Metro Labyrinth

Chapter 58: 49

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 The three of us are dressed in matching cloaks. It is late May, and the dark cloak is a bit hot, but they make us look like hunters.



“Abeshuu! Look! Look! Look at me, squeak!” (Tamiko)


“I know I’ve said it many times, it suits you. So. Relax.” (Shuu)



 It was Tamiko’s first time wearing the outfit. Every time she puts it on, she runs around the room excitedly. By the way, the front closure is buttoned so she can easily put it on and take it off by herself. The shiny buttons are one of her favorite things.



 Her luggage is all packed and ready to go. Finally, her first adventure as a hunter begins.


 Our goal is Ouji Metro in the north. It is a nest of golems.



“Wow… Finally, a chance to ride the Crocodile Bus…” (Shuu)



 I had seen it from afar a few times before, but now I finally get to use it as a passenger. One of the public transportation systems in New Tokyo is commonly known as the Crocodile Bus.



 The crocodiles are pulling a cart behind them, just like a horse-drawn carriage, but it is quite a spectacle to see two gigantic crocodiles over 10 meters long walking side by side. The crocodiles have been properly tamed since they were young, so they do not attack passersby.



 The cart has a roof and windows, and the seats on either side are surprisingly soft. The space available on the cart can accommodate up to 20 people. The ride to Komagome City could carry about ten people, including my party. I was not satisfied with the fact that Tamiko, who was the size of my shoulder, was also charged a solid fee for the ride.



“So strong, squeak! The wind is rushing towards me, squeak!” (Tamiko)



 Tamiko was so excited that she stuck herself out the window. She is enjoying her first crocodile bus ride more than anyone else. Well, if she enjoys it as much as we paid for it, that’s all that matters.



“Hey, have you taken off your cape yet?” (Shuu)


“Hot, squeak. But Noa still has hers, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“I thought you would.” (Shuu)



 The ride was not very fast, about the same as walking a horse, but it was comfortable with little swaying.


 The road is to the east, outside the city of Sugamo. The road winds its way through peaceful landscapes of spinning watermills and windmills. The weather is beautiful, so the ride is pleasant.



“You can see them clearly from here, huh…” (Shuu)



 The spores seem to be less scattered today, and the air is clearer. So we can see far and wide.


 When I first saw the Sky Tree in the direction of south-southwest… after moving to New Tokyo, I was suitably impressed, but when I noticed it, I first suspected an optical illusion, and even after it was pointed out to me that it was real, I could not get rid of the feeling that it was impossible.



 It was a mushroom.


 A mushroom that rose as high as a mountain.


 A mushroom that was clearly outlined in the blue sky like a spade symbol.



“Ah, the Dragon’s Mushroom, huh.” (Noa)


“I see.” (Shuu)



 What is the world’s largest animal?


 The Heisei era. If it is limited to the ground, it is the African elephant. If we include the sea, it would be the blue whale.


 But if you change the question to what is the world’s largest living creature, it is neither an elephant nor a whale. The answer is the mushroom. Somewhere in the United States, a type of mushroom called the Armillaria ostoyae is said to have spread as a mushroom bed covering nine square kilometers. The whole thing is said to be a single living organism, but that doesn’t seem fair.


 At any rate, that giant shadow is indeed “a mushroom”. The 300-plus meter-long god-like mushroom sits in Ichigaya, right in the middle of Tokyo. Hunters call it the “Dragon’s Mushroom Den”.



“The labyrinth of fungus, the labyrinth of labyrinths, the nest of Beast Kings…” (Noa)



 According to Noa, the interior of the “Dragon’s Mushroom Den” is one vast labyrinth. It is an extremely difficult dungeon infested with some of the most powerful Metro Beasts in New Tokyo, so much so that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Hunters’ Guild restrict entry to low-level hunters.


 And above all.


 The top of the dungeon is home to one of the five most powerful Metro Beasts in New Tokyo, the “Beast King,” Dark Purple Dragon, Night-Vision Dragon, Yamamoto. How it got such a strange name is unknown. It is said to be a gigantic winged dragon several tens of meters in height. [T/N: I made a literal translation of the name.]



“The Beast King? I heard it’s really strong, but how strong is it really?” (Shuu)


“It is said that it is estimated to be over 200 in terms of level.” (Noa)


“That’s absolutely ridiculous.” (Shuu)



 In ancient times, a tribe was once destroyed in a single night by another Beast King. The Metropolitan Government, Church, Guild, and other organizations are forbidden from interfering with the existence of the tribe.


