Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 71: Volume 9 - CH 3

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As a bit of bonus knowledge, Masamune’s apartment is pretty far away from school. That’s why she’s been using her motorbike in order to get to school, but since she can’t take me and Kureha with her, we’ve been going to school by bus.

Today, it’s November 12th, a Monday. Yesterday, a big incident happened, namely Konoe and Suzutsuki suddenly moving in next to us, but we still are proper high school students, so we are attending school on this weekday.

“Still~ That sure was a surprise. To think the two would suddenly move in next to us~” Kureha said, as we stepped out of the bus. “Not to mention that it’s Konoe-senpai living next-door now…Kyaaa, this is like a shoujo manga!”

“To me, it’s honestly more like a horror manga.”

Kureha sure is relaxed about this whole thing. When we told her that Konoe and Suzutsuki moved in next to us after she came home from her training, she was all like ‘Yay! Things will get more interesting now!’, and enjoyed it. If every person in the world was as positive as her when it comes to the thinking process, we probably wouldn’t have any wars.

“Leaving that aside. Usamin-senpai, did you move Nii-san’s sleeping space into an actual room now?”

“Eh!? W-Well…it’s getting colder now, so having the stupid chicken sleep outside would risk him freezing to death.”

“Ah, it really has gotten cold lately. I should probably get a scarf soon.”

Masamune and Kureha were having this conversation after we got off the bus, and walked towards the school gate. That’s right, I was finally freed from my balcony cardboard house. That makes sense, Suzutsuki and Konoe moved in next to us, so they could easily see what’s going on over on our balcony.

“Well, I’m not exactly happy about the stupid chicken moving inside the place, but…I’ll forgive you this once. We got to buy lots of eggs yesterday at the sale after all.”

“So my value is the same as eggs?”

“What are you talking about? They’re not normal eggs, they were eggs on discount.”

“They’re basically the same for me!”

“Huh!? Don’t be ridiculous! Do you even know how hard I worked in order to buy these eggs!?”

“I know, because I had to do the hard work!”

Yesterday, Masamune and I went shopping at the nearby supermarket, over to the special sale. As expected, Kureha didn’t make it back in time, so I had to help Masamune instead. I figured it would just be any other sale, but I was way too naive. It was a war. I felt like I stumbled into that one movie called Private Ryan or something. Put simply, the married wives stole the food and other objects on sale from one another. Masamune and I bet our lives on the line as we participated in this war. I’ve tagged along many times, but yesterday was absolute hell.


As the trauma of the previous day plagued me, a cold breeze passed us by. It seems like this year’s winter will be much tougher than before. Even though it’s barely the first half of November, I’m feeling a bit cold.

“It’s gotten cold, huh.” Masamune must have been thinking something similar, as she muttered with a white breath coming out of her mouth. “…I see, it’s already November…”

“…Hm? Do you have some plans in November?” I asked, since Masamune’s tone sounded oddly profound.

What was going on in November again? There’s not really any events school-wise as far as I remember, except Christmas in December. Once the new year rolls around, we’ll have the school trip.

“…I-It’s not that big of a deal. Just…”


“…No, it’s nothing.” Masamune forcefully cut off the topic.

Hmmm, I wonder what’s going on? Now I’m even more curious. Any other events in November…

“More importantly, be careful.” Masamune suddenly warned me.

“Be careful…about what?”

“Huh? Isn’t that obvious. Nobody can find out that we live in the same apartment. It’s been one month, so it wouldn’t be weird that you got careless.”

“Ahhh, that makes sense.”

Although it couldn’t really be helped that me and Kureha are living together with Masamune, it would still leave a bad impression if people found out.

“Not to mention that things would become troublesome if people found out.”


“Come on, the group that basically lives off BL material with you and Subaru-sama.”

“Ahh, the [Watch Over Committee]…”

The [Watch Over Committee] is also known as the [Watch Over Subaru-sam With A Warm Gaze] committee, and they are basically fanatics who believe that me and Konoe indulge in a gay relationship. Just as Masamune said, it would cause a large ruckus if they found out that Masamune and I are living together. Worst case scenario is that they would force me to move out.

“Sakamachi, you know as well, right?”

