Metro Labyrinth

Chapter 81: 68

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 Noa draws a rough map on the last page of her guidebook.


 Using the staircase on the 30th floor as the southern end, we are on the southwest side of the huge altar in the center. We must have gone about halfway around the radius.



“So that’s it for today. We are tired but we have a lot of loot.” (Shuu)



 If all goes well, I should be able to reach the temple-like building by noon tomorrow.


 At Noa’s request, we decided to use the Waterfall Bath Mushrooms. It’s a mushroom that turns water into hot water.



“I really want to wash all my clothes, too, but… I want to at least wash my body.” (Noa)



 The smell of decay that had seeped into the bodies of both Noa and Tamiko since the zombie battle had been bothering them.


 The water from the fountain fills a water bottle that can be sealed, and then the mushrooms are popped into the water bottle. That’s it, hot water is ready.



“Ladies first. We’ll keep an eye on things.” (Shuu)


“Thank you. Sis, let me wash your back.” (Noa)


“Squeak.” (Tamiko)



 I can hear the fabric sliding against skin from behind me. I have no intention of peeping on their nakedness, but I at least allowed myself to use [Sensory Spores] to keep an eye on their surroundings as a noble act.



“Little Shuu, let me wash you too.” (Kure)


“Denied.” (Shuu)





 The ceiling changes to the color of the night, and a foggy night falls.


 In the middle of dinner, Tamiko suddenly stands up.



“Something is coming, squeak…!” (Tamiko)



 The others and I quickly extinguish the fire and hide in the building close by to quiet our breath.


 A gremlin, a minotaur, and a wraith appeared. They all approached with lazy steps. Bringing the smell of decay.




 The zombies are not moving as quickly as before, perhaps because they have lost sight of their prey. They just wander around the plaza while rummaging, and eventually leaves into the forest.



“…They are still here, the zombies.” (Shuu)



 While Tamiko and Noa were bathing, Kure and I took care of a few of the zombies that were wandering around the area. I had been wary that another one might come by after a while, but it turned out to be as I expected. As was the case the first time, the area around the plaza seemed to attract zombies (and their prey, I suppose).


 Kure puts his hand on his chin and looked thoughtful.



“What’s the matter?” (Shuu)


“No, it’s just, how can I say it, it feels a little strange…” (Kure)



 Noa nods her head. I also feel something is not quite right.




“What do you think happens to zombies if they are left alone?” (Kure)


“Wouldn’t their flesh eventually rot away and they will return to the earth?” (Shuu)


“That’s right. The ones we killed today have their sporangium removed, so they don’t turn into zombies. I mean, even when Metro Beasts hunt Metro Beasts, they usually don’t leave behind the sporangium.” (Noa)


“I see.” (Shuu)



 So, they basically don’t multiply uncontrollably as long as they don’t fall prey to the Metro Beasts themselves. No wonder the gremlins were so afraid of zombies.



“So, normally, even if zombies suddenly sprang up somewhere in the metro area, the number would not exceed a certain number and would naturally settle down over time. But I don’t know, I guess you can’t really ask for common sense in Metro.” (Kure)



 The zombie hazard that is currently raging on this floor may be caused by something other than nature. That’s what Kure seems to be trying to say.


 I wonder if we will be able to solve this mystery as we move forward. I’m not sure I want to know, and I really don’t want to know.



“After dinner, we’ll try not to go out of the house, and I’ll block the entrance with some stones. Tamiko, go pee before going to bed.” (Shuu)


“I am a lady, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Ladies don’t pee on other people.” (Shuu)





 The next day.



 As we approached the center of the forest, the fog grew thicker.


 The usual encounters with Metro Beasts are few and far between, and instead encounter with zombies become more prevalent. The smell of decay also seems to be getting thicker and thicker.



 Undead suddenly appearing from the depths of the fog–even through the TV, Tamiko goes “Pigyaa!” As a punishment for luring the zombies around, everyone will rub her. “Ah… That’s no good, squeak… Punish me more, squeak…!”



 Before long, when the surroundings became as dim as dusk, the soles of my shoes that were stepping grass changed to stone pavements.


 The altar was now becoming visible through the slightly opening gray veil.


