Metro Labyrinth

Chapter 72: 60

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The golem doesn’t let out a cry.


 It just stands there, assertive and intimidating only with its rocky body.



 When you know that you are dealing with a powerful enemy, it seems even more terrifying. It is more intimidating than if it just howled.



 I had my [Katana] in my right hand and [Great Shield] in my left hand. Two [Katana] on both hypha arms, all shining with [Light Blade]. It was my ideal skill combo.



 The scorpion golem was slowly approaching.


 Slowly and cautiously, I advanced my steps.



 The distance between them closes, and they stop. The pause between us is only a second, but it feels like minutes.


 The tip of the scorpion’s tail crumbles, and a white tip peeks out from its end.


 The next moment, it extends straight to my chest. It was as fast as a laser.



“Ugh!” (Shuu)



 There is no way around it. There is no other way but to catch it.


 The [Great Shield] is knocked out of my hand. My body is thrown back.



 As I was knocked out of my position, my eyes catch a glimpse of a red ball ejected from the spherical body.



 A chill runs down his spine. I used [Leaping] with one shaky foot and slide on the ground to get away. In the nick of time, it explodes into a pillar of fire. It was [Fireball].



 Before I have time to bring out my [Great Shield] again, the white tip comes at me from the side. It is like a whip with a sword attached.



 I cross my right hand and hypha arm’s [Katana] to catch it. “Gah–nnng!” A shock runs down my spine. I fought back with the soles of my shoes.



“Hah!” (Shuu)



 This time, I attack. I use [Leaping] to close the gap and slashed at one of the legs. I cut it from both sides with my mycelial arm, but—



(No way!) (Shuu)



 The leg is much tougher than I thought. I can’t cut even a third through it.


 The leg stomps on the ground in an attempt to crush me. Unable to block it, I moved away once more.



“Damn it, it’s this is the toughest thing I’ve ever seen.” (Shuu)



 By the time we get here, the golems are getting stronger and tougher as we go deeper and deeper, and as we go down the floors we fought in.



 According to the guidebook, this is because “the deeper underground you go, the more the composition of the rocks itself changes,” but that does not explain it.



 The Shishikaba sisters speculated that the golem’s tentacles, which parasitize and manipulate the rocks, may also be responsible for the increase in its sturdiness. In other words, the main body of the golem might be making the rocks harder. I have no idea how it works, and I am not sure.



 When I get close, the golem can stomp or kick me away with its legs.


 At mid-range, its sword whip can be wielded at a speed unexpected for a golem. The trajectory of the attacks is limitless. Even with my [Light Blade] equipped, it’s really not safe to strike.



(I mean―if I move away I will be hit by its sword whip.) (Shuu)



 When I move further away, a [fireball] is released from the body. Even if the aim is not accurate, the area of effect is wide, and it can fire in rapid succession. Pillars of fire rises one after another, and hot air scorches my skin.



(I confirmed. I have no doubt.) (Shuu)



 Such a wide variety of attack methods and the intelligence to make full use of them.


 It is different from the golems we have seen so far. It can only be considered as a mature individual.



(It has both experience points and rare Fungal Skills.) (Shuu)


(That means I can count on it happening?) (Shuu)



 In the whirlpool of destruction violently scattering the silent Golems, I continued to move my gaze restlessly on it as I fled with my feet.



 There must be a weak point somewhere, the point closest to the main body. I am looking for it and observing the spherical body, but I just can’t find it. Am I overlooking it, or is the mark itself intentionally hidden (if so, it’s not fair)?



 It is difficult to cut off the legs. Myt long-range attacks are ineffective, and it is doubtful whether I will have enough strength to cut them off.



(Then—) (Shuu)



 There seems to be only one thing I can do.



 My [Fireball] intercepts the incoming [Fireball], and a violent explosion echoed.



“—Have you heard ‘Blackbeard Crisis’?” (Shuu)



 Wrapped around under the cover of the flames’ explosion, I lowered my waist, and used [Leaping]. I flew up in the air. [T/N: Blackbeard Crisis is a toy where you stab a pirate in a barrel.]


 The sword whip reacts. With two swings of my hypha arms, I repelled the straight-forward sword whip that is reaching out to pierce me.



“Oooooooooh!” (Shuu)



 I land on the sphere and thrusts my [Katana]. The rock slightly crumbles, but even with [Light Blade], it does not pierce deep enough.



“Cut it out!” (Shuu)



 But that’s to be expected.



“Raagh!” (Shuu)



 I struck the butt of the [Katana]’s hilt with my left hand using my [War Hammer]. While the [Katana] was broken in half, half of it penetrates deeply through the outer shell reaching the core.



 Tick! The body shakes for a moment. I thought, “Did it work?” The scorpion tail swings around and strikes my body.



 I quickly protected myself with my hypha arm, but I was knocked off the top of its body and was immediately targeted with the sword whip and a [Fireball]. I run away from the wall with [Leaping].



