The very first match of this event was between Narumi Schrödinger and Konoe Subaru. She seemed to be very excited, and swiftly changed into her swimsuit, but…

“What’s that swimsuit about?” I asked Schrö-senpai standing next to me.

After all, she was wearing a school swimsuit. Not to mention a fairly old-fashioned one, with a navy blue color and a sticker with her name on the front. Can’t even forget about the red backpack she carried.

“I-I had no choice in this. She forced me to wear this…”


“Our club president.”

“Ah, the other third-year, is it. But, what about that backpack?”

“This is a handicap. I’m the only one who knew about the contents of this special event after all, so it wouldn’t be fair otherwise.”

“A handicap…”

“By the way, this backpack is filled with weights that equal up to 10kg.” She said with a confident grin.

I see, so unlike us and our freedom, she’s weighing herself down. Also, who even is that club president? A school swimsuit with a grade schooler’s backpack? She’s got good taste. This kind of combination really emphasises Schrö-senpai’s loli attributes.

“More importantly, you know what we’re doing right, Sakamachi Kinjirou.” Schrö-senpai glared up at me.

“I know, I know…” I returned a half-baked response, and turned towards the audience, where I spotted a familiar cat-eared silhouette, belonging to Narumi Nakuru.


…You know, it still doesn’t make much sense to me. Why would that glasses junkie be interested in me?


“…What?” I stood frozen in the infirmary.

Hearing Schrö-senpai’s baffling words, I didn’t know how to respond. Even Masamune looked like her heart just stopped beating, her face pale. I mean, can you blame us? That glasses junkie has supposedly fallen for me? Where did that even come from? I don’t remember doing anything that would warrant that.

“It’s true. As proof of that, Nakuru’s been stalking you ever since the second term started.”

“She did mention that, but…Isn’t that just so that she can gather material for her novel?”

“No, not at all. Her eyes were those of a maiden in love.”

“A maiden in love…Why do you even know about Nakuru stalking me?”

“Eh? I mean, I was stalking her.”

“What kind of wicked triangle is this!? Don’t go stalking your younger sister, will you!?”

What a dangerous older sister she is. Well, I’m partially to blame because I never realized.

“Well, leaving the stalking aside, this is pretty amazing, you know? After all, Nakuru never had any interest in anything but glasses and BL.”

“I feel like that’s quite problematic.”

“I’m sure you’re her first love.”

“That is a problem in itself…” I sighed.

Honestly speaking, I can’t believe it at all. We’re talking about Narumi Nakuru, you know? Even if she had feelings for me, what was the trigger? That date at the park? That would explain why she suddenly started acting weird. I don’t know why, but if she really fell for me because of that…

“Well, that being the case.” Schrö-senpai smiled. “Let me beat you up during the special event.”


…Sheesh, that’s Schrödinger-san for you. She really knows how to take me by surprise.

“Ah, don’t get the wrong idea. It’s just an act.”


“That’s right. I’m not really a big fan of it, but it’s for my little sister, so I can’t help it~”

“Why would me losing help Nakuru in any way?”

“Calm down, I was about to explain that. Before that, one question.”


“What would you do if the person you liked got beat up in front of you?”

“Beat up…”

I doubt I could stay calm, alright. That would probably be any person’s reaction.

“I agree with that. And, Nakuru should be the same. If she sees the person she likes being beat up in front of her, she shouldn’t be able to remain calm. And finally, she’ll bear her fangs at me.”

“Bear her fangs…”

“Basically, that very action is the most important. Whatever the method may be, I want her to fight against me. Right now, Nakuru is under the assumption that she can’t win against me, and won’t even try anything.”

“I get the logic, but…”

She’s probably talking about that growth before? She’s aiming for Nakuru’s resistance, to muster up her courage, and face Schrö-senpai directly.

“…Stupid chicken, what will you do?” Masamune finally seemed to have revived, and commented on the situation.

I basically have two choices. Either help Schrö-senpai with her plan, or retract my words before and deny her request for assistance.

“But, there’s just one thing.” I called out to Schrö-senpai. “From that conversation just now, you picked a fight with me and Konoe simply to accomplish your own goal.”

“Urk…D-Don’t make such a scary face…I’m not asking you to help me for free. This will leave us even for before, and I’ll even give you some cream puffs.”

“That sure is a cheap reward alright…” Or so I complained, but still accepted some cream puffs.

I don’t know if Nakuru really has feelings for me or not, but I get where Schrö-senpai is coming from. That’s why I decided to go along with her request. I know that I’m probably too naive and kind to others, but it’s fine. I understand how Nakuru feels, living with someone who greatly outpowers you.