“Aye aye, sir! No probs, chief! I can keep my mouth shut for sure!” Kureha showed an innocent laugh.

Really now? I feel like you’re the top suspect who would blurt out something unnecessary. Then again, I have to be careful about it myself.

“Well, there’re lots of reasons to be anxious right now.” I muttered in a quiet voice so that those two wouldn’t hear me.

There’s the [Watch Over Committee] to worry about, but I can’t forget about Suzutsuki living next-door. She definitely is plotting something unholy. Not to mention that I need to finally get my relationship with Konoe under control—In order for me to call ourselves best friends, things are way too awkward. At the very least, she wants to stay that way, so I should probably get used to this distance soon enough…


There, right as we mixed in with a group of students, passing through the school gate, someone suddenly clung to my back. Judging from that small physique, and her aggressive personality shown in her strangling my neck, there’s only one possible conclusion.

“Good morning, Onii-chan! What’s up, what’s up, you’re so bummed out this early in the morning!”


I heard a voice that could come straight out of an anime next to my ears, confirming my assumption that the person I was dealing with was indeed Narumi Schrödinger. She is the older sister of the glasses junkie, also known as Narumi Nakuru, and known as this academy’s strongest.

“H-Hey! Vice prez! Why are you suddenly clinging to the stupid chicken like that!?”

The one most shocked about this wasn’t even me, but Masamune. To that, Schrö-senpai tilted her head, clearly confused.

“What, Usamin? Jealous?”

“Wha…Why would you immediately assume that!?”

“Jealous, so jealous~”

“Don’t make some weird song out of this! I’m not jealous at all!”

“You sound angry despite that, though?”

“I-I’m not angry. Like I care what the stupid chicken does with anybody…”

“Eh? Really? Guess I’ll just hug him even more tightly then.” She said, and pressed herself onto me even stronger.

Gaaaaah! She’s strangling meeee! She’s putting pressure on my carotid artery, making my head spin! I might just ascend to heaven before my gynophobia even kicks innnn!!!

“Nya, Nii-san, gonna give up?”

Kureha must have felt the danger to my life, as she came to look at me. Also, can you maybe ask me before you ask so nonchalantly?

“Vice captain, I think you should let go now. Nii-san’s face is all pale now.”

“Ah, crap, I took it too far.”

Immediately after, Schrö-senpai jumped away from me. I fell down on the ground, gasping for air…That was dangerous. My consciousness was about to jump out of my head. As always, she’s got ridiculous arm strength despite her small stature.

“Ahaha, sorry, sorry. That was a bit too violent of a conversation, huh?” Schrö-senpai showed an innocent smile.

That’s the top spot of the Rouran Academy handicrafts club’s club ranking for you, that’s the kind of greeting I’d expected. Well, as the oldest son of the Sakamachi Family, I’m used to something like this.

“Vice captain, can I have a moment?”

“Hmm? What do you want, huh?”

I finally recovered, and stood up, when Kureha and Schrö-senpai started talking…Huh? Oh yeah, this is the first time I’ve seen those two talk with each other. Well, they’re a good fit, I’d say. They must be getting along just fine…

“As always, the vice captain is so tiny!”

“Huuuh? Are you picking a fight with me?”

“No no no, of course not. Also, I’ve been meaning to say this for a while now, but I don’t quite like that you call my Nii-san with ‘Onii-chan’, see…”

“Hey now, you sure have guts going against me like this.”

“I am merely reminding you as Nii-san’s actual little sister, you know?”

“…Seriously, you’re as cheeky as always. Well, I don’t dislike that. What’s it going to be? Should we put an end to this rivalry right now?”

“Nyahaha, I don’t mind?”


Let me take that back, those two are on awful terms. Also, what do you mean rivalry? That sounds like it would be straight out of a battle manga.

“Be careful, stupid chicken.”

As I was left bewildered, Masamune called out to me.

“Those two aren’t on the best of terms.”

“I mean, I can tell as much from watching this, but…What do they mean with rivalry?”

“To put it short, Sakamachi picked a fight with the vice prez right after joining the club. Back then, the vice prez won, but Sakamachi clearly couldn’t accept that.”

“Oh yeah, Kureha hates losing after all.”

