Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 84: Volume 11 - CH 3

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December 24th rolled around. There probably isn’t any person not knowing what today is about. Indeed, it’s Christmas Eve, the Holy Night. Couples all over town flirting around, children preparing socks to get presents, adults walking through town to look for presents—it was a noisy to cheerful night. By the way, it was a custom of the Sakamachi Family to enjoy hot pot together.

Mom is the type of person to really treasure these kinds of events, and since me and Kureha basically never had any plans, we’d snuggled up beneath the kotatsu to have our own type of Christmas. However, things most likely will be a bit different this year.

“Then, let’s go.”

While stepping out of the flat, hit with the sharp cold air, Masamune said those words. Indeed, it’s the 24th of December, so naturally I was on my date with Masamune. By the way, both Konoe and Suzutsuki were not around. They were having their own Christmas party at the Suzutsuki Residence. Or, they were something like a family so close enough. Rather than spending it with flat neighbours, it would be best to spend it with family…or so Ichigo-san told me in a mail, so that’s where they are.

If anything, I forced them to go. It’s Ichigo-san we’re talking about after all. She prepared a Christmas present for Suzutsuki, so it would break her heart if she couldn’t give her the present. That’s why she sent me the mail, I’m sure. Well, the scariest part is that I don’t remember ever telling her my contact information. I really need to find the leak, huh.

That being the case, both Suzutsuki and Konoe are off the grid. Suzutsuki gave me some profound ‘Jirou-kun, it might be Christmas, but don’t get too excited’ comment, but I really don’t have any energy for that. After all, it’s been roughly three weeks since the four of us started living together. Recently, I finally feel like I’ve gotten used to this lifestyle, but it’s my treatment repeating every single day, which is rough. My HP is decreasing gradually.

While indulging in that lifestyle, we reached winter break. There’s not much more time left. That’s why we should probably put a bit more attention into the treatment, but…

“Well, today’s date is one part of the treatment.” Masamune said as we walked down the street.

She wore a coat colored like a snow rabbit, together with a warm-looking scarf. According to what she told me, she made that scarf herself. That’s a handicraft club member for you.

“When you’re together with a girl during Christmas, you’ll surely get used to them.”

“Well, I guess.”

But…is it really just that? Going on a date during Christmas Eve sounds like part of the treatment process, but I feel like I’ve gotten used to girls plenty over the three weeks they were living together with me. That’s why, there’s no need to go on a date as just the two of us…


No, maybe she simply wanted to go on a date with me? I still remember her serious expression from three weeks ago, when she brought up the date. That still left me curious…

“Hmpf, why are you having such a complicated expression? We’re going on a date because we’re trying to fix your gynophobia, so it can’t be helped. Or…do you not want to be with me?”

“I didn’t mean it that way. Also, there’s no way I would feel that way, you were taking care of me all the time, right?”

Of course, before reaching winter break, we high school students first had to go through—end-of-term exams. Because a lot happened lately, I’ve been forgetting about my studying, but Masamune helped me out a lot.

“Y-You don’t need to thank me for that. I wasn’t the only one teaching you.”

“I mean, Konoe and Suzutsuki helped me as well, but…”

Thinking about it, I only have people with good grades around me. Suzutsuki is at the top of the student year, and Masamune is receiving monetary support from the school because of her good grades, and Konoe is pretty high up in the ranking as well. Since they’ve basically been teaching me like private tutors, maybe I should pay them?

“But, your way of teaching was the easiest to understand.”

“R-Really? I might be a bit happy to hear that…”

“Yeah. After all, you’re putting a lot of effort into your studies. Since both Konoe and Suzutsuki are geniuses, they don’t really know how to teach others.”

I know it sounds weird coming from me, who was taught by them, but they’re both types who don’t need to study that much. Compared to that, Masamune continues her hard and stoic work to reach them. So, being taught by her is probably the best outcome. She understands the struggles of people who have to actively work hard to solve a problem. Like me, for example.

“Hey, stupid chicken. Are you saying that I’m dumber than Subaru-sama or Suzutsuki Kanade?”


…Not good, I phrased that weirdly. At this rate, we’ll get a red Christmas instead of a white one.