End of flashback. After discussing everything, I decided to strip for Nakuru, and participate in the aquatic deathmatch. After drawing the lottery, the first match was decided to be between Konoe and Schrö-senpai. However, the goal of the fight changed. After all, it’s a fixed game. Even if I lose, I get no penalty whatsoever. But, we need to at least reach the finals so we can fight against each other. In order for that to happen, I need to win my own battle.

Granted, my foe hasn’t been announced yet…Wait, are there even other participants left? Even so, then they surely aren’t as bad as Kureha or Mom. All I have to achieve is to make it to the round with Schrö-senpai. Konoe has to lose against her, but…

“…Still, she sure is late.” I muttered.

Schrö-senpai has already prepared herself, and is ready to fight. However, Subaru-sama was nowhere in sight. Weird, I don’t think it would take her this long to prepare…

“Late.” Schrö-senpai must have been thinking the same thing, as she crossed her arms. “Maybe the size of the swimsuit I gave him didn’t fit?”

“The size?”

“Yeah. This event was a surprise after all, so I gave Subaru-sama a swimsuit. From his physique, I figured it should fit him, but…”


Hold on a second. Isn’t that pretty bad? After all, Schrö-senpai doesn’t know that Konoe is a girl, so of course the swimsuit she gave her was…

“Jirou-kun, there might have been some trouble happening, so could you check up on Subaru?” Suzutsuki must have guessed what I was thinking, as she gave me orders over the speakers.

I immediately dashed towards the boys changing room. If my and Suzutsuki’s assumption is correct, then…

“Konoe, I’m coming in.” I spoke up when reaching the door, and turned around the doorknob without waiting for a response.

“J-Jirou!? You can’t!”

Immediately after, I heard a panicked alto voice, but it was already too late. Upon stepping inside the changing room, I spotted Konoe Subaru—wearing spats. Spats made for men. This is probably the swimsuit she was given by Schrö-senpai, wearing that right now…Or rather, that’s everything she was wearing.

“Don’t look at me!”

“…!? S-Sorry!”

After closing the door, I turned my back towards Konoe. However, the scenery I had seen just now was burned into my eyes. She was only wearing spats, completely revealing her upper body.


But, I didn’t see anything in particular. The inside of the changing room is fairly dim-lit, and Konoe had her back turned towards me, so all I could see was her white back.

“Why are you looking like that!?”

“Because that’s the only swimsuit I was given…What else am I supposed to do!? Also, how does this even look? I can’t go out like this, right…?”

“Of course not!?”

What if Konoe participated in the aquatic deathmatch looking like this? She’d immediately kill all the boys in the audience. Not even some AV dared to pull a stunt like this.

“W-What should I do, Jirou…”

“…Don’t worry, you just retire. You can’t fight looking like this.”

We can’t risk having people find out that she’s a girl. Thinking about it, Konoe never participated in any pool lessons, right, saying that she wasn’t feeling well. If she retired now, that would make things much easier in the greater scheme of things. That means Schrö-senpai will move on to the final round.

“That’s why, you change back.” I left these words behind, and tried to leave the room, but…


There, someone grabbed a part of my gym clothes. I was about to turn around, and only barely stopped myself. Only Konoe could be doing this, and considering what she’s wearing, I cannot look at her. I would suffer from a nose bleed even without my gynophobia.

“Sorry, Jirou…that I couldn’t help you at all…”

“N-No, it’s fine. I’ll do something about this.”

“…Okay. Thanks.” After giving me her gratitude, Konoe grew silent.

An awkward silence reigned inside the changing room, when…

“……Jirou.” Konoe called out to me with a voice about to disappear. “There’s something I need to tell you…”

“Something you need to tell me?”

“Yeah. The thing is…I actually…”

Before she could finish her words, someone knocked on the door, followed by an anime voice saying ‘Subaru-sama, you done yet?’. Urk, of all people…

“Konoe, you hurry up and change. I’ll do something about her.”

“Ah, wait, Jirou!” Konoe spoke up again, but I ignored her and stepped outside the changing room.

Standing there was Schrödinger-san, her arms crossed.

“Huh? What about Subaru-sama?”

“He’s not feeling up to snuff right now, so he’ll be retiring from the match.”

“Ehhh, really. Boring. I thought I would get to fight Subaru-sama.”

“Wasn’t this special event for Nakuru’s sake?”

“I mean, that doesn’t change me wanting to fight him.” Schrö-senpai complained audibly.