“That being the case, Sakamachi would often pick a fight with the vice prez. Not to mention…”

“Not to mention?”

“How do I say this…those two are pretty similar, right? That’s why they both don’t want to lose…”


Well, I’ve felt the same way. Both Kureha and Schrö-senpai have a lot of common attributes. They’re small, powerful, and have a cat-like atmosphere. Not to mention that they’re both declaring themselves as my little sisters. Well, Kureha doesn’t really need to, since she undoubtedly is my little sister, but Schrö-senpai calls me “Onii-chan” with no real reason to do so.

“Well, since they’re close enough to actually fight like this, their relationship isn’t that bad, and I feel like they are getting along pretty well, but…at times like these, you need to be careful.”

“Hm? About what?”

“Can you stop the two from fighting?”


Impossible, yeah. Also, I’d rather not get involved in this either way. I don’t even want to imagine a battle between Godzilla and Gamera happening right in front of me. The school would end up in shatters.

“Vice captain, Nii-san is with me today, so why don’t we just have him be the judge?”


“Not that I mind, but having him as just the judge would be a bit boring. Why don’t we try to steal Onii-chan from each other?”

Oh lord have mercy…

“Hm, sure. It’ll be little sister versus little sister.”

“Exactly. Then, let’s get this started. Don’t worry, I’ll end this before the chime rings.” Schrö-senpai showed a smirk.

“Nyaha, fine by me.”

After they exchanged a few words, they readied their fists….Ahhh, they’re dead serious now, huh!?

“S-Stop it, you two! Also, Schrö-senpai, didn’t you want something from me, or why did you call out to me like that!?”

At this rate, they might actually try to steal me from the other. What am I, some soccer ball? Will they slam me onto the ground for some touchdown? Driven by fear, I broke between the two, when Schrö-senpai thankfully lowered her fists with a “Oh, you’re right”.

“Kureha, no battle today.” Schrö-senpai turned towards Kureha.

“Ehh, what a shame.”

“Don’t be so depressed about it, I’ll give you some attention later. For now…I need to talk to your Onii-chan.” She declared with an awfully serious tone. “Hey, Onii-chan. Usamin too.” She looked at me and Masamune with an awfully serious expression. “Is it true that you two are living together?”


Because of this unexpected question, both Masamune and I froze up in shock. Schrö-senpai observed our reaction, and continued.

“…I mean, not like I care? Not my business what kind of relationship you two have. That being said, as your senior, let me just say one thing…Living together as high school students is taking things a bit too far, don’t you think?”

“Wha…You’re wrong, vice prez. We don’t actually…”

“No need to try and lie about it, I already have solid proof.”


“Hey, just be honest with me. Is there a reason for you living together? If so, then tell me, and I might be able to do something about it.”

“Urk…” Masamune bit her lip.

…This is bad. At this rate, Schrö-senpai will figure out that the three of us are living together. Also, what does she mean she’s got proof? How did she…


There, I heard an awfully worried and panicked voice reached my ears. When I turned towards the source of the voice, there stood a girl wearing cat ears and glasses—Narumi Nakuru. She was clearly out of breath, as she came jogging towards us.

“…Oh god, she’s here already.” Seeing her younger sister arrive, Schrö-senpai looked up at the sky.

……Don’t tell me, is this proof that Schrö-senpai talked about…

“Senpai, Nakuru wants to talk with you about something.” Nakuru took out her smartphone, and showed me the screen. “What is the meaning behind this picture?”


I took a glance at the screen. There, I saw—Masamune and I on our way home from the shopping trip. She even took a picture of us as we walked inside the flat.


This is bad. Is she some paparazzi? To think she’d secretly peep on us like this…!

“The thing is, Nakuru was walking through town yesterday, when she spotted Senpai and Usami-senpai walking next to each other, holding shopping bags.”


“So, she was a bit curious and followed after you, when you two entered the flat…”


“And, you didn’t come out until the morning.”

“You were watching that entire time!?”

Let me retract my statement. She’s got the potential to become a private detective. If not, she wouldn’t be this thorough.

“Nakuru thought of taking the same bus with the three of you, but that was probably too obvious, so she came in late like this.”

“H-Hm, I see…”

“More importantly, Senpai…What is this about? Also, you came to school with Kureha-chan, right?”

