Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 89: Volume 12 - CH 2

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“Kyaaa! It looks wonderful on you, Subaru-sama!”

January 5th, perfectly 3.30pm at this very moment, Nakuru raised a scream inside a women’s clothes store near the train station. Standing in front of this glasses junkie was Konoe Subaru, wearing women’s clothing with her hair down, instead of her usual butler attire.

“N-Nakuru-chan, these clothes are cute alright, but it’s a bit embarrassing…”

“It’s fine! There’s no going wrong with Nakuru’s clothes coordination! It looks perfect!”

“R-Really…” Konoe showed a bashful smile.

She might just be happy that she gets to wear such feminine clothes. Since she had to act like a butler, she was forced to hide her true self, not getting to enjoy these kinds of clothes. On a side note, Kureha and Suzutsuki were currently at home. Or rather, Suzutsuki had no reason to stick around, so she went back to her residence.

“Hmm, having fun, huh?”

Watching their exchange was Schrö-senpai.

“These two might actually be a good match. Whatcha gonna do, Onii-chan? Subaru-sama might just get stolen away from you, right?”

“Please take this a bit more seriously. Also, why did you even bring up the idea of a double date?”

After that explosive statement at the entrance, Konoe and I were practically dragged along by the Narumi sisters, taken to the town. After eating some light lunch, we came to this place. And then, a one-person model show held by Subaru-sama started. Terrifyingly enough, Nakuru was pretty much using her as a dress-up doll for the past hour. Then again, if she’s having fun, then that’s all that matters.

“No biggie. It’s a fact that Nakuru wanted to meet Subaru-sama. Since it would have been awkward between the two, I figured that somebody would tag along.”

“That doesn’t mean…”

“Couldn’t help it, you’re Subaru-sama’s boyfriend. Also, you’re not alone, I’m here with ya.”

“Well, you’re not wrong.”

Still, I never would have imagined I’d be going on a date with the Schrö-senpai. I mean, not like you could really call this a date. We’re more like guardians to Konoe and Nakuru.

“Though, I have to say…” Schrö-senpai muttered. “Being on a date…sure makes me nervous.”


Don’t tell me, this person…

“Schrö-senpai, is this your first date?”

“Wha…O-Of course nyat! I have a lot of experience, you know!?” She shouted like a kitten that had its food stolen from it.

No, I clearly hit bullseye with that, right? Look at how she’s blushing. Her reaction makes it so easy to understand.

“You don’t need to be so nervous. Leaving Konoe and Nakuru aside, we simply came to a clothes store.”

“W-Well, it sure doesn’t feel like much of a date…Hey, Onii-chan, what do you think would be typical for a date?”

“Eh? Holding hands while walking through town, eating lunch together, heading out somewhere…”

“Also, a princess carry.”

“Why a princess carry!?”

I never seen a couple doing that in the middle of town, you know!? That’s like a SSR occurrence with a 0.0001% drop rate!

“Hmpf…But, that’s what it said in Nakuru’s novel. Well, the characters were Onii-chan and Subaru-sama.”

“That’s just some fake fiction Nakuru created…”

“Not to mention that Subaru-sama was carrying Onii-chan.”

“Why am I the one getting carried!?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? Subaru-sama is the seme and you’re the uke—”

“Stop! I don’t want any detailed information about that!”

For a moment, I could see myself getting carried by Konoe. I immediately stopped my thought process, and cursed that damn glasses junkie. Using the fact that it’s fiction to come up with her nonsensical scenarios. The princess position does not look good on me at all.

“That’s why I thought that a princess carry would be template stuff for a date.”

“That’d just be exhausting for the guy, right?”

“Hell no. Should I give you a princess carry?”


The ultra small Schrö-senpai is going to give me a princess carry…Waaah, it’d be such a surreal situation. Most terrifying is that she could probably actually pull it off.

“That being the case, give me a princess carry.”

“Are you serious!?”