I guess she’s the same type of person as Kureha and Mom, huh. She’s enjoying the fact of fighting so much she can’t help it. But anyway, that solves the problem of them fighting. As long as I win my fight, we both move on to the finals…

“But, are you sure?” Schrö-senpai gave me an oddly worried expression. “Because…you’ll be fighting her, right?”


“…Ah, crap. She told me not to reveal it…Well, you can tell as much by now, I guess.”


I didn’t understand what Schrö-senpai was talking about. From that tone of voice, I could guess that it was someone I knew, but…Seriously, who is it?

“This is an announcement for all students. The first battle seems to have been moved, and we will hold the second battle first.” I heard Suzutsuki’s distant voice.

Maybe they got tired of waiting, but the person I will be fighting was already standing on the floating island……Wait hold on. What kind of joke is this?

“Now begins the second battle, a fierce and passionate sibling bout.” Suzutsuki-san explained with a joyful voice.

Tracing her gaze, I spotted my foe on the floating island, waving her hand at me with a cheerful ‘Nii-san!’. It was Kureha, naturally wearing a school swimsuit.


“Jirou, you okay?”

After I changed into the swimsuit given to me, Konoe suddenly called my name with an anxious tone in her voice.

“…About that?”

“I mean, your face is pale. You look like a criminal about to be executed.”

“Konoe, don’t give examples that aren’t helping.”

I can’t laugh at that. It’s all too similar after all. The second battle of the Aquatic Deathmatch consisted of Sakamachi Kinjirou vs Sakamachi Kureha. It truly is the worst possible match-up. Why do I have to be tortured by her even at school? This is like I went to Savannah and searched for a lion so that they could kill me.

“Nii-san, hurry up!” Kureha apparently couldn’t wait anymore, as she did stretches on the floating island.

According to Kureha, she apparently kept the fact of us fighting a secret, and I have to agree, that was one hell of a surprise. It was honestly bad for my heart. After all, we’re talking about Kureha, one of the reasons for my gynophobia. I may be practicing with Kureha at home from time to time, but she still is terrifying.

Not to mention that this isn’t some practice match, but an actual battle. She’s not the type of person who holds back. Because of that, I was often sent to the hospital when I was younger. That’s why I’d really love to retire from this battle, but…

“…Senpai.” I heard a worried voice.

Turning towards the source, I saw Nakuru looked at me with an apologetic expression.

“Sorry, Senpai. Because of Nakuru, you have to fight Kureha-chan…”

“Don’t worry about it. What’s done can’t be undone.”


“No worries. It’s not like I’ve lost already, right?”

Inside, I was absolutely terrified, but I tried to give her as best of a reassuring smile as I could.

“R-Right…Do your best, Senpai.” Nakuru nodded.

Yeah, her attitude towards me definitely is different compared to before…Normally she’d only care about glasses and BL…Is what Schrö-senpai said really true?

“But, this is quite the shame.” Nakuru spoke up.

“What is?”

“Subaru-sama already retired, so Nakuru won’t be able to see Senpai vs Subaru-sama in the final battle, which would have been something like a dream scenario for her. Just imagining you being forced to fight despite feeling passionate love for each other…Battle and love…and glasses. Ahh, what a BL development…!”

With no hesitation, I kicked Nakuru into the pool. Yeah, Schrö-senpai definitely is wrong here. There’s no way she would have the hots for me.

“Uuuu…how cruel!” Nakuru climbed up the poolside while grumbling. “What if Nakuru drowned, Senpai?”

“The pool isn’t that deep, alright.”

It’s 150cm at most, it’s hard to drown in there. Also, because of your wet clothes, I can perfectly see your cute underwear, but I’ll just ignore that. All I’ll think about this is the fact that her physique is completely different from her older sister’s, but I need to focus on the battle now. I need to pass the ladder in order to reach the floating island in the middle of the pool.

This island amasses around seven meters in radius. Because of the ropes located in the depths of the pool, the island wasn’t washed away in the waves of the pool. The material it was made out of…was comparable to a swimming board you’d give a swimming beginner.

When I reached the floating island, the bridge was removed, and I was left on the island. Hm, this is smaller than expected. Not to mention that the island was still shaking, leaving my foothold uneasy. Even after being raised in this kind of family, I’m not used to a situation like this. Not to mention that the wind was starting to kick up, rain pouring down on the pool.

“Now then, let me explain the rules. No poking eyes, no attacks on vital spots or other dangerous actions. Any other actions are fundamentally okay. The winner will be the one who pushes the other person off the island, or makes them surrender.” An indifferent announcement rang out.