“N-No, you’re wrong, I just happened to stay over at Masamune’s place…”

“Don’t lie like that. Nakuru has even more proof.”


“Last night, Nakuru asked the other residents of that flat, and they said that you and Masamune are living together.”

“Why are you going this far!?”

Is she actually aspiring to become a private detective? To think she’d ask our neighbours.

“There is also one truth. What is it, Senpai? Are you really living together with Usami-senpai, already going out?”


Nakuru asked with teary eyes. In the face of that, I could only stay quiet…What to do about this…Back in September, she confessed to me. I mean, her reason for the confession was that she wanted to gather BL material, so there’s actually not a glimmer of love in there, but it’s a fact that she apparently likes me despite that. That’s why, finding out that Masamune and I are living together must be quite the shock for her.

“Urk…You’re so cruel.” Nakuru must have taken my silence as affirmation, and continued with a teary voice. “So you two are living together…”


“Why didn’t you tell Nakuru? If she had known that you shared this kind of relationship, then…Nakuru would have…!” She took a deep breath, and continued with a determined voice. “She would have come to collect data!”


You are reading story Mayo Chiki! at

…Hold on. God up in the heavens, could you maybe turn back time? I need to hear that nonsense one more time.

“Nakuru? What did you say just now?”

Masamune must have felt the same way as I did, as she asked before I could say anything. In the face of that, Nakuru tilted her head with a confused “Eh?”.

“Isn’t that obvious? Nakuru wants to collect data. If she were to learn more about your relationship, she would have come to your house to collect data.”

“C-Collect data…for what?”

“For Nakuru’s work.”

“What do you mean by that!?”

“Eh? Even if you ask that…It’s for Nakuru’s ‘Glass Memories’ novel, you know? If she adds a love rival between Subaru-sama and Senpai, the story will surely become more interesting.”

“A rival?”

“Of course, that rival will be Usami-senpai.”

“Why!? I seriously fail to grasp what the hell you’re even talking about!” Masamune was flustered after hearing the glasses junkie’s words.

In the face of that, Nakuru merely said—

“But, you are Senpai’s mistress, right?”

“Huuuh!? W-Where did that come from!?”

“That has to be it, right? Senpai already has Subaru-sama as his lover, so even if the two of you are living together, you can merely be a mistress.”

“The stupid chicken and Subaru-sama aren’t even dating, remember!?”

“Ah. But, Nakuru wants to be Senpai’s mistress as well, so you’d have to be his number three, are you okay with that? Of course, Subaru-sama will be the number one, with Nakuru being the number two.”

“Please, listen to me! Also, why would I be the number three!?” Masamune was fuming with anger.

No, um, Masamune-san, I don’t think that’s the part you’re supposed to be angry about. Also, that’s the glasses junkie for you, she isn’t shaken at all at the fact that the guy she confessed to is living together with another girl. Well, I bet she must be a bit shocked, but her desire to collect data apparently is bigger than that. Hmmm, I guess that she sees me more as BL material than actually having feelings for me as a man.

“Still, to think that Usami-senpai was Senpai’s mistress. Nakuru suddenly feels the urge to write something. A boy and girl fight for the love of a single boy. Basically, this is a boy x boy x girl love triangle…Fufu, this gets Nakuru’s blood pumping.”

“And I’m saying that I’m not the stupid chicken’s mistress!”

“But, you are living together, right? Nakuru has proof.”

“T-That’s…!” Masamune also looked at the phone screen, and grew silent.

W-What kind of situation is this? This is starting to move into a dangerous direction, alright. Also, because both Nakuru and Masamune have been screaming like maniacs for a while now, more and more students have started to gather around us. In the midst of that were those of the [S4] and [Watch Over Committee].

I could hear comments along the lines of “Eh? That shitty four-eyes is living together with a girl?” or “Hell yeah, now Subaru-sama is ours again!”, clearly belonging to the [S4]. At the same time, there were also comments such as “A boy x boy x girl love triangle sounds so interesting!” or “It’s a battlefield!”, which clearly were from the [Watch Over Committee].

Either way, this situation is bad. More and more people have come to watch us. Schrö-senpai was probably trying to avoid this kind of situation. At this rate, more and more people will find out that Masamune and I are living together.

