Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 74: Volume 9 - CH 6

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However, my wish was not granted, and the situation couldn’t be worse. After splitting up with Konoe, I ran down the path I assumed Suzutsuki went, but she was nowhere to be found. On top of that, Konoe wasn’t lucky either. We talked on the phone several times after that, but never made any progress. We couldn’t find her. It’s almost like Suzutsuki had never been there in the first place.

“…Jirou, are you okay?” Konoe muttered, clearly worried about me.

I must have had a horrible expression on my face.

“Yeah, I’m fine…” I forced myself to smile in order to reassure her.

Right now, it’s 3pm in the afternoon. Since we left the cafe at around 1pm, we’ve been searching for Suzutsuki for around two hours now. Even Konoe and I were clearly out of breath. So, we were taking a break as we rode a bus. Even if we continued to look around inside the town, there’s no guarantee that we would find her. That’s the depressing conclusion we reached. Also, now that some time has passed, she might have calmed down, so we bet on the small glimmer of hope that she went back to the flat.

Of course, there was the slim chance that Suzutsuki could be running away from home like Kureha, but we prayed that this wasn’t the case. She had no other place to go after all, and she didn’t have any friends like Kureha does that she could rely on. The only place she could go back to is her private residence, but that would be much more convenient, because the servants working there would contact Konoe.

Not to mention…there’s another reason I wanted to go back to the flat. As Konoe and I were running around, Masamune went home by herself. She sent me a message a while back, saying ‘Sorry, I’ll be going home first’. I can’t blame her for that, the one at fault—clearly is me. That’s the kind of guilt filling my chest. On top of searching for Suzutsuki without any results, I left her alone this entire time. I tried calling her from time to time, but never once did I actually get through to her. Thinking about it, I should have returned to the cafe much sooner.

‘It’s just—Usamin still is a bit unstable.’

These words Schrö-senpai told me on the phone, and now they filled my head…Damn it. Even if I keep blaming myself, I won’t get anything out of it. For now, I had to get back to the flat, find Suzutsuki, and then apologize to Masamune. That’s what I have to do. I’m so pathetic, wasn’t there something else I could have done to prevent this situation?

“…Jirou, we’re here. We need to get off.”

“A-Ah…yeah, sorry.”

Konoe shook my shoulders, to which I came back to reality, realizing that we had arrived. The doors opened with a metallic sound, and we set foot onto the asphalt. This bus stop was near a public park. It would take around 15 minutes by foot to reach the flat from here. We should probably hurry home as quickly as possible…

“Jirou.” However, Konoe stopped me. “Can we talk a bit until we get to the flat. There’s something I wanted to ask.”

“Something you wanted to ask?” I returned the question, while picking up the speed.

Konoe gave me a simple question.

“What happened in the cafe while I wasn’t around?”


That’s when I swallowed my breath. Everything just overlapped, I forgot to even explain the situation to Konoe. Never had the time to either.


No, that’s not it. I simply—didn’t want to tell her. Could I really tell her about the conversation between Suzutsuki and Masamune…?

“…Sorry.” After thinking about it, these words came out of my mouth. “I don’t think I should be the one to tell you.”


“That’s why, I’m sorry…I really am. If only I had…”

“D-Don’t apologize like that! …Don’t worry, once we go back to the flat, I’ll ask my lady. I’m a butler, and…her friend as well, so I want to hear her out.”


All I could do was apologize. The reason Suzutsuki ended up doing all of this is because I kept it a secret that I was rejected by Konoe. That’s why I didn’t want to tell Konoe about what happened at the cafe. She’d just feel responsible again.

“Jirou.” As I was thinking that, Konoe spoke up again. “Can I…ask one more thing.”

“Hm? What’s up?”

When I returned this earnest question, Konoe slowly opened her lips.

“Are you really…going out with Usami?” She asked.

“Eh? What…do you mean by that?”

“L-LIke I said, I wanted to ask if you and Usami are really dating.”

“I mean…did you not hear anything from Suzutsuki?”

She should have figured out what was going on between me and Masamune. Did she not tell Konoe?

“…She said that ‘Their relationship is probably fake. They aren’t going out yet’, but…I wanted to hear it from you as well…Since you two are living together.”

“Well, you’re not wrong.”

“Not to mention that I heard about Kureha-chan living with Nakuru-chan for the time being. It’s just the two of you right now, so I was…a bit worried.” Konoe said, mumbling in the later part.

Hearing those words, something didn’t feel right with me. Worried? Why would Konoe be worried about my relationship with Masamune?


No, that’s obvious. We’re best friends. Even if we aren’t in any romantic relationship, we’re best friends, so she’d be curious and worried about my own romantic relationships.

“Don’t worry.” I calmly declared. “She only brought that up on a whim. We are living together, but we’re not in that kind of relationship.”

That’s right, it’s all to deceive the people at school, nothing more. Also, Masamune probably wanted a reason so that she could have some fun in town like this.


