Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 87: Volume 11 - CH 6

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After witnessing that scenery, I woke up on my bed.


No no no no, what kind of real dream was that, seriously. For a second, I thought it was all just a dream. I checked my digital clock next to my pillow, showing the date of January 5th. Today is the opening ceremony of the new school term. Still, waking up right after that dream…

“Well, I guess it just left that much of an impact on me.”

I remembered yesterday’s events, during the stargazing. There, I confessed to Konoe, and she responded to my feelings.

“Still, going for a kiss…” I touched my own lips.

I still felt the lingering sensation from last night. If I had to guess, Konoe was probably trying her hardest to convey her feelings. That’s why she used her way of confirming my successful treatment as a kiss. Well, it’s clumsy of her, as expected. By the way, even as she kissed me, I didn’t get a nosebleed.

“…It still hasn’t set in.”

This problematic gynophobia of mine has plagued me more than ten years now, so knowing that it’s gone doesn’t feel real. I mean, I guess that’s just how it is. Anyway, I better get up.

“Mmmm~” I stretched my back.

Since I went to bed right after coming home, I’m not that exhausted either. Like nothing had happened, we simply returned to Ichigo-san, who drove us back to the flat. Suzutsuki and Masamune seemingly already were asleep, so I just gave a brief ‘Alright, see you tomorrow’, and went to my room. Konoe also nodded, and went her own way.


I mean, I get it. The confession succeeded, so you might think that this is a bit too dull or something like that, but you need to understand that I suffered from gynophobia for years. I have zero experience dating a girl, and since Konoe is the same, we probably both don’t know what to do. And, it was also awkward to look each other in the eyes. But, that’s no problem. After all, we can always be together from now on.


However, for that, I need to give my answer to both Suzutsuki Kanade and Usami Masamune. I need to respond to their confessions.


Just by thinking about that, my heart felt heavy. Pull yourself together, me. This is the answer you went with, right?

‘I want you to be honest with your own feelings.’

First thing this year, this is what Suzutsuki told me. She said that she liked this lifestyle of mine. And, I would bet on the fact that Masamune feels the same. If so, then I just need to be honest. Our current daily life might break apart, but that still is their choice. They all must want to move forward, and decided to bring a conclusion to their feelings. If so, then I have to—


There, something didn’t feel right. Weird, nobody came to wake me up this morning. All inhabitants here tend to get up early. Or rather, I’m the only one who has trouble getting up, which is why Kureha constantly woke me up with wrestling techniques. Hence, the girls would come wake me up.

Of course, you might complain with ‘What kind of harem lifestyle is that!?’, but reality isn’t as kind as that. After all, they’re all very special in their own right. They might not wake me up with wrestling moves, but they have their own way of waking me up. Konoe usually would complain with ‘You wouldn’t wake up no matter what I did’. However, today I woke up by myself.

“Weird…” I muttered, and stepped out of the room.

Masamune should be making breakfast right about now, with Suzutsuki at the dining table, and Konoe brewing tea. It’s the morning scenery I’d gotten used to. But even so, it’ll be the last time today.


That’s why, waking up by myself just this once was probably a good thing. I want to spend as much time with them as possible. Alright, let’s go—to our morning breakfast, to our joyful daily life. Once I enter the living room, they should be waiting there.

“—Stupid chicken.”

Mid-way through the hallway, Masamune appeared from the living room.


For a moment, I didn’t know what to say. No…pull yourself together. Didn’t you decide to give her a proper response? An answer to her confession? If so…

“…Stupid chicken.”

However, right as I tried to speak up, Masamune called out my name once more. I wonder why, her voice sounded so…anxious, and uncertain. However, I soon received my answer, as she announced—the end of our daily life thus far.

“Subaru-sama and Suzutsuki Kanade…are gone.”


“The heck is this?” I blurted out.

Through the open hole in the hallway, Masamune and I walked into the apartment next to ours, which should have been inhabited by Konoe and Suzutsuki. Until yesterday, it was flourishing with life. And yet—it was like a ghost town.

Almost like this was right after a move, nothing could be seen in the apartment, no private belongings from either Suzutsuki or Konoe. At the same time, the two girls weren’t around either. Masamune apparently looked for them, but with no luck.

“…They probably moved out while we were sleeping.” Masamune reached a single conclusion.