She was explaining it with a calm face, but what she’s saying is mighty dangerous. Basically, everything goes, huh. Thanks to that, the students watching were getting even more excited. If you’re all so motivated, then why won’t somebody switch with me?

“Nyahaha. Let’s have a good battle, Nii-san.”

That’s my loli little sister for you, the school swimsuit looked perfect on her, just like with Schrö-senpai. But, you shall not be deceived. Despite her physique, she’s an ace at fighting. She might look cute and adorable, but she’s stronger than a black Asian bear.


Well, no other choice but to do it, huh. Panicking endlessly won’t do me any good. I really don’t want to fight, but I can’t just leave, and losing is not on the menu. That’s right, this is all for Nakuru’s sake.

“So then, let us start the second battle of this sports festival’s special event—the Aquatic Deathmatch. Ready, and…”

Gong! A loud gonging sound followed, probably generated from the gong they borrowed from the pro-wrestling club. And with this dull tone—the harsh battle began.

“Alrighty, here I come, Nii-san.”

It was an immediate attack with the gong. Kureha started dashing the second she received the signal.


She attacked me with a jump kick from a full sprint. With a hair’s width, I managed to dodge. That’s Kureha for you, she does not hold back at all. She was trying to end this in one go.

“Ahh, I failed~” Kureha landed safely on both her feet.

The impact of her landing made the floating island shake. Tsk, as expected, this place isn’t secure at all. No other choice but to throw her off at once. For starters, I’ll divert her attention with a talk.

“You sure are excited for this, Kureha. Got any particular reason?”

“Eh, what are you talking about? This is a real battle, not some sparring match at home. The rules are different, right?”


“Yup. Didn’t we always use these rules before when fighting as a family?”


What is she talking about? Our family’s rules…So she’s probably talking about the times we went around crushing other dojos? I feel like we received the enemy’s uniforms as a prize, but…is she…

“Basically, the loser has to hand over their swimsuit.”

“I don’t want that!?”

“How rude! You’re not interested in my swimsuit!?”

“I wouldn’t even know what to do with it!”

“Hang it up in your room?”

“I could never invite anybody to my room again!”

Ah, wait! I was trying to confuse her, but now I’m the one being thrown around in the conversation! But, that’s definitely not a thing I can allow. With so many people watching, I can’t just accept my little sister’s swimsuit. Just imagining it gives me the shivers. I won’t be getting off with just being a siscon.

“But, you’re a siscon right, Nii-san?”

“Where did that even come from?”

“A little sister is always a princess.”

“I really wouldn’t want such a Sister Princess.”

There was an anime1 that featured twelve little sisters, but I was too terrified to watch that. We’re talking about twelve, you know. Imagine Kureha times 12, the world would end.

“Well, leaving that aside. We’re having a proper match now, so let’s enjoy it!” Together with this declaration, Kureha closed the distance between us.

This damn battle fetishist. I reflexively pushed out my first, but…

“Nyahaha!” I heard a laughing voice full of relaxation and confidence.

Kureha easily caught the fist I directed at her, and jumped at my body like a snake to restrain my legs…This position is!?

“A triangle choke!?”

When I realized, it was too late. Kureha’s slender legs wrapped around my neck, as she restrained all my movement, choking me. It was a perfect submission. At this rate, she’ll choke me out of my consciousness entirely…!

“Huh? Nii-san, are you done already?”


This is bad. The choke and my gynophobia made my field of view shake. That being said, because of my right arm being in a lock thanks to Kureha, only my right arm was free to use. All other movement was sealed off. Damn it, my consciousness is…

“You can give up, you know? Then I can fight the vice club prez. Just between us, but I was waiting to fight her again~” Kureha muttered as she put more strength into her legs.

…Shit, I’m so pathetic. Can I really not win against her?

“…D-Don’t joke with me.” I told myself.

Is there…no method? At this rate, I’ll be thrown off the ring. I need to get out of this, but all I can use is one arm…


My gynophobia had my consciousness cut out for a moment. Think, Jirou, think. I need to win for her sake, for Narumi Nakuru. Even if she’s a glasses junkie, she still is a girl. And, I wholeheartedly understand what it feels to have a complex directed at someone from your family. That’s right, for her sake, I can’t…

You are reading story Mayo Chiki! at


There, a chance popped up in my mind. The hint was Narumi Nakuru. During the battle royale held at the summer festival, she won against Kureha. Remember, what method did she use…


I used my right arm to act…and Kureha’s body reacted as expected. That’s right, she’s ticklish. I don’t feel great using such a weakling’s tactic, but that’s all I could think of to make Kureha let go of me. Because of my gynophobia, I also can’t tickle her forever, so I need to finish


The triangle choke softened up, which allowed me to mount Kureha, who gave me a terrified look.