(……we’ve arrived.) (Shuu)


 My party and I seem to have finally arrived. In the heart of this huge dense jungle.



“Let’s brace ourselves. First of all, we need to investigate that area. Safety is our top priority so that we can leave immediately if something happens.” (Shuu)



 We proceeded from the forest side from the left and right to take a look at the situation. A stone-paved path leads radially to the altar. Buildings, stone pillars, and stone statues are densely packed together to form a city, but they are about to be swallowed up by the mold that has crawled out of the gaps in the cobblestone pavement.


 My party and I moved forward, hiding in the shadows of the buildings. Only if there are zombies in the along our path, we sneak up behind them and dispose of them quickly.



“…Stop, squeak.” (Tamiko)



 At Tamiko’s muffled whisper, we stopped and peered out from behind the alley toward the main street. We can’t see zombies or Metro Beasts either visually or with [Sensory Spores].



“What’s wrong? Is something wrong?” (Shuu)


“…I heard something, squeak… I heard…” (Tamiko)


“Down? Under—” (Shuu)



 I look down at my feet.


 I heard nothing—however, I felt a faint tremor on the ground.



“Here, squeak.” (Tamiko)



 The ground shook faintly, I lift the stone pavement. And then—I unintentionally almost let out a voice sound but covered my mouth before it happened.



 A chihuahua pokes its head out from under the ground.



 More than two dozen of the compact, stuffed animal-like beasts crawl out of the ground. Each of them had something like a stone tool in its hand (or paw?). When the red cape-wearing individual who seems to be the leader gives some kind of signal, the beasts split off into separate corridors and disappear soundlessly into the mist.



“……did you see?” (Shuu)


“I saw it.” (Noa)


“I saw it too.” (Kure)


“Tiny people, squeak!” (Tamiko)


“Yes, yes.” (Shuu)



 Finally, the Chihuahua made its appearance. And they have a pack.


 Their gestures, leadership, possessions. Clearly, without a doubt.


 They are different from Metro Beasts, and they have an intelligence close to that of humans—they are Magic Beasts.



“By the way, why are they here—” (Shuu)



 The ground shakes heavily with a thud.


(What is that?)


 The air around us suddenly begins to murmur. An intermittent dull sound of destruction is transmitted along with weak tremors.



“…those are the Chihuahuas, right?” (Noa)


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“Are they fighting something…?” (Shuu)



 There is also a high-pitched screech mixed in. There is no doubt about it.


 But what on earth are they fighting?


 From the sound of the heavy, echoing destruction (assuming it’s not the Chihuahuas), it’s clearly heavyweight. A Treant, a Minotaur, or—a golem.



“Everybody, let’s get ready to run.” (Shuu)


“Are you sure, squeak?” (Tamiko)



 I meet Tamiko’s eyes who is on top of Noa.



“Do you mean we won’t check on them?” (Shuu)


“Can’t we save them, squeak?” (Tamiko)



 Right, I realize that I hadn’t even thought of that.



“I don’t know if it’s a war between the chihuahuas or something else, but I don’t want to get involved in it.” (Shuu)



 The Chihuahua Magic Beasts… piqued my interest, though I wanted to make contact with them if possible, however it is regrettable.


 Of course, in this situation, our safety comes first. Anyway, if we could have at least communicated with each other beforehand.



“…The zombies are gathering. Let’s run through the alley and into the woods.” (Shuu)





 I lead the way through the narrow alleyway. The zombies that stand in our way are cut down and crushed in one breath.


 The sounds of battle are closing in. The fog is annoying, and the [Sensory Spores] are getting narrower here. I can’t see what’s going on around me.



 To get out to the forest, you need to go out to the main road. We are almost there—and then we paused.


 —I can hear the voices of the Chihuahuas. They are quite close.



“Bow! Bow!” (Chihuahua)


“Arf! Arf!” (Chihuahua)



 The intonation is too precise for a mere bark. As if it were a language.


 The sound of heavy footsteps grows louder. I peeked out from behind the building.



“…a golem… huh…?” (Shuu)



 It’s not the misshapen rock dolls we’ve seen before. It is almost a stone statue.