“Calm down, Nakuru! Usamin-senpai and Nii-san aren’t in that kind of relationship together.”

Surprisingly, the one to break up this situation was Kureha. That’s right, you tell them, my little sister! She’s living together with me and Masamune, so she knows what’s going on. If she just explains the truth…

“Kureha-chan, is that true?”

“Yes. Of course. NaruNaru, I’m not lying. After all…”

“…After all?” Schrö-senpai asked.

“…After all, Nii-san is…” She took a deep breath. “Nii-san is…Usamin-senpai’s pet after all!”


—It’s over. That moment, I felt the end of my high school career right in front of me.

“H-Hey, what does that mean? I don’t get it…” Schrö-senpai seemed flustered.

“Eh? Exactly what I said, vice captain. Nii-san is Usamin-senpai’s pet. She’s not his mistress.”

“P-Pet…? I had no idea…that Onii-chan was into that sort of thing…!” Schö-senpai gave me a gaze full of contempt.

Stop! Don’t look at me that way! You’ll break my heart!

“Kureha! Take back what you just said!”

“Eh? Why, Nii-san?”

“Because people will get the wrong idea at this rate.”

“But…I’ve seen you over the past month, and you’re pretty much a pet. Even Usamin-senpai called you a pet…”

“That doesn’t mean you need to drop the bombshell here, okay!?”

What you’re saying is completely right, but sometimes you need to shut up once in a while! Because of Kureha’s words, the people around us grew noisy.

“Pet…Nakuru had no idea this would be the case. She really needs to check out Usami-senpai’s home to collect data…” She was burning with desire.

She’s satisfied with everything at this point, huh?

“H-Hey, Masamune, what should we do about this?” I called out to Masamune in a quiet voice.

The crowd had grown even further. At this rate, chaos will ensue.

“………” The girl kept silent for a moment, only for her to show a determined reaction. “Don’t worry, stupid chicken. I have an idea of my own.”

“An idea?”

“…Yeah.” Masamune nodded, and continued with a loud voice. “Nakuru, vice prez, and Sakamachi. Let me tell you the truth.”


The other three looked at Masamune in shock and expectation, as she continued with a determined voice.

“In fact—the stupid chicken and I are dating!”


My brain cells failed to comprehend the words I just heard, and cut out entirely…Um, Masamune-san? What in the world did you just say?

“U-Usamin-senpai, what is this about!? Wasn’t he your pet…”

“I’m sorry, Sakamachi. That was a lie. After all, it would be awkward if you figured out that we’re dating, despite living together with us. That’s why I decided to hide it.”

“N-No way…” Kureha seemed to be shocked quite a bit.

I mean, I’m just as shocked. I myself thought I was just her pet.

“…I see. That explains why Usamin and Onii-chan are living together.”

“That’s what this is, vice prez. We’re dating, so this is pretty normal, right?”

“B-But! Senpai and Subaru-sama are dating! Why is it you two…”

“As I said, Subaru-sama and the stupid chicken aren’t dating. I’m his girlfriend after all.” Masamune puffed out her chest, sounding like she was bragging.

…I see. So basically, if she makes it so that the two of us are dating, we can explain why we’re living together. With this, most people should—

“…Nakuru won’t accept this.”

However, there was one person who still stood in our way—Narumi Nakuru. She’s the president of the [Watch Over Committee], so she clearly couldn’t accept Masamune’s words. Damn it, I don’t feel too great lying to that glasses junkie, but…What should we do? If she doesn’t believe Masamune, neither will the entirety of the [Watch Over Committee]. Then, Masamune will be regarded as my mistress, and I will be her pet. That I need to avoid at all costs…

“—My goodness, such a ruckus this early in the morning.”

There, a dignified voice broke through this chaos. When I turned towards the source of that voice, there stood—Kanade Suzutsuki. She is the daughter of the board chairman of this school, as well as the person who founded the [S4] fanclub. Of course, her butler Konoe was right next to her.

“Seems like chaos abound, Nakuru-chan.” She showed a calm smile.

She’s probably been watching this entire situation unfold from a distance, right? She probably came with the bus after the one we took, or maybe she had someone drive her here.