According to her, she was preparing breakfast as always, but those two never arrived no matter how long she waited, so she walked through the hole to go check herself. And then, this sight greeted her—the disappearance of Konoe Subaru and Suzutsuki Kanade. It’s like they had never existed in the first place. Like I had woken up from a dream—


Calm down. Analyze the situation. Just as Masamune said, they probably left while we were sleeping. As proof of that, all the furniture in the apartment was still there. If they had moved that, they probably would have woken us up. All that’s gone are their private clothes and other luggage. However—that’s not what’s crucial here. Either way, today was supposed to be the final day of our shared lifestyle. The repairs of the Sakamachi household have ended, and I planned on returning soon enough. At the same time, they most likely packed their things to go their own way again. The problem here is…


They left without telling us anything. Normally, you’d at least give us a heads-up. At first, I thought it was just another prank on Suzutsuki’s end, albeit a bit bad taste, but there’s no way she’d go this far. There must be a reason why they left without saying anything.

“Masamune, did you get through to them?”

“…No luck. I tried calling both of them, but neither picked up.”


This is bad. I have an awful feeling about this. Something doesn’t add up…almost like I’m forgetting something crucial. Damn it, right after I confessed…Last night during our stargazing, Konoe and I finally became a couple, and I was ready to give my answers to Suzutsuki and Konoe…I thought we could finally move forward.

“…Damn it.”

What? What is this…sense of discomfort?

“What should we do, stupid chicken? Should we search for them in town? Or, contact the people at the Suzutsuki Residence…” Masamune muttered with an anxious tone.

I can’t blame her. Until yesterday, we were pretty much like a family. And yet, they suddenly up and vanished on us. Naturally, I feel the same way as her…However.

“—It’s fine.” I declared. “I think we’ll meet them at school.”


“Yeah. Today’s the opening ceremony of the new term after all.”

On top of that, last night, I said the following to Konoe:

‘Then, see you tomorrow at school.’

She nodded, while hearing my words. That’s why I have the strong suspicion that we’ll get to meet them once we head to school.

“For now, let’s eat breakfast together. Once that’s done, we head to school together, and meet them.”

It was like I kept telling myself. To that, Masamune nodded, saying ‘…Yeah, okay’. And then, we headed back, and had breakfast. Today is January 5th, so this is the final day we’ll live together and share a meal. However, with Konoe and Suzutsuki gone, the breakfast felt much more lonely and cold than usual.


As expected, Konoe and Suzutsuki came to school. After Masamune and I quickly finished our breakfast, we spotted their bags in my classroom. However, the two girls in question were not there. We walked around school to possibly find them before the opening ceremony, but that didn’t work out. It’s currently 8.55am, and the opening ceremony would begin at 9am in the gym hall. So, our only choice is to give up…

“Stupid chicken, we should head to the gym hall.”

“…Yeah, I know.”

We walked down the hallway near the infirmary. I thought that maybe they once again lied about feeling sick, and were hiding in there, but once again, no hit.

“Don’t be so sad about it. They might be participating in the opening ceremony.”

“…Yeah. Sorry that you have to cheer me up.”

“It’s fine, I’m worried about them myself…” Masamune said with an anxious voice.

Just where did they go, damn it. We’ve looked everywhere they could be. The only possible solution…


There, my phone vibrated in my pocket, and a familiar theme played—The Godfather. I took out my phone, looking at Masamune.

“Stupid chicken…” She must have guessed who the person calling was judging from my reaction, as she showed a tense reaction.

Slowly, I pressed the accept button.

‘Can you hear me, Jirou-kun?’


Without a doubt, that was Suzutsuki Kanade’s voice.

“Where are you right now!? Why’d you suddenly up and vanish on us!? We’re worried to death over here!”

‘…I’m sorry. I’ll apologize for leaving without telling you anything. But, please, forgive me. Us.’

“Us…So Konoe is with you!?”

Suzutsuki went quiet for a moment. And then, she spoke up with a serious tone.

‘Jirou-kun, could you and Usami-san possibly come to the corridor of the gym hall?’


Is she talking about the narrow passage on the second floor of the gym hall, which goes along the wall? Naturally, the entire student body will be present at the opening ceremony which is held on the first floor. So, why there…

‘If you come there, I’ll explain everything.’

“—Alright, just you wait.”

Right as I hung up, I started running.

