Me and Her

Chapter 3: 2.Suprise

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Both of us finally arrive at the classroom and go to our desk.

Maki suddenly ask me."Ikki-san did you do homework that teacher gave us last week.Apparently he want to check it this morning.I bet you forgot to do it at all."

"Did you seriously think I don't do the homework.You cheeky girll" I said while pinching her cheek.

"Our Math Teacher is very strict you know,I bet he's gonna kill some of us if we didn't do the homework."

"Hehehehe,I know.I  want to remind you that's all".Maki said

"I just don't want to see you getting scolded ok"?She add while  stroking my head.

"Yes i will remember that."

She's such an angel.Im so grateful that we sit beside each other.I bet she will never taken any interest on me if we 're not on the same class.

"Hey what are you daydreaming about?".She asked while poking my cheek.

"Nothing,I just thinking just how cute you are".I said teasingly.

"I--Is that so".She replied while her face are blushing.

Ikki you can't say thing like that with your cute face.I might just ripped your clothes and rape  you  right here in the classroom you know.I have been holding back for a lot of time you know.Ahhhhhh I can't hold it anymore.I might start my today plan right now to make you completely mine.HEHEHEHEHEHEHE I can't wait for it.

Suddenly the classroom door open and our Math teacher enter the class.

"Good Morning class.Please sit down because all of you gonna take a suprise math test".He said while grinning at us.

Fuck this old man! 

2 hour 30 minutes later~

Fuck I just blew the fucking math test.Who the fuck invent this fucking complicated math formula. Fuck you to the one who created these.I shout in my heart.

RINGGGGGGGGGGGG.It's time for lunch.

I quickly stand up to go to school cafeteria.Fuck thinking about math is making me hungry.

Before I could even walk ,I could feel my hand is getting grip by someone.I know who is it just from the softness of the grip.

"Maki-san I'm kinda hungry right now but is there anything i could help you with or do you want me to buy something for you?"I asked

"N-No I just want to eat together with you.I already make some lunch for both of us.Ok?"She show the lunchbox to me. Damn since when did she started became this ultra sweet.

" I will take you  on your offer and I really want to know what your cooking taste like."

"T-Then let's go ok?"She start pulling me to walk with her with the lunchbox in her left hand.

Where did she's gonna take me right now.The cafeteria and the school flower garden  is on the complete opposite of direction we both headed right now.

"Where did Maki-san gonna take me to?" I asked her.

"To my secret place! I always eat there when it's lunchtime."She exclaimed.

Oh,ok now I understand.

Finally!!! You just fallen right into my trap Ikki.I have some special gift for you,you know.

After A couple of minutes we finally reach an empty classroom in a different floor.There's nobody else in the school building floor because it's only use for club activities.

The empty classroom is at the floor 3 so even if I shouted,I don't think anybody could hear me.

"Let's enter the classroom.Ok?"Maki said.

"Ok,I'm also very hungry right now so I can't wait to eat lunch you cook for me!" I said excitedly.

Huh ,why is there a queen bed at the back of the classroom.It look brand new too.Mehh,There's no need to think  about it.Thinking is making me more hungry.

We then decide to take a seat and eat the lunchbox

The lunchbox is a chicken rice.It's was my favourite dish of all time.Chicken rice is just so tasty.

"MMMMMM~ It taste so good! Maki-san your such a good cooker.Almost everything in the lunchbox is flavourful."I said while keep eating it.

"HEHEHEHE I know you will like it.I spend a lot of time cooking this food today morning."

"Ah You should try the sauce to ok.I just trying some new sauce recipe and I really hope you could give your opinion about it."Maki said with a sweet face.

"Oh Okok ,I will try it."

I take a spoon of the sauce and put it in my mouth.The sauce kinda taste a little bit bitter but there's a sweet touch to it to.Is this sauce supposedly to stimulate my tounge or what.I kinda like it.It taste so different from other sauce i have ever try.I kind of like it.It also could heat up my entire body including my lower abdomen.I will just hide it.

"Maki-san" I called her.