“Suzutsuki-senpai! Great timing! As Subaru-sama’s master, please give us your statement!”

“Statement…About what?”

“About Subaru-sama and Senpai’s relationship!” Nakuru screamed, out of breath.

Hey hey, hold your horses. This is definitely bad. I try not to think about it, but Suzutsuki is the founder of [S4], right? She’s the one controlling all of the Subaru-sama fanatics at this school. Not too long ago, [S4] and the [Watch Over Committee] clashed, and created an equilibrium of peace. However, if Suzutsuki, the leader of [S4], admitted to my relationship with Konoe, chaos will ensue. After all, it’s said that at least 60% of all girls are part of the [S4]. However, if Suzutsuki agrees that Konoe and I are in that kind of relationship, my position will…Hmm, how do I get out of this.

“…I’m sorry, Nakuru-chan.” There, Suzutsuki spoke up. “Subaru and Jirou-kun…aren’t in that kind of relationship. As his master, I can tell you that much.”

“N-No way…!” Nakuru sank to the ground.

At the same time, I heard disappointed sighs from the group around us. They must be from the [Watch Over Committee]. Well, I do feel a bit bad, but it can’t be helped, as that’s the truth after all. Still, that’s quite unexpected. I didn’t think that Suzutsuki would deny this so simply. I figured she’d probably play around with me. Not to mention that the power balance between the [S4] and [Watch Over Committee] will break apart.

“That’s the reality. Not to mention…The one that Subaru is dating isn’t Jirou-kun.” Yet, that’s how she continued.

“W-What do you mean by that…?” I asked.

Not Jirou-kun? Judging from that phrasing, it almost sounded like there is someone else dating Konoe right now.

“Indeed. After all…”

There, it felt like a nuclear bomb dropped right onto our Private Rouran Academy. Suzutsuki Kanade declared, using her rose lips, the truth as she saw it.

“Subaru is dating me.”


“…What?” I could only mutter in disbelief.

Of course, the other people around me were the same. Masamune, Nakuru, Kureha, Schrö-senpai, and the crowd that had formed around us…and even Konoe Subaru, we all stood there frozen after hearing those words. I mean, Konoe is acting like a boy to everybody else, so there’s nothing weird about a boy and a girl dating. That being said, they are master and butler. They are in a master and servant relationship. There’s no way anybody would believe that nonsense…

“T-That’s a lie!”

The first one to recover was Nakuru. With the responsibility of being the president of the [Watch Over Committee], she declared these words.

“Subaru-sama dating Suzutsuki-senpai…Nakuru won’t believe that!”

“My, why is that?”

“E-Even if you ask that…”

“By the way, Subaru was my first crush.”

“First crush!? So basically, your first love!?” The glasses junkie screamed in disbelief.


No, hold on. Calm down. Suzutsuki told me that Konoe was her first love. But, she said that there’s no guarantee that this first love would continue, right…

“Me and Subaru are master and butler. We’ve spent time together more than anybody else in this world. That’s why, it wouldn’t be weird for us to eventually fall in love with each other, right? We’re still in high school, still young and naive.”

“Urk…That is a development that often happens in shoujo manga, but…” Nakuru bit her lip.

And then, Suzutsuki delivered the final blow.

“Not to mention…this shouldn’t be something bad for you, right?”


“I mean, we’re master and butler, sharing a forbidden love, so to speak. We’re like Romeo and Juliet. From an outsider’s perspective, this love doesn’t have a big chance to come to fruition. But, we still love each other. How do you feel about that kind of development, Nakuru-chan?”

“It’s heart-wrenching! Nakuru loves that kind of dramatic development…Ah!? Nakuru just agreed to your relationship!?”

“I can’t blame you, you’re still a girl. You would want to support the love of another girl, right?”

“Yes! Ah, but, using this Senpai x Usami-senpai x Suzutsuki-senpai x Subaru-sama for Nakuru’s Glass Memories series also sounds pretty good…!” Nakuru grinned to herself, falling into the world of her fantasies.