“Y-You’re wrong, I was saying that you’re just working harder than them…”

“You don’t need to frantically make up excuses. I know that my specs are fundamentally inferior compared to theirs. That’s why I just have to make it up with hard work.”

“Sounds like someone should be a sports club member…”

Even though she’s in the handicrafts club. I personally don’t dislike that way of living. If anything, working really hard just raises affection from others. And, it’s true that she was good at teaching.

“Maybe you should become a teacher in the future?”

“Huh!? W-W-W-Why would you think that!?”

“Why are you so shocked about it…”

“Because…a teacher, you know? The students would probably constantly run after me.”

“You think so?”

“They’d be like ‘Sensei, I want special one-on-one lessons!’, as they bring me to the infirmary, and push me down on the bed…”

“I feel like you have a grave misunderstanding about what it means to be a teacher!”

If we had such aggressive students, then we wouldn’t have a problem with the birth rate in this country…Still, a teacher, huh. Basically, she’d be wearing a suit. Hmm…I wonder, since she has such great arms and legs, such teacher fashion might just look great on her. I’m not on Nakuru’s level, but I’d love to see her wear glasses sometime.

“But, I can already see the students calling you Usamin.”

“Again with that nickname…I don’t think that such a cute nickname fits me.”

“What’s the big problem? Even Konoe has been calling you that recently.”

“Yeah. I never would have imagined that the Subaru-sama would call me ‘Usamin’ one day.” She said, and showed a bashful but happy grin.

That is what surprised me the most after we started living together. Konoe and Masamune’s relationship has come a long way. Put simply, those two sure have gotten close. Both of them can be a bit nervous around others, but now that Masamune learned of Konoe’s secret, they’ve gotten a lot closer.

Well, Konoe calling Masamune by her nickname came from a strong push by Suzutsuki. After all, she said ‘We’ve finally opened up, so you should call Usami-san by her nickname, right?’.

“But, it sure was destructive.”

“…You can say that again.”

After all, she’s our school’s prince Subaru-sama. If she says ‘Urk…U-Usamin? If you’re okay with it, I want to call you Usamin from now on…’ while blushing, it could knock you out in one hit. I mean, I almost collapsed. Being addressed like that, Masamune didn’t take it much better, as you could probably imagine. Ever since then, Konoe has been calling her ‘Usamin’.

“Subaru-sama always seemed like the cool type of person who doesn’t speak much at school, but…she’s actually pretty cute. I understood that while living together with her.”

“But, isn’t that a good thing? Learning more about another person can be pretty fun, right?”

“Yeah…Though, I didn’t think she’d be this bad at cooking…”


I feel like her image of Konoe changed a lot. Oh yeah, she liked Konoe in the past, right. It’s all because she figured out Konoe’s secret and learned that she actually isn’t some perfect prince. Though it might be a bit complicated from the person in question. Well, the results are alright in the end, I’d say.

“Oh yeah, where are we even going today?” I asked Masamune, who was walking ahead of me.

Since this was a date, I at least offered to come up with a plan, but Masamune was adamant in saying ‘Leave everything to me!’. Right now, it’s exactly 4pm in the afternoon. It was still a bit too early to have dinner, so maybe we should just spend some time somewhere…

“…Stupid chicken.”

However, Masamune called out my name, sounding a bit anxious.

“There’s a place I’d like to visit before the date, can we?”

“? Yeah, I don’t mind…”

“…Thanks. Then, follow me.” Masamune said, and started walking again, leading the way.

Finally, we reached a residential district near the flat we lived in. Because it was Christmas season, everything was decorated in a Christmas theme, noises from all over. However, the breeze passing through the street wasn’t nearly as cheerful as the mood reigning here. According to the weather report, we’d have some cold waves tonight, and it could even turn into a white Christmas. Well, that would only make things more exciting, I guess. We rarely get any snow on Christmas. But…


There must be something, right? A doubt started to grow inside of me. If we’re going on a date, then the plaza at the train station would be best. They have all sorts of locations to check out, and we can use the trains to go a bit further away. However, the residential district is in the opposite direction of the train station. Masamune mentioned a place she wants to visit, but…

“…We’re here.”

