MHA: Gomu Gomu No Mi

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 ~ Pity

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The real problem is the one with the white hair, looks like this match is going to be very difficult for me.

"Well, that now makes the match score one for Misaki's team, and zero for Tami's team, Another point for Misaki's team and the match ends. As for Akari, if you touch me again you will die" Sensei said.

Even if you say that... I can never forget that feeling... In contrast to her arrogant personality, her arm was as soft as a sponge.

"You Bastard! Stop looking at your hand! and now finish the match" Sensei said.

To be honest... I don't think I'll be able to score another point. No... I think I can't keep the ball from falling into my team zone... I need a little help.

"Misaki... Do you remember our plan?" I said.

"Yes, but are you sure to use it... I mean it might turn out to be a disaster" Misaki said.

"It's Okay, I think the teacher can stop you" I said.

"Teacher? I don't want it to happen to me like what happened to the gray-haired boy" Misaki said.

"Okay, I'll stop you, if they score one point, then we'll use it" I said.

"Okay..." Misaki said.


"Give me the ball" Kenji said.

"shut up it's my turn" Tami said.

"Huh? wh_" Kenji said.

"Wait, Tami give him the ball" Arata said.

"Huh? Is there someone talking to me?" Tami said.

"what a humor, well... in this case..." Arata said.

«What... The ball just disappeared from my hand... When did this happen? this bastard is so fast... No, I'm not stupid to believe that this is just speed... There is another mystery about his strength.» Tami's thoughts.

"Kenji, I want you to hit the ball hard, try to score a normal goal" Arata said.

"I like you bastard!" Kenji said.

What's the white-haired boy thinking, that muscular boy jumped... No matter what he's thinking, I'll make the ball bounce naturally... Looks like it will coming straight at me.

     [ Iron hand ]


As I expected, he sent it to me directly. I will repeat the balloon skill and then the bazooka.

     [ Gomu Gomu No...


No no no! Why did this happen... When the ball came close to the middle of the field, it's direction has changed... It's far from me...

"Misaki!" I said.

"I will try to do something" Misaki said.


The ball hit Misaki's face... It sounds painful, but the most important thing is that the ball went up... Misaki your sacrifice won't go to waste.

    [ Gomu Gomu No ~ Pistol! ]

I jumped and hit the ball to the farthest corner of the opponent's area... but...

    [ Attraction ]

It's unfair... the ball goes straight to her left hand.

"Didn't I tell you that this is useless, it's my turn" Tami said.

She lifted the ball up... I have to be careful, I don't understand her power well yet.

    [ Gold Arm ]

Gold Arm? No why... This girl... is she a mongrel! She can use two powers!

She jumped And smashed the ball with her golden arm.


This will be a hard hit, I need the balloon

     [ Gomu Gomu No ~ Balloon! ]



The direction of the ball has reversed again... 

I get it... but Late...

It's because of the white-haired boy. When the ball gets close to the net, he hits it to change its direction, how fast is he!

It's no use... the ball is far and I can't catch it like this.

*Crack!* {The sound of the ball hitting the ground}.

"!!WOOOAAAH!!" {The rest of the students are surprised}.

"A point for Tami's team, so the result becomes a draw, the next point means the end of the match" Sensei said.


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"Why did you intervene" Tami said.

"Isn't that obvious, because your throw would have failed." Arata said.

"Don't meddle in what doesn't concern you" Tami said.

"This is my team, so I'm going to get involved" Arata said.

"Well, I will score the winning point" Kenji said.


"Misaki..." I said.

"will you do it" Misaki said.

"Throw the ball up, when I jump, you will use it" I said.

"Okay..." Misaki said.


misaki threw the ball up, then I jumped.

     [ Earthquake!!!!!!! ]


"What is that!"

"Is this an earthquake!"

"I can't stand on my feet!"

"Aaaah! Help!!"

Because of her power, everyone fell to the ground, and I scored the goal... but... the shape of the stadium has changed.

"Good, We made it, misa_" I said.

When I looked at her, she was crawling on the ground.

"Misaki! what's wrong" I said.

"My body... I can't move it..." Misaki said.

She was speaking hard as if she wasn't breathing.

"It's her fault, she shouldn't have used her power without my permission" Sensei said.

"Hey... are you telling me she needs permission to use her power" I said.

"Exactly" Sensei said.

"Whatever you're doing to her right now, I'm telling you to stop doing it." I said.

"Do you order me?" Sensei said.

"Hurry up!" I said.

"Hmm, it seems to me that you don't know who you're talking to, now I'll show you the etiquette of talking to someone who is stronger than you, bow to me!" Sensei said.


My body fell to the ground, it became so heavy... I can't move.

"Hmm? Your body is so light... that's not normal" Sensei said.

I feel like my body is crushing, is Misaki bearing this all this time.

No, She can no longer speak, she has closed her eyes, this means that she will lose consciousness soon.

Think Fast, I have to do something quickly, how do I get to the teacher... No, the main question is how do I get rid of this weight.

"Hey Hey, Isn't the teacher exaggerating?"

"That girl is Misaki, She is the number one in the first year, but she is unable to move, we can do nothing to help them because their opponent is the teacher." 

"But man... that's cruel"

*weik* {Rubber finger biting sound}

By transferring all the calories in my body to my left foot, I will be free from her Quirk.

      [ Gear Third! ~ Giant Foot! ]


Since my foot has become a giant foot, I have been able to reach the Teacher, I could have punched her now... but... I hesitated.

«What is that look on your face! Did he pity me? Bastard, that's an insult to me as a teacher» Sensei's thought.


My body fell to the ground again... She used her power again.

"You seem to be hiding a lot of secrets, I didn't expect you to make your foot so big, You and Misaki, come to me after the end of this, I want to talk to you" Sensei said.

After these words, the teacher canceled her power, and she said:

"The first game ended with Misaki's team winning, but the field was destroyed, so we'll head to class before the manager sees us..." Sensei said.

Can't she even take responsibility for this...

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