Metro Labyrinth

Chapter 78: 65

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“Amazing…” (Shuu)


“Squeak…” (Tamiko)



 Both of us that grew up in the Outsuka Metro were made to recognize again the insanity of Metros, and our mouths were left hanging.



 Spread out before us is a jungle of mycelial plants reminiscent of the bizarre flora of the subtropics. Behind us, however, is a huge rock wall hundreds of meters high, and the light pouring down from the ceiling is that of Firefly Moss. It is almost certain that we are in the Metro.


 I feel like Alice in Wonderland, but at least it doesn’t seem to have led us to a completely different world.



“This is a little… unexpected…” (Noa)


“ A pseudo-outdoor floor… I’ve heard the Nerima Tribe has something like that…” (Kure)



 As one would expect, even with Noa and Kure, these scenes do not seem to be commonplace.


 The Ogre’s territory on the 50th floor of the Outsuka Metro was also a spacious grassland area, but the openness of this space is incomparable. This was definitely several hundred meters down from the 30th floor, and it seemed to be more than a hundred meters from the ceiling.



 I took off my cloak and jacket and used [Leaping] on the spot with Tamiko on my head. I stuck to the rock wall with my [Ashura] arms. I climbed up to the height where I can grab hold of. I don’t have much tolerance for heights, so I don’t look down.



“…it’s quite wide, huh…” (Shuu)



 I look around while hanging from [Ashura].


 The jungle with a slight mist over it is eerie and mysterious at the same time.



 There are many ups and downs, hills and hollows. It is a strenuous walk. The distance to the other side, or to the rock walls on either side, indicates that the floor is almost circular. It is quite wide, and I wonder how many kilometers it is to the other side.



“–Hmm?” (Shuu)



 I am not high enough to see the entire jungle, but I can see something white and gray peeking out from between the dense growth of green, blue, purple, and other colorful mycelial plants.



“…Stone structures?” (Shuu)



 Stone structures, there seem to some scattered here and there in the dense forest.


(There’s a forest in the metro, and there are even structures in it?) (Shuu)


(Someone didn’t build them, did they? It’s some kind of metro structure, right?) (Shuu)


(That’s a bit of an absurdity, isn’t it? Seriously, what is Metro? What does it want to do?) (Shuu)


 I can’t get answers to those kinds of questions in the first place by mulling them around in my head. I put them to the back of my mind and continued to observe.



 A bird is flying in the distant sky. I think I catch a glimpse of a large creature peeking out between the trees, but it disappears before my eyes can focus on it. Even though the Metro has created this environment, the area is so rich in nature that you would expect to see Metro Beasts roaming all over the place.



“There’s a big one over there, squeak.” (Tamiko)



 Tamiko was jumping up and down on top of my head. I use [Ashura] to lift my body and raise my head.



“……An altar……?” (Shuu)



 I can faintly see what looks like a stone altar. It is much taller than the other structures.


 This view, in general, reminds me of something. A group of ruins in the jungle around Central America. Was this the Mayan civilization?


 Ancient ruins lying in the jungle, a ruined prehistoric temple city. That kind of thing?



“…Did the Metro make this…?” (Shuu)


“Squeak?” (Tamiko)


“No, it’s nothing. I’m about to go down. Hold on to me so you don’t fall off.” (Shuu)



 It was a little chilly with my jacket off. I carefully descended along the rock wall.





 I returned to Noa and Kure and explained what we had seen.



“I saw birds flying around, but no other beasts. What about you, Tamiko?” (Shuu)


“I didn’t see anything either, squeak. I hate birds, squeak.” (Tamiko)



 The trauma of the attempted abduction comes back to life.



“It’s a completely different world from the one we’ve been in,” said Kure “Little Shuu and the others are looking for Mithril, right? This place doesn’t look like a golem’s habitat, does it?” (Kure)



 I was at a loss for words. What he says is true. The field has transformed so much that it looks like a different place altogether, there is no atmosphere of rock dolls roaming around.



“…no golems… here…” (Shuu)



 A 130-year-old sulked remembering the pain of not gaining what I wanted from the scorpion golem. I was patted on the head by Noa and patted on the cheek by Tamiko.



“Mr. Kure, please read the atmosphere.” (Noa)


“I’m sorry, Little Shuu.” (Kure)


“The virgin is delicate, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Stop stabbing me in the back.” (Shuu)



 I regained my composure and thought calmly.


 Kure had a point. We need to keep that possibility in mind. I can’t be greedy and put my friends in danger by chasing after a phantom.



“If we want to explore,” Noa said. “We can either go around the perimeter of the floor, or we can check out the structures in the forest. The forest doesn’t seem to extend to the outer perimeter, so it might be relatively safe.”