After around ten minutes of walking around the residential district, we arrived in front of a perfectly normal house. On the outside, it looked like your average home. Well, it might look normal, but maybe it has some underground fighting ring for all you know, but since Mom isn’t involved, I highly doubt it. It’s probably just any normal—


There, when I saw that, I swallowed my breath. The nameplate on the gate—said Usami.


Don’t tell me, this is…

“That’s right.”

She must have guessed what I was thinking, as Masamune answered my doubts.

“This is my home.”


Usami Masamune often mentioned that her circumstances at home were a bit complicated. I mean, I can’t say that I was growing up in a perfectly safe and healthy environment with my own family, but she had her own share of troubles, I’m sure. Her parents had her act on a laissez-faire principle. Remembering the words she told me back at the school festival, her parents pretty much left her to her own devices. Or rather, the relationship of her parents was so cold, they simply weren’t divorced yet out of concern for how the world perceived them.

In other words, the family was about to break apart. Being raised under these circumstances, Masamune ended up the way she was when I met her—twisted, and unable to trust others. Because even the people she should be able to trust—her own family—was out of the question. However, she slowly managed to get up.

Schrö-senpai told me that she had opened up a lot, and that she has become much more open to others after living together with me and Kureha. Even recently, she’s been getting along with Konoe and Suzutsuki. Masamune changed, undoubtedly.

‘—I want to change.’

If memory serves me right, she screamed that atop the rooftop half a year ago. While crying, she screamed that at the top of her lungs. And, she managed to fulfill those words. And yet…why did she go to the home she grew up in?

“…I don’t get it.”

I was sitting in a one-person cafe a bit further away from the residential district, sipping on my cold coffee. It’s been around one hour since I came here.

‘Sorry, stupid chicken, it might take some time, but could you wait for me at the cafe down the street?’

Right as reached her home, this is what she told me. And then, she walked inside, all alone.


Maybe she’s talking with her family? No clue about what, but that’s the only reason I could come up with. If this was any normal family, she’d probably spend Christmas with them, enjoying their company. At the very least, that’s how my family did it. Sitting around a hot pot, talking with Mom and Kureha, thinking to myself ‘Well, this isn’t so bad once in a while’. To me, that was Christmas, something natural.

It was just a simple page out of my never-changing daily life. But, thinking back on it now, it was probably an irreplaceable time. I just never really valued it, and accepted it as a fact that every family celebrated it this way. But…what about Masamune? Her family was close to breaking apart, in shambles even. She was left alone to do what she wanted, isolated. Was she happy, spending a Christmas most likely more cold than the freezing air outside?

“Sorry for the wait, stupid chicken.”

When a voice called out to me, my body subconsciously twitched in shock. Looking at my side, there stood Usami Masamune. Like nothing happened, she looked at me with her usual facial expression. She must have entered from the front door, but I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even realize.

“What’s that look for? You act like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“No…well, sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize either. Rather, I should be the one to. Sorry that I made you wait, it took longer than expected. I finished my business, so let’s have some fun. There’s a bus stop nearby, so let’s move to the train station.”


After we finished the payment, I followed Masamune, as she walked ahead through the streets, beneath the winter sky. Her footsteps seemed so much faster compared to when we walked here. Almost like she wanted to run away, like she wanted to escape from something.


Before I realized it, I called out to her back. I just had a feeling that I needed to do this.

“Are you…did you talk with your parents? Is that why we came here?”


She chose silence as her answer. The cold air around stabbed me on my skin. Only a faint breeze could be heard in this otherwise silent night.

“…Yeah, something like that.”

After a long silence, Masamune gave me her response. Because she had her back turned towards me, I couldn’t properly see her expression.

“It’s been quite some time since I started living on my own after all. I figured it was about time to properly bring things to an end.”


“I—wanted to tell them that I won’t be coming back anymore.”


I’m sure that this decision must have been a hard one for Masamune. Parting ways with her family, that is.

“It’s not that big of a deal, really. Our family was already in ruins, and I’m already living on my own, so I just wanted to put it into words.”


“After living together with you…with Sakamachi, Subaru-sama, and even Suzutsuki Kanade, I made up my mind. I wanted to move forward. So, I contacted them, saying ‘I have something important to talk about. It’s the last time’. Then… I heard their answer.”

The winter sky had begun to turn dark, as Masamune declared this.

