Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 34: Chap 34. Groceries Day With Madam Nedada

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Morning of today, an ex-mercenary, now fulltime nurse Lady Denana; or her current name, Madam Nedada was going on to buy groceries. Of course, it was because she's actually have to eat normal food like normal people cooked at her own house now. With the most common clothing possible, she walked down the street with a basket towards a convenience store.

Upon stepping her foot out on the street, something caught her survival instinct to rise! She ducked behind a tree when she thought she saw a sniper rifle scope reflection from the tall apartment building two kilometers away East, where the sun was shining which limited her vision and making pinpoint the actual position of the enemy was impossible.


"My... Jimmy, did you see that? Naomi did tell you that if Naomi drops a coin from such height down and hit a brick, the brick would be broke in half, didn't Naomi? Hahaha."

"Well it sure have, so cool ye got such a collection of shiny coins now."

After half an hour of patiently waiting, Madam finally got an opening when there's people crossing by the street to finally dashed out and secure a good cover so that the sniper could not have a straight shot nor eyes on her. She made her there was always cover on the East, perhaps a building or cars or people when she walked down the street. She made it half way and was at an intersection now where all of a sudden a car at a red light randomly turned on its headlights and shined it bright on her! It was in the early morning, to repeat.

'Tch, you can't blind Lady-Seven that easily.'

Madam Nedada then did a quick flip out of the streets, her pink her dangling in the wind as she made it on top of a high power pole and stood to observe, she did not see any squad in tactical uniform in the 500 meters round area. So either it's a sniper squad, or her enemies were infiltrating as civilians... But this type of attack is so unusual she could not think of any of her old nemesis doing this, not even her old squad who might taken a grudge against her retiring. Either way, after 0,2 seconds of scanning, she jumped out of sight, poles after poles, trees after trees until she thought she was safe.


"Oh dear~ That was the headlights, you're going to blind someone." Aoi chuckled in the shotgun seat while leaning over to turn off the headlights, then patting Mary on her head.

"Ugh, driving is so hard!" Mary pouted her cheeks, before looking confused. "I thought I saw someone familiar..."

Madam got to somewhere remote before she could finally descend down to safety. Upon getting close to the grocery store and seeing no threat however, things got to a hectic turn... She heard a lot of footsteps, to the point that the earth started to shake violently, she turned around to see a great horde of older women charging towards her!

'Hmph, they are going to attack me from amongst the crowd, and I can't fight back in case of civilian casualty!'

She activated ultra instinct and stood as the women passed by to enter the groceries store, her eyes glared at each and everyone of them that passed through her, hitting her shoulder, stomping on her leg, grabbing on her hair and all that, she noticed and observed carefully of any grenades, knives or handguns that could have been pulled on her, none... But the damage it did standing still and not losing ground on such a great number, caused Madam to lose a great number of stamina.

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'Damn it... Snipers, civilians and old woman? This is too much of an elaborate hit.' She kneeled on the ground in pain.


Lily Lililith stood near the quarter, hands on her pocket and stared at some job recruiting papers, she also noticed a big announcement that lettuces in the nearby grocery store were going on a great 70% sales deal just for today, which was not useful to her.

Madam went inside the grocery store to try and stay calm, blend in, avoid the women arguing and get her ingredients for this week's meal. That was when she noticed something above her head, a screwdriver was flying over the shelves towards her head! She catches the thing and looked to her left and right, one of the hitmen was right in front of her eyes and the only thing separating her from them was a mere shelf full of food, with a new acquired weapon, she dashes around the corner, holding the screwdriver upside down to prepare for an attack.

"I'm taking you down with m- YOU TWO?"


"Oh! I'm so glad I met a friend of Jimmy here. But um... Yuzu, I don't think you should be juggling such a dangerous thing like that, you might hurt yourself!"

"Thank you Hailey... For caring about me... But I think I can be careful because... I have to protect my friends so... I got to practice. Ah- oops"

The screwdriver Yuzu Mikan was juggling on her hands finally got out of hand and flew high to the other side of the shelf they was walking besides, before they knew one more thing, they saw a figure with pink hair, purple eyes and a deadly gaze dashes towards them with the forementioned screwdriver.

"I'm taking you down with m- YOU TWO?"

Madam could not stop the momentum of her body which was dashing forward, she was simply speechless and confused so much so that she was not able to make herself to stab either of them, therefore she retract her hand, landed on the ground with a loud THUD and it hurts a lot.

That was not too much of an successful grocery day.

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