Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 21: Chap 21. That One Time I Help The British Government With a Multidimensional War

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Good day fellas, this is the 6th day since school started now and it was Saturday so I didn't have to go to school, but lemme tell ye something real quick a'ight.

That afternoon, I met with Lady Denana, or Madam Nedada; our school nurse on the street. She was wearing really professional looking vests and gloves and sunglasses and stuff but I noticed by her long pink hair right away now and came to her for a nice chatty. We greeted formally, she was still interested in getting to test sum poisons on mah body now but I wanted to tell her a story first. So we sat down at a cáfe nearby for a nice chat while I was on mah tank top. I ordered a strawberry smoothie now while she ordered lemonade which was a good choice for a nice evenin' now.

Well the story kicks off at the end of yesterday, I told her. After my date with Naomi; I was still on my nice black tuxedo that Big Tony lend me mindchu. I ask the two fellas I asks for help guarding mah bike, or the Em-Ay-6 (MI6) if I could get may bikes back. They shook their head and told may they needed mah help. So I can't get mah bike just yet and had to went with them on a fancy limo to a warehouse at the middle of nowhere where men in military uniforms with guns and masks and stuff were there waiting for may. On their logo said SAS or Special Air Forces which made may thank they might be pilots now.

Well it turned out that in the middle of the Pacific Ocean now, there was a huge pirate ship that got an ancient Egypt artifact of sorts that they uses to open sum sort of portal to another world that look just like ours! But that world is far more violent and they wanna come over here to fight us and that ship is boutta get on land very soon with their military equipment that they can't bring thru the portal onboard now so they needed empty land or island or sumin'

Well, to this very dangerous mission, them satellites that are on space, ye know those? Flying disk thingy that people get on top of us and can look down with very high quality? Ye they said that there are at least 10 ships around that one big pirate ship with the portal and artifact innit. To find a common ground now, the brit military, or the SAS here I saw decided to get sum help with their friends. Another group which ain't on any country now, they called themselves the Whiteground who are people with guns and tanks and planes like real militaries but they don't have a country to protect but they do it for money or sumthin'

Soon enough they show up, a huge group of men in black armor and guns that seems real scary now are plannin' with them and I get to meet and chat with one of 'em. A nice fella called himself Jonathan-Zero or sumthin which was a strange name I'd tell ye that much. He told me this could be his last work, he gunna help the world from being overtake by militaries from another dimension before retiring and he'll finally done his 100th job so he could make a wish for himself and the Whiteground will provide. Well what do ye wishin' for? I asked. Well, he had a crush on this woman, he said. That also wanna retire but her job was not easily finished but got to drag on for years even for just one job so she had not been finish ten yet. He never gotten a chance to talk to her privately other from that and a few nice chitchats but her codename is Lady-Seven.

Well that's strange, I answered. I know a woman named Lady, but it was Lady Denana and not Lady-Seven or sum. I then describe to him mah school nurse now and Jonathan-Zero widened his jaws in shock as he looked me up and down and laugh, sayin' that's her. And told me not to tell anyone or he'll use his wish to behead every single man and woman with my blood related to 'em which was scary now.

Have ye ever parachute before, kid? Jonathan-Zero shouted asking may while we were flying very high over the Pacific Ocean, with may eyes I could see the ships down there now as the back of the plane opened and wind was pouring in. No sir I have not now. I answered. Well, first time for everything! He said then jumped down first, next thing I know. I don't even think! I just jumped right down with him with a very heavy gun-rifle thingy strapped on may that no one taught me how to use, but I do see people putting in mags and pulling back those things on the side now before pullin' the trigger.

I parachuted down right where Jonathan-Zero was now, the main ship that was being guarded the most while the rest of his team and the SAS gotte the others escortin' ships and watched as he skillfully uses his own rifle to shoot down people and I watched carefully before copying everythin' and helped him before we got to the containers where we got at the portal. Next thing I know, one man I shot didn't stay down but rather he was fakin' it. Jonathan-Zero hears rustling and looked back to see a bullet flying towards may! He took one for me and I could not stop the bleeding. Before gone, he looked at may in the eyes with his glistening eyes and said. Jimmy Evans, I've only known you for so long but, take my dog-tag right here, and when you came back to them, told them about my 100th mission. You were the one who held mah cold body, so you get to wish, mah friend.


The operation success, sadly tho. Nothing shall be record for the public now since it is a convert covert sumthin I don't remember. But then before the Whitegrounds depart with the casualties, I told 'em about Jonathan-Zero dog-tag, his badge and ask If I could make a wish mahself. Well, what do ye need, young man? One asks may. I think a bit before answering, well. I'd like a new tuxedo that look like this, with sum cash like few hundreds or so to pay back to Big Tony because I ruined his wedding memories now. And I want mah school nurse Lady Denana, or in this case Lady-Seven I think? To be retired right now if she agrees to.

And that was the end of mah story now, just before meetin' her and sitting at this cáfe here. I got mah bike back, got Big Tony suit back with some compensatin' cash and got mah wish of freein' Lady Denana. But when I told her the whole story, her face went pale or sum'in.

"Hmph... Stop making stuff up, young man. You are not funny, I don't know where you get those ideas and names from but—" Madam Nedada was gonna finish but a phone call interrupted her and she look up at may again.

"Lady-Seven, Report-10-1-02, Safe-Safe-Lock-366. Huh...? What do... What do you mean I can retire?"

Well I wish to chat more but it was time for may to do more Dashing Door orders for the day so I went ahead to pay for our drinks and go now.

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