“…Forgive me, my little sister.”

I definitely can’t afford to lose this battle.


When I tickled Kureha’s sides, she let out a shriek. Damn, this works much better than I thought. Also, what is this sensation…I’ve been tortured for the past ten years, treated like a punching bag, and now I was triumphing over Kureha. What should I do, this is actually pretty fun.

“N-Nyahaha! N-Nii-san, stop it!”

“What’s wrong, Kureha? Here, tickle tickle tickle!”

“Ahahaha, no, don’t, nyahaha!”

“Just give up already. It’ll make things easier for you.”

“Nyahaha! I wouldn’t give up just because of a bit of hahahaha!”

“Really now? Guess I gotta tickle you some more.”


“Here, tickle tickle tickle tickle.”

“Nyahahaha! I give up! I give up! I’ll drop out, so please spare me, Nii-san!”

“Alrighto, Kureha. Rest assured, I’ll make you feel better real soon.”

“…!? Deviant! You’re a devil, Nii-san!”

“Here here here and here! This is my share! This is also my share! This too, this as well! This is payback for all these years!!”


I was letting out all the resentment stored up over the past few years. After this relentless tickling attack, the school swimsuit Kureha stopped moving. It seems like she passed out.


…I won. It was not exactly the way I wanted it to be, but I definitely managed to beat Kureha. For the first time in ten years, I won. It doesn’t feel like much of an accomplishment, but I don’t care. Victory is everything, and I don’t care what kind of fiendish method I have to use…

“…The worst.”

Suddenly, I heard someone from the audience mutter these words. As if that broke the dam…

“How cruel, doing something like that to a screaming girl…”

“What did he even do?”

“Don’t tell me…something lewd?”

“Eh, but they’re siblings, right!?”

And so on, most of them being comments from the girls in the audience…This is bad. I don’t know why, but they seem to have a terrible misunderstanding for some reason.

“Y-You’re wrong! I wasn’t doing anything weird!” I screamed towards the crowd, like I was trying to convince the jury at a court trial.

However, immediate responses came back such as ‘You siscon bastard!’, ‘Look at her body…he might even be a lolicon!’, ‘Maybe both?’, all of the voices coming from the guys. Not good, I need to give quick proof of my innocence.

“Kureha! Wake up!” I slapped my little sister’s cheeks, all so that she would wake up.

“Ah…Nya? Nii-san?”

“Ohh! You’re awake! Please, tell the people!”

“Tell the people…?” Kureha groaned, and her face suddenly started to grow red. “I see…I was turned into damaged goods by Nii-san…”

Um, Kureha-san? Why are you speaking words that are easily misinterpreted?

“Uuuu…how cruel…I didn’t think you were this much of a deviant.”

“Stop joking around! I was just tickling you!”

“But, the wounds on my body…”

“That’s what you meant by damaged goods!?”

“Not to mention that you made me say something embarrassing like that…”

“You only said ‘I give up’, right!?”

“I was sullied…By Nii-san of all people…”

“Stop saying nonsense that’ll make the misunderstanding even worse!”

The only thing sullied here was our score, right! Also, was losing against me that much of a shock!?

‘This concludes the match. Whatever the method may have been, the opponent has announced their surrender, which makes Sakamachi Kinjirou the winner. Now then, let’s have a brief break before the final battle, so all participants please leave the area.” Suzutsuki’s announcement officially ended this round.

With the ladder provided to me, I returned back to the poolside. Urk, all the gazes around me are hurting…On top of being accused of being gay, now they think I’m a siscon and even lolicon…Well, they say that people’s rumours vanish after 75 days, so I can only put faith in this belief…For now, I decided to head back to the empty mens changing room. With the interval happening, I can gather my thoughts here.

My next opponent is Schrö-senpai. I just have to do it as we discussed in the infirmary, and give up at a random point. Or, I can accidentally fall into the pool too…

“—Senpai, can Nakuru come in?”

There, someone suddenly knocked on the door, and I heard a mature voice.

“Yeah,” I gave a brief response, to which Nakuru carefully entered the room. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

This men’s changing allows no entry for girls. So, I figured she must have some important business with me.

“Um, there is something Nakuru wanted to say after your fight with Kureha-chan.”