Konoe sounded relieved. However, her next words stabbed right into my chest.

“……I’m glad.”


…She’s glad? What’s that? Why? She’s glad that Masamune and I aren’t dating…?

“…Konoe.” Calmly, I asked. “What do you mean that you’re glad…?”


“What problem would Masamune and I dating be for you?”

“…!? Y-You’re wrong, Jirou. I wasn’t relieved or anything, it’s just…” Konoe started acting suspiciously.


Maybe…she’s hiding something? Something crucial that I don’t know of?

“Konoe, be honest with me.” I decided to ask her directly. “Are you…hiding something from me?”

In response to my straightforward question, Konoe evidently swallowed her breath. It seems like I hit a bullseye. She’s hiding something from me. Even though I thought we were close enough, best friends, that we didn’t have to hide anything.

“…Why?” These words escaped my mouth.

Konoe maybe didn’t hear me, as she looked at me with a puzzled look.

“Why are you hiding something from me?”

At around 100 meteors away from the flat, I stopped in my tracks, and asked. Konoe seemed flustered because of that question, only to…

“Y-You’re wrong! I’m not hiding anything!”


“……” Konoe awkwardly averted her gaze.

……Maybe she’s worried about something? Maybe there’s something troubling her? We’re still in high school, so we all have our own worries to carry, and I doubt Konoe is an exception.

“…Konoe, if there’s anything troubling you, please tell me.” I asked, wanting to be a good friend. “We’re friends, right? That’s why, no need to hold back…Please, I want to be of help for you.”

“Urk…” Konoe grew quiet.

Even if she rejected me, our relationship isn’t going to change that easily. That’s why I want to be there for her. Let’s help each other, okay?


However, this was the answer I received back from Konoe.

“…Sorry. I’m sorry, Jirou.”


“I’m happy for your offer, but…I can’t tell you. For the young lady’s sake, I can’t tell you…”


My head turned into a mushy mess. It’s something she can’t tell me? Why are you trying to be considerate of me without me knowing? Also, what do you mean it’s for Suzutsuki’s sake? Why…do you look like you’re suffering?


No, wait…We’re the same. We’re both hiding something. I can’t tell Konoe what happened between Suzutsuki and Usami in the cafe. She can’t tell me what she’s hiding from me. We’re the same, that’s it.


But then…what kind of relationship do we have then? No, I get it. She’s not hiding this on purpose. I could tell while simply looking at her face. She most likely feels nothing but guilt about this. So then…


Am I really…allowed to be with her? If we’re actually best friends, we should clear up all of these problems together. But, I can’t do that right now. If anything, Konoe needs to be considerate of me, as her worries clearly involve me. That’s why she can’t tell me. Even though we should be best friends…


After a brief silence, and a lot of thinking, I made up my mind, and continued.

“Maybe we should…stop being best friends for a while?”

“—!?” Konoe swallowed her breath.

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Her expression started to grow pale, and yet she tried her best to speak up.

“W-What is this, Jirou, why would you suddenly say such a thing?”

“……” I subconsciously averted her gaze.

Honestly speaking, I myself didn’t fully understand why I said that. I didn’t want to say that. However, the fact that I said it out loud means that I probably wanted time. Time to think about stuff. And for that, I needed some distance from Konoe. Because of the word ‘best friends’, our current relationship ended up all awkward. That’s why, staying away from each other is probably the best choice. We need time to clear up our own problems.


Even if I told Konoe right now, it would probably only create a greater rift. Any more talking would hurt Konoe. And, I didn’t want to see her that way, which is why I want to keep my distance from her. For the sake of both of us. Once that time passes, we surely can go back to being best friends, and get along as we have before—

“…Don’t do this.”

However, a faint alto voice interrupted my thoughts. Her eyes were about to overflow with tears.

“J-Jirou…Please…I beg you…don’t say that…”


“If…if we can’t be best friends anymore…then we can’t be together like we have been before, right?”


“And then…then…I wouldn’t know what to do…Even if we can’t be lovers, at least best friends…so that I can always be with you…” She looked at me, like she was begging for help, approaching me.



I couldn’t accept her right now. Instead, I started walking, without saying another word.

“Wha…wait, Jirou! Jirou!”

I ignored her voice, and just walked towards the flat. However, her voice kept chasing me.


Damn it. Why? Why does it always have to end this way?

‘So that I can always be with you…’

When Konoe said that, she was crying. Large tears came streaming down her eyes. Just wait a second. Somebody stop time, please. Give me time to think. I didn’t want to make her cry. I didn’t want to see her tears. At the amusement park, before that parade, I realized it. That I had always liked her since April. And even now—I love her. Stand By Me, the words my father left to me. I will protect you, so stay with me. I just wanted to protect her forever…and yet…


Why do I keep hurting her!

“…Stupid chicken?”