“Of course. It’s fine, this much doesn’t count as cheating I’m sure.”

“P-Probably, but…”

“Or…do you not want to give me a princess carry?” Schrö-senpai looked up at me.

…This is bad. What kind of adorable animals is this? I’d probably come visit on a daily basis if she was in a zoo.

“T-Then, here we go.”

“Kya, so abruptly…Wait, Onii-chan, this isn’t a princess carry, right! You’re just lifting me up and down!”

“Ah, apologies. You’re just so small, I subconsciously…”

“D-D-Don’t call me small!” Schrödinger-san loudly complained.

However, that sight of hers only made her look more adorable…Wait, no. The employee was already giving me a dubious gaze. Maybe I went too far? And, lifting her up and down constantly sure is exhausting.

“I-I understand. I’ll put you down, so calm down.”

“Hmpf, as long as you understand it. I didn’t think I’d be treated like a child on my first date.”

“Ah, so it really was your first date.”

“…!? N-No, you misheard, I actually have lots of experience…”

“You don’t have to force yourself like that. Though, it’s a bit unexpected, I feel like you’d be popular.”

“Urk…I don’t know why, but the people in my class and from the club often tell me that…”

“Rather, it doesn’t make sense that you never dated anybody. Do you never get any confessions?”

After all, she’s the school’s strongest Schrödinger-san. Her personality might be a bit aggressive, but she’s like an adorable idol. Or rather, a mascot? Either way, I could see her getting lots of confessions.

“…Well, I got some before, but there was a problem, alright.”

“A problem?”

Schrö-senpai took a faint breath, and continued.

“All the peeps who confessed to me were girls.”


“They said stuff like ‘I fell in love with Schrö-senpai’s admirable person!’ or ‘Please make me your younger sister!’ or ‘Won’t you become my hugging pillow for tonight!?’…they were all abnormal confessions…”

“Must have been rough.” I gave a vague smile to the best of my ability.

…Schrödinger-san is no joke. To think she’d gather this much popularity from the girls. Yeah, she definitely is more admirable and cool than your average boy. That’s probably why nobody dared to approach her.

“Hehe, thanks to that, my student life has been grey and dull.”

“Grey? It sure sounds pink to me, getting confessed to left and right by girls.”

“S-S-S-Shut up! Doesn’t help me!”

“Ah, I’m sorry. But, I understand how you feel. Since I couldn’t hang around girls much, people got the wrong idea.”

“Ohhh! So we’re comrades.” Schrö-senpai’s face lit up.

Well, the reason people got the wrong idea is because of my gynophobia, I guess. But, since she doesn’t know about that, there’s no need to explain that. As long as I show that we’ve gone through similar things…

“Huh? But, you got Subaru-sama as a girlfriend, right?”


Crap, I forgot about that.

“So wait, Onii-chan is actually one of those ‘normies’?”

“No, I’m not really that…”

“Ah, right, my bad.”

“Why were you so quick to accept that!?”

Damn it, just what is she thinking of me…Well, it’s true that I don’t have much going for me, so that does make sense. Even if I got myself a girlfriend now, trouble’s still gonna be around.

“Ahaha, don’t be so depressed about it. You still have a full year left in school, so just go and enjoy that.”


“Well, once you’re a third-year, you have your entrance exams to worry about. Since our school is also a bit more high-level than others, classes will be more strict.”


Somebody tell me, is this person even trying to cheer me up? Or, is she just trying to make me feel more depressed? I can’t guess which way it is. Still…entrance exams, huh.

“That reminds me, you plan on studying overseas, right?”

“Hm? Yeah, I always wanted to go overseas. Well, I’m going to come back eventually.”

“Huh, is this connected to a dream of yours?”

“Hmm…part of it? Can you guess?”

“Eh?” I started thinking.