“………” I couldn’t say anything.

I bet it’s been a while since they had any proper talk. But, that doesn’t mean that it would be anything joyful and happy. Even if it was Christmas, it’s not that everybody could be happy.

“Well, they still gave me the usual laissez-faire answer along the lines of ‘Do what you want’. With that, I can keep living in that flat.”

“…Masamune.” I called out her name.

We might be with her right now, but…

“Don’t worry.”

She must have seen my anxious reaction, as she called out to me.

“I’ve made up my mind. You’ll leave once your home is back to normal, right?”


We’ve been living with her for the simple reason of having no home to return to. However, that reason will soon disappear. According to their plans, the repairs will be complete in the first half of January. That means—

“I doubt Subaru-sama and Suzutsuki Kanade will keep living together with us forever either. Eventually, it’ll be me living there alone. But…” Masamune continued. “When Sakamachi ran away from home, you were also close to running after her, right? I panicked quite a bit back then. Worried that I’d end up alone again.”


“But, it’s fine. I’m prepared for that now. Also, we can still meet at school, right? We can also make plans for the weekend.” Masamune showed a strong smile.

“Sorry, Masamune.”

“Wha…Why are you apologizing, stupid chicken? I’m the one who should do that. It’s Christmas Eve, and I pulled down the mood. But…”


Silence. Masamune didn’t respond immediately.

“I…wanted to come here with you. I don’t think I would have been able to do it on my own.”


“Anyway, enough of that. It’s Christmas, so let’s have some fun. We need to cure your gynophobia after all.” She turned towards me, and said with a bright smile, grabbing my hand.

I felt her warmth directly touching me. And like that, we started walking through town while holding hands.


But, I wonder why. For some reason, her palm felt colder than usual.


This might be a bit random, but I’m somewhat okay-ish when it comes to sports. I mean, this might sound like I’m bragging, but there’s a depressing reason for that. Put simply, it’s because of my family. After all, both my Mom and little sister clearly surpass the boundaries of normal human beings. While being used as their punching bag, my own physical abilities had improved drastically. I guess it was a necessary evolution in order to survive. What an awful survival of the fittest. That’s why, I’m confident that I can at least deal adequately with any kind of sport you may throw at me, even if it was my first time doing it.


Feeling the ice skating shoes on my legs, I carefully slid along the ice. That’s right, we went to an ice rink. We took the train to move a bit away from the town we lived in, and reached this outdoor ice rink. After hearing about Masamune’s family, this is the date location she chose. The radius of this ice rink was around 30m. Because it was Christmas, it was fairly crowded. Also, the percentage of couples was awfully high. That’s the holy night for you, I guess.

Thinking about it, going ice skating on Christmas Eve sure sounds romantic. The outside of the rink was illuminated in festive lights, so just skating along was pretty fun. I mean, going around alone as a guy certainly wouldn’t be nearly as interesting. However, things are different today. After all, I have Masamune with me—

“…Hold on, you okay?”

I directed my gaze over at the girl, who desperately clung to the wall of the ice rink. She looked at me, and spoke up with a bewildered tone.


“Huh? Is the size of your shoes off? Maybe you should get other ones then…”

“Not that! You’re the weird one! How can you just skate like that!? You said it was your first time, right!” Masamune pouted as she complained.

I mean, even if you ask me that…

“It’s simple. All because of my private training at home.”

“What kind of logic is that…But, your younger sister is good at sports as well, right.”

“Good doesn’t even begin to describe it.”

She’s a genius, and still doesn’t shy away from training. That’s why she excels at whichever sport you might imagine. She’s not just simply good at it. She uses her free time to practice despite being a genius after all. On top of that, she isn’t even conscious of it, and simply does it because it’s normal for her. Basically, she’s on an entirely different level from us.

Well, I don’t like doing sports as much as she does, but after having it hammered into me for almost ten years, I just started to enjoy moving my body. Also, being her older brother, I was sort-of forced to follow her, or I’d be lame.

You are reading story Mayo Chiki! at

“Urk…Just you watch, I’ll be able to skate immediately.”

