MHA: Gomu Gomu No Mi

Chapter 30: Chapter 30 ~ The three Viruses

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On my first day at the academy after my ban expired, Lots of things happened.

Starting with the rumors that started spreading about me, my reputation started to go down in the whole academy.

Then a white-haired person attacked me(Bakugo). The manager was about to ban me.

But at that moment, the academy started to shake because of Misaki's strength.

I later learned that Misaki was being bullied in my absence. Some fools want to look stronger than her, because if they are stronger than her that means they are the strongest people in the academy.

At first I was angry, I was thinking of a way to make them regret what they had done.

But after my training against All Might. There was a long and strange conversation with My teacher.

It turns out that the teacher likes Misaki, she says Misaki reminds her of herself when she was little.

That's why I canceled my plan to protect Misaki.

My plan, and that of my teacher, was to get Misaki to participate in the UA festival like any other student...

But everything changed after I met that person who possesses the power of Aokiji.

My relationship with Misaki isn't good at the moment.

But since that guy is looking for her without knowing her face... That means I have to stop her from participating in the UA festival. I have to go against my teacher's plan...

[ At the same time

At Misaki's house.

{Misaki's point of view}. ]

"I'm back" Misaki said. {She closed the door and spoke in the tone of a tired person}.

"What's wrong with this tone... did something bad happen" Misaki's Mom said.

"Nothing... Anyway, did something bad happen to you today" Misaki said. {She talks while taking off her stockings}.

"I went shopping, and there seems to be a little girl who likes My cat ears" Mom said.

"And How many people ran away after seeing you?" Misaki said. {She started walking and taking off her academy clothes}.

"Only 4 kids! Isn't that a good number?" Mom said. {Her ears and tail start to move 'This happens to her when she's excited'}.

"This racism will end one day... my little sister will be able to leave the house without my help." Misaki said.

"Misaki, don't worry... you have to fulfill your own dreams. In this world, there are good people and bad people. Bullying is everywhere. But the sure thing is that not all people are bad... There are many people who love me despite my look... For example your father. That's why... you don't have to carry so much of a burden on your own." Mom said.

"I will go up to my room" Misaki said.

"What about the lunch" Mom said.

"I don't feel hungry" Misaki said.

I always say my empty words about removing racism from the world... Even if I had the power... I couldn't change people's hearts.

My goal seems to be a lie, it's just a dream, and I can't reach it.

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But what is the reason behind my mood today... Is it Akari?

He was different today...

All I want is to be able to protect myself without making you get in trouble because of me.

Then why... why did you act that cold with me.


[ And on the same day.

  At night. ]



There was a man walking in the shadows of the city.

And In front of him, a person was complaining about his empty wallet.

"Hmm, Only 3 dollars, It seems to me that I'm going to rob some bank. That would be appropriate, right?"

"Are you asking me? It seems to me that you quickly noticed my presence"

"Your footsteps are loud, even if I'm asleep I can hear it and wake up."

"I can buy you dinner."

"Save that kindness for someone else, what do you want..."

"I heard there's a killer lurking in the shadows of this city. And I smelled blood in this hallway. Then I saw you and that corpse. Tell me, does that wallet belong to the corpse in front of you?"

"Yes, But he's poor, it seems I wasted my time killing him. By the way..."

"Is there something you want to say?"

"Yeah, You smell so weird, I feel like a cold is coming out of your body."

"Hmm, You have a good sense. I need an assistant. How about you form an alliance with me and be my assistant."

"Why can't I be the leader?"

"The leader is the strongest, I'll give you a try to cut off my head. If you fail, you will become my follower."

"No, I don't need to cut off your head."


"Because you are crazy enough to be a leader. I've never seen anyone suggest that I chop off his head. Tell me, gentleman, what is your name?"

"Currently you can call me Aokiji. Follow me, dinner's on me tonight."

While Akari was having fun at the academy. Aokiji had just begun his first move to rule the world.

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