Messenger Of The King

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Messenger

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Azuki got off his throne and wondered what Alice is doing right now but he couldn't leave at the moment due to leading an operation.

Aliciana Victona started messaging Hasako and required a head from a deceased soldier so he can try summoning an undead.

'I hope the mechanics are similar to the new world in overlord or I will be wasting mana after the 15th summon.' he thought.

Hasako began jumping up with gladness and then started preparing.

His servant asked the elf servant to activate a portal, he entered it and proceeded in chopping a head off out of the mountain of dead foes.

' Only 60,000 people here are new while the 300,000 are just dead invaders from the 2 other attempts in taking here."

Hasako removed the head of the chosen individual then went back to his master then presented the head before his master.

Azuki Tamayo took up and then used the summon death knight, a large figure with a large shield and a curved blade appeared.

'Time to find out if the creatures are permanent existences in this world.'

Azuki inspected the undead and then began thinking of what to do with the summon.

After waiting for 150 minutes, the creature did not disappear so he proceeded to order the summon.

Aliciana Victona:" Go to the village and inspect the locals then report on the event, if anyone strikes then wipe out the attacker."

The undead roared and left the presence of the master, a portal appeared before it.

Azuki's undead appeared before the village but none of the people seem shocked at the turn of events.

Upon its arrival, none of the locals seems shocked at its appearance, the elder liches present gave way to the undead knight.

As the death knight passed by and arrived at a location, it stood at the eastern area without issue.

An old man encountered a strange undead and asked it a question.

The old man signaled the death knight to follow him, it followed the old man and then found Alice.

Due to the large thumps sounding from behind her, she turned around but is shocked to notice a well-known undead before her.

Azuki's death knight began explaining in a  lengthy fashion but none knew what the undead is saying.

Alice:" Elder Dranos, can you use an item to tell what it said."

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Dranos took out a ring and then asked the undead to repeat what it said.

Their guest repeated his statement which made Dranos realize what is happening.

He turned to Alice then prepared to explain what it said.

Dranos:" It said that it came here to check up on you and the locals, can you explain what is happening so I may inform my master of what is happening lately."

Alice:" I bath, cook then plant new crops with the fellow villagers but the elder lich along with their summons  caused our workload to be faster than expected."

The visitor turned around with Dranos behind it,  as it passed two locals.

Azuki's death knight stopped and then began asking the villagers similar questions with Dranos explaining what it is saying.

Dranos: "What does  your master want from this village?"

Death Knight: "Roar."

Dranos: "So you are sure what your master but you are sure that it works out in the fairest way possible."

Both worked around the village for a while before the death knight turned and then gave a roar before.

Its roar made the villagers stop and question what it is thinking.

Villagers:" What did it say?"

Dranos:" Goodbye."

The undead traveled back towards his master on foot and then informed Azuki so what happened.

His death knight is told to stand in the far right of the throne room.

Aliciana Victona:" So they do chores and work on crops only then harvest but  does this mean, I will have to go out and find people to grow the village?"

Azuki's death knight roared which him to come back to reality.

He started using his mirror for viewing to find areas with people, as he searched the area, Auzki found a strange site that blocked his viewing.

'So player items are in this and when was I able to understand undead speech, maybe I will need to experiment more often to understand the world's rule."

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