“Wah…stupid chicken, where are you going!?”

“The gym hall! Good chance that they’re waiting for us there!” I answered Masamune while running.

Gasping for air, we ran through the school. The entrance to that corridor should be near the stairs.


From all the running, my chest tightened up. However, this feeling of discomfort inside of me was even more painful. What I felt back at the flat, it wouldn’t go away no matter what. Something is going to happen at the opening ceremony…!

“Damn it…”

While my thoughts ran wild, we reached the front of the gym hall. Students and teachers had already taken a seat, as no people were meeting us. Through the entrance, I headed to the stairs. Once I got up there—

“Good morning, Jirou-kun.”

However, mid-way up the stairs, I was greeted by a familiar silhouette—Suzutsuki Kanade. No doubt in my mind, it was her.

“S-Suzutsuki, you…!” I gasped for air while going up the stairs, and pushed out this question.

Behind me, Masamune just now walked up the stairs herself.

“…Explain.” I asked, finally having gotten my breath under control.

Just what is going on. Why did she disappear? And…where is Konoe Subaru right now?

“…Fine. Come over here. It would be best for you to see it with your own eyes.” She said, and started moving to the corridor.

From there, you could see what was happening on the first floor just fine. It seems like the opening ceremony has yet to start.

“Up here, nobody will get in our way, and you get a prime view.” Suzutsuki said.

Yeah, no other students or students come up there. As long as we don’t cause a ruckus, nobody will see us up there. However, her previous words were stuck in my head.

‘It would be best for you to see it with your own eyes.’

Just what does she mean by that…


That moment, when I saw the scenery below me, I swallowed my breath. The opening scenery always starts with a welcome from a student. However, the person appearing on stage—Konoe Subaru—wasn’t wearing her usual butler uniform. On the contrary, she wore Rouran Academy’s girls’ uniform, with her hair hanging down.

“You’re joking…What is this…” Masamune muttered with a bewildered voice.

The students and teachers below seemingly had a similar reaction. Naturally, you could say. Every single person at this school knows about her, she’s the famous ‘Subaru-sama’ after all. And that very prince now appeared looking like a girl. Who wouldn’t be shocked.


Every single person present swallowed their breaths, not uttering a word. Their attention was directed on the microphone she held in her hands.

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Silence. Even the girl herself didn’t utter a word. And then…

“—Everyone.” She spoke up. “I’m sorry to interrupt the opening ceremony like this. However, there is something I need to tell everyone…”

Ba-dump, my heart shook. Stop. Please, don’t. Don’t say any more than that. If I still could make it in time, I would scream those words. However, it was too late. All of it was beyond redemption.

“I’ve been hiding it this entire time, but…” Konoe Subaru spoke up, with her all-too familiar alto voice. “I actually…am a girl.”


“What is this…”

Konoe confessed her secret, revealing what she had kept hidden all this time. Suzutsuki went ahead and answered my question.

“Isn’t that obvious, Jirou-kun?” She explained with a calm, almost indifferent voice. “Subaru decided to quit as my butler.”


The answer came punching me in the gut, I didn’t know how to react…Then, what? That’s why she’s doing this? I mean, she had the rule that she can’t reveal her secret to everyone at school. But…why would she suddenly do something like that?

“It sure is weird. I only heard about this last night. She said ‘My deepest apologies…I can’t continue as your butler, my lady’, you know. It’s right after your date with her, so…Do you have any idea what made her decide on this, Jirou-kun?” She whispered.


Don’t tell me…Did she decide to quit as a butler because of my confession? Because she accepted my confession…

“But, I do understand her feelings. It’s been her dream to be a butler of the Suzutsuki Family ever since she was a young child. She has her pride as a butler.”


…Ahhh, I see. I understand why Konoe suddenly decided to quit—It’s because she stole the love of her master. As a girl, she accepted my confession yesterday. However, her job wouldn’t allow that. Just as Suzutsuki said, it’s been Konoe’s dream to work as a butler. At the same time, she held pride and conviction towards being one. That’s why…she couldn’t accept this. Stealing the romantic interest of her master, while still working as a butler like nothing happened…

“I don’t think anybody could have stopped her. She’s made up her mind after all. That’s why she revealed her secret to everyone here. So that everything is too late, no matter what we do.”