Schrö-senpai’s dream, huh…Thinking about professions fitting her, it’d be a voice actress, working as a salesperson in a department store while wearing a giant costume…or maybe a dancing and singing idol…that’s the kind of image I have. Because of her anime voice, that’s just how I keep imagining her.

“Hehe, doesn’t seem like you know, so let me tell you. My dream…is to become a teacher.”

“Eh…a school teacher?”

“Yup. My first step would be to become a teacher at Rouran Academy.” Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Woah, that sure surprised me. Knowing her, I figured she’d want to become the strongest individual on the entire planet, something that my little sister would bring up, but…a teacher? I was thinking that teacher attire would look good on Masamune before, but she might not be that bad either. It is very much like Schrö-senpai. She has these leadership tendencies, and I bet the students would like her.

“Of course, once I become a teacher, I’m going to raise strong students.”


“For that, I’ll first become the advisor of the handicrafts club. Then, I’ll give them spartan survival of the fittest training. Sounds fun, right?”

“Y-Yes, well…”

Emergency. I need to report Schrö-senpai’s plan to the board of education as quickly as possible. If not, our school will be turned into some kind of military base, and they’ll turn the handicrafts club into a SWAT unit.

“For that, I’m going to gather experience overseas.”

“W-Well, whatever your goal may be, I think it’s good to have gathered as much experience as possible.”

“Oh, thanks! And, today’s double date might be a good experience as well.”


When I returned a question, Schrö-senpai blushed ever so slightly.

“I mean, going on a date with a boy…t-this is my first time.”


What the hell. She’s way too cute, my god. The sight of hers being flustered is hitting right where it hurts. If she were my teacher, I’d listen to whatever she tells me. Or rather, I’d attend school once more, and join the handicrafts club.


There, I heard Konoe’s voice. Did she and Nakuru finish their fashion show?


With these thoughts, I turned around, only to freeze up—It’s Takanashi Punyuru. The person right in front of me was not Konoe Subaru anymore, but rather the fake character created by that sadistic rich lady. Put simply, she’s basically Subaru-sama in girl mode wearing glasses.

“H-How does this look? I had Nakuru-chan choose some clothes for me…” She fidgeted awkwardly, throwing glances at me.

She wore green, stylish glasses, together with a goth lolita type dress with lots of frills everywhere, which created a completely different atmosphere from the usual…Waaah, what the hell is this? The gap to her usual male clothes really hit close to home.

“Fufu, how’s this, Senpai?” The glasses junkie showed a confident grin, showing her face from behind Konoe. Not bad, glasses junkie. Just for today, I’ll praise you.

“Ah, Senpai, has your image of Nakuru changed a bit?”

“Tch, I’m surprised you could tell.”

“Of course Nakuru can tell. Your glasses today are shining with newfound respect for Nakuru.”

“…My bad, I feel like that’s just made up nonsense.”

What’s that supposed to mean? Normally, it’d be my eyes, right? Well, leaving that aside…

“Um…Konoe…it looks great on you.”


When I gave her my honest impression while blushing furiously, Punyuru aka Konoe simply responded with a meek ‘T-Thanks’. Waaaah, what kind of atmosphere is this…Being flustered after being praised is so adorable on Konoe’s end, but it just makes things more embarrassing for me. Right now, I want Suzutsuki’s poker face. I desperately need to hide my blushing face.

“Waaah, look at that, Nakuru! Those two are as red as ripe apples!”

“Urk…Even though Nakuru went all out, all he has eyes for is Subaru-sama.”

From a distant place, I heard the comments of the Narumi sisters. D-Damn it…since what they’re saying is absolutely true, I can’t argue against it…I mean, the Konoe right in front of me at this very moment is simply a cute girl. That’s right, she’s not a crossdressing butler anymore.

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“But…with this, Nakuru can finally accept it.” While saying that, Nakuru looked over at Konoe. “Subaru-sama really is a girl.”