Crap, did she get the wrong idea and now sees me as a siscon?

“But, before that, please have a look at this.”


I was confused as to what Nakuru wanted from me, only to be utterly baffled a second later. She wore half pants as part of her gym clothes. However, she pulled them off in a moment alone.

“Y-You! Why are you stripping like that!?”

I knew I shouldn’t be looking, but my eyes wouldn’t listen to me. Her squishy thighs had my gaze glued to them. Following that came a triangle shape, colored in navy blue. This fabric looked so familiar…Hm? Wait, is this…

“It’s fine, this is a school swimsuit. Nakuru changed into it before.” Nakuru flipped up her shirt to show the swimsuit in its entirety.

Judging from the design, it was the same type Schrö-senpai and Kureha wore before. But, why is she…?

“Senpai, won’t you listen to Nakuru’s request?”


“Yes.” Nakuru nodded, as she put her hands together in front of her chest like she was praying. “Won’t you let Nakuru fight—Onee-chan?”


“I have a bit of information to share with everyone. The winner of the previous battle was indeed participant Sakamachi, but he has retired because of him not feeling too well. That being the case, we have decided on a member change, with Rouran Academy first-year Narumi Nakuru taking over in the final battle.” Suzutsuki explained the circumstances with an announcement.

The wind hadn’t weakened at all, as the rain kept on pouring down on the pool. In the midst of the pool, atop the floating island were two silhouettes—Narumi Schrödinger versus Narumi Nakuru. It was a battle of the handicrafts club’s strongest top rank and second rank. Nobody had expected this battle between sisters, held in the middle of the storm.

“Jirou, are you really sure about this?”

Our surroundings resembled a factory with the rain pouring down on the poolside, as Konoe asked me these words.

“I don’t want to talk her down or anything, but I can’t see her winning this battle. Why did you agree to this…?”

“Nakuru herself asked for this, so how could I say no.”

“Hmpf, I don’t get it. After all, it’s her own older sister. From how I see it, Nakuru-chan is bad with Narumi-senpai as well, right?”

“…Even so, there was no choice for me to decline.”

After what she told me, you know.

‘Won’t you let Nakuru fight—Onee-chan?’

I remembered the words she told me in the men’s changing room just now. I don’t know why she would say that, but her gaze was serious. Also, this was what Schrö-senpai wished for from the very beginning. Namely, she wanted Nakuru to stand her own ground, and face someone she thought she had no way of defeating. She’ll grow through that, surely.

“Heh, didn’t think you’d come to fight me instead, Nakuru.”


The floating island shook because of the wind, as the sisters were exchanging a few words.

“Tell me, why did you decide to fight me?”

“That’s…because Nakuru saw Senpai fight Kureha-chan with all his might…and even win…”

“Hmm, so you’re being influenced. Maybe because you realized that you held a similar complex like him?”

“N-Nakuru doesn’t have a complex about Onee-chan or anything.”

“Then why are you always using such polite language with me?”

“T-That’s…” Nakuru showed a troubled expression, and grew silent.

In the previous battle, I won against Kureha. It wasn’t exactly the most prideful way of winning, but I still managed to beat an opponent that practically bullied me for the past ten years and more. I basically stood tall against my own complex. Just as much as I held sympathy towards Nakuru being scared of Schrö-senpai, Nakuru might have held sympathy for my fear of Kureha.

There’s a difference between little and older sister, but it still is a level of sympathy we reached at the end of it all. And, I showed Nakuru that I could win against Kureha. That’s why she maybe thought she could stand against her complex, fight against the person that induced this complex.

“Just to let you know, but I’m not going easy on you.” Schrö-senpai spoke with a cold tone towards her quivering little sister. “Doesn’t matter if we’re blood-related. Now that we’re fighting, I’m not holding back. That would just be rude for you otherwise right, my little sister.”

“O-Onee-chan…” Nakuru’s body shook even more.

It probably isn’t because of her wearing a swimsuit in the midst of this storm. It was mostly likely fear that filled her upon facing her own complex. But, just shaking all the time won’t change anything. After all, she decided to fight. She chose to take my spot and stand on the stage. That’s why, there’s no going back anymore. No matter what the result may be.

“Now then, let’s start the final battle of this sports festival special event, the Aquatic Deathmatch…Ready, set…”

Gong! A dull sound rang out, and the first one to move was Schrö-senpai after all. She lined up a large kick despite her small stature. The first one to strike wins. Almost as if these words were the meaning behind this attack, a leg came down soaring at Nakuru…


The floating island shook. It was a beautiful axe kick, with a vague breathing technique and form, but still perfectly executed. That’s Schrödinger-san for you, she really is the strongest of this school. Power and speed, these two stats alone had Schrö-senpai’s attack leave a crater in the foam. That’s right, it didn’t hit Nakuru. Or rather, it was missed on purpose.