“So the reason you weren’t there this morning…”

“It’s because Subaru didn’t want to run into you. She was afraid that she might rely on you again. Stopping as a butler is something painful for her after all. I simply didn’t want her to be alone during that time.”


What’s up with that? So she decided to stop as a butler, and that’s why she ran away this early in the morning? I get where she’s coming from. She might have told me something if we ran into each other. Or, I might have felt that something was off, and asked her. And then, if I had learned of her plans, what would I have done? Tried to stop her no matter what, of course. After all, I don’t want her to quit as a butler.


That’s why she chose this method. So that she could follow through her own conviction…

“…Suzutsuki.” I dropped my voice, and asked her. “Did you know that this would happen?”

On the first shrine visit of the year, January 1st, Suzutsuki told me.

‘This might not end with such a clean cut after all.’

Now, I understand what she meant. She surely…

“Yeah, I had an idea that maybe Subaru would do something like this.”

“Then why…”

“Jirou-kun, I told you. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise. What would you have done if you knew about this possible result?”


If I had known about the chance that she would quit as a butler—I probably wouldn’t have confessed. I know that she had this dream ever since she was young, so…crushing the dream of the person you love…how could I do that! And since Suzutsuki knew that I would be feeling that way, and hence didn’t tell me. All so that I could be honest with my feelings.

“—It couldn’t be helped, okay.” Suzutsuki said, like she had resigned herself. “This is reality. A convenient ending straight out of a romcom or simulation…where nobody gets hurt, there’s no way that would be prepared for us.”


“Jirou-kun, you must have made up your mind as well, right? Knowing that our days together would change once winter break ends.”


“That’s why you have to accept this. Subaru didn’t decide on this on a whim. She thought about it herself, and made up her mind.”


Please, stop—I wanted to scream. I knew that things would change, and things won’t stay the same way. Just as our feelings changed. I wonder how Konoe felt while accepting my feelings? Did she…already make up her mind?


…Ahh. Then, she’s not the bad guy. She sacrificed her dream to accept my feelings. She chose me. But…how cruel of a choice was that? Even though she was so determined to fulfill her dream…

“…Tell me.” I asked Suzutsuki—No, Konoe’s master.

And then, I screamed.

“Hey, Suzutsuki! Are you really fine with this!? Why are you so calm! You’re just gonna accept this result!? That Konoe…is going to quit as your butler, remember!? And yet, you’re…you’re…!”

You’re fine with that!?—I tried to say, but the scenery in front of my eyes robbed me of my words. Tears…Tears came streaming down Suzutsuki’s face.

“…Jirou-kun.” She said, but her dignified voice had disappeared. “I’m not calm at all.”


“Subaru…is my butler. I’m her master. But before anything…we’re friends.”


“That’s why…that’s why I wanted to support her decision…!” She cried large grains of tears.

The perfect Suzutsuki Kanade, who always kept up a facade, was now letting out her honest feelings.


…Damn it. I’m such a moron. Even Suzutsuki suffers from this. She could only have Konoe Subaru as her personal butler. And yet, that was all over now. Her butler quit. No way she could just stay calm about this. However, she still wants to respect Konoe’s decision. That’s why she wanted to watch over her. Shedding tears, holding back her own feelings, she simply tried her hardest to respect this decision.


Reality. Just as Suzutsuki said, this is reality. Reality often doesn’t make sense. There’s no guarantee that everybody can become happy. But even so, we have to move forward. That’s why I made up my mind yesterday, and so did Konoe. This…is the result.

Reality. Our daily life has changed. Nobody is guaranteed to become happy. I had prepared myself for this. But…

“…Stupid chicken.”

There, Masamune opened her mouth. She spoke like she sought help.

“Are you really okay with this?”

Ba-dump, my heart shook once more. Think about it. One more time. Because I made up my mind to face these feelings, all of this happened. After all, this is reality, no matter how irrational it may be. There’s no guarantee that everything will work out. However…

“—Of course I’m not.” I answered Masamune’s question.

I managed to answer her question. That’s right. Reality is unreasonable, and cruel. Things change. Not everybody can be happy. It’s all a natural course of events. But even so…


That’s nearly not enough of a reason for me to just accept that. Yeah, that’s right. I don’t care about any of that. I’ll still fight it. No matter how lame I may be, how much I trip and crawl on the ground, I’ll fight as long as it takes. If it helps in making all of us happy even a bit more…if it stops just one person from suffering…


Yeah, I’m done hesitating.