…This is bad. She’s lost. She was convinced by Suzutsuki. I thought she’d be the one to object the most, as she believes in the BL relationship between me and Konoe. To think she prioritized her own writing before that…! Looking around me, the people watching us seemed to be agreeing as well. They probably accepted the fact that the only person who could date Konoe was Suzutsuki after all. After all, she’s Konoe’s master.

For them, who think of Konoe as a boy, it made sense that she would fall in love with a girl this close to her. Not to mention…and I don’t know why, but Konoe had her face cast down, staying silent. In a way, that basically meant she was affirming Suzutsuki’s words…


Stop. Don’t get washed away by this situation. Remember who this woman is. She’s Devil Suzutsuki, and she values her own enjoyment over everything else. And, her special skill is making up nonsense. She’s managed to deceive us countless times through that. Even her act as an honor student at school is fake. That’s why—this right now has to be nonsense as well. Having been her victim over and over, I can tell. There’s no way those two are dating.


And yet…why? This nonsense right now…was clearly taking it too far. Suzutsuki never came up with a lie that involved the entire school like this. However, this lie just now had far too much influence on everyone. It’s gone beyond a simple prank. She’s crossed the line. I don’t get it. She’s wandering off course. Or rather, she’s completely lost it. Maybe she has another reason that would force her to date Konoe like this…

“Hey, Jirou-kun.”

There, as I was left confused and in disarray, the rich lady called out to me with a grin, and continued with a clear voice so that the crowd around us could hear her.

“Let’s go on a date this weekend.”


“You heard me, a date. Or rather, a double date in this case? Me and Subaru, you and Usami-san. We have two couples here, so we should have fun together, right?”


No no no. What the hell are you talking about? Also, there’s no way that Suzutsuki’s mortal enemy, Masamune, would accept such a thing…

“Fine by me, Suzutsuki Kanade. We’ll go on a double date with you.”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuh!?” I screamed in disbelief.

The heck is this!? I didn’t expect this! Why did you agree to her request!? Weren’t you mortal enemies!?

“H-Hey, what is going on?” I called out to Masamune in a quiet voice. “Why did you just agree to Suzutsuki’s idea like that?”

“N-No reason. Since I declared that we are dating, I thought it would seem a bit more natural that way.”

“But, you and Suzutsuki are on bad terms, right? Don’t you think that something is off? She’s clearly plotting something, yeah?”

“Urgh…You might be right, but…She said that she and Subaru-sama are going out, so…”

“…Eh?” I froze up.

‘She said that they are dating?’ What do you mean by that? You’re Usami Masamune, the nasty rabbit. Your special talent is that you can see through her lies, remember? Yet, you believe her words this easily? I seriously doubt that she was speaking the truth…

“Fufu, then that’s decided.”

Eh, seriously? They’re moving this nonsense forward while I’m still trying to catch up. I don’t even want to go on a date with them, you know? After all, it’s a double date, so…I’ll be forced to walk around her—Konoe Subaru. My broken heart still hasn’t fully healed. Yet, going on a date with her…!

“W-Wait, Suzutsuki!” In order to stop this date, I frantically called out to her.

“My, what is it, Jirou-kun?”

“Don’t ‘what is it’ me! Will you stop with this nonsense already! There’s no way that Konoe and you are dating, right!? What proof do you have!?” I screamed in a voice loud enough for the crowd around us to hear it.

That’s right, I haven’t seen any proof of them two dating. If she can’t give me any, then the others should realize that she was just making up nonsense.

“—You’re right. I still have no proof.”

She closed her mouth, leaving me perplexed. However, she immediately showed an evil smirk on her lips.

“Then, maybe I should create some proof right here, right now.”


I wanted to ask just what she was talking about, but I was too late. Suzutsuki acted before me, approaching Konoe—and pressed her lips onto hers.


Because of this unexpected kiss, Konoe let out a shocked groan. Despite that, Suzutsuki did not move away. Silence followed.

“…Fufu, how about that?”

After moving away from Konoe and her lips, the rich lady showed a devilish grin. At the same time, the audience around us raised screams of excitement and disbelief. In the midst of that, I stood frozen stiff.


It’s the Suzutsuki Revolution. I don’t know who started it, but someone called the event of today, November 12th, like that, as it’s been written down in the history of our school. Just as the name suggests, it was a revolutionary event changing everything we had known, brought forth by a single person.

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