 If it were a game, you might say, “Okay, I’ll defeat it someday!” or “I want you to protect the treasure, you know?” But unfortunately, this is real life, and if you lose, you cannot just press continue. I heard that the foot of the mountain is a tourist spot, so I decided to go there to buy an amulet or something.



“Hmm, someday I’ll turn it into an acorn dumpling, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“I hope you don’t wet yourself.” (Shuu)





 We arrived at the west gate of Komagome City a little after noon. We will have to get off there.



“There seems to be a crocodile bus bound for Ouji at the north gate of Komagome.” (Noa)


“Then let us ride it, shall we?” (Shoo)



 The gate looks a lot like Sugamo, but the atmosphere in the city is a little different.


 Is it favoritism? Compared to Sugamo, where people come and go lively, it feels a little lifeless here. Sugamo looks cleaner and has more stores.



“Would you like to eat here for lunch?” (Noa)


“Hmm…” (Shuu)



 Halfway through, I ate some random bread on the bus.



“I’ll just buy anything and eat it on the way again. I want to get to the metro as soon as possible.” (Shuu)


“The area around the Ouji Metro is what’s called the Metro Town, so I’m sure there will be plenty of good food there.” (Noa)


“Metro Town?” (Shuu)


“As it is, it is a town built around a Metro. Ouji is famous for its hot springs. The specialty is Asukayama Manju, you see?” (Noa)


“Manju? The ones that are soft and filled with red bean paste?” (Shuu)


“Correct. Also, Asukayama Onsen eggs and so on.” (Noa)


“Abeshuu go, go, go now! Don’t just let your head move, put your feet into it, squeak!” (Tamiko)


“I am already going on the bus.” (Shuu)



 A shiver runs down his spine, and he turns around involuntarily.



“…Abeshuu?” (Tamiko)


“What’s the matter?” (Noa)


“…Did you two feel that?” (Shuu)

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 The two girls looked at each other and shook their heads.


 I looked around. The traffic in the late afternoon. People who pass by. The hustle and. There was nothing strange about it.



“…I’m sorry, maybe it’s just my imagination.” (Shuu)



 I felt a gaze. Something extremely eerie, like something crawling down my spine.





 We boarded the crocodile bus again from the north gate and headed down the street. As usual, the scene was full of majestic nature that did not feel like Tokyo.



“…I can see the wall.” (Shuu)



 From the top of the gentle uphill, you can see a wall faintly all the way to the other side. It is a huge wall, 500 meters high, that covers New Tokyo. It is a plain gray color with no decoration.



“The east side looks like an amazing mountain.” (Shuu)



 It looks like a mountain or a pillar of rock with a bare rock surface. There are a number of such mountains or rock pillars rising in a row. They are called Karsts. I never thought I would be able to see such a spectacular view of the mountains of China right here in Tokyo. I wondered if this was also a topography created by the Metro Flood or deformation of the Earth’s crust.



“That’s Senju Tribe territory, you know.” (Noa)


“Senju?” (Shuu)


“It is a tribe located northeast of New Tokyo. The current chief is a martial arts fighter and has his own culture and all of the territory’s residents, including the “Peasants,” are trained in martial arts. It is a very closed tribe with minimal interaction with the outside world, so it has the image of a hidden village in the middle of nowhere under a lot of mystery.” (Noa)


“Huh.” (Shuu)



 When you say it like that, the scenery looks like the headquarter of Shaolin monks.


 And so the two crocodiles trudged on their way. Along the way, they were caught in a light rain, almost got splashed with mud by a wagon, and were stared at by a pack of wild dogs, but they were undaunted and continued on their way. I was so emotionally involved in the story that I almost cried.


 Somehow, we manage to catch a glimpse of a human settlement before the sun sets. I thank the driver and the crocodiles.



“Oh, we’re finally here.” (Noa)


“I’m tired, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“You didn’t even walk a single step.” (Shuu)



 Many people are passing by the gate. From a distance, it looks like Sugamo and Komagome are surrounded by a moat, but the inside of the moat is more of a fence than a wall. While the sky remains indigo, orange lights and bustling bustle are leaking out.



“Is this the Metro Town of Ouji Metro?” (Shuu)



 Somehow, it has an atmosphere similar to that of a touristy hot spring town. I don’t mind this kind of thing.


 There is a small crowd just inside the gate. At the center of the audience, standing with his back to the street, is a skinny man of about fifty standing on a wooden box.