Suddenly, right as we reached the flat, this voice pulled me back to reality. It was already evening, and yet the one standing in front of the flat, like she was waiting for us the entire time, was the girl I’ve been living with for a month—Usami Masamune.


“Masamune…” I called out to the girl, who was colored by the setting sun. “…I’m sorry. It should have been an enjoyable date, but I left you alone…” I said, and lowered my head deeply.

That’s right, Masamune is the one I need to apologize to first. She was looking forward to the date, and she was having fun. Yet…

“…No, it’s fine.” Those were the first words Masamune greeted me with. “I also…got to think a lot after what happened with Suzutsuki Kanade, and I realized a lot.”

“You realized a lot?”

“…Yeah. I wanted to tell you, which is why I’ve been waiting here.”

There, I heard footsteps next to me. Must be Konoe. She probably saw me and Masamune facing each other, and came to a halt. She wiped her tears away, and glanced at me, clearly unsure of what to do.

“Hey, stupdid chicken.” Masamune fully ignored Konoe, and continued like all she could look at was me. “Can I say one thing before that? I’ve been waiting here just for that.”

“…Yeah, if you don’t mind me hearing.”

“……Okay. The thing is…” Masamune seemed a bit bashful, as she continued. “Today…is actually my birthday.”

“…!?” I was at a loss for words.

…I see, that’s why she was so hung up on it being November. Thinking about it, this kind of fact would explain why she was fine going on a double date today. It’s because the 21st of November is her birthday.

“…Sorry, Masamune.” I apologized again.

“…Why are you apologizing?”

“I mean…you must have been looking forward to today with the date and all, right?”


“And yet…I didn’t even realize, and just…”

I left her all alone, ruining her birthday.

“…You don’t have to apologize.”

Despite that, Masamune said the following.

“It’s true that I was looking forward to my birthday. But, I never told you about it in the first place. I was…too embarrassed to.”


That’s not true. She’s lying, surely. I’ve been living with her for the past month, she was probably just scared of having somebody find out about her birthday. A birthday is a day you spend with family and friends, receiving birthday presents, and holding a party. But, Masamune never experienced something like that. Because of her family’s environment, she never got to enjoy such simple happiness. That’s why she was scared. What if I didn’t celebrate her birthday despite knowing about it?

“…Happy Birthday.” I said, faintly but confidently. “It’s a bit late, but happy birthday, Masamune.”

“Wha…Y-You don’t need to tell me that late! Really! I was just embarrassed, so I didn’t tell you! That’s all!” Or so she said, but she was clearly happy.

Since it’s her birthday, I should at least congratulate her. I knew that this clearly wasn’t the time for that. With everything going on around, I’m still confused. There’s Suzutsuki, and Konoe next to me. That being said, this might be the first time somebody ever congratulated her. It’s her one and only 17th birthday. That’s why, as a friend, I simply wanted to do this—

“Well, leaving that aside.” Masamune continued with a serious tone.

Oh yeah, there’s something she wanted to tell me, right. I wonder what it is. Probably is related to what happened at the cafe.

“—Stupid chicken.” She slowly moved her lips, and said those words that sounded like she had practiced them over and over. “I—want to become your real family.” She said.


Real family? What does she…

“When I was left alone at the cafe, I realized.” As I was left baffled, Masamune continued, seemingly having made up her mind. “Being left alone like that…I was lonely. Of course I would be…we’ve been living together for the past month, so I was used to it.”


“We became like a family. But, that won’t continue forever.”


“Sakamachi left, and you’ll be leaving as soon as your house is rebuilt, right?”

“…Well, yeah.”

Because that was the only reason we started living together like a family.

“But…I don’t want you to leave. Being left alone right now, I realized. I want to always have you with me.” She must have been really nervous, as even her voice was shaking.

And then, when she opened her mouth again.

“—I like you.”


Ba-dump, my heart skipped a beat. This is a confession. Even I could tell.

“…Well, to be perfectly honest, I think that I like you. I want to be with you, always. That’s why I think that these are feelings of love.”


“So…I want to become your real family. Because then, we can always be together.”


“…Hey, stupid chicken. Today is my birthday, right? That’s why…I could ask for a present, right?”

“…I mean, I don’t mind…” Reflexively, I agreed.

The whole confession had me tripping, so I didn’t know what I was saying.

“…Okay, thanks.” Masamune said, and smiled.

Immediately after…


Without any warning whatsoever—Masamune pressed her lips on mine. It was a kiss, undoubtedly. This was probably the present she wanted…to kiss the boy she likes on her birthday. Knowing how she never had any friends, this was also probably her first kiss. It was an oddly feminine present a girl like Masamune could ask for.


Colored by the setting sun, our kiss continued. We happened to kiss, and there was one person who witnessed us doing so—Konoe Subaru. When I directed my gaze over towards her, she just stared at us in disbelief, at a loss for words…It was hard to believe, but Masamune and I undoubtedly kissed, directly in this orange world we lived in.

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