“Fuh, Fuh…” (Shuu)



 Keeping my eyes fixed on my opponent, I took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from my forehead.



 —My previous attack seems to have missed its vital point, but it clearly shows that it doesn’t like the attack.


 A golem is a golem, even in a special form. There seems to be no doubt that the weak point is somewhere in its body.


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“All I have to do is continue… after a few more shots and it will work.” (Shuu)



 I remember the pervert I kicked out who recently did such a thing, so I shake my head so hard I feel like my neck is going to fall off.



 The range of the [Fireball] explosion is important to take note, but the speed of the ball itself is not that great. The aim is not that accurate. It is easy to dodge.



 I look for an opening outside the range of the sword whip, I close the distance at once with [Leaping], and stab at the body. Then I quickly move out of the whip’s range—I just repeat the hit-and-run attack until I am lucky enough to hit the vital point.



 It’s a daunting task, but I think it’s the idea with the best chance of winning. We have risen from fighting crickets to slaying Boss Slimes, and I will not be beaten in a battle of endurance.



 The golem raises its scorpion tail and spins its sword whip with a swish. As if to say, “I’m ready to slice and dice you.”



“It’s the same for me… I’m going to pound you until you’re a sea urchin.” (Shuu)



 Creating a [Katana] in my right hand and [War Hammer] in my left hand. I wipe both with a swish and both were covered in light.



“Mithril is something precious! I want that mithril!” (Shuu)



 Mithrilgar, the four-armed monster rages.





 I counted up to the tenth.



“Dammit, it’s on the underside after all… Sh*t…” (Shuu)



 The [Katana] was driven into the underside. Then whitish bodily fluid is spilling out from the crack.



 The huge body with countless white swords piercing it like a pincushion swayed. Its three legs lost strength. Then, with a heavy thud, it fell sideways.



 Neither the legs nor the tail move. After confirming this, I also fell down on the spot.



“Hah… Tired…” (Shuu)



 How long have I been fighting? About twenty minutes.



 The work of piercing it endlessly while dealing with the whip sword. It was a series of thoughts that left my nerves frayed, but somehow I was able to defeat it while maintaining a high level of alertness.



“Shuu-san!” (Noa)


“Abeshuu!” (Tamiko)



 The sound of footsteps rushing toward me grew louder. It was Noa with Tamiko on her head. Noa’s shoulders are too narrow, so Tamiko is on her head.



“Are you two alright?” (Shuu)


“Oh my! Fighting like that was bad for the heart!” (Noa)


“Yes, yes, squeak! I feel like I’m going to get pee myself, squeak!” (Tamiko)



 My cheeks were pulled, Pat-pat and squish.



“Well, you see… I was going to run away if it looked like there was no chance of me winning…” (Shuu)



 It’s undeniable that I was in the reckless mode. Luckily, I was able to finish the fight.



“But… it’s finally here…” (Shuu)



 The fight was over. The prey we were looking for was also there.



 The result of the hard work of the past week and the fierce battle just a few minutes ago, my exhausted and battered body is longing for the results.



“I’ve used up a little too much Fungal Skills and I’m starving… So I’ll have the sporangium right away—-And also, the treasure we’ve been waiting for.] (Shuu)



 The golem was lying on its side, and the stones around the area where the white bodily fluid was spilling out were carefully cracked and removed. Soon, countless yellowish filaments appear. The main body of the golem seemed to be as large as its huge body.



 Noa and I work together to pull out the main body. Tamiko is standing with her ears perked up to warn us of our surroundings.



 After about five minutes of work, it finally came out, and it was about the size of a balance ball. It is heavy enough that Noa staggers when she holds it by herself. It might be storing a lot of Ore Fungus.


“Come on… it’s finally time to check…” (Shuu)



 Dazzling white silver—a trait unique to mithril, according to the guidebook.


 I imagine it packed inside this thing. It makes my nose bleed.



“Okay, I’ll open it.” (Shuu)


“*Stare*” (Noa)


“Squeak.” (Tamiko)



 The moment is approaching when the adventures of the past week will come to fruition.


 With their heated gazes on me, I slide my sword into the main body—





 The spoils of the scorpion golem.



 First of all, Me, thanks to the whole giant sporangium, I finally leveled up. 68→69.



 And the stomach. It was indeed chock-full of treasures.



 Large Ore Fungus of gold, silver, and gemstones (with high clarity), and other Ore Fungus.



 And furthermore—Gem Fungus with neuron-like mycelium rooted in the transparent interior. Pink and light blue, they are the Parasite Items, when processed into ornaments, produces a special effect on the wearer.



 But—even if when I turn it again and again inside out.



“I’m happy to level up, but… I’m really happy but…” (Shuu)



 As I jiggle the gemstones in my hand—my brows meet.



“…this one… this one also doesn’t have a mithril! Aaaaargh!” (Shuu)




 I scream at the monster Mithrilgar.

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