I jumped over the iron fence set up in the corridor, and landed on the first floor. The impact mercilessly slashed into my legs. However, none of that matters. Compared to what Konoe has to go through as she stands up on that stage…this is nothing…!


My legs were tingling from the pain. Luckily, the gym hall was already in disarray. As expected, you could say. The prince of this school suddenly declared himself to be a girl.


I took a deep breath. Calm down, me. Students and teachers around were also still unsure of what to do. Alright, I can do this. I should be able to reach her no problem. The moment I became aware of that, I started running. I ran through the crowd, and reached the stage.


Standing there was Konoe Subaru, the girl I love. She was the crossdressing butler of the Suzutsuki Family. But…not anymore. Because she accepted my confession, she’s not a butler anymore.

“—Konoe.” I faced the girl, and stole the microphone from her.

Because I got up on stage, the crowd filling the gym hall got even more noisy. It’d be a waste coming here and not letting my voice reach Konoe. All gazes gathered on me, waiting in anticipation. Suzutsuki, Masamune, Kureha, Nakuru, Schrö-senpai, Ichigo-san, they were all looking at us. The entire student body must be staring. But, even so…


I can’t be scared here. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. Even if I’m a chicken bastard, I can’t back down here. I have something to tell Konoe. And if I manage to do so, I might be able to change something. Change this unreasonable and cruel reality. Make somebody happy…


But, these words are heavy. They feel far too heavy for me. I’m a high school student, so these words are clearly out of my league, so I can’t just say them in the heat of the moment. I need to actually prepare myself. After all, these words could change my life.


Before I realized it, the gym hall went silent. Students, teachers, nobody uttered a word, simply looking at me.


I don’t know how much time has passed. But, I was the one who broke the silence. And then, I gave her the proposal I had closely considered.

“Won’t you let me inherit your dream?”

Surprisingly enough, my voice was transferred through the entire hall, thanks to the microphone in my hand. However, everybody present doubted their ears. And I’m sure that Konoe is the same.

“J-Jirou, what do you…” She spoke up, baffled.

Yeah, as expected. I don’t think she anticipated these words coming from me. Not even that rich lady, I bet. But, it’s fine. Even so, I made up my mind.

“Make me the butler of the Suzutsuki Family in your stead.”

My voice passed through the hall. What popped up in my head were the words Ichigo-san told me last night.

‘If a human being fit to become their butler is not found, things are different. Then, you create a new heir, or an orphan like me would inherit that position.’

Keeping that in mind, chances aren’t zero. Chances that I could become a butler.

“Hear me out. I don’t want to see you ruining your own dream. I…like you, so I want to support you in any way I can. Even if that means…to pick up your dream and continue it!” I screamed.

This…is all I can do. I’ve made up my mind. But, this is just my own selfishness in the end. Reality, daily life, future, I wanted to consider all of that. For that, this is all I could do. Now, the best I can do is wait for her opinion—


Silence reigned once again. Naturally, you could say. Just like I had prepared myself, Konoe also needs to make up her mind. After all, responding to my proposal needs that much. This decision is far too heavy for a single person. It’s enough to shake up both our lives. But…


For some reason, I felt like she’d respond to these expectations. I managed to put my faith in her.

“…Thank you.” She said, without even using a microphone.

She simply nodded. She nodded to my words.


That’s why I decided to tell her. Overcoming determination and decision, Konoe accepted my feelings. I think I needed to tell her once more. And, I’m sure this counts as my response towards Suzutsuki’s and Masamune’s confession. This shows my decision, as well as my determination.

Today is January 5th, the day of the opening ceremony. Summer break ended, and we set foot into a new school term. If so…then I should also take one step forward. The girl in front of me, Subaru Konoe, always dreamed of becoming a butler. I didn’t want to see that dream come crashing down. I didn’t want to see her grief. I wanted her to be happy. It’s not that I want her to rely on me, and become dependent on me…It’s just…

I wanted to continue the dream of the girl I like. No matter what I might have to sacrifice, I wanted to chase after her dream, and keep it alive. If that meant that she could be happy…then I was fine with whatever happened to me. After all, I’m happy with that. I’m fine living like that. It’s my dream to live like that. S…


I have to tell her. With all the determination I could muster—

“—Please marry me.”

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