“W-Wahh…” Nakuru sank down on the floating island.

I can’t blame her, the axe kick slammed into the ground right next to her. However, that wasn’t the problem. What was most concerning is that Nakuru didn’t even try to evade that attack. She simply couldn’t.

“Hey now, what’s wrong? The next one isn’t going to miss.” Schrö-senpai spoke with leisure in her voice, as the strong wind made her hair shake.

Even so, Nakuru couldn’t get up. She had lost all her will to fight. In the face of this overwhelming difference in strength, Nakuru couldn’t get up to fight her complex.

“Or…will you retire here?”

Suddenly, Schrö-senpai threw these words at Nakuru. She clearly didn’t expect this either, as she looked up at her older sister with a baffled ‘Eh?’.

“You gonna give up now? Honestly speaking, I’m pretty satisfied that you even stood against me, you know.”

“Satisfied…But, aren’t you going to make Senpai your slave…”

“Nope, already decided against that. So, you can give up now. You can’t win against me. Not to mention that the typhoon has gotten worse, so we should probably start to wrap up the sports festival.”


“That’s why, just hurry and give up. Everybody here knows how strong I am, they know the difference in strength between us. Nobody will blame you.”

“……!” Nakuru bit her lip.

Looking at the situation in front of me, even without being able to get up again, Nakuru did great. That’s why, nobody would feel any resentment if she retired now. However…

“…No.” Nakuru strongly rejected her older sister’s words. “If Nakuru doesn’t fight here, she might not have another chance. After all…you’ll be going abroad next year, right?”

Schrö-senpai’s expression froze up upon hearing those words.

“…What, you knew?”

“Yes. You were acting off as of late, so Nakuru snuck into your room. There, she saw your questionnaire about your plans for the future…”


“But, why?”

“I don’t know. Just felt like seeing more of this world.”

“That sounds very much like you, Onee-chan…”

“Thanks for that praise. But, they are just my plans, you know? Nothing’s written in stone yet.”

“Even so, you won’t be coming home for a while if you really went, right?”

“…Well, yeah.” Schrö-senpai nodded with a complicated expression.

Maybe…that’s why she set up all of this today? Since she might be leaving soon, she wanted to clear up the problem between her and Nakuru.

“That’s why, this might be Nakuru’s only chance…to actually win against you.” She declared with no hesitation in her voice.

Following that, Nakuru stuffed her hand into the chest area of her swimsuit, and took out a small bottle…Hold on, where were you even hiding that? You some kangaroo?

“Nakuru could never stand her ground against Onee-chan. Because of that, you were worried about Nakuru, right? But, Nakuru avoided that until now.”


However, seeing Senpai fight Kureha-chan, and even win…Nakuru made up her mind that she would do her best as well. Nakuru wants Onee-chan to leave overseas without having to worry, which is why…Nakuru will fight Onee-chan!”

In the midst of the storm, this was Narumi Nakuru’s declaration towards her older sister. Without using any polite language.

“…Gulp.” She opened up the bin in her hand, and gulped down its contents, letting out a sigh.

Her cheeks turned red, together with drowsy eyes, and her legs were wobbling around. It was the Undressing Drunken Fist. Whenever she takes in any kind of carbonated drink, Nakuru turns into a beast.

“…Huh, now things are finally interesting.” Schrö-senpai closed the distance between them in an instant.

It was another axe kick, now aiming directly at Nakuru for certain.

“Ain’t happening!” Nakuru jumped to the side, barely avoiding the attack at a hair’s width.

The floating island shook once again through the impact, as Nakuru wrapped around Schrö-senpai’s back.


Schrö-senpai was hit directly without any change of defending, and staggered backwards. The swimsuit part that was hit had been torn to shreds. The Undressing Drunken Fist was as deadly as always.

“Hehe. Not bad, my little sister.”

“Yup. Nakuru isn’t losing, Onee-chan.”

The top rankers of Rouran Academy and its handicrafts club—Narumi Schrödinger and Narumi Nakuru, they both exchanged a few blows, as they smiled. The older sister smiled while witnessing her little sister’s growth, whereas the little sister smiled as she fought her own complex…

“—Go get her.” I subconsciously whispered.