"Y-Yes how does it taste,is it good or not? J-just tell me the truth ok.I will never get mad at you "Maki asked with an anticipation face.

"Hmm,The sauce taste kinda sweet with some bitterness inside of it.It's not bad or anything.I kinda love it.What did you put inside of this sauce Maki-san?I really want to know."

"O-Ohhh~~hehehe~It's filled with my overflowing love for you"Maki murmur quietly.

"Hehe~ I'm glad it taste good and It's a secret ingredient,I can't tell you~"Maki replied.

"Haah,Okay then.I will not try to keep pestering you anymore."

"Maki-san why don't you eat your lunch?Your gonna get hungry you know.I glad that you cook it for me but you need to atleast eat it."I tell her.

"Ohh I'm still not hungry right now.How about you eat it for me?"Maki san respond to me.

"Is that so,Then I'm gonna eat it.Thank you Maki-san."I happily said.

After finishing both of the lunchbox,I feel very thirsty.

"Maki-san do you bring any water perharps.I'm kinda thirsty right now."I asked her.

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"Ohh,Yeah I have tea at my backpack.I will go and take it.Please stay right here while I went to take it ok?"She said.

"Ehhh,Thank You so much Maki-san.How could I repay you for this after you treating me your food."I asked.

'Just stay here for me ok.After I came back I will tell you how to repay it for me ok?"She said to me.

"Oh,Ok Maki-san"I probably look like an obedient  dog right now.

Pov Change

I began walk quickly to my school bag and began searching for some pill that I always bring with me.

Where is it-Where is it.Ah there it is.Hehehe~.I also take my empty water bottle.

I went to the toilet and take off my underwear then I began peeing inside of the bottle.I also rub my clitoris as hard as I can to make me squirt my love water for him.

5 minutes later.

"H-hmhm~ Ikki-ikki~ annnnnhhhhhhh~"I bite my clothes while squirting so hard while thinking about him.I squirt so much that I almost pass out in the toilet.My eyes became dazy but I need to make sure some of my love juices get inside of the bottle.I look at the bottle and yeah some of it was inside of the water bottle.I clean myself up to make sure I don't look like I just masturbate inside of the toilet.

I then put some  food colouring to resemble the tea inside of the water bottle, aphrodisiac and sleeping pill.

Finally,My love water is complete.I bet he's gonna love it because i know he love everything about me.Hehehehe~~

(A/N:Damn that's crazy)

Pov Change

Damn,It almost 10 minutes but she doesn't even came back here.It almost at the end of lunchtime.Where did she go.

I probably need to search for her.

Before I could even standing up,the door of the classroom is open and Maki-san cameback with some seductive smile.

"Ahh,Maki-san.Why it take you so long? Did anything happen to you?"I worriedly asked.

"Ohh,Im sorry.It just I suddenly need to go to the toilet.But here's your tea.You can drink it.I make it myself this morning."She show me her water bottle.

"Ahhh thank you Maki-san.I take the water bottle and began drinking the tea."

Hm?The tea taste kinda different.Why it so bland and bitter.It also have some metalic taste to it.Is this what rich person tea taste like.Why did this tea  to heat up my body .My penis is also keep tingling right now.I'm also feeling kinda sleepy.

"M-Maakkiiiii.......I feel like i-i want to take a n-nap right now.Bring me to the bed please."I said while pointing at the bed at the back of the classroom.


Why does she look so excited right now?She also doesn't stop smiling and her eyes look kinda scary.

She then take me to the bed and make me lie on it.

"T-thank you M-maki.I just gonna take a nap for a while ok?"I said again.

I began to close my eyes........

Suddenly,I could feel someone are lying beside me.I force my sleepy eyes to open and I could see Maki are staring at me with a very thirsty eye.


"Ikki I want to ask you some questions ok?"



(A/N)*Sorry for the disappeareance.I'm so busy with a lot of assignment for the last 1 and half month but Hey I'm free now.I will surely keep updating this novel.Oh and My midterm exam went perfect for me.I went from number 23/25 into 7/25 in class ranking so I'm very happy for my improvement.It also my last high school year.So yeah That's all.See y'll in the next chapter.


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