Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 19: Chap 19

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"Well I never knew u had such nice car now." I asked Naomi on the way dere, while lookin' out that window teh see a colorful bird just flew by and helloed me now.

"Haha, Naomi does now, but it seems though Jimmy still rides a back. My my… But you don't look that easily bullied anymore, Naomi must say." Naomi added with a hand on her chin now.

"Well," I think a lil bit and said "Naomi still is Naomi, I think. Just more beautiful."

"My my… Did Naomi just get called beautiful? Haha, thank you Jimmy. You are beautiful too."

With dat said, we arrived at a place we'd always wanna come thru as kids now which wus a carnival of sort. Each time there's a concert or show ans sum back at our town we'd sneak in now. Well, by we here I meant me and some other kids in town since Naomi herself could ask her parents for tickets but she couldn't for us now. So today I brought mah own pocket money been savin' up and got through the front gate with confidence. We walk side by side and it was a strange feelin' lemme tell ye that, it was like people were noticin' us now and not in the normal way but more of a focused way I assume. "Who the hell dress so formal here?" I overheard a fella said and look down at mahself, what's wrong with what yer wearing? I asked quietly, momma always taught that clothes represent little compare to your heart, and the only time I needa worried was whether if I were respectin' the place I was visitin' like at church, funeral or sumthin. Then I should not be showing most of my skin or wear so loose thin clothes she told. Now Naomi don't seem to mind the eyes either as we both went ahead and tried a stall that was sellin' hotdog and cheese on a stick covered in a batter now.

"My… Two please." She slowly raises two fingers up.

"Two corn dogs coming right up for a lovely young couple."

"By the wey, kind sir." I put up a finger and signal a pause now, "Mah friend here don't like hot or cold food, can ye make it so that it's cool?"

That was when I noticed Naomi turnin' her head over at me now and chuckle with a high voice.

"You remembered, haha. Yes, Naomi thanks you."

That was when the vendor man looked at us weirdly 'gain. Now I need to tell ye these things are came premade already so when I buy sum they just fried em again in oil to keep it hot. So mine were in hot oil while Naomi one were given to her straight away with a napkin already with ketchup and mayonnaise squeeze on the long sides.

"That is £10 total." The man said.

"That's kinda expensive now, sir." I answers

"Sorry, kid. She already took a bite, pay up."

"My my… This is good enough that, Naomi doesn't think ten is a problem, haha." Naomi said after swallowin', then she take out a black rectangulur card out of her purse now. "Do you take card by any chance?"

A moment of silence ensues now. I dunno why but the man just stare at may up and down, stare at Naomi then stare at her card and facepalm himself.

"You two are fucking serious. No one use credit cards here."

"Well, I do have cash sir."

I got into mah pocket and counted out from a stack of cash, or mah allowance money that am saved up. Ten ones. We then got on our way.

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"My… that was embarrassing." Naomi said, looking over at may. "Naomi never knew there are places that, don't take cards, haha."

"Well, I don't think people use those that often here now. But don't worry, ah got 'nough cash here for us I think. By the way, look at this now Naomi."

I took a bite of mah own corndog and move my head backwards, for a cheese line that melted inside to stretch from the dog to mah mouth as I pulled away more and it kept stretching more and more and more until my head can't pull back no more and start biting the cheese now, well it didn't taste like anything I'll tell ye that much, the batter is better in my opinion.

"Haha, Jimmy is still as amusing as ever." Naomi covers her mouth for a laugh 'gain, I now noticed she's still wearing her gloves which was a good idea for not getting crumbs all over your hands like I'm getting now. Still it fits very well with her black dress.

"My... So no one accept Naomi's card here. How unfortunate, and embarrassing, haha."

After payin' for some drinks and walkin' around with Naomi without her able to use her cards anywhere, she said that she wanted to pay for sumthin' so we went around rides and ball houses to see whether if anywhere accept card now but sadly none did. That was when me and Naomi stumbled across a haunted house with quite a good price I might say that accepts her card, so we wait for the clerk to do her thing and I turned around to ask her. Naomi, do ye think it's haunted in that haunted house right dere? Naomi does, Jimmy, she added, it's amazing how they able to make ghosts stay in one place like this, don't ye think? 

So we entered with drinks on our hand now, and was told carefully not to spill anythin' or break anythin' since a lot of decorations could be fragile now. By the way, Jimmy. Naomi spoke up. Yeah, Naomi? I answered. How are you living? She asks may. Well, I then answer to her where and mah mom currently livin' and what our house was like, but ye fellas know what I saw? That moment was when I saw a very tall man in leather mask was holding a chainsaw rushing towards us! I was frightened when I saw that now, he stopped in front of us and looked as us while Naomi was laughin' when I approaches and tell him. Sir, if ur holding your chainsaw like that, you can really hurt yourself, try standing upstraight like this and hold it like this so when you even drop it, it won't hurt ye now.

He didn't seem to speak any English to may knowledge since he just "hmm huhh grr baaa" so me and Naomi walked passed him, what a strange fella ye get what I mean? I don't see any trees nearby or none. So anyways, Naomi asked may again: It seems as though ur in a small house, why don't ye buy a bigger one? We don't have enough money, I answered. Well, why don't you just get money? She asks may. Well, we are, just not enough to buy a house now. I answers. Which confused Naomi even more, well, I assume so because she suddenly look at may, even though her facial expression was still the same to may. Why don't ye get enough money? That was when my brain goes brum brr and didn't think anymore. I don't know, Naomi. I answers, maybe I'll have money to buy mah momma a good house when I graduate and be rich like ye.

Before exiting, we got into a very narrow corridor and when we turn a corner, there was a big but old TV that was showin' sumthin like a still image of a woman in white dress and veryyyyy long hair. When we approach, the woman step out of the TV! It was like magic ye know? I wonder if one day Loupphi from Won Peace could do the same now. She and raises her hands both forwards towards us.

"My my..." Naomi walked towards the woman and moved her hair out of her eyes, tucking 'em behind on her ears now, showing a very cute kinda freckled face that was hidden behind her hair. "Naomi thinks a woman shouldn't be ashame of her face, haha. You are beautiful and don't need to cover it."

We then walked past her, standing still like the chainsaw guy from earlier, that was when we encountered more weird ppl like a zombie, scary sounds, vampires and mermen and other cool cosplaying people. But then we finally got to the otherside of the haunted house, ending our small trip. Naomi asks if we could hold hands for a few minutes because it's gunna be time for her to go home now, I said yes and we sat by the bench holdin' hands like good friends now, it was a cold evenin' too so it all worked out well. It was a good thirty min or so of pure silence and random questions about the weather, airplane food which; personally I neva had and what not before she stood up, so I did too.

"That was a wonderful evening, haha. My... Naomi thinks Naomi is going to call the driver soon, do you want a lift home, Jimmy?"

"Well, thank-a-kindly now but I think not imma go on bike, I gotta drop by Big Tony house to return the suit and then gotta go do some Dashing Door orders for the day now. See ye tomorrow, Naomi."



And so Naomi and Jimmy Evans departed. Naomi walked out of the fun place and went on foot, trying to find a well-populated street to call her driver, but before that, she passed by an alleyway where a voice whispered to her there.

"I want to... Talk to you... Naomi."

Thank you for choosing us.

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