Meant for you [BL]

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Missing each other(2)

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Hearing those words, Kaito Hattori was utterly stunned.

He’d never expected that these kinds of ‘stay away from my son/ex/friend’ tropes existed in real life.

For a moment, he didn’t even know how to react towards the hardly familiar guest in front of him.

Upon seeing Kaito's hesitation, the culprit who'd dropped that sudden bombshell laughed. “I knew it. There’s no way your feelings would run so deep for Daichi, that wooden punk. You don't really love him, do you?”

“I do...” Kaito’s voice was small.

However, his low confidence only boosted the tall and handsome visitor's certainty. “Is it Daichi's looks? His wealth? You’re after his money right? Not to worry, we can settle that right now,” he took out his phone and started randomly punching numbers. “State your price, I’m sure it won’t be an issue–”

“Stop it, you don’t know anything!” Kaito almost shot to his feet in anger with clenched fists banging onto the table’s surface.

Though currently there weren’t as many customers, Kaito’s small outburst certainly caught people’s attention. He immediately forced a smile and apologized before turning his attention back to the unconcerned man in front of him.

Lowering his voice to a hushed whisper, Kaito continued to rage, “Just who do you think you are? You’ve done nothing but criticize me ever since you got here!”

The older man simply swept a look across the room were a few customers with bewildered looks sat before shifted his gaze back to the red-faced kid in front of him.

“You’re going to chase off your customers with that scary look.”

“I’d look less scary if you left,” Kaito forced a smile. He didn’t know this guy but damn he’d already gotten on his last nerves.

It was then that the man’s cellphone buzzed, alerting him of an incoming call. Seeing the caller ID, the man’s face instantly lit up, baffling Kaito.

This new look contrasted greatly with the one from two seconds ago...

“So you finally know to call me?” the man’s looked greatly pleased with himself as he leaned back in his chair with a cross of legs and the smuggest expression Kaito had ever seen.

Kaito didn’t know who the other party was, but they didn’t sound too pleased.

“What are you talking about? I wasn’t bullying him,” Kaito’s guest chuckled in intrigue. “I’m more curious to know how you knew I was here. Calm down, I was just testing him.... It’s not like you were going to share the news. I was the last to hear of it, yet I’m your brother. Do you know how that makes me feel?”

Kaito wasn’t one to intentionally eavesdrop on other people’s phone conversations, but he really couldn’t pretend as he didn’t know the subject of matter. Otherwise who was the other person being currently ‘bullied’ and ‘tested’ other than himself? 

Which could only mean that the person on the other end was most likely...

“Here,” Kaito came to when the cellphone was thrust in his face. The man holding it resentfully told him, “He wants to talk to you.”

Kaito eyes shifted from the man’s bitter expression to the phone’s screen which showed the caller ID ‘little bro’.

“Hello?” he spoke after receiving the cell.

Sure enough, Daichi’s deep voice flowed into his ear instantly washing away Kaito’s previous disdain. “You okay? Did Daisuke do anything?”

Oh, Kaito’s eyes travelled to that man in the suit once more. So it turned out that the vexing individual in front of him was Daisuke Nakano; Daichi’s older brother.

He was the second of the Nakano family’s three heirs; the one who ran a business in the U.S and hadn’t returned to Japan for some time.

When Daichi first introduced Kaito to his family, Daisuke wasn’t around and so he’d naturally been the last to learn about the news. Still, Kaito had seen his pictures of him. Problem was, the current Daisuke looked nothing like the pictures; no wonder Kaito hadn’t recognized him immediately. He also looked nothing like his two brothers and sister.

Under normal circumstances, Kaito would often shrug off his problems and say there wasn’t any issue. But this time – this time he was truly feeling vengeful.

“No, I was being bullied.”

The ‘bully’ gaped at these accusations, but Kaito resolutely pretended he was air and even shifted to the side.

“What happened?”

“He just came and started accusing me of all sorts of things,” Kaito complained pitifully. “He even said that you were made of wood and that I was after your money–”

“I did not!” Daisuke hadn’t expected Kaito to really tell on him like a toddler. Weren’t they supposed to settle this like men?

“Aren’t you ashamed? How can you deny it with a straight face?” Kaito’s expression was deadpan as he stared the ‘bully’ in question. “Weren’t you the one who was prepared to give money to chase me away?”

Daisuke almost fell over in his chair.

Hearing his lover’s serious accusations, Daichi resolutely asked Kaito to put him on speaker and asked his brother, “Is this true?”

“Daichi, listen....”

“Is it true or not?”

“It is..... But it was just a game. I didn’t mean all those things, come on,” Daisuke awkwardly laughed while hinting for Kaito to side with him. “You don’t really think I was bullying you, right Kaito?”

Unfortunately Kaito seemed determined to drag the other’s name through the mud and completely ignored the signals. He even spiced things up buy saying, “He’s using ‘slice your throat’ gestures...”

“HOW????” Daisuke shot to his feet, both bewildered and impressed. What ‘don’t bully him’? He was clearly the one being bullied right now!

“Clearly I don’t have a brother like that so I’ll just block this fool.”

“DAICHI DON’T YOU DARE!!!” Daisuke snatched back his cellphone and almost shook it as if in attempt to shake the person on the other side. “It was just a joke, why the extreme measures??”

“You were being annoying again. So for how long this time – two weeks? Three? Maybe a month?”

“Goddammit, I’m sorry!”

Meanwhile Kaito who was watching the entire thing unfold simply felt it was a little ridiculous. Did it matter that much if Daisuke was blocked by his brother? Kaito didn’t see the problem since he and his younger sister blocked each other all the time...