There’s another girl who is passionate about sports for a different reason—Usami Masamune. She gets fired up out of a sense of rivalry. It was the same with her studies, she is the fired-up hard worker. However, even she was never good at ice skating, huh. I don’t really want to bring it up, but it’s hard to watch her like that. The way she keeps clinging to the wall makes her look like a young rabbit fearing for its life, her legs quivering.

“Is this your first time ice skating?”

“Um, I think I tried it out once when I was a child…It’s weird, I should be more used to this.” Masamune let go of the wall, as she tried to remember the sensation from back then.

Then, like she was trying to swim through air, she flailed her arms up and down, trying to gain balance while panicking.


In the end, she fell forwards, only barely kept above ground because I supported her.

“Don’t force yourself. We can take it slow.”


When I supported her with both my arms, Masamune bashfully thanked me…Can’t help it. She’s always taking care of me, so I guess I have to escort her today.

“Don’t worry, once you remember the basics, you’ll be able to skate just fine. Also, you’re putting too much strength in your body. Relax a bit, how about it?”

“Hmpf…why do you have to teach me?”

“I’m fine skating all on my own, but do you really want to get a ‘It’s Christmas, and yet she’s skating around alone?’ gaze from the couples around us?”

“What’s up with that? Wouldn’t it be the same for you, then? I feel like a man going skating alone on Christmas would be even more depressing.”

“I guess so. That’s why, let’s just skate together.”

“………” After staying quiet for a moment… “Hmpf, sounding so imprudent despite being a stupid chicken.” She said, and grabbed my hand.

It seems like she’s interested in ice skating together.


Still, my gynophobia sure has improved over the past year. As proof of that, I could hold her hand without suffering any symptoms. Though if this goes any further, I’ll surely end up with a nosebleed.

“Stupid chicken, even if your symptoms are acting up, hold them back, okay?”

“I know, I know.”

“Do you really? Coloring the ice rink red with your blood really is bad taste.”

“I’m not Santa Claus, so I’m not fond of turning red.”

“…Woah, that sounded lame. Unlike skating, you suck at sliding along with the conversation.”

“Leave me alone!”

“Also, rather than Santa, you’re more like a reindeer. Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer because of your nosebleed.”

“I don’t want to become such a grotesque reindeer!”

If a child saw me like that, 9/10 would cry for sure, and it won’t be any more Merry Christmas. I’d look like a boxer who lived through the 11th round.

“Ah…” Masamune lost her balance again.

In response to that, I subconsciously embraced her body, to which her slender arms wrapped around my back—Warm. It was only through clothes, but I could feel her comfortable warmth, which made my heart skip a beat.

“…Y-You okay?”

“Y-Yeah…” Masamune seemed embarrassed, as her cheeks turned into a pink red.

I can’t blame her. It’s Christmas Eve after all, with only couples around us. The people around us probably feel the same way when looking at us.


However, we aren’t lovers. I still have yet to respond to Masamune’s confession. I thought it would be best because of my gynophobia, and to focus more on my treatment. However…maybe I simply wished for these days to continue a bit longer? For those girls…and also myself…



It happened in an instant. Maybe it’s because I was too lost in my thoughts, or maybe Masamune moving away cost me too much, but I lost my own balance, and perfectly fell backwards onto the ice.

“Ouch…” I rubbed my hip.

Ahhh, so lame. What a flashy way of falling over.


Then, I felt a cold sensation on my nose. It seems like the weather forecast was perfectly on point today. Once night rolled around, we had snow falling down from the sky. It’s a White Christmas. When I looked around me, all the other visitors were looking up at the sky. With the colorful illumination around us, adding the white petals of snow falling down, it was a bewitching sight. Everybody was entranced at this sight, simply looking up at the sky.

“…Ahaha.” There, Masamune showed a cheerful smile. “Look, look, stupid chicken! Snow! White Christmas!”

“…Yeah, I can see it.”

“Come on, can’t you be a bit more excited! It’s so beautiful, so enjoy it more!” Masamune said, rambling on and on.

That sight of hers entranced me. I completely forgot about standing up.


Well, this isn’t so bad once in a while. After all, it’s the 24th of December, Christmas Eve. Feeling happy won’t hurt. So I found myself thinking arrogantly.


After around five minutes, the snow suddenly stopped falling. It was a short White Christmas. Well, it’s better than covering the entire town. Maybe God was just trying to be considerate of us?