I just felt like supporting her. It’s not like the immense difference in raw strength suddenly vanished. Even so, Nakuru tried her very best to escape from this complex plaguing her, and fought the person she had been losing to for years. It’s a Giant Killing2. Someone weak is trying to defeat the strong, despite knowing how inferior they are. I really don’t dislike that. That’s why…

“You can do it, Nakuru!” I screamed in the middle of the storm.

My voice must have reached Nakuru, as she responded with a brief ‘Yes, Senpai!’, followed with a smile. Following that was a constant exchange of attacks. Schrö-senpai continued to relentlessly attack Nakuru with her physical abilities, whereas Nakuru herself continued to evade this.

From time to time, Nakuru fought back, but Schrö-senpai got used to her drunken fist, and dodged much more easily. At the same time, the wind and rain grew more and more intense. At one point, the two stopped moving. They were both gasping for air, as their shoulders went up and down. That makes sense, because moving like that would cost a lot of stamina. If I had to guess, the conclusion was close.

“Oraaaah!” With a voice filled with Schrö-senpai’s motivation, she sat foot forward, and started running towards Nakuru.

It was a tackle. She probably judged that Nakuru had no more stamina to dodge. She most likely intends to finish it quickly.


As expected, Nakuru didn’t move. However, she still readied her body to intercept Schrö-senpai’s attack. Schrö-senpai clearly guessed this, and sped up even further. The second I judged she wouldn’t be able to dodge—it happened.


Right before Schrö-senpai reached Nakuru, something happened to their foothold. I heard cracks even from the poolside. And then, the floating island split in two.


The entire audience swallowed their breaths. It might have happened because of the two axe kicks that Schrö-senpai fired off.


Nakuru frantically secured her balance so that she wouldn’t fall off. Thanks to her leg strength and prepared posture, she succeeded in doing so. However, the same couldn’t be said about Schrö-senpai.


After losing her balance, her body tilted towards the water. Since she was in the middle of running, there was no way to get a proper foothold. Right as her body was about to fall into the water—

“Onee-chan!” Nakuru grabbed Schrö-senpai’s arm, and pulled her up on the island.

However, Nakuru lost her own balance in the process, and fell into the pool. Naturally, according to the rules…

“This concludes the match. As Narumi Nakuru has fallen into the pool, the winner of the final round will be Narumi Schrödinger.” Suzutsuki announced as indifferent as always.

“…The heck.”

How am I supposed to accept this? It should have been Nakuru’s victory because Schrö-senpai was about to fall into the pool, so why did she…

“Nakuru, what is this about! This should have been your victory!”

It seems like Schrö-senpai couldn’t accept this result either, as she asked Nakuru who was swimming in the pool.

“U-Um…” Nakuru let out a bashful laugh. “Nakuru was worried that you might drown in the pool.”

“…What?” Schrö-senpai froze up in confusion.

Of course, the audience and myself included were showing a similar reaction. She says drown, but…the pool isn’t that deep. Only a middle school student would drown in…


I see, Schrö-senpai is not very tall to begin with. Maybe 140cm at most. That’s why Nakuru saved her?

“Y-You idiot! Like hell I’d drown, even if I’m this small!”

“You’re not wrong, but…You’re carrying that backpack right now with the weights inside of them. Nakuru wanted to win without shoving you into the water from the very beginning, but that wouldn’t work out too well.”

“I could have just taken that off!”

“…Ah, you’re right.”

Now that she fell into the water, or probably because the amount of carbohydrate wore off, Nakuru’s thinking was as clear as ever, as she let out a bashful laugh. They really looked like your average couple of sisters.

“………Idiot.” Schrö-senpai shook her head in disbelief. “That fight didn’t count.”


“I can’t accept this result.”

“Then, wanna fight one more time?”

“Hmmm, we don’t have the time for that. The rain did let up, but if we continue like this, it’ll influence the events later on.”

“Then, what should we do?”

“Huh? You really gotta ask that?” Schrö-senpai offered Nakuru a hand. “We’ll redo this battle once I come back. Until then, get stronger, my little sister.”

“…Okay, will do, Onee-chan.” Nakuru nodded, and took Schrö-senpai’s hand

……Well, either way. I guess this is the conclusion of the battle, and a draw to boot. I figure some guys in the audience won’t accept this, but I can see this as a success. After all, younger and older sister, Narumi Nakuru and Narumi Schrödinger have finally managed to close the distance between them.

“This kind of ending ain’t half bad.”

In the midst of the weakening rain, I muttered with a voice nobody could hear.

1 Sister Princess

2 A soccer manga

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