“Fine, fine, I’ll apologize,” Daisuke finally turned to face Kaito. With a twitching brow he forced out an, “I’m sorry.”

“Kaito?” Daichi awaited confirmation.

“Yeah, I don’t buy it,” Kaito crossed his arms while reporting to his lover still on speaker. “He even looks like he wants to hit me.”

“I will if you keep this up,” Daisuke grumbled.

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“Did I hear that right??”

“Yes, he just threatened me,” Kaito was even more shameless.

“I SAID I’M SORRY!” Daisuke immediately bowed respectfully, “My words were not kind and I judged you too quickly.”

Now this was more like it. Who knew Daichi still held so much power even if he wasn’t around. Over his own older brother no less.

Now that Kaito thought about it, he recalled Daichi saying he was closest to his second brother since they mostly grew up together. Perhaps this was the reason Daisuke was so overprotective yet at the same time too afraid to fall out of favor with his younger brother.

Fuyumi wouldn’t give a shit if this was her right now, Kaito chuckled at the thought of his younger sister. Rich families must be a different breed.

Kaito felt satisfied.

After an earful of another scolding, Daisuke put away his phone once Daichi hung up. He shot a narrowed look at brat in front of him and smirked as he retook his seat. “Did you think that would be the end of it? There’s plenty to discuss.”

Kaito: How old is this guy again?

He’d yet to respond when his own cellphone started ringing this time, and a smile crept onto his lips. “He’s still here,” was his first report as soon as he took the call.

“No, no, I was just leaving!” Daisuke was up in a flash with a forced smile. “I just forgot I needed some takeaway that’s all. I’ll go get my things packed and beat the road.”

And so Kaito watched as the man really made for the counter, ordered a few more pastries, made his full payment, and quickly left the store without looking back. Somehow, he still felt he’d probably be meeting Daisuke a lot more in the future.

“Is he really gone this time?” Daichi asked from the other end.

“He’s gone,” Kaito responded with a sigh and packed away Daisuke’s used cutlery with one hand. “Did he just return to Japan? It felt like he came straight to this place as soon as he learnt my about location.”

Daichi’s laughter reverberated through his ear, “It’s fine, he’s harmless.”

“I didn’t even recognize him at first,” Kaito felt a little ashamed, “He looks nothing like the pictures you showed me.”

“The ones I showed you were of him back in his twenties when he still liked keeping his hair long and bleached. Now that he keeps it naturally short and dark, I guess he does look a little different,” Daichi seemed to think about it. “It’s probably because he’s changed his dress style too.”

Daisuke who used to be obsessed with casual gangster attire seemed interested in formal-wear recently. It was likely because his wife had praised him for looking handsome in it one time...

“Were you getting ready for bed?” Kaito finally moved on since the issue with his future brother in law Daisuke had been resolved. It had to be late night on Daichi’s part of the world.

“You suddenly stopped texting so I figured you were busy and was about to shower and sleep. Then your little friend called and said you were in danger,” Daichi couldn’t help but chuckle. “Didn’t you wonder how I suddenly knew Daisuke was bothering you?”

Of course Kaito had been surprised, but it’d already slipped his mind. He liked to think that his boyfriend worked in mysterious ways.

But now that Daichi had already outed himself, Kaito already had a rough clue of who that ‘little friend’ was.

“She even warned me about how you were about to be ‘stolen’ by another handsome older man,” Daichi added.

Now Kaito knew exactly who that ‘little friend’ was.

Kasumi, that idiot. Running a hand down his face in shame, Kaito mumbled, “Please ignore her. She’ll say anything to get her fujo fantasies sated.”

“Even though I finally figured out who she was talking about after her description, I’ll admit she had me a worried at first.”

“Why?” Kaito was a little surprised.

“Hearing that you were about to be whisked away by another man while I’m all the way here and helpless, how could I not worry?”

Hearing the gentleness in Daichi’s tone, redness spread over Kaito’s cheeks. He leaned against the wall behind him and didn’t respond for a long time, trying to calm his racing heart.

Daichi often complained about lacking experience in saying sweet nothings, yet he’d throw these sudden confessions from nowhere. Kaito would have no idea how to react afterwards.

Kaito was certain that if people could see his expression right now, they’d immediately assume that he was dying from a high fever. Even the way he was just leaning on the wall like that was suspicious.

“If you’re worried then hurry up and come back,” he finally spoke with half his face buried behind his palm. “I’m f*cking dying here.”

More than anything, he was already so frustrated!

Occasionally communicating with Daichi was all fair and fine but he hadn’t forgotten about those bodily needs. It was even worse since their schedules always clashed, and they couldn’t even do it over the phone at night.

“I will,” Daichi’s voice became even softer, like a feather scratching on Kaito’s ear. “And... I miss you too, Kaito.”

Kaito almost crouched there and then. Who said Daichi wasn’t good with words? That person had to be caught and burned!

“D-don’t suddenly use that kind of voice to say something like that while I’m working.”

Kaito finally picked up that tableware and took it to the counter where one of his colleagues took care of it before he himself made his way to the staffroom to finish his lunchbreak.

“I also miss your company,” Daisuke went on.


“And your kisses,” the man continued to tease with a chuckle, “And you know what I miss the most?”

Kaito was full of distress. It was a good thing he was alone in the room. “Have you forgotten I’m working? Can you not tease me so blatantly?” he begged incredulously.

“I thought you said you were on break.”

“How long do you think my break is? I can’t be preoccupied with dirty thoughts while in the studio...”

“Did I mention that I was about to shower?”


Pleasant laughter came from the other end before Daichi promised to stop teasing him.


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