Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 24: Chap 24. Mary’s Parents’ Confrontation (2)

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"My wife's and I... We are starting new families here, we don't know how to break it to her without affecting her studies."

I was flap the gas lid-ed when I thought what I hard was incorrect now, so I ask Mr. Antoinette again; are you sure?

"Her mother and I didn't want her to find out so soon... Wait, what are you doing over at New Zealand if you're Mary's friend, kid?"

"Well, it dun matter as much now I suppose. But sir, mah mama said marrying is love and trust between only two, why must you love more than now? And Mary's gunna be very sad."

Mary's father than told may to have a seat with him, so I did. He said to may: Kid, thanka for caring 'bout us and kind to Mary now, but you see, things just aren't what it's like when the Antoinettes when they were teenagers, both of us gotta drop out of school and work deadends when we had Mary. We wouldn't want any of that to happen the same for her, she'll be grateful when she gets a good job and never know a thing about an empty stomach.

I saw that he was starin' at sum old black n' white pictures, a woman who look much like Mary now just a bit older and him; so I assume that's when they first married and the scene was a music band or sum in'. But to his answer I was very much confused and scratch may face, to which I replied back: But sir, Mary is lonely and wants your love more than anythin' now, she also got fevers which made her face all red these few days and I saw her tears when she's home alone teh study, it broke mah heart and I dun want any of mah friends that I know of to be like that.

"Is this what this is about?" Mister Antoinette stared at may, "Her asking whenever could we be home again?"

Next thing he know, he was so angry he slammed the table and stood up straight.

"You, kid, your name?"

"Jimmy Evans, sir."

"Mr. Evans." He said to may with his arms crossed, "How would I run my company and make money if I'm at home right now? Mary got her nanny, she got a warm roof and all she needed to do is study. We? We didn't have that kind of opportunities, so I'm telling you right now, young man, is to not encourage Mary on whatever shenanigans you're doing, and not to break to her the news about me and her mother's falling off. We are still a loving couple to her, I hope you're smart enough to listen. And I'll call some doctors to come over and check up on her."

What I saw before me now is a man who was hurt a lot and loved his daughter; so I thought to mayself: Well, everyone got a point now, what should I do? I wanna keep Mary happy now since she's one of mah first friends in school, she helped me picked up mah erasure the first day of school... If I remember correctly now? So she's a very nice person, so I don't want her to feel sad again. But then her father is busy with his work too and he might get fired or sumthin, so I said to him: Sir, is money the problem ye can't come home now? To which he answered back: Not exactly, but you can said that.

So when I think again, I reach inside mah pants and get out a bank card and politely handed it out to Mr. Antoinette with both hands now. Mah momma said I should keep it safe on me at all time because she trust me with it, but she also told me to put helping other above all so I guess she won't be sad now.

"Mah momma and I been savin' up for meh to go to college, sum of may Door Dashing pays over the years is in this now." I said, "I hope this is enough for to buy ye time for one day now, it's gunna be Sunday soon."

"You..." Mary's father was quite shock or sum'in as he whispers and I could hear along the lines of  "I makes more in an hour..."

"Fine kid, you got guts. I won't take your money. But one other thing I'll need is time, I got works to do and my assisstant is off the clock."

Well to that there was only one reasonable thing I could do! To give Mary's father, or mister Antoinette more time! But how am suppose to do that now? Well, I look at the clock and think, maybe if I push the hour hand, or in this case the one that is short and chubby backwards, maybe that'll give him more times because it would be a bit later until its gonna be this time again so it's basically we got more time by going back time. But Mr. Antoinette said otherwise and told me I don't look like someone that can do paper works; probably because of my outfit and told me to go help down at the warehouse, it's gonna be a long day and if I could help with organizin' and deliverin' 500 boxes of the products now maybe he'll have time.

"Well, do ye have a phone I could borrow?"

I called sumone back at home. Of course I remember their numbers because they told may once, I remember mah momma, Lil Tony, Big Tony, the nice old lady down the street, the convenience store owner, the fellas at the studio, the principle, the securities, the construction workers, the fishermen and most importantly who I needed to call now, Giant Fish.

"Well, I can't call mah friend back at home for sum reason."

"Try 011-44-01491 and then the number." Mary's father told may, so I complied. "Who are you calling?"

Well I answered him, but he didn't seem to believe me now.

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"Yoooo wassup my man?" 

On the otherside of the line, Jimmy Evans could hear a familiar voice. The man had a deeper accent and was slapping his own thigh in excitement when he got a call and know it was Jimmy. 

"Nothin' much now Big Fish, I was wonderin' now about that thingy you said about that time when we were talkin' about how you can help me wherever I am now?"

"Yeah that's right what about it? Somebody gettin' on yer nerves homie? Gimme a name and face."

"Well, I was just wonderin' if yer friends can help meh with delivering lots boxes, I'm over at New Zealand uh... Wellington, like that one food ye know? Ye remember mah friend who I was riding mah bike with the other day? I'm helpin' her father rite with his job rite now."

"Fucking what now? You say what? You're helping your father-in-law delivering large quantities for his business already? My man! That's why I like you brother. Look look hold on to the line for a second now."

[Introduction Card]
Giant Fish (Alias)
Unnamed Criminal Family (UK's affiliation)

Jimmy Evans nodded, even though the gangster on the otherside of the line could not see it; with some inaudible yelling and waiting later, Giant Fish came back.

"Lil' Evans, you there?"

"I am sir."

"Listen, a'ight? I gotta let a brother down this one time. The only association we got down there is... Uh, our rival family, who are just like us but is not going to be as nice if you don't know them."

"Well I think that's silly now." Jimmy spoke up when noticing Giant Fish was having a small break in his voice, "Mama told may everyone is a nice soul inside and I should treat everyone equally even though they might yell or smash glasses a lot, I don't think they're bad people or anythin' now."

"sigh .. Look, I can do one thing, but you gotta listen carefully." Giant Fish sat up straight again, "Their family owed me a favor once, we take this seriously, but to get henchmens... How many you need again?"

"Well I need to help delivering 500 boxes, cars and trucks provided now."

"Your old man's be labor exploiting... Alright, it was a small favor, but it was a one. To get men for that job though; you also need to talk to them, it's risky alright? It can go south, you can be in a barrel if shits looses. I don't think you should be doing this."

"Well, anything to make mah friend smile now I'll do anythin' to get her father some more time. I don't think there none fuss needed since these are like ye friends back at home right? Just pleasantly nice people that always frown so of course I'm down, please help me get to 'em."

Soon, Jimmy Evans found himself at a small family restaurant, the waitress; a nice woman came and seated him. The young man smiled naively as ever as he looked around for the menu before saying the thing that Giant Fish told him.

"I would like da very last, middle and first thing on the drinks menu for myself with edible flowers, please."

The waitress, all confused, looked around the empty restaurant before whispering to Jimmy.

"Desserts, sir?"

"Uh... Giant Fish, please."

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