“–The evidence is that in the last few years, the number of golems in Ouji Metro and the number of resources mined have been declining. Everyone, who gathers in this city, knows this better than most.” (Noa)



 The man is dressed in a long-sleeved white robe and wears on his head what looks like a Shinto priest’s eboshi [T/N: an ancient formal head wear]. His attire was reminiscent of a Shinto priest. Next to him is a young man dressed one rank below him.



“He’s a Preacher from the Church.” (Noa)



 Noa whispers to me.



“We, the Metro Church, have always advocated ‘harmony with the Metro’. However, the Ouji Metro here has clearly gone beyond the bounds of harmony and has been receiving excessive excavation. If this continues, it is only a matter of time before the Metro resources are depleted, and if we do not put a stop to it somewhere, the only thing that awaits us is the road to ruin. And it is not just a matter of livelihood or economy!” (Preacher)



 The preacher’s tone gradually grew more passionate. Some were listening intently, while others were half-smiling, watching the reactions of those around them. The Preacher must have noticed us, but he ignored us or stubbornly refused to look at us.



“In antiquity, human society flourished thanks to the supernatural development of scientific civilization. This Tokyo was overflowing with goods, people, information, and money. However, it was the very environment of the planet itself that was being made to pay the price. Prideful ancient mankind dishonored the lives of animals and insects, violated forests and fields, polluted the atmosphere, and scattered toxins on the earth and water. Can you believe that a hundred years ago, this place was a barren wasteland where not a single tree or grass could grow because of the environmental pollution that had gone too far?” (Preacher)



 I would like to voice my objection, I think it’s too much of an exaggeration. If this area was around Ouji Station, there was some greenery. I used to take a ride on the very short monorail at Asukayama Park and look at the view.



“A hundred years ago, a [Super Fungal Contamination] destroyed the previous civilization. It was the condemnation and salvation of the sinful old human race. The will of Metro, the will of the planet! We have judged the barbarism of mankind that pollutes the earth and robs it of life, and we have restored the abundant forests to this land!!” (Preacher)


(Salvation, huh?) (Shuu)



 A catastrophe that has killed more than 10 million people and reduced Tokyo, which people had built up, to dust.



(Is that real salvation?) (Shuu)


“Fortunately, the “Metro Wall,” soaring high into the sky, still cuts us off from the outside world. However, according to a survey conducted by the Church sixty years ago, the world outside the wall has been completely devastated and is no longer inhabited by living creatures.” (Preacher)


“*Whisper* (Really?)” (Shuu)


“*Whisper* (I hear that sometimes, but I doubt it.)” (Noa)


“In other words, this may be the last paradise left for us human beings. Do you understand? We have been absolved of our sins by the [Super Fungal Contamination] from the Metro, protected from destruction by the [Metro Wall], and kept alive today by the grace of the Metro! And yet, here in Ouji, we continue to be so foolish and disrespectful of the Metro. It is obvious that if this continues, we will follow the same path as the previous civilization! What will come is a second [Super Fungal Contamination]! Or the [Demon War] of fifty years ago! It is too late to sound the alarm!” (Preacher)



 “Yes, yes,” a voice shouted. The people at the front of the line are listening attentively.



“Harmony with the Metro, coexistence with the Metro! The gate where the god of the Itokuri dwells is the Metro! Awe and revere! The only path left for us, the [People of Threads] is to walk with the Metro.” (Preacher)



 –I don’t know. That sounds suspicious.


 The preacher stopped speaking and turned to me.



 He looked at Tamiko, who was standing on my shoulder. Tamiko on his shoulder also screams, “Pigyaa!?”


 The skinny cheeks, the bloodshot eyes, the blood vessels on the forehead. It was as if she was possessed by something.



“Shuu-san, let’s go.” (Noa)


“Huh? Yeah.” (Shuu)



 Noa took me by the arm and we left the place. I feel a massive soft thing on my elbow, but I didn’t notice it.



“That’s bad, don’t say anything that criticizes the Preacher.” (Noa)


“Was that what they said?” (Shuu)



 I mean, did he hear it? I was at a distance, within that noise.



“What he says maybe crazy, but they are the absolute authority of this country, on par with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Although he has a mouth to yell, he has no ears to listen to counterarguments. As the saying goes, ‘Don’t curse at the untouchable gods’.”


“He’s a little scary. I was afraid he’ll squeak like a chicken, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Don’t go puking or pissing yourself on other people’s shoulders.” (Shuu)


“That’s mean, squeak. I’m a good girl, squeak. I won’t let you call me a girl who shames herself anymore, squeak!” (Tamiko)




 She doesn’t know yet that the next day she will shame herself twice.

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