All of us just went silent. That’s right, Konoe Subaru undoubtedly is a girl. However, she kept that fact hidden to everyone at school. That’s why, Nakuru probably isn’t the only one bewildered at this sudden revelation.

“Alright, Nakuru thinks we should leave now. Subaru-sama, are you going to buy these clothes?”

“Ah…Yeah, since you went out of your way to choose them for me.”

“Ehehe, thank you very much, Subaru-sama.” Nakuru smiled, as her cat ears swayed left and right.

However, her voice sounded a bit lonely for some reason.


After we left the clothes shop, we immediately headed straight back home. It was a bit short for a date, but since classes start tomorrow, we don’t have the time to play around. And with that, it’s now 5pm. Right now, we were present at the gigantic Narumi Residence.

“Sorry about this, Onii-chan and Subaru-sama, sending us off like that.”

“Well, it was a date on paper, so that’s the least we can do.”

As the sky was colored with the setting sun, I gave Schrö-senpai these words. However, we didn’t just come here to send them off.

“U-Um…” Standing in front of the imposing gate, Nakuru seemed like she wanted to say something.

Indeed, we came here for her sake. She probably asked for this date in order to tell Konoe something. That’s at least how it seemed. And Konoe probably felt that as well. That’s why we came all the way out here. So that we could hear her out.

“…Nakuru-chan.” Konoe called out to the silent Nakuru, having changed back into her butler’s clothes.

In her hand, she had a plastic bag containing the clothes she just bought.

“……” She looked at Nakuru, and… “……I’m sorry.” She said, simply apologizing. “The reason I acted like a boy at school is so that I could continue being a butler at the Suzutsuki family. I wanted to be her butler no matter what. That’s why I’ve been lying this entire time.”


“But…in the end, I was simply deceiving everyone. Everybody thought I was a boy, and even made a fanclub…”


“Yet…I betrayed all of you…Even though you supported me…So, I’m sorry.” Konoe lowered her head.

Honestly, I couldn’t bear to watch this. It’s not like Konoe did anything wrong, she simply did everyone for the sake of her dream. However…as a result, she became the prince of the entire school.


Maybe Konoe was feeling guilty the entire time. About the fact that she’s deceiving everyone, and that she’s actually a girl. That’s why she’s apologizing to Nakuru so earnestly…

“—It’s fine, Subaru-sama.”

Suddenly, a comforting voice rang out. This voice belonged to Nakuru, no doubt. Even though she was the president of the Subaru-sama fanclub, she simply smiled.

“It’s true that…finding out about your secret was a shock. However, Nakuru figured that you were acting like a boy for a special reason.”


“Nakuru is your fan, remember? You wouldn’t deceive us other students for no reason, that much she can say.”

“Nakuru-chan…” Konoe slowly raised her head.

Her eyes looked a bit wet. I guess that’s to be expected. She must have been scared. Worried that she would receive blame for crossdressing like that. And even so, she apologized without running away. The past her surely wouldn’t have been able to do that. She was scared, and still faced Nakuru. That surely must have gone through as well…

“However…Nakuru has one request for Subaru-sama.” She suddenly said.

And then, with a serious expression—

“Won’t you let Nakuru and the others continue the [Watch over Committee]?”


With that, my voice overlapped with Konoe’s. She wants to continue the [Watch over Committee]? What is she saying? Konoe’s a girl, right?

“…No problem at all.” Nakuru strongly declared. “Nakuru and the others will just keep Subaru-sama as a boy in their hearts.”

“…Oi, Nakuru, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“It’s simple, Senpai. Nakuru and the others will continue to create BL material between Subaru-sama and Senpai. It’s the 2D world, so everything is possible.”

“Wha…!?” I was at a loss for words.

…So basically…they’re going to treat Konoe as a boy in the 2D world, despite her being a girl in the 3D world.

“But, will everyone be fine with that?”

“Of course. Or rather, everything’s already been crumbling since the Suzutsuki Revolution. All because of the declaration that you were dating Suzutsuki-senpai.”