“Yes, Little Shuu. What’s your opinion?” (Kure)


“Let’s go please.” (Shuu)


“If you think about it, if there is something, it’s in the forest, isn’t it? If we are going to explore anyway, why don’t we try to get to the nearest structure from here?” (Kure)



 I had no objection. I was thinking the same thing.


 If the Metro Beasts are living in the forest, it is a safe option to go around the perimeter to see what’s going on. But this place is too big, and if we were to go to the other side of the river, it might take half a day.


 If we want to get some results, we can’t avoid going into the forest anyway. It would be better to explore with the stairs behind us. If the need arises, we can escape straight up to the 30th floor.



“Then, let’s go in the same line as we did on the stairway. We’ll be relying on Tamiko’s ears, so please take care of us.” (Shuu)


“Leave it to me, sqeuak!” (Tamiko)



 After quickly making preparations, our party finally entered the forest.





 The fog was deeper than expected and visibility was poor.



 The feedback from the [Sensory Spores] is like a noise, although not as bad as on a rainy day. The distance that can be sensed also shrinks, and the precision that allows me to accurately grasp the shape of things can only be maintained within a radius of a few meters. The [Beast Repellent] is always activated, but it is unknown how effective it will be on the Metro Beasts on this floor.



 Tamiko’s ears are the key to spotting beasts. She is constantly twitching on top of my head.



 Birdsong, high-pitched voices like those of monkeys. The rustling of leaves, the sound of something falling.


 The sound of our own footsteps, the rustling of bushes as we passed.



 To my ears, these noises sound like small, ominous cries, but Tamiko’s experience has made it possible for her to discern them to a certain extent. She is a reliable companion.



“There seem to be no dangerous-looking individuals nearby, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“[Hearing] huh? Ms. Tamiko is an excellent scout. One girl like her makes all the difference in the team’s chances of survival, doesn’t it?” (Kure)


“You get nothing if you praise me, I only give acorns, squeak. Here, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Thank you, Boss!” (Kure)



 *Munch, munch*.



 The foothold was soft and the bushes were deep. Even Kure, the most experienced of the group, is having a hard time. The reliable Noa scratched the trunk of a tree. It is a marker towards the stairs.



“Little Shuu, do you think we are going in the right direction?” (Kure)


“Probably.” (Shuu)



 We are heading toward the nearest structure we could see when we scrambled up the wall. It didn’t look that far away, so if nothing happened, we would be there soon.


 As I had expected, I see a gray outer wall ahead of me. Up to this point, there had been no disturbing presence in the [Sensory Spores], and Tamiko did not detect any suspicious noises. It’s a tricky thing to do, but it’s going so well that it’s almost scary.



“…It’s pretty big, up close.” (Shuu)



 It is a vertical stone pillar about three stories high, with a carved relief to resemble a human face. The religious motifs are reproduced in a very artistic way, although they seem to be in somewhat poor taste.


 Surrounding the column is an open space with no trees, where rotting and crumbling stone statues and crushed cobblestones lie randomly. Moss and blackening are noticeable, giving the place the appearance of considerable age.


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“What’s that strange smell? Like it’s rotting? What do you think, Noa?” (Shuu)


“Why are you asking me?” (Noa)


“Well, you have a good sense of smell.” (Shuu)


“It certainly smells like it’s rotting… but even I don’t have expertise over the smell of decay. I’m not a cheap girl who’s willing to go along with anything that smells bad.” (Noa)



 Noa, perhaps feeling a little offended, is a little upset. I’m wondering how much of this is within my jurisdiction, but I’ll leave that for later.



“Little Shuu, this is…” (Kure)



 I thought it was just a mossy rock, but it looked like it was cowering with its arms and legs. It is a golem. I touched it just to be sure I touched it, but there was no sign of movement. It seemed to be a shell or a corpse.



“It looks like they are going to appear here too, Golems.” (Shuu)


“It seems so. Good news for you, Little Shuu.” (Kure)



 If there is a golem, the possibility of getting mithril is also raised. My excitement is secretly recovering.



 Tamiko twitches on my shoulder.



 I signal to Noa and Kure, and they head for the stone flat behind the stone pillars. I peek inside through the crumbling archway. It is too dark to see clearly, but the structure can be grasped with [Sensory Spores].



 It is a simple, or rather, bleak structure. There is no furniture or furnishings, just an empty space. At the very least, it doesn’t look as if anyone lived there.


 It’s just a piece of prop. If Metro has recreated this floor, it is only a facade.


 But—if you look closely—you can see hay, mushrooms, and firewood lined up in the corners of the room. I can’t imagine that Metro prepared this, too.


(No way, was someone here?) (Shuu)



“…um, squeak!” (Tamiko)



 There is a ladder in the back and a loft space above it. My [Sensory Spores] catch a sign of moving there.


 And then—a red appears. It is two glinting lights.