“Here, I bought you some.”

Still at the ice rink, I offered Masamune, who sat on a bench outside the rink, a plastic cup with hot chocolate. She gave me a brief ‘Thanks’, and took a sip from the hot chocolate. After it stopped snowing, we started skating again. It took Masamune a bit, but she eventually got used to it. Since she’s the athletic type, and a member of the handicrafts club, it sure enough didn’t take that long. Well, I guess that logic only works at our school. Right now, we’re taking a break. It’s currently 7pm. We should probably focus on eating dinner soon.

“Oh yeah, Subaru-sama and the others must be out at a party right now, huh.”

I sat down next to the girl, when she spoke up.

“Probably. Ichigo-san sure was looking forward to it at least, so it must be a big party.”

“Sure enough. Knowing her, she’d probably cut the roasted chicken with a knife.”

“Are you saying that she’s venting out her anger towards me?”

I mean, it does sound plausible. She’d probably take the chicken apart herself. I’m getting shivers just thinking about it.

“What were you doing last year on Christmas, stupid chicken?”

“Hot pot.”

“Hot pot…that’s pretty old-fashioned.”

“Can’t help it. It’s our tradition to sit around the kotatsu and have hot pot.”

“Hmm, sounds fun.”

“Well, it sure wasn’t boring.”

“Ahh, I guess Sakamachi would create chaos again.”

“You really know her well, huh.”

Thinking about it, our hot pot sure was something else. The criminal was always Kureha. After all, she’d say ‘Let’s put something red in it!’, and tossed kimchi and tomatoes in there. At the very least, all of it was edible.

“Fufu, sounds fun…Achoo!”

“Wah, you okay?”

“I-I’m fine, was just a sneeze.” Masamune said, and took another sip of her hot chocolate.

“Don’t catch another cold, you hear me?”

“Hmpf, I know that.”

“Do you really? I don’t want to be used as a hot-water bottle here.”

“S-S-S-Shut up! I was hugging you back then because I had a fever! If not, I would never do something so embarrassing!”

“Really now.”

“~~~! W-What’s your problem…it warmed me up, so it’s fine…” Masamune pouted.

Her sulking gesture made her look cute like a girl.

“Just be careful. You were excited all day, so you’ll just get a cold much easier if you’re exhausted.”

“Urk…was I really that excited?”

“You were screaming ‘White Christmas!’ a few minutes ago.”

Normally, she definitely wouldn’t be this excited about something. At the very least, not as long as it’s about rabbits.

“W-What’s the problem? It’s Christmas after all.” Masamune blabbered on.

And then, she awkwardly averted her gaze from me.

“…Hey, Masamune.” I came up with a question to ask. “Did something happen at your home before we came here?”


She went silent. Masamune was awfully energetic today. Or rather, almost too energetic knowing how she usually acted. It’s like she was trying to hide something, trying to force out a smile. The reason for that was surely because something happened back at her home. After she met her parents—

“…Stupid chicken.” Masamune called out my name, sounding worried. “I know that this isn’t the day for that, but would you mind listening to some idle grumbling?”

“‘Course. If you’re okay with me.”

“…Thanks.” She gave me a faint thanks.

Compared to before, her smile was devoid of any energy.

“Just like I explained, I visited my family to bring an end to everything. Of course, I don’t plan on suddenly getting along with them, nor do I think that it’s actually possible.”

“……” I stayed silent, simply listening to her.

Making up probably is impossible for her family. However, I won’t tell her anything. I barely know any details about her and her family, so I’m not in the position to say anything. It’s a problem related to them. No matter how messed up and fractured it may be, it still is Masamune’s family. So, they should resolve that themselves.

“That’s why I went there today, thinking that might be the last time…Or at the very least, I called them over with these intentions.”

Last time…Meaning, she’ll cut her ties with her family. That’s why she went and visited them.


However, her next words shocked me.

“…They weren’t there.”

“…What?” I let out a dumbfounded voice.

They weren’t there? The heck is up with that? Didn’t she just say that she heard their response?

“At first, I thought I got the time wrong. But, when I checked the mail I sent them, it fit. That’s why I decided to wait a bit.”