 The body is about three meters tall. A jaguar? A cheetah? It looks like a feline predator. On its head has a protrusion resembling a feather ornament, and it is carved to look as if it were wearing a robe. Its arms and legs are long and stout, and it holds a stone sword in each hand. The tail flicking behind is also made of stone.



 It is obvious at a glance that this is no ordinary golem. It has a mysteriousness that is different from that of a full-grown golem.


 Three Chihuahuas are slowly stepping back to face the jaguar golem. Their fur is shaggy, and dark blotches are all over their bodies. It is blood.



“Woof! Woof!” (Chihuahua)



 One of the chihuahuas cuts in from the left. The jaguar’s cleave cuts through the air. It rolls to the side in the nick of time.


 In the gap, one pounces from the opposite side. The two chihuahuas move with each other in a breathtaking pincer attack, but the jaguar takes it without a second thought. “Creak!” The sound of stones colliding with each other echoes high in the air.


 The third chihuahua—the one with the red cape—throws a blue hypha ball that it has created in its palm. The jaguar that takes a direct hit freezes its legs (an Iceball) and then it loses its balance. The two chihuahuas immediately follow up. However, they are blocked by the golem’s back hand and are repelled forcefully.


 The leader with Fungal Skills makes full use of the two was in close proximity with [Iceball] and [Fireball] in hand. Its movements are agile, its coordination is skillful, and it desperately moves close to the jaguar, which is undaunted no matter how many attacks it takes.



“Tamiko, can you check?” (Shuu)



 Tamiko gently peeks over Noa’s head.



“…The Chihuahuas are about 30 to 40, squeak…but…” (Tamiko)



 Her voice is trembling.



“What about the golem?” (Shuu)


“…70, squeak…” (Tamiko)



 My palms were wet with sweat. Noa and Kure are also left speechless.


 A golem on the same level as that Satan Slime.


 I’m sorry for the Chihuahuas, but the right decision was not to help impulsively.



“Mr. Shuu, let’s leave here immediately.” (Noa)


“Yeah, su–” (Shuu)



 I hear a dull thud. I turned my attention back to the street.



 A reddish-black liquid is dripping from the tips of the jaguar’s two swords.


 One of the chihuahua is still skewered, its limbs hanging limp, and the other is lying on the ground with its head cut off.



 Boom! the stone sword growls. A skewered Chihuahua is thrown and hits the leader. He is blown backward and skids on the ground.


 With a small groan, the leader tries to get up—its eyes meeting mine.


 A moment of silence, a moment of frozen in time.


 It’s pitch-black eyes are wide open, as if they are about to cry.



“…hel–” (Red Cape)



 The leader almost opens his mouth, then hesitates.


 The jaguar is closing the distance. It is swinging its stone sword.



“—Run.” (Red Cape)



 The sword flashes. It shatters the stone pavement.


 The leader, who had closed their eyes, probably realizing their fate, looks up in shock. Their black eyes reflect my figure as I was holding his body.



“…Damn, I f*cked up…” (Shuu)



 I laughed at my stupidity. I quickly snatched the Chihuahua away with [Leaping].


 The jaguar draws its sword and turns to face the intruder.


 It tilts its head as if to say, “Who are you?”



“Wh… Why…?” (Red Cape)



 Leader Chihuahua muttered in my arms.



“Why… I don’t know either.” (Shuu)



 At first, they tried to say “Help”. But they swallowed their plea to live—and said, “Run.”


 To me who were not of the same species, not allies, not even acquaintances.


 The moment I understood this, my body moved unconsciously. I noticed that my arms were moving.


(Ah, I was very selfish…) (Shuu)


 On the other side, Tamiko, Noa, and Kure had their mouths agape. Of course, the team leader had taken off on his own accord. No matter how much the two girls scolded me, it will not be enough. I could at least give my pants to our temporary member as an apology.



 So much for regrets. I will do everything in my power to get through this situation safely.


 Three humans, one squirrel, and one dog if possible.



 The jaguar with twin swords stood there. I put the Chihuahua down on the ground and gripped my [Katana] that glowed in both hands.



“I’m sorry for jumping in, but if I am going to do this, let’s make sure there are no hard feelings.” (Shuu)




 Saying that, I kicked the ground.

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