 The moment I recognized them as the eyes of the beast, I braced myself—



“Kyaaaaaa!” (Metro Beast)


(No way!) (Shuu)



 I flick my thumb. A [White Bullet] released at high-speed lands between the two red eyes. The beast’s cry breaks off and is replaced by a scream as it writhes in pain.


 Tamiko jumps out and instantly climbs up to the loft. The slamming and struggling soon stop, and she leaps down from the loft, snatching it in her arms.



“It’s about level 25, squeak. It’s beneath me, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Good job, but don’t scrub the blood using my cloak.” (Shuu)



 I see the Metro Beast lying motionless on the floor. The first time I see one of these, I was in for a surprise. It has large eyes and pointy ears, similar to a tarsier, but it’s about 12 inches or 30 centimeters tall.


 I have a bad feeling about this. When we left the building, Noa and Kure were looking around warily.



“This was some kind of monkey-like creature.” (Shuu)


“…That’s a gremlin.” (Noa)


“Wow, this is a gremlin! But it isn’t cute!” (Shuu)


“I mean… the cry just now…” (Noa)


“It is.” (Kure)



 I have heard a similar cry in Outsuka Metro. The voice of a goblin calling out to its friends, the voice of a goblin warning its friends of danger.


 A presence approaches. The leaves rustle and shake, and then—with a rustling, murderous atmosphere—red lights gather from beyond the fog.



“Ki, ki!!!” (Gremlin)


“Gah, gah!” (Gremlins)



 It’s an eerie illumination. Numerous red lights surround us from the trees. There are probably more than thirty of them.



“We’re surrounded, squeak!” (Tamiko)


“Mr. Shuu!” (Noa)



 The gremlins slobbering and gnashing their teeth, their mouths grinding menacingly surround us who are back-to-back. The situation is the very picture of a confrontation.



“It’s okay, no problem.” (Shuu)



 I fully released [Beast Repellent].


 Invisible spores are released from my entire body. The area of effect is narrowed by the fog but at this distance.


 From our experience so far, depending on the species, it is possible to drive away up to 30 or so with a high probability. Mammals, such as monkeys, are the most affected.



 The gremlins’ expressions stiffen and they recoil. Once this happens, it is a simple matter of pretending to attack them, and they will scatter at once.


 For a moment, the gremlins’ presence flee. They move deeper into the forest.



 “Ki, ki!” the gremlins dispersed as they cry. Their escape is even faster than when they first appeared, and in the blink of an eye, all signs of the gremlins surrounding us disappear.



“…phew, as expected of Little Shuu who is Level 69.” (Kure)


“…No, something is strange…” (Shuu)



 I involuntarily covered my nose. The smell of decay is getting stronger.



“The smell is getting stronger! It stinks!” (Noa)



 If the crafter Noa says so, it must not be my imagination.



“Something else is coming!” (Shuu)



 So the gremlins from earlier were running away because of this? Does that mean that a threat is approaching enough to make that huge pack flee?


 Something entered the range of my [Sensory Spores]. They are running, pretty fast.



“It’s coming!” (Shuu)



 *Step* *Step* *Step*—-the sound of footsteps is approaching. Soon, a shadow breaks through the gray fog and jumps out.



“Gii!!!” (Gremlin)



 It is a gremlin, running at full speed with the powerful form of a short-distance runner.



“Pigya!” (Tamiko)



 Tamiko screams in my ear. I understand the feeling of wanting to scream.


 At any rate, its appearance is unusual. Its uneven body hair is covered in blood, its skin is sore, its flesh rotting, and one of its eyes is fluttering behind its back. The other eye is not red, but black—a contradiction in terms, but it is a black light that seems to float in the fog.



“Scary!” (Shuu)



 The gremlin opens its big mouth and leaps at me, and my [Katana] runs toward it. The white blade flashes through the gremlin’s head and groin, and the body, cut in half, falls with a thud to the cobblestone pavement.



“What!? I just cut it in half, but what was that?” (Shuu)


“It was disgusting, squeak! It was squeaking disgusting!” (Tamiko)



 I’m sure I’m not mistaken. That was not only wounded, but it was almost dead. Like an evil gremlin that has been exposed to too much sunlight.



“…no way, undead…” (Noa)



 Noa’s face lost all its color.



“Undead, like moving corpses?” (Shuu)



 Zombies that come running at full speed. I saw a movie about that once, but it was too scary to actually happen.



“So many! So many, squeak!” (Tamiko)



 *Step* *Step* *Step*—-countless footsteps overlap. It was like the sound of heavy rain pounding the ground without pause.


 The light of black eyes, increasing in number, invades from the fog.




 There is no intimidation, no roar. Just quietly, and forcefully the rotting bodies almost collapse as they run straight toward me.

You can find story with these keywords: Metro Labyrinth, Read Metro Labyrinth, Metro Labyrinth novel, Metro Labyrinth book, Metro Labyrinth story, Metro Labyrinth full, Metro Labyrinth Latest Chapter

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