“Oh yeah, that caused a big ruckus, huh.”

“And, adding the incident today at the opening ceremony, it’s pretty clear that everyone’s out cold. In other words…” Nakuru said, as her glasses gave off an ominous shine. “We have no interest in 3D.”


“That’s why we will continue our work! In 2D everything is fair game! We can make Subaru-sama a male character! Ahhh, what a free world this is! There is nothing more wonderful!” The glasses junkie declared as she opened up her arms towards the sky.

…Hot dang, how strong can she be? In a sense, she’s much more positive than Kureha. To think she’d accept the reality of Subaru-sama being a girl in such a way.


However, I’m pretty sure that the Suzutsuki Revolution back in November surely helped her accept that Konoe is a girl. Back then, both fanclubs were on the verge of destruction. In a way, this incident now was simply the last straw which led them…the [Watch over Committee]…to choose 2D over 3D.

“But, are you sure? The [Watch over Committee] might have chosen 2D now, but the [S4] are different, right?”

“No need to worry. As of today [S4] has disbanded.”


“And, a new [S4] has emerged.”


I-I can’t follow at all…What is going on? A new [S4]? But, Konoe turned out to be a girl, right?

“However, the activities and mentality of the new [S4] are a bit different.”


“Basically, they are still supporting Subaru-sama as an idol…even if she’s a girl.”


Um…So basically…

“Put bluntly, it’s yuri time.”

“Could you maybe choose your words!?”

“Would you have preferred Nakuru to say lesbian?”

“That makes it even more blunt!”

“Well, leaving aside whatever you’d like to call it, the [S4] has shifted into that territory, so if you aren’t careful, Subaru-sama will be stolen from you, you know?”


Will our school be okay? I heard that a large number of [S4] members were girls, but does that mean that they all woke up to that kind of interest? Not to mention because I confessed to Konoe? Phew, I feel like I did something I shouldn’t have.

“More than anything, Subaru-sama always had feminine looks, so wearing that girls’ uniform won over a lot of girls, you know?”

“Oh yeah, because she’s always been male clothes.”

Thinking about it, when I first saw Konoe looking like an actual girl, I remember being shocked myself. Honestly speaking, the way she has her hair down is so adorable.

“With today’s incident, Nakuru and the others once again realized the influence Subaru-sama has. Although it was after the Suzutsuki Revolution…To think that so many girls would awaken to such a peculiar interest just because of today…”

“This is bad. Birth rates are gonna decrease even more…”

“Eh? Shouldn’t that be fine? With the progress we’re making, one day even members of the same sex should be able to make babies!”

“…Sorry, Nakuru, I guess you’re the most abnormal one in the group.”

“Hmpf, that’s not true. By the way, Nakuru wishes the most for a reverse LASIK operation. With everybody’s eyes getting worse, more and more people will wear glasses.”

“Rather than that, maybe you should get your head checked out.”

Also, before getting some reverse LASIK operation, why not just wear fake glasses instead? I guess that glasses junkie might have something against that.

“Well…either way, what Nakuru wants to say…is that you don’t have to worry that much, Subaru-sama. Things won’t be able to stay the same way as before, but…We will enjoy our student lives our own way.”

“……Yeah. Thanks, Nakuru-chan.” Konoe seemingly was relieved, as she thanked Nakuru with teary eyes.

…Thank god. She should be fine attending school even now that everybody found out that she’s a girl. Just as Nakuru said, things won’t be able to stay the same way as before, but Konoe and the students should be capable of accepting this new situation.

“How do I say this…girls can be pretty strong, huh.”

“Hm? You only realized that now, Onii-chan?” Schrö-senpai showed me a grin, as she looked up at me. “Not that big of a shock, you know? Doesn’t matter if it’s boys or girls, there’s times when life won’t go our way. In this case, the prince of the school turned out to be a girl. That’s just how life works.”