“No matter…how long I waited, they never came. I planned to meet them one last time, and thought of saying my goodbyes, and yet…”


“So, while waiting for them, I started thinking…and it clicked. That this was their answer.”


I swallowed my breath.

Basically, this was her parents’ attitude towards Masamune herself, and their final comment. Masamune went to meet them with determination, and yet they didn’t meet her. They ignored their own damn child, which also acted as their response. They left Masamune to her own accords again. But…

“…That’s messed up…!” Before I realized it, I uttered these words with a quivering voice.

I mean, you’re supposed to be family. Even if you leave your child alone to their own accord, they still are your child. You have to still care about them…!

“…Thank you, stupid chicken.”

For some reason, Masamune told me these words.

“Why are you thanking me?”

“I mean, you’re angry right now, aren’t you.”

“…I guess.”

“That’s why I wanted to thank you. Getting angry for my sake…But, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s my personal problem after all.”


“Not to mention…talking to you made me feel a lot better. I couldn’t give them my final regards, but if we really could do that as a family, something like this might not have happened.” Masamune spoke with a cynical tone.

I couldn’t help but agree. If they even managed to have a proper conversation, then their family would not have fallen apart like that. However, reality is cruel. Masamune’s family was already a mess, so recovery was impossible.

“Masamune.” I calmly called her name. “Are you…really fine with that?” I asked her.

Honestly speaking, I don’t even know what I can do, but if she needs my help, then I want to provide it. I still think that families should resolve these problems between themselves. However, if she really wants to meet her parents, I’d be ready to forcefully drag them over no problem. As long as she wishes for it…

“…It’s fine.” Masamune said, sounding confident. “It’s true that I want to meet them, but I can also say my final farewell with a mail. They might not respond, or not even read it, but I’ll be satisfied. After all—I’m happy right now.” She said. “I’m not a loner like before. I have friends like you, Subaru-sama, Suzutsuki Kanade, and even more. It’s a bit noisy at times, but definitely not in a bad way.”


“Not to mention that I got to go on a date with you. In fact, I always admired this way of enjoying Christmas. It’s like one of my wishes has been granted.” She blushed ever so slightly, and declared this with a bashful tone.

Her expression looked like she was smiling.


I wonder why, but seeing her smile like that, it felt like all the anger had vanished.

“I didn’t do anything that would deserve any gratitude.” I exclaimed. “The reason you get to be happy right now, and spend Christmas with someone else—is because you worked hard. You changed yourself.”

That’s right, Masamune changed. She’s not alone as she was. It’s all because of her hard work. Even though she was unable to put faith in others, she worked hard to change that. According to what Schrö-senpai said, she opened up a lot at the club, showing up more frequently, forming new bonds with the club members, as well as Suzutsuki and Konoe. It’s all thanks to her, and she earned it.

“—No, it wasn’t just my strength alone.” Masamune let out a white breath, and said so.

And then, she looked directly at me.

“The reason I managed to change is because you saved me.”


“Back at the school festival, if you hadn’t saved me, I never would have managed to change, I’m sure. That’s why—I won’t ever forget that.” She used only her utmost honest words.

The past Masamune surely never would have managed to say that with a smile on her face.

“Alright, let’s end this break, shall we? I need to get more skating in since it’s been a while.” Masamune said, and stood up from the bench.

And then, she slowly walked towards the rink again.


Maybe…she chose this location because she came here in the past? After all, she told me when I asked her. This is just my assumption, but she probably went ice skating with her family before. I don’t know how her family treated her back then. Maybe they were acting a lot more kind? Right now, her family is in shambles.


Maybe she came here to put a clear cut to her feelings? All so that she could move forward. So that she could stand on her own two feet.

“Come on, stupid chicken! I’ll leave you behind if you don’t hurry up!” She waved her hand at me, who was still sitting on the bench, and showed a gleeful smile.

“Yeah yeah,” I responded.

Family—We are indeed like a family. After having been living together for two months, even going on a Christmas date. But, I don’t know how long this will last. Once January rolls around, my home will be back to normal, and once my treatment for my gynophobia ends, I need to give her my answer—in regards to her confession.


But at the very least, until that day comes, I want to enjoy this daily life as long as I can. I can’t forget that however. So for that, I stood up, and followed Masamune with a smile.

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