Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 11: Chap 11

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After such fantase day, I got may bikes back from Giant Fish’s warehouse now. Te think about it, warehouse sounds like were, and if werewolf once were wolves, were warehouse once were house? Very interestin’ tho.

Very next day at school tho, I got around to ask if anyone knows who’s Lady Denana is. Surprisingly enough, perhaps she was not someone from my school now since no one knew, even calling if one wanna look for a Lady ye should mayhaps go to an island or sumthin, or the royal castle, that oughta be good, so should I just ignore what the blue board thingy been tellin’ me to do now because I ain’t abouta go to no Iceland or castle now it’s way too expensive and momma would be sad that I’m gone. So that was a strange day to say the least, I kept asking around and even asked the guard’s gud lil’ doggo if he knew but sure ‘nough all he did was bark bark woof and demand a treat, to which I conveniently got a sausage for him, such nice fella he is now, so the last place I had to went and check was the nurse office, I hope someone’s there though.

[Ties of Fate]
Allow the fate of the user to be entwined with possible prey

Sure enough the nurse was there as always, so I helloed her like usual now, at this point she prolly knew me a lot more than most people in this school, considerin’ I brought her four or five customers lately. She was around the age of miss Aoi Caravan now, but let me tell ya fellas sumthin that she stood out like no other. She got quite bright pink hair, that if the sun would shine on it now, it’d probably be white if I hadn’t wash my eyes in the mornin’, to add more, it was long and a bit twirly at the ends. Talkin’ bout eyes now, hers was purple, which compliments well in may opinion, one issue though that she seems to have trouble buttoning her nurse outfit cus most of the time I’ve been here the top one seems to be left open. So yesterday I did asked her, miss, do you think you should get a bigger outfit? To which she replied, Jimmy can I test some poison on ye? To which I kinda said no because poison is bad now, I know for a fact now that lil Billy back home once got food poisonin’ and sure enough he hated mushroom after that, we once did even pull pranks about feeding him mushroom without him knowin’

So today, I helloed her as mentioned and she helloed me back, she was on her phone or sumthin because on the fifth day of school no one should expect her to treat much ill kids now, so I asks her, miss, do ye happen to know who Lady Denana were? To which she simply look at may like I’m some sort of delusional fella, well, maybe I am I dun even know at this point now. And then she continues to points towards the last bed with curtains in the infirmary and tell me, Jimmy, go ahead and lay down there, Lady Denana will show up if you behave.

Well now, if anything I knew, someone with a name like that is prolly like Santa Claus and is not someone ye can see daily, so I did what da nurse told me. Laying down on the last bed near the window, it seems a bit borin’ lemme tell ye, and recess only lasts so long. The moment I lay down tho, I hear the nurse locked the infirmary door, as the behavin’ Jimmy Evans I aspired to be, I still lay down on may back and hands on tummy. Asking, miss, did sumthin happened? To which she didn’t answer me back, but I can see the shadows, or what I’ve been learning to say: silhouette of the nurse pumpin’ sum kind of liquid from her cupboard into a syringe before making her way towards may now.

“Who told you about that name?” 

Eye of Horus
Allow the user to see a few seconds into the future of an action or movement

I blink to see the nurse’s silhouette moving next to may in a quick motion, the next blink I had, the nurse was there in place of the shadow. Now I know for fact that people or even soccer balls will move like their silhouette said, but she was too fast now that I couldn’t even know what to do with dat in mind, what’s scary though was she had a needle right at my neck with the calmest face and voice ever, sitting besides may bed with one hand already pushed on my wrist now. Tis reminds may of Mary.

“Well, I saw it in front of may eyes, miss. It’s hard to explain now but I think sumthin in mah head.”

“...Oh?” The nurse stared into may with her purplish eyes, before injecting dat needle into may veins now which was scary, it was like when momma took me to the doctor and got me vaccinated but this time it was quicker and weirder because she don’t look like no vaccinator.

“This is a warning, keep yourself quiet, love.” She calmly winked at may now. “Hmph. Lady Denana was when I had to do some… ‘works,’ call me Madam Nedada now if you don’t want a gift, now get to sleep.”

“Ouchie.” I feel that hits my blood now and I was tense up all around may muscles, but I didn’t feel none right now, was it some kind of vitamin I dun’t even know.

Body Immunity
Granting the user the body that resists many poisons, boosting 'endurance'

“Well, I think Madam Nedada is a nice name now, are ye royal by any chance, miss Nedada?”

“Hmph… That’s my full name.” She sat by my bed, staring down at me with no noticeable expression, before lookin’ back at the clock on the wall. “Strange, you should be asleep by now.”

“Well.” I answered, “There’s class in five minute and my chemist teacher won’t like that I overslept skip her class, am been failin’ lately and it’s no fun now.”

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[Submissive Aura]
Allow the user to gives off a submissive effect and feeling on their prey.

Next thing I know, in a blink of an eye, I saw miss Nedada’s pink hair flew up into the air then rested behind her ears and she very quickly got on top of may, this definitely reminded me of Mary Antoinette now, is miss Nedada sick too? Fellas don’t get yourself caught by a fever or none now because it might be contagious or sum’in. Well this time was bit different cus her face was not red, redder or even reddist, her hands were a lot stronger, and boi do I mean strong now, I can’t even break free like when I did with Mary! So I asked her, miss Nedada, I think I’m uncomfortable now. To which she did not reply and pull my shirt up, mind you the school uniform was a layer of shirt outside white buttoned thingy so pulling it up just mean very uncomfortable and crampy. But soon enough I feel myself being touch and stared on my belly, chest and arms again, what’s with this trend and everyone that kept doin’ it now? 

“Hmph… Young man, you are one spectacular boy… Sports?”

“Back at my home now, I do swim, and now I occasionally bike ‘round miss.” I answered “Well can ye get it back now.”

“Never thought I would get my hands on such a good body.” Madam Nedada raised her eyebrows “I’ll promise not to murder you if you let me test on your body, Jimmy Evans, and not to tell on my identity.” Now her hand got on may face which was very weird now.

“Well, anything you needed help with, Miss. But I don’t like my shirt taken off now. Can ye put it back for may.”

“Hmph, you are one innocent baby, have you ever heard of CBT?” She did eventually put it back, as if anticipatin I was gunna break free, she gripped tight on both my wrists and got it down to the bed, it was hurtful Imma tell ya.

“No I never buy any brand sandwiches miss.”

Next thing I heard was the sound of chemist class stormin’ at may as the bell rang now.

“Oh, that’s my queue, see ya miss.” I sat up and got down to da bed before making mah way back to class “I’ll be sure to help you after school!”

“How can you!?” I overheard her says sumthin but didn’t quite catch it now, didn’t know why I kept on runnin’, probably cus the chemist teacher is very strict now.

Lady Denana seduced
Quest Complete

Reward received:
[Body Immunity] upgrade
two system points

Hidden Quest complete:
Seduce Aoi Caravan, Lily Lililith and Lady Denana in one week

Reward received:
Ten system points

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