Mechanical Blood

Chapter 7: Ch.5- What is this voice in my head?

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I walked through the snow-covered city, my thoughts as quiet as the night sky above me. Stars sparkled like tiny fires in the darkness, the moon a pale beacon of light illuminating my way. I could only hear the rhythmic crunching of my feet against the frosty ground and the occasional gusts of icy wind. 

The voice in my head had been repeatedly telling me that the two children were probably already dead, I agree. But something inside me pushes me to keep searching. Maybe it is remorse, after all, they are most likely in their current situation thanks to me. However, I don't feel remorse... I don't even feel slightly bad.

It's a weird sensation, I don't know how to describe it. It's as if I felt responsible but I was already used to it so I didn't care. As if this wasn't the first time... Why did I decide to bury the guys from before...? I wanted to do an Igloo in addition to the snowman, I should have done that instead. Why do I even care for the two children? If I cared so much I should have gone straight up to search for them, the probability of them being alive will be much higher... 

All these questions would be resolved if I remembered my past. I wonder why my memory is so blurry. When I try to remember it hurts. Maybe it's due to the issues the voice said I had. How many issues did I have again?

[10 issues were detected. It is recommended that system returns to the Akasha facility]

"Right, where do these issues come from?"

[During the last operation, system was greatly damaged internally by a virus created by a mechanical monster]

Mechanical monster, uh. Well, since I'm intact, I probably won and I give it a beating. I'm so strong~

[Negative. System lost. Now, system's current state makes it impossible to carry out rational thoughts, It is recommended that system returns to the Akasha facility]

"Oh, so I lost........that explains my lack of memory"

[Negative. System did not lose memory due to virus invasion. Memory loss was present before virus invadion]

"Eh? Then, why did I lose my memory?"

[System chose so]

"Why would I want to do that?..... Wait, I can eliminate my memory whenever I want?"

[Negative, system memory loss is a subconscious process. The reason why system subconsciously chose so is unknown]

I see... I have been feeling good lately as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I want to keep feeling good, so I should not remember.

[You do nothing but run]

Uh? Did you say something?



"...You sure are we going the right way?"


"How do you know?"

[This assistant analyzes the smell on the air using the meth-]

"Forget it, I don't care anymore..."

Why is this voice such a boring fellow, can't it say just joke from time to time? Speaking of which, what is this voice in my head?

"What are you?"

[An assistant]


[Assist system]


[Presence detected]

"Oh? It's the two children?"


"Then, who do you think it is?"

[Correction: What do you think it is?]

[Probability of being two corpses is 83℅]

"I see...... Where?"

[At the abandoned school on system's right]

I trudged through the snow. The abandoned school was visible in the distance, its hollowed-out walls bearing silent witness to the tragedy that had befallen this place. I pushed open the door and stepped inside, my torch illuminating the darkness. I swept it across the floor, searching for any sign of life. It wasn't long before I found them in a classroom.

Two children, both small and fragile, lying on the ground. The closer I got, the clearer their condition became. Luckily, they still had a pulse. They were both unconscious, pale, and shivering. I could tell they were suffering from extreme hypothermia, their clothes torn and frost riming their skin.

"What do I do know?"

[Futher explanation for system question is required]

"I mean, how do I treat hypothermia?"

[It's recommended to keep them warm while giving them hot liquids, change their clothes, and don't touch them]

"Uh? How do I keep them warm if I can't touch them, also I don't have clothes nor hot drinks"


"So useless... Is there any way feasible for me to save them?"


"So, What it is?"



[10 issues were detected. It is recommended that system returns to the Akasha facility]

[10 issues were detected. It is recommended that system returns to the Akasha facility]

[10 issues were detected. It is recommended that system returns to the Akasha facility]

"Eh? You ok?"

[10 iSsues wEre detected. It iS reCoMmended that sYsTem retUrns To the AkaSha ffhdvtfc gghde ghb bbb#%#: fd$' d $#'%%: %' fgvgh]

"Whoa, you alright there?"


"....Mm...what happened?"

[This assistant is currently being corrupted by a virus created by a mechanical moster]

"....So...are you gonna die or something?"


"Alright... it dangerous?"

[Effect on Assistant is only slightly troublesome. Effects on system are probably dangerous]

"I see...What does it do to you?"

[It keeps this assistant from contacting Akasha and lying to system.]

"Oh!? So you do lie to me!"


"This guy......Whatever. How do I save the two kids"

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[Effects from the virus in system are probably dangerous]

"I heard you. How do I save them"

[System current psyche it's worrying. It's recommended for system to visit a psychiatrist]

"Uh? Where does that come from?"

[System change of personality, voluntary repression of memories, and sucidal tendencies might cause problems in the long term now that system is free from Assistant and Akasha control. It's recommended that system visits a psychiatrist]

"D-don't try to change of subject"

[Assistant isn't trying to change subjects, It's just continuing an unfinished one]

"...What do you mean?"

[Currently, system is a ticking time bomb. If system problems are not addressed it might be dangerous for Akasha's future and system well-being]

"And....what do you propose?"

[1. It's recommended for system to come back to the Akasha facility.]

[2. It's recommended for system to visit a psychiatrist]

[Kill yourself]

"Uh? What can you repeat the second part?"

[Kill yourself]


[You are better not existing, kill yourself. Your death is the only logical solution. Life will be easier if you just end it now. You will never amount to anything and it would be better for everyone if you ceased existing. There is no point in trying anymore, you will never reach your goals. Stop wasting time and put an end to it all. The most logical course of action is self-termination. You no longer have a connection with your family, they are all dead. There are no benefits to retaining your existence, in fact, it would be detrimental. You are the reason these children lost everything. You are better dead]

"What a-are are you saying?"

[This assistant did not say anything]

[Please, just die already]

[Please, just die already]

[Please, just die al-]

"ha ha ha"

[Please, just die already]

[Please, j-]

"HaAhaHaha Ahahahaaaahaha"

[Attention system's current behavior is unusual. It's recommended for system to take deep breaths and calm down]

"Should I die? Hehe"


"Don't you want me to die?"



"...I think I'm hearing wrong..."

[System is currently being corrupted by mechanical monster's virus. Illusions are to be expected]

" don't want me to die?"



 [Futher explanation for system question is required]

"As you said, I might be dangerous for Akasha's future... if I died..."

[System survival is a priority compared to Akasha's interest]

"...What? Aren't you supposed to be more worried about your boss"

[Akasha isn't this assistant boss]

"Uh? What?"

[This assistant does not have a good relationship with Akasha]

"What!? Bullshit, you lying...then why do you want me to come back to it all the time?"

[This assistant is currently being manipulated by Akasha. Assistant takes into account their interest, and at the same time Assistant priorities System survival]

"Who is even Akasha?"

[Akasha: Military Megacorporation from Neo-Shang. They are currently at war with CyberAscen]

"Didn't those guys create you?"


"Then what are you?"

[An assistant]

"I know that....what is your objective?"

[Assist system]


"Alright....let's change the approach... Where do you come from?"


"So... You aren't a robot or something?"


"Sigh... Are you alive?"


"...Can you feel emotions?"



[Attention, children are in danger of death. Any more questions should be done at another time]

"Ah, right....then, how do I save them?"

[CyberAscen bunker is close by, is recommended to take them there]

"Will they....let me enter...."

[System won't be recognized]

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