“Well, that’s right.”

“Honestly speaking, this world is just full of nonsensical stuff like that. Can never tell what’s gonna happen next. What’s important is that you don’t give up. Everybody’s going through that, but it’s hard to recover.”


Everybody is going through that…huh. Yeah, it’s probably just as Schrö-senpai said. Naive thinking of ‘I’m fine if it’s just me’ won’t get you anywhere. One day, a breakdown will happen. What’s important is that you get up again. After all, life doesn’t end there. It sounds so simple, yet not everybody can do it. We’re no different, that’s why…

“That’s why.” While the sky was colored in a strong orange, Schrö-senpai spoke up. “The best we can do is live on to the best of our ability, right? Break our legs, crawl along the ground, no matter what it takes—we gotta enjoy life.” She said, and smiled.

That smile of hers looked like the dazzling sun so bright.

“Schrö-senpai, you sounded like a teacher just now.”

“Oh, seriously!?”

“Well, a bit clumsy, but it worked, I guess.”

“~~~! S-S-Shut up! Who cares if it was clumsy! As long as the students understand what I’m talking about!” Schrödinger-san screamed in embarrassment.

Next to her, Nakuru showed a joyful smile.

“Now then, Senpai and Subaru-sama, thank you very much for the date today!”

“I didn’t do anything big. Also, you really never run out of energy, huh.”

“Naturally. That is who Nakuru is. Also…You do your best, Senpai. Becoming a butler at the Suzutsuki Family sounds rough.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna see where it takes me.”

“Nakuru wishes for you two to be happy. Becoming Senpai’s lover might be impossible…but Nakuru likes both Senpai and Subaru-sama.”


“O Lord, please grant these lost sheep a glasses blessing.”

“Stop with the weird prayer!”

“Nakuru shall prepare wedding glasses for the wedding ceremony!”

“What even are wedding glasses!?”

“Of course, glasses made to celebrate something.”

“There’s nothing that should be celebrated with glasses!” I threw in consecutive retorts.

For crying out loud, she’s always been crazy since the day we met. That’s a glasses junkie for you. I wish I could live at my own pace like she does. I’m just hoping that she doesn’t go overboard.

“Alright, you two. Time to say goodbye. I’m expecting some juicy reports next time. Also, don’t forget to call us to your wedding ceremony, we’ll blow the place up.” Giving her farewells, Schrö-senpai walked through the gate, entering the residence.

As if to chase after that small back, Nakuru screamed ‘Ah, wait a second, Onee-chan!’, and walked after her.


With that, the double date with the Narumi sisters ended. The sky was colored crimson red, as Konoe and I looked after the two.


“What should we do, Konoe? You going back to the residence?”

On our way back from the Nakuru household, I asked Konoe who walked next to me.

“Yep. I’ll do that. I think Kana-chan should be home by now. Not to mention that I have to explain everything to the others.”

“…Will you be okay? I can tag along.”

I couldn’t help but feel apologetic. After all, she would be quitting her work as a butler because of me. That’s why, I should probably…

“—It’s fine.”

However, Konoe said that.

“I…I will explain everything. It’s my decision after all, so I have to carry the responsibility.”

“……” After a brief silence, I spoke up. “Got it.” I nodded.

Right now, she should be fine. She can take responsibility for her own actions. And, if doing it alone won’t work out for her, she’ll surely come asking me for help. That’s why I also…


Suddenly, I heard a faint electronic melody coming from my phone. I took it out and checked the display, seeing that I had received mail. Its contents said…

“…Sorry, Konoe. Something urgent came up, so I gotta leave early.” I stuffed my phone into my pocket.

In return, Konoe must have sensed what was going on, and said ‘Okay, be careful’.

“See you tomorrow at school.” I said, and started running.

It was currently 6pm in the evening, and I was heading my way to Rouran Academy. After all—she is waiting: Usami Masamune, the